
Women’s Thank


Raising Funds for the

written Word of God in

Central Asia

For centuries the Kazakhs did not hear about God’s love in Jesus.

Because of their

nomadic lifestyle,

it was hard to reach

out to them. For seventy years,

Kazakhstan was part of

the Soviet Union.

In 1990, there

were only about

ten Kazakh

believers in


An encouraging beginning…

• When Kazakhstan became independent

in 1991, the country opened the doors

to the rest of the world.

• Local Russian believers and Western

workers began sharing the Good News

openly with the Kazakhs.

• Individuals and whole families received

the Savior into their hearts and homes.

…and advance of the Gospel

God has richly blessed the work:

• Today there are about ten

thousand Kazakh believers

meeting in churches and small

house fellowships.

• Most of the ten million Kazakhs

still need to hear the Good News

for the first time.

Distribution of Scripture Portions

“ So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;

it shall not return to me empty,

but it shall accomplish that which I purpose.” (Isaiah 55:11)

IMAGINEmen and women from

every tribe and tongue and nation will

praise our God and King!


make it come true!

“ We have to carry out the work of

before the day comes on which

Him, who has sent us NOW,

no one can work anymore.”Our Lord Jesus in John 9:4
