
Pseud onym.

Witness Code: MDRZZZZ

Dossier" INTERAHAMWE ZA MUVOMA OU "LESIRREDUCTIBLES DU M.R.N.D." ¯ Document de travail pourle comite Directeur du MDR, with covering letter dated06/10/94

K024 1099-111~

For Witness Statement:








09-May-02 No09-May-02 No09-Ma~ No09-Ma, No



B. P. 2278 KIGALI




Attempt to root out the evil

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Working document for the

MDR Steering Committee

(For internal use only)



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Attempt to root out the evil





In order to contain, and, indeed, eradicate the Interahamwe za Muvoma (the MRND party

militia), in-depth investigations must be conducted, even if such investigations are done

hastily, and are thus not exhaustive.


There are similarities between the Interahamwe za Muvoma (the MRND militia) and the

Abashyirahamwe ba Lunari (the militia of the now-defunct UNAR). When President

Grégoire Kayibanda and his collaborators wrote the infamous Manifeste des Bahutu

[Hutu Manifesto] in 1957, they advocated shared social progress and democracy for ai1,

in other words, normal, smooth transition from feudalism to democracy, and from

democracy to the Republic.

When the Unarists [members of the UNAR party] realised that President Kayibanda’s

democratic ideas were gaining ground among the working masses, they decided "’couper

les ponts" [cut the bridges?], to sever the roots of the tree of democracy so that it dries

upright as though struck by lightning.

That is why they formed the Abashyirahamwe or the hardlinersof the feudo-monarchical

regime charged with intimidating the people who were thirsting for democracy, by

assassinating political leaders, such as Secyugu, and other emerging Abarwanashyaka at

the rime.

As the UNAR party did in the past, the MRND party has also decided to "couper les

ponts" [cut the bridges?] and destroy the forces of change, because it is now panic-

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stricken, having realised that tmly demoeratic ideas -and not ill-advised ones, such as the

ones it used to advocate among the people- are fast gaining ground.

In furtherance of this evil undertaking, the MRND has formed a group known as the

lnterahamwe za Muvoma, or the hardliners of the MRND regime, in order to intimidate

the people, commit armed robbery and create a sense of insecurity in the country by

maintaining a permanent state of fear and insecurity with a view to mm the people’s

attention away from their politieal struggle for genuine democracy.


Such organizations have a negative impact on society in the short, mid- and long term. A

good illustration thereof are the problems resulting from the ongoing war in our country;

and there is cause to tear one’s hair out considering that ail this stems from the

provocation by the Amashyirahamwe group.

Indeed, if the UNAR party had not deliberately formed the Amashyirahamwe group in

order to assassinate the first democratic leaders, if it had agreed to play by democratic

mies and thereby allow for a transition from feudalism to democracy and from

democracy to the Republic, if it had not engaged in provocation, there would have been

no Tutsi refugees in 1959, there would have been no Inyenzi of 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964,

1965, and consequently, there would have been no Noël Rouge [Red Christmas] of 1963

in the wake of the Inyenzi attacks. Therefore, there would have been no Inyenzi-

lnkotanyi, and no October 1990 war either for that matter.

Today, the reason the MRND -as was the case with the UNAR did in the past- refuses to

play by the mies of democracy is because it realises that it is on the losing end; if the

lnterahamwe continue to intimidate and provoke the forces of change and the entire

population, the social and socio-political fuse may once again trip as it did in 1959, in an

atmosphere of regionalism and ethnic bigotry.





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Yesterday, a Minister belonging to a major party, a native of the South, was assaulted;

today one was insulted; tomorrow, a political leader from an opposition party wiU be

beaten to death. AIl it will take is something like the slap in the face by the Insoresore

z’Abashyirahamwe at Mbonyumutwa, on 1 November 1959, for things to tiare up once

again, under other guises, and end in bloodshed. And onc again, that situation will go on

for another 30 years!




Like fish, countries rot head fa’st, lndeed, our investigations into the matter have revealed

that the Interahamwe group was formed by the MRND National Committee as a whole.

The haut parleurs [loudspeakers] charged by the Akazu with launching the idea were

Charles Nyandwi, then Minister of Civil Service and Professional Training, and Mathieu

Ngirumpatse, then General Manager of SONARWA.

Désiré Murenzi, current General Manager of PETRORWANDA, was chosen to develop

the nucleus of the organization, -because he was young compared to his peers- to relate to

the youths, as he was closer to them and was thus in better position to capture their

attention. He was advised to recruit from among the already existing informal youth

organizations such as the Sunday morning youth amateur soccer club called Loisirs.

