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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN LEVEL 06 Module Code OUGD303 Semester Module Title Doc. Code OUGD303

Brief/Session/Document Title Woodwork Exhibition Brief Create the promotion collateral for the BA (Hons) Furniture making graduates. Also produce the yearbook and an online space for the exhibitors to display their work on screen. Background / Considerations Look at the individuals and how they all interlink with one another as a year group. Think about how the concept behind the furniture and woodwork in general and how that can tie into the exhibition.

Mandatory Requirements Deliverables Use a standard colour way across all collateral Have a consistency in the work produced

Promotional collateral Online presence Yearbook (preliminary)

Studio Deadline Module Deadline

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information

at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.