

You take the time to get to know a customer and their

needs and then after 45 minutes, they decide to purchase

the product from an online retailer. Showrooming is a

frustrating part of any retailer’s business. Read on to find

out how you can work to stop showrooming in your store!

In-Store Experience

Focus on improving the three areas of your

store to create an in-store experience that

wows your customers:

• Amp up your technology

• Offer above and beyond customer service

• Create a community

Be the Expert

Develop trust with your customers by showing

you know your products best by:

• Hiring employees who are passionate about your products

• Training your employees extensively

• Going beyond product knowledge

Using Your Data

Data can help you offer a better shopping

experience through customer personalization.

Try out marketing with your data by:

• Segmenting based on purchases

• Ramping up personalization

• Creating a lookalike audience

Launch a Website

Consider setting up a website to attract

customers in new ways. Showcase products

online to appeal to customers who want:

• In-the-moment purchases

• In-store pickup

• In-store returns