
BuddyPress,New and Upcoming Features

BuddyCamp Miami 2016Rocío Valdivia - @rociovaldi


Rocío Valdivia

…since last BuddyCamp Miami 2015 ;)

2 major releases BuddyPress 2.3 and 2.4

8 minor releases BuddyPress 2.3.1 to 2.3.5 and 2.4.1 to 2.4.3

BuddyPress 2.3.0 to 2.3.5

A “mobile-ready” interface for uploading Profile Pictures with Drag and DropThe Avatar UI is built on top of the new Attachments API

Companion Stylesheets for Twenty Fifteen & Twenty Fourteen

Star Private Messages

Improved Handling of Blog Media in Activity Stream

“Member-Type-Specific” Directories

New notification Meta Add BuddyPress Menus to the Customizer

And a lot more…

BuddyPress 2.4.0 to 2.4.3

Avatar Upload UI for adding Cover Photos for Users and Groups Built on top of the BuddyPress Attachments API

Responsive? Of course!

Profile fields specific to your member types

Companion stylesheets for Twenty Sixteen and Twenty Thirteen

More accessible than ever!


A unique Home Page for each group!

Enable richtext editing for textarea profile fields

And more than 100 improvements…

BuddyPress 2.5 (March 2nd, 2016)

The BP Email API

A new API to manage and customize the content & layout of emails generated by


Tracking comments about a Post Type 1. To an Existing Post Type2. During the Post Type registration

A new companion stylesheet:

Twenty Twelve

Emoji support in activity updates, private messages and group descriptions

New interface that allows administrators to disable the xprofile feature that

causes certain words and phrases to be linked to member directory


Tons of under-the-hood &

performance improvements

Future releases

Group Types API Add Profile Fields, Profile Field Groups…


New Invitations API

A dream…

BuddyPress Relationship Table and API

Contribute to BuddyPress

and become a BP hero…


Rocío Valdivia - @rociovaldi

Rocío Valdivia - @rociovaldi