
HR MANAGEMENTWorkshop Kewirausahaan Informatika

23 Februari 2013


• Semua partisipan dapat membuat plan untuk mengelola

aspek yang berhubungan dengan human resource di



What is HRM?

• The policies, pratices, and systems that influence


• Behavior

• Attitude

• Performance

HRM Practices

Impact of HRM

HRM and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

• An organization can succeed if it has sustainable competitive advantage.

• Human resources have the necessary qualities to help give organizations this advantage:• Human resources are valuable.

• Human resources with needed skills and and knowledge are sometimes rare.

• Human resources cannot be imitated.

• Human resources have no good substitutes.

Responsibilities of HR Department

Skills for HRM Professionals

Supervisor’s involvement in HRM

Standards for identifying HRM Practices

Outcomes of a High-Performance Work System

Conditions that Contribute toHigh Performance• Teams perform work.• Employees participate in selection.• Employees receive formal performance feedback and are actively

involved in the performance improvement process.• Ongoing training is emphasized and rewarded.• Employees’ rewards and compensation relate to the company’s

financial performance.• Equipment and work processes are structured and technology is used

to encourage maximum flexibility and interaction among employees.• Employees participate in planning changes in equipment, layout, and

work methods.• Work design allows employees to use a variety of skills.• Employees understand how their jobs contribute to the finished

product or service.• Ethical behavior is encouraged.

Challenge HR yang dihadapi oleh Startup

• Dibandingkan dengan perusahaan yang sudahestablish, startup memiliki tantanga:• Belum punya arahan yang jelas dan dasar yang kuat tentang


• Strukturnya berubah-ubah

• Kerjaannya tiap orang random tergantung kebutuhan saat itu

• Kesulitan bersaing di labor market yg sama untuk gaji&benefit

• Minim pengalaman di beberapa lini

• Belum ada program training dan pengembangan yang jelas

• Pengelolaan dan penilaian performance sistemnya belum ada

• Sistem kompensasinya apakah dapat mempengaruhi performaperusahaan dan memotivasi karyawan belum diketahui.

• Sistem kerjanya belum mendukung kinerja yang paling optimal.

• Etc.

What to do?

• Building Foundation

• Define Organization Plan & Establish Organizational


• Design and Clarify Task Required for each Job and


• Manage and Lead People from selection, training, and


• Fair and Motivating Reward Systems

• Establish Information System


Why build strong foundation?

• People tend to work for purpose.. bigger purpose.

Define Vision and Mission, Corporate

Philosophy and Culture• Why your company exist?

• What is core value that will be embodied to your


• What is your company vision and mission?

How to define?

• Tanya kepada diri kita, founder, top management, atau

key person kenapa perusahaan ini ada, apa visi dari

perusahaan, target-target apa yang ingin dicapai

perusahaan dan nilai-nilai apa yang selama ini kita jaga

dan akan selamanya kita jaga secara konsisten dan itu

menunjang tujuan perusahaan.

• Yang penting bukan apakah nilai-nilai itu benar, tapi

apakah kita yakin nilai-nilai itu sesuai dan dapat dijaga

secara konsisten oleh orang-orang yang ada di


How to align it in company?

• Communicate, motivate, lead

• Implementasikan dalam setiap kegiatan di perusahaan

• Pemimpin selalu mengingatkan nilai-nilai tersebut baik

dalam rapat besar, kecil, waktu kerja sehari-hari, maupun

dalam kegiatan lain

• Komunikasikan terus melalui media yang ada (poster-

poster di kantor, website internal, wallpaper komputer, dll)

dan ke semua pihak baik internal maupun eksternal

(public atau customer)


• More easier to attract and influence people with same


• Employee can be more motivated and productive to

support company mission

What Next?

