
Work Experience: The Tessera

The program is still under development so the only live site available is the one that is listed above. The game is due to be released Oct 2016 and is free-to-play.

The Tessera is a online multiplayer puzzle game developed to interest teenagers ages 14 and up. The game’s focus is to prompt the players to think scientifically to solve problems and also heavily focuses on teamwork to complete challenges. The game uses the parallax effect ( to immerse the players in visually exciting gameplay. The team that developed “The Tessera” is almost entirely made up of full-time students at BYU.

My role in the game was a front-end developer as well as game logic designer. A sample of my AngularJS code that I developed is seen here. It is a service that generates coordinate position and function for each object that players can interact with on level 2. The service is also responsible for linking game functionality to the UI. In this particular level alone there are 120 images and objects that make up the level.

angular.module('tesseraApp').service('FactoryLevelTwo', [

'UUID','Room','ADAdialog','Sounds',function (UUID, Room, ADAdialog, Sounds) {

var factory = {};factory.currentADAdialog = 'ADAmorseCode';/*Sounds*/

/* IMAGES */factory.images = ['./img/level2/bg.jpg', // 0 background (sky)

...'./img/level2/fog_with_s.png' //[119]


/* map for collectible objects in level */factory.items = {

....AdaPortrait: {

name: 'AdaPortrait',uuid:,src: factory.images[83],srcAlt: factory.images[84],x: 1580,y: 222,action: function(){;},coords: [

{x:33, y:4},{x:4, y:42},{x:36, y:88},{x:67, y:44}



factory.collectables = {florenceNightingale: {

name: 'florenceNightingale',x: 1479,y: 270,width: 44,height: 53,src: './img/cards/florence_nightingale.jpg'



/* map for drop-zones (receive dropped objects) in level */factory.dropzones = {};

/* PARALLAX LAYERS */factory.layers = [

// layer 0{ depth: 0.15, src: factory.images[0]},// layer 1{ depth: 0.30, src: factory.images[1], x: 448, items: [ factory.items.AdaPortrait ] },

{ depth: 0.30, src: factory.images[2], x: 448, customClass: 'random-opacity',


]},// layer 2{ depth: 0.50, src: factory.images[66],

items: [factory.items.bookshelf


{ depth: 0.50, src: factory.images[67], customClass: 'random-opacity'}

];/* Return factory object */return factory;