Hence, Robert Kajuga, a young businessman from Kibungo, then living in Kigali, who

was president of the Loisirs team, was identified, recruited at high cost and appointed

president of the Interahamwe za Muvoma organization.

He was charged with recruiting young people in the city of Kigali and elsewhere.






The leadership of the Interahamwe group, formed by the MRND National Committee,

was as follows’

2.2.1. THE BRA1NS

(1) In charge of recruiting from among civilians

At the beginning, lnterahamwe were recruited from the civilian community. That task

was assigned to the foUowing prominent figures:

Protais Zigiranyirazo, former Préfet of Ruhengeri, brother-in-law of the MRND

chairman, and one of the project initiators.

Séraphin Rwabukumba, former head of department at the Banque Nationale du

Rwanda [central bank], the heir apparent of all the regime’s assets and under

whose name everything was registered;

Joseph Nzirorera, a former Minister, through whom everything destined for the

Akazu was channelled;

Charles Nyandwi, MRND coordinator for Kigali préfecture, former Minister, and

devoted servant of the shiru regime;

Mathieu Ngirumpatse, a former Minister, MRND coordinator for Kigali-Ville, a

well-known, and an unwieldy partisan of the regime. He is currently MRND

Secretary-General and is likely to meet the same fate as lais predecessor, Edouard

Karemera, and ousted Prime Minister Sylvestre Nsanzimana.

Pasteur MUSABE, the unintelligent one; assistant manager of the BACAR


Charles Nzabagerageza, heir to the violent acts of the notorious "Z":





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Callixte Nzabonimana, recently, when he was reappointed Minister by his

toaster the President out of pity for him, he fell on his knees and wept;

Robert Kajuga, a young businessman, former president of the Loisirs

tearn. He will be remorseful for a long rime.

Ferdinand Nahimana, son of Kanyarengwe; he was recently fired from his

lucrative post as ORINFOR Director due to his excessive discriminatory

and regionalist tendencies; he will quietly join his godfather somewhere...

in Germany !

Casimir Bizimungu, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, through whom all

failures pass;

Boniface Rucagu, MRND parliamentary representative; highly agitated,

and a prime example of maladroit partisans of the regime.

(2) Those charged with recruiting from among the reservists

Interahamwe are also recruited among Army and Gendarmerie reservists. That task is

assigned to insiders, namely:

Colonel Laurent Serubuga, the unintelligent Machiavelli, who is well-

known among the Forces Armées Rwandaises, of which he is the Chief of


Colonel Elie Sagatwa, brother-in-law of the President of the Republic; he

has served as the President’s private secretary for 19 years; in other words,

this is a man whose past is fraught with dubious "Statesecrets";



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Lieutenant-Colonel Anatole Nsengiyumva, Chier of military intelligence

at the General Staff Headquarters, known to the public for the alarming

communiqué drafted with the two colonels mentioned above, but signed

by him and aired numerous times on the radio in a bid to stifle the political

parties advocating change.

Colonel Bagosora, the one who no longer knows which way to turn, as he

is constantly haunted by the ghost of the person the camp he heads is

named after, Colonel Mayuya.

Lieutenant-Colonel Tharcisse Renzaho, literally deranged after the media

campaign accusing him of having appropriated the property of Kigali

businessmen on the run, he is ready go to any length to ensure that this

city is set ablaze, as Nero did in the past.

Colonel Pierre Célestin Rwagafirita, Gendarmerie Chief of Staff, the man

who knows everything and allows everything.

(3) In charge of recruiting in the Presidential Guard:

A special or specialized category of Interahamwe are recruited from the Presidential

Guard Battalion. The person charged with that task is Major Nkundiye, the Battalion

Commander, former aide-de-camp for the President, and well-known protector of the

Akazu, of which he is also a member.

4) In charge of recruiting from among the Service Central de Renseignements (SCR)

[central intelligence agency] agents

The Service Central de Renseignements is another source of lnterahamwe. The person

tasked with recruiting Interahamwe in this category is Captain (torturer) Pascal

Simbikangwa, the executioner, he is well known within the secret service community.

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(5) In charge of recruiting among rich kid~

Young people in Kigali and elsewhere, the rieh kids, have also been targeted as a source

of Interahamwe recmits. That role has been assumed by a few rich kids:

- Jean Pierre Habyarimana, son of the MRND chairman;

- Léone Mbonabaryi, son of Noël Mbonabaryi, unofficial presidential advisor, also

the President’s godfather;

- Georges Rutaganda, son of Mpano, bourgmestre of Masango;

- Fidèle Murigande, son of Murigande, a magistrate living in Remera;

- Aimable Ngabitsinze, son of Sebazungu of Rwamagana (Kibungo);

- Jules Rugina, son of Corneille, living in Muhima, owner of [missing text]

He is the Interahamwe accountant for the city of Kigali; he pays the [Interahamwe]

members for operations carried out in the city of Kigali and its surroundings (3,000

francs per operation/member of the Interahamwe commando, in addition to their

monthly salary);

- Zuzu, son-in-law of Mwongereza, a businessman.

Richard Simba, son of retired Colonel Simba.

6 In char e of the Interahamwe or anization’s finances

Désiré Murenzi, member of the MRND National Committee, General Manager of

PETRORWANDA, and blind follower of Charles Nyandwi, is charged with shrewdly

taking funds from PETRORWANDA (liquid assets and fuel coupon books) to finance the

MRND and its Interahamwe (militia). He is in charge of the organization’s finances, the

central fund.

He is also in charge of finding jobless lnterahamwe employment at PETRORWANDA.








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In addition to the brains, the Interahamwe group also includes certain MRND regime

hardliners, namely:

Laurent Semanza, the well known Inkandagirabitabo (the uneducated man) from

Musasa, Nyandwi’s home area, and current bourgmestre of Bicumbi; he has

imposed a reign of terror on non-MRND members there;

François Karera, former bourgmestre of Nyarugenge commune, and current sous-

préfet of Kigali-Ville; he recently became famous for participating in the

Bugesera operation;


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Pierre Kayondo, who was made préfet of Kibuye specifically as a reward for his

activism within the lnterahamwe. He is tasked with undermining and destroying

the leadership of the MDR and the PL parties in Kibuye and is now making

arrangements to achieve that;

Eugène Mbarushimana, a RWANDEX employee, brother-in-law of Sylvestre

Nsanzimana, the ousted Prime Minister;

- Claver Kamana, a building contractor, living in Ruyenzi, Runda commune;

Captain Gacinya, in charge of the communal police of the city of Kigali;

Ephrem Nkezabera, employee of the Banque Commerciale du Rwanda (BCR-


- lsaac Kamali, Colonel Bagosora’s brother-in-law;

Jean Habyarimana, candidate of dramatization at the MRND chairman’s office at

their last Congress;



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- Aloys Simba, retired colonel of the MRND regime;

Simon Bikindi, entertainer of the MRND regime;

Fidèle Rwambuka, bourgmestre of Kanzenze commune and perpetrator of the

recent Bugesera massacres;

Gatete, the infamous killer of Murambi, Byumba préfecture;

Kajelijeli, perpetrator of the Bagogwe massacres;

It emerges from the foregoing that the Interahamwe za Muvoma group (the MRND

regime hardliners) comprises four categories, namely:

1. Those from the civilian population;

2. Former soldiers and gendarmes; reservists as they are commonly known;

3. Plain clothes Presidential Guard Battalion members;

4. Some members of the Service Central de Renseignements (SCR) [central

intelligence agency].




The organizational structure of the Interahamwe is pyramid-shaped, top-to-bottom, in

other words from the MRND National Committee down to the secteurs and cellules. In

Kigali-Ville, for instance, there are individuals responsible for the various secteurs:

Nyakabanda, Remera, Kicukiro, Nyamirambo, Muhima, Gitega, and so on.

For example, the Remera-Kabeza Interahamwe zone is headed by Aloys Ngirabatware,

son-in-law of Mbonabaryi. He is assisted by Charlotte Nyiransengiyumva, a

"ildzungerezi" [vamp] for military personnel. This is the group of people who are

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believed to have carried out the operation at the home of our Minister of Primary and

Secondary Education, Agathe Uwiringiyimana.

Currently, some préfets and bourgmestres compete with each other in creating

Interahamwe groups, eaeh in his administrative area. Hence, the local administration

must be purged swiftly in order to stop the growth of this "terrorist" organization,

otherwise the country will be set ablaze and plunged into bloodshed The youths must be

rescued from the lnterahamwe scottrge. The nation’s future depends on it.