• Create Strategic Plan of your company

• Set Company Goals

• What is Company Strategies to achieve the Goals

• Organizational Structure

• Functional

• Division

• Matrix, etc

• The Company Strategic Plan will be used as input to

create HR Planning


Work Flow in Organization

Work Flow Design

• The process of analyzing tasks necessary for the production of a product or service.


• The set of duties (job) performed by a particular person.


• A set of related duties.

Job Analysis Job Analysis

Job Descriptions

Job Specifications

• The process of getting detailed information about jobs.

Job Description

• Job Description: a list of tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that a particular job entails.

• Key components:• Job Title

• Brief description of the TDRs

• List of the essential duties with detailed specifications of the tasks involved in carrying out each duty

Job Specifications• Job Specification: a list of

the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that an individual must have to perform a particular job.• Knowledge: factual or

procedural information necessary for successfully performing a task.

• Skill: an individual’s level of proficiency at performing a particular task.

• Ability: a more general enduring capability that an individual possesses.

• Other Characteristics: job-related licensing, certifications, or personality traits.

Importance of Job Analysis

• Job analysis is so important to HR managers that it has been called the building block of all HRM functions.

• Almost every HRM program requires some type of information determined by job analysis:

• Work redesign

• Human resource planning

• Selection

• Training

• Performance appraisal

• Career planning

• Job evaluation

Approaches to Job Design

Designing Jobs That Motivate: The Job

Characteristics Model

Designing Jobs that Motivate

• Job Enlargement : Broadening the types of tasks performed in a job by:• Job Extension

• Job Rotation

• Job Enrichment : Empowering workers by adding more decision-making authority to jobs,i.e: • Schedule work,

• Setup team members,

• Resolve problems,

• Flexibility : • Flextime

• Job Sharing

• Telework



HR Planning

• Dari Strategic Plan Perusahaan mulai diturunkan kira-kira

untuk membantu mencapai target

perusahaan, bagaimanakah kebutuhan human resource

yang diperlukan? strategi apa yang perlu dilakukan?

HR Planning

HR Strategies for Addressing a Labor Shortage or Surplus


Personnel Policies

Internal versus external recruiting

Lead-the-market pay strategies

Employment-at-will policies

Image advertising

• Several personnel policies are especially relevant to recruitment:

Recruitment Sources: Internal Sources

• Job Posting: the process of communicating information about a job vacancy:• On company bulletin boards

• In employee publications

• On corporate intranets

• Anywhere else the organization communicates with employees

• Advantage:• Lebih tahu perusahaan

• Lebih tahu tentang lowongan pekerjaan yang lowong, sehingga lebihmengetahui ekspektasi terhadap pekerjaan tersebut

• Lebih murah dan cepat

Recruitment Sources: External Sources

Recruiter Traits and BehaviorsTrue = A False = B

• Applicants respond more positively when the recruiter is an HR specialist than line managers or incumbents.

• Applicants respond positively to recruiters whom are warm and informative

• Personnel policies are more important than the recruiter when deciding whether or not to take a job.

• Realistic job previews should highlight the positive characteristics of the job rather than the negative.

• Enhancing impact:• Recruiters should provide timely


• Recruiters should avoid offensive behavior.

• They should avoid behaving in ways that might convey the wrong impression about the organization.

• The organization can recruit with teams rather than individual recruiters.

Selection Process



Learning Organization

• Learning organization – an organization that supports lifelong learning by enabling all employees to acquire and share knowledge.

• The people in a learning organization have resources for training, and they are encouraged to share their knowledge with colleagues.

• Managers take an active role in identifying training needs and encouraging the sharing of ideas.

Key Features of Learning Organizations

1. Continuous learning – each employee’s and each group’s ongoing efforts to gather information and apply the information to their decisions.

2. Knowledge is shared – one challenge is to shift the focus of training away from teaching skills and toward a broader focus on generating and sharing knowledge.

3. Critical, systemic thinking – is widespread and occurs when employees are encouraged to see relationships among ideas and think in new ways.

