



SS360-AUAmerican Women

SS360 – American Women



• Greetings and Welcome to our seminar for Unit 9.Now for my Upper Michigan slides of the Week. These are two interesting ones of a beautiful

vacation spot in Upper Michigan, and of an old Iron Mine Shaft.

This is the final seminar for this class for this term.Your final projects are due at the end of Unit 9. We will go over the Final Project toward the end of

the class.

Fumee Falls – Iron Mountain, MI



Iron Mountain Iron Mine, Vulcan, MI



SS360 – American Women



Source: KU class web site SS360.

In this unit (Unit 9)we will discuss the rise and fall of the women's liberation movement, including the anti-feminist backlash of the 1980s and early 1990s.

SS360 – American Women



We will also examine the influence of politics on women’s issues including abortion, the Equal Rights Amendment, sexual harassment. Finally, we will look at new forms of public life for women and determine a definition for feminism in the modern age.

SS360 – American Women



LEARNING OUTCOMESAfter completing this unit, you should be able toEvaluate the relationship between larger

economic and societal changes and women’s lives Analyze the impact of diversity on the women’s

movement Explain the ways in which women have

reconceptualized the idea of feminism

Source: KU class web site SS360

SS360 – American Women



You will read Chapter 11, Modern Feminism and American Society, 1965 to the Present, in Through Women’s Eyes. 

Source: KU class web site SS360.

SS360 – American Women



You will participate in discussions on the shape of modern feminism and the impact of other political movements on women's rights. 

Source: KU class web site SS360.

SS360 – American Women



Question 1 (of 2) After reading Chapter 11, think of larger social movements such as Black Power or Gay and Lesbian Activism. In what ways did these types of movements change the lives of women in the late twentieth century? How did race and class affect their involvement in issues?  Do you think these movements are helpful to the cause of women’s rights or do they deflect attention away from women and onto larger social issues? Why?

SS360 – American Women



Review the documents on pages 701-712. What does feminism mean to you today? Can you think of any recent portrayals, other than those mentioned, of women on television or in the movies that reveal current societal attitudes about gender roles and feminism? Discuss those portrayals.

SS360 – American Women



Deep social, economic, and political changes had profoundly affected women’s lives by the late twentieth century. More women worked outside the home than ever before, marriage occurred later in life, and the divorce rate rose.

Source: KU class web site SS360.

SS360 – American Women



The National Organization for Women (NOW) – was organized in 1966.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Title VII – Civil Rights Act of 1964.

President’s Commission on the Status of Women – 1966.

SS360 – American Women



NOW – Statement of Purpose – Pg 668. Sexual Revolution and the Counterculture. Effective Birth Control Pills hit the market

in 1960. Black Power and the Student Non-Violent

Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Black Panthers 1966. Angela Davis – Pg 672.

SS360 – American Women



The Vietnam War – 7000 Women served.8 military nurses died and another 56 who worked

for agencies such as the Red Cross and the CIA also perished.

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) most leadership roles were held by men (like with the SNCC).

Fully 50% of war protesters were women. Women Strike for Peace (WSP) Photo on Page


SS360 – American Women



Consciousness RaisingSexual Politics – Page 676. There was now a much more open discussion

of sexuality by women at this time. Kate Millet – Sexual Politics – 1970. Shulamith Firestone - The Dialectic of Sex:

The Case for a Feminist Revolution - 1970. The most basic human conflict was not economic, but sexual.

SS360 – American Women

African American Women, and the Moynihan Report.

Latina ActivismAsian American WomenNative American Women – 1969 Occupation

of Alcatraz Island. Johnnie Tillman – Page 682. Women Activists – Then and Now – Page 687.

SS360 – American Women

The Equal Rights Amendment And Now for some visual sources from Page

701 onward.

SS360 – American Women

Final Project Comments:Be sure to use an Abstract Keep contractions and abbreviations out of

your project. Watch not to use the Universal “We” unless

you were involved directly in the event you are writing about.

Be careful not to overuse the word “you.” Any more questions at this time for me?

SS360 – American Women

You have been a great group this term and I hope those of you who have regularly attended the seminars have found them to be enjoyable and educational as well.

Best to you.

The End
