
With a partner, talk about what you know about

Abraham Lincoln.

With a partner, talk about what you know about

Abraham Lincoln.

With a partner, talk about what you know about

Abraham Lincoln.

I spy a hat that Abe Lincoln wore. Can you?

This is Abraham Lincoln's stovepipe

hat sitting on a table.

Talk to your partner and decide how the hats you wear today

are different from the one Abe wore.

I spy Abe Lincoln’s spectacles. Can you?

Spectacles are also known as glasses. People wear them so they can see better.

I spy Abe Lincoln’s

home. Can


Abe Lincoln was born in this home in 1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky.

Do you think it is by unicycle, walking, or driving?

I spy how Abe Lincoln got to school. Can you?

Abe walked over a mile to and from school!

I spy how Abe Lincoln cooked his food. Can you?

Abe Lincoln cooked his food over a fire inside his home.

I spy a school house like Abe Lincoln attended. Can


Abe Lincoln attended a one room schoolhouse.

Talk to your partner about

what it would be like to have

students of all ages in the same


How is your life different than Abe Lincoln’s life was?