Page 1: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

15. outragen. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity  憤怒,憤慨

The governments decision to close the road caused outrage among the local residents.


Page 2: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

outrage vt. 激怒,使憤慨

The announcement of a 10% pay cut has outraged the workers at the factory.

Page 3: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

16. agonized adj. showing or feeling great pain 感到極 為痛苦的

The agonized look on his face tells how much he is suffering from the injury.詞類變化

* suffer from 因…而受苦

Page 4: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

agony n. [U][C] 極度痛苦 Survivors of the war have gone through the extreme agony of loss and fear.

Page 5: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

17. slashing adj. severe and violent 狂烈的,猛烈的

The film critic’s slashing criticisms seemed to outrage the director.詞類變化

Page 6: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

slash vt. 揮砍;割破 Finding no one around, the naughty boy slashed a seat cover on the bus.

Page 7: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

18. furor n. [C] (usu. sing.) sudden and intense anger  狂怒

The news that the baseball star will play for another team has caused a great furor among his fans.

Page 8: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

19. subside vi. to become quieter, less strong or violent 減弱,平息

The smile on the man’s face shows that his anger has subsided.

Page 9: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

20. hollow adj. making a low sound as if made by hitting an empty container; having a hole or empty space inside ( 聲音 ) 空洞的,沉悶的;中空的,空心的

There in the woods came a hollow e

cho of gunshot. The tree might look huge, but it is h

ollow inside.

Page 10: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

21. rattle n. [C] a series of sharp and short sounds like some objects hitting each other repeatedly 嘎嘎聲

The car broke down after a rattle in the engine.詞類變化

* break down 拋錨

Page 11: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

rattle vi. 嘎嘎作響,發出咯嗒咯嗒聲 She slammed the kitchen door so hard that the dishes in the cupboard rattled.

Page 12: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

22. indescribable adj. so unusual or extreme that it is impossible to describe 難以形容的,無法言喻的

The news that his family was safe and sound brought him indescribable joy.

* safe and sound 安全的

Page 13: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

23. embrace n. [C] an act of taking someone into the arms as a sign of love or friendship 擁抱

The father kissed his boy and held him in a tender embrace.詞類變化

Page 14: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

embrace vt. 擁抱 Russians usually embrace each other with a kiss on the cheeks when they greet family members or close friends.

* close friend 密友

Page 15: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

24. eruptvi. to suddenly express strong emotions, especially by shouting out loud; to break out suddenly and violently   ( 以喊叫 ) 表達突如其來的強烈情緒;爆發

* break out 爆發

Page 16: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

24. erupt The whole country erupted in joy

when the national basketball team scored the final point and won the Olympic gold medal.

A war immediately erupted between the two countries after the final attempt for peace failed.詞類變化

Page 17: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

eruption n. [C][U] 爆發 It has been many years since the volcano last underwent a violent eruption.

Page 18: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

25. chaotic adj. in a state of disorder 混亂的,無秩序的

The classroom turned chaotic after the fight erupted between the two boys.詞類變化

Page 19: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

chaos n. [U] [C] 混亂,無秩序 Without a proper supply of electricity, the city will be in unimaginable chaos and darkness.

Page 20: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

26. unashamedly adv. without feeling embarrassed or guilty 不覺難為情地

The two lovers unashamedly hugged and kissed each other in the middle of the street.詞類變化

Page 21: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

ashamed adj. 感到羞愧的 They felt incredibly ashamed of themselves for behaving rudely in

public.* feel ashamed of 感到羞恥

* in public = publicly 公開地

Page 22: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

shame n. [U] 羞愧,羞恥Her face turned red for feeling

shame at having told a lie.

* tell a lie 說謊

Page 23: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

27. flawless adj. perfect; free of errors  完美的,無暇疵的

His artistry as a novelist is almost flawless; there isn’t much room for criticism.詞類變化

* flawless = perfect

Page 24: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

flaw n. [C] 缺點,瑕疵 Uncontrollable jealousy is a character flaw that often destroys a marriage.

Page 25: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

28. tattered adj. (of clothes) old and torn 破爛的,衣衫襤褸的

Children in tattered clothes rushed to tourists and begged for money.

Page 26: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

29. mustache n. [C] the hair that grows above the upper lip  髭

According to a witness, the robber had long hair and a drooping mustache.

* according to 根據

Page 27: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

30. frame vt. to make a border around or an edge to something  勾勒出 ( 臉型 ) ;加框

Black hair and beard framed the ma

n’s bony face, making him look even thinner.

I will have the photo of my parents framed so I can put it on my desk.

Page 28: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

31. strip vt. to remove; to take off coverings or clothes  卸去,脫去

The boys stripped off their shirts and lay on the beach.

* strip off = take off = remove

Page 29: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

Words for Production

32. humanity n. [U] the quality of being kind, thoughtful, and sympathetic toward people or animals人道,仁慈

The spirit of humanity is desperately needed in countries where people are plagued with war.


Page 30: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

humane adj. 人道的,仁慈的 The humane way of dealing with a

suffering horse is to kill it quickly.

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Words for Production

33. defy vt. to show no fear or respect for; to be or act against  蔑視;抵抗,不屈服

The man openly defied the SARS-related policy and refused to let the medical staff at the airport take his temperature.

* take one’s temperature 量體溫

Page 32: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

3. pick up to find out or notice 發現,注意到

The dog picked up the smell of a stranger and started barking.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 33: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

4. steal out intoto move quietly and secretly into (聲音 ) 悄悄傳到;偷偷溜進去 /出來

The boy stole out into the kitchen for some cookies when his mother was taking a nap.

Idioms and Phrases

* take a nap 睡午覺

Page 34: Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The governments decision to close the road caused outrage

5. grow intoto gradually become …漸漸演變為

A cold, if neglected, can grow into a serious illness like pneumonia.

Idioms and Phrases