4. Learning culture – a culture in which learning is rewarded, promoted, and supported by managers and organizational objectives.

5. Employee are valued - the organization recognizes that employees are the source of its knowledge. It therefore focuses on ensuring the development and well-being of each employee.

HR Development Contribution to High

Performance• HRM practices match organization’s goals

• Individuals and groups share knowledge

• Work is performed by teams

• Organization encourages continuous learning

• Organization monitors employees’ satisfaction

• Discipline system is progressive

• Skills and values of a diverse workforce are valued and used

• Pay system rewards skills and accomplishments

• Performance management system measures customer satisfaction and qualit



Purpose of Performance Management

• Strategic Purpose – means effective performance management helps the organization achieve its business objectives.

• Administrative Purpose – refers to the ways in which organizations use the system to provide information for day-to-day decisions about salary, benefits, and recognition programs.

• Developmental Purpose – means that it serves as a basis for developing employees’ knowledge and skills.

Stages of the Performance Management Process

Basic Approaches to Performance Measurement

Measuring Performance:Making Comparisons

Simple Ranking

• Requires managers to rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the poorest performer.

Forced Distribution

• Assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories.

Paired Comparison

• Compares each employee with each other employee to establish rankings.

Measuring Performance:Rating Individuals - Attributes

Measuring Performance:Measuring Results• Management by Objectives (MBO): people at each level of the

organization set goals in a process that flows from top to bottom, so that all levels are contributing to the organization’s overall goals.

Sources of Performance Information and Types of Errors• 360-Degree Performance Appraisal: performance measurement that combines

information from the employees’:• Managers• Peers• Subordinates• Self• Customers

• Contrast errors: the rater compares an individual, not against an objective standard, but against other employees.

• Distributional errors: the rater tends to use only one part of a rating scale.• Leniency: the reviewer rates everyone near the top

• Strictness: the rater favors lower rankings

• Central tendency: the rater puts everyone near the middle of the scale

• Rater bias: raters often let their opinion of one quality color their opinion of others.• Halo error: when the bias is in a favorable direction. This can mistakenly tell employees they don’t

need to improve in any area.

• Horns error: when the bias involves negative ratings. This can cause employees to feel frustrated and defensive.

Giving Performance Feedback

• Scheduling Performance Feedback• Performance feedback should be a

regular, expected management activity.

• Annual feedback is not enough.

• Employees should receive feedback so often that they know what the manager will say during their annual performance review.

• Conducting the Feedback Session• During the feedback session, managers can take

any of three approaches:

1. “Tell-and-Sell” – managers tell employees their ratings and then justify those ratings.

2. “Tell-and-Listen” – managers tell employees their ratings and then let the employees explain their side of the story.

3. “Problem-Solving” – managers and employees work together to solve performance problems.

Improving Performance


Reward Type

• Financial

• Direct : Wages, Salaries, Commissions, Bonuses

• Indirect : Insurance Plan, Social Assistance Benefits, Paid


• Non Financial

• The Job : Interesting

Duties, Challenge, Responsibility, Recognition, Feeling of

Achievement, Advancement Opportunities

• Job Environment : Sound Policies, Competent

Supervision, Congenial Coworkers, Appropriate Status

Symbols, Comfortable Working Conditions, Flextime, Compressed

Workweek, Job Sharing, Cafetaria, Telecommuting, etc.

Financial Compensation

• Determinant:

• Labor Market (Cost of

living, surveys, government


• The Organization (Compensation

Policies, Ability to Pay)

• The Job (Job Evaluation)

• The Employee (Comparable

Worth, Performance, Seniority, Ex

perience, Membership in

Organization, Potential)

Pay Level: Deciding What to Pay

Pay at the rate set by the market

Pay at a rate above the market

Pay at a rate below the market

Gathering Information About Market Pay

• Benchmarking – a procedure in which an organization compares its own practices against those of successful competitors

• Pay surveys

• Trade and industry groups

• Professional groups