During a meeting organized by the préfet of the Kigali-Ville, on 5 May 1992, the MRND

representative, Jean Habyarimana, member of the party’s Central Committee defined

Interahamwe as follows: "Interahamwe si umuryango w’urubyiruko" [The Interahamwe

is not a youth organization], therefore it is different from the JMRND [MRND youth


It is a spontaneous association aimed at countering the actions of the MDR. Its purpose is

repression. [Segment in both Kinyarwanda and French in the original-,] Hari

nk’ibyo bita kubohoza bakuraho ba Bourgmestres, ibyo interahamwe zigomba

kubirwanya par la repression. Ntabwo MDR ishobora gukuraho umutegetsi dushaka ngo

twemere. Interahamwe zigomba kubasubizaho ku ngufu. Interahamwe ni organized

cyane. Ntawashidikanya ko ubu ziri mu masegireti yose ya Gitarama par exemple où

nous sommes en train d’opérer déjà." [For example, certain bourgmestres are [literally]

thrown out ["kubohoza"]. The lnterahamwe must therefore use repression to fight this

practice. We cannot allow the MDR to remove authorities we recognize as such. The

Interahamwe must use force to return such authorities to office. The Interahamwe are

very well organized. No one doubts, for example, that they are now present in ail secteurs

of::Gitarama, where we are already operational.]

In addition to the definition given by one of the members of the MRND National

Committee, our investigations reveal that the Interahamwe’s mission is:

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-To carry out criminal acts, commit crimes and assassinations in order to terrorize the

people and divert them from their democratic ideal by making them helpless and


-To create a general and widespread sense of inseeurity in the country in order to

psychologicaUy prepare Rwandan public opinion for the acts of murder planned for the


- To cut bridges, sever the roots of the nascent democratic ideas;

- To unconditionally protect the MRND regime;

-To carry out criminal and terrorist acts against opposition political parties and their

abarwanashyaka, essentially those of the MDR and of the PL parties.

The brains [behind the organization] advoeates for Interahamwe followers is as follows:

"Ibintu by’ama~hyaka n’uguhaguruka mukarwana kuko murangaye MRND yatsinda

kandi iramutse itsinzwa nkamwe b’abasor bo mu mugi mwamererwa nabi kuko ariyo

ibabeshejeho. Si kimwe n’iby’imipira rero" [As çoneerns the strife among the parties,

you must put up a fierce fight, because if you are not vigilant, the MRND will be

defeated. And if it is defeated, you will surfer the consequences, especially you the young

people who live in town, given that you owe your survival to the MRND. This is different

from rivalries between soccer teams.] Exact words of an Interahamwe recruit.

Preliminary Conclusion

On closer look, it emerges that Habyarimana, Bizimungu, Nahimana and other members

of the Comité du Salut at the rime are about to meet head-on with their shady, obscure

past in June-July 1973.

Investigations will therefore have to be conducted with due diligence, not only by the

Ministry of Justice, but also by the entire Government and by all the political parties

enamoured of laque democracy. Everyone’s cooperation is required.


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In order to save this country from once again plunging into darkness, as happened at the

rime of the Abashyirahamwe of the UNAR party, the scourge of the Interahamwe will

have to be contained so that it does not plunge us into the depths of despair for a long


To that end, certain steps must be taken immediately:

(1) A complete list of the "carte d’hirondelle" holders must be drawn up and

distributed to ail security services, the police and the prosecutor’s offices

Here, my idea is that such a list may discourage potential criminais who may be in hiding

or hiding behind the "carte hirondelle". This is also a lead, one hypothesis among others,

because every citizen, regardless of his estate, is required to contribute to the justice


(2) Military personnel and police must be in uniform at ail times whether they are on

holiday, on leave for personal reasons or on furlough

Indeed, all military personnel and policemen must now return to the good old habits; they

were required to be in uniform everywhere, and risked a severe penalty if a bourgmestre

or conseiller reported seeing them outside in civilian clothes, and out of uniform.

(3) Extend the curfew to include military person.nel and policemen who are off-duty for

the second hall of the night

One is under the impression that the curfew only applies to civilians, whereas military

discipline requires ail military personnel who are off duty at night to return to their

barracks by a certain time, depending on their respective ranks (men and corporals, non-

commissioned officers...).

Presently, people wishing to defy the curfew have military personnel travel with them in

cars, on motorbikes or on foot. This is something else to consider.

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Push baek the eurfew to 1 a.m; for the préfectures b0rde.ring Uganda, namely,

Ruhenged, Byumba, Kibungo and Crisenyi, and lift it everywhere else


It is possible that eriminal elements use the cttrfew as a eover to carry out evil aets while

the peaeeful, hard working and diseiplined masses are made to sit quietly at home, unable

to witness anything.

(5) The Ministry of Finance and the Cour des Comptes [Auditor!’s Officel

must investigate the use of secret aecoun~ or funds of the Presidency, the Service

Central des Renseignements, the Gendarmerie and the Rwandan An .n. y

It is said that the fact that people do not say anything does not mean they do not see

anything. It is highly likely that certain individuals have confused and continue to

confuse their own pots with the eoffers of the State, even secret aceounts.

Considering the MRND’s arrogance towards other parties, the faeilities at its disposal and

the money it spends, there is reason to believe that secret aecounts - exaetly how many

exist in this country - are used to top up the MRND party’s and to fill the pockets of its

dignitaries and of the Interahamwe. Yet, these funds belong to us, the citizens, the


(6) Views and infortnation to be exchanged between the MDR and Western

embassies about the emerging terrorism in Rwand_a for them to brin~ the matter to

the attention of the head of State

It has been proved on numerous occasions that the MRND regime fears Western

diplomatie missions. Therefore, these missions often possess information we ourselves do

not, regarding the situation in our countries.

There is therefore a need to exehange views and information in order to effectively

dismantle militia groups, sueh as the Interahamwe za Muvoma, as they eall themselves.


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A complete list of lnterahamwe must be published in the newspapers in order to

unmask the leaders of the death squads by launc.hi’.ng a media campaign azainst


It has also been proved that the MRND regime dreads media eampaigns. The opportunity

must therefore be seized to equate the lnterahamwe to Nazis, Duvalier’s militiamen,

torturers and murderers.

Thus, those among them who still have a heart will be shamed into mending their ways.

Why not? As the saying goes, better late than never.

Thus, in order for the MRND to be subjected to an acrimonious media campaign, the

Interahamwe issue must be hyped up in the newspapers.

Indeed, it must be said that publishing insane articles regarding our Ministers and sending

25 guys armed with machetes, clubs and grenades to attack a woman, a Minister at that-

is despicable on the part of the MRND and its Interahamwe!

It must be said frankly that Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana’s empty chair at the cabinet

meeting of 6 May 1992 was an insult to everyone, including us.

That is why we have to do something to avoid a repeat of such incidents.

(8) The administration and the military must be purged

It is necessary to undertake a major purge of the central administration and of the state-

owned companies as soon as possible. It is necessary to, among other things, tire ail the

préfets, sous-préfets and bourgmestres who are now competing as to which one has the

largest number of Interahamwe in his area.

It is also necessary to discharge the soldiers regarding whom fellow soldiers and the

people have issues (e.g. Serubuga, Sagatwa, Rwagafirita), as well as military personnel

within the central government such as Lieutenant-Colonel Tharcisse Renzaho, préfet of


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Kigali-Ville, Lieutenant Colonel Nyirimanzi, Director of the the Régie des Aéroports du

Rwanda [Rwanda Airports Authority], Capt Pascal Simba [.9] Pascal Ngwa[?] of the

SCR., and many other members of the military who must either immediately retum to the

barracks, resign or request early or statutory retirement as the Général Président [the

President] recently did.

(9) Put the inland Service Central des Renseignements_ [central intelligence agencv|

on maximum state of alert by providing it with an capable staff and adequate

mea_ns to identify the people responsible for planting mines and other explosive


The Service Central des Renseignements is a prime exampleof the agencies which have

caused hardship in this country, as it has terrorized the country for a long time.

Indeed, instead of defending the security of the country and its citizens, SCR agents and

the SCR itself have merely terrorised its citizens, instead of reassuring and protecting

them as required.

Rwandans hate, literally abhor, the SCR It must be thoroughly reorganized and reformed

both as regards its mission and as regards those responsible for the mission.

The Government needs rime, a great deal of time, to educate the population to the effect

that the SCR is their agency, that it is an organization intended to serve the nation and

therefore is at the people’s service. It has such a sinister record (assassinations, crimes,

torture, summary executions, etc...).

Final Conclusion

In light of the foregoing, it is clear that the MRND is in disarray and is desperately

seeking to aggravate the situation through acts of terror and premeditated criminal

activity, perpetrated by the Interahamwe.

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What the MRND forgets, however, is that escalation is not the only way. There is another

way, and the MRND will pay a heavy price corne the next de, crions for what it is doing


What is true is that those who today already moum the Second Republic are like

wounded animais: they will stop at nothing. It is aiso truc, however, that we are dealing

with an intrinsically pervert regime which must be defeated at all costs in order to rebuild

on a solid foundation. Such is the main preoccupation of those who think in terms of the

next generation rather than in terms of the next elections, the sad illustration of which is

"’Ikinani cyananiye abanyarwanda", who has heedlessly started an election campaign

prematurely instead of thinking of the livelihood and survival of the Rwandan people at


That is why the MDR, the party of the worldng masses, has launched a crusade for a free

world and for genuine democracy in our beloved Republic, which the sons and daughters

of this country won af-ter so many sacrifices. And, in spite of the countless obstacles,

nothing will stop it, nothing will stop our march towards democracy and freedom.

Kigali, 14 May 1992


By Dr. Anastase Gasana

Member, MDR Political Bureau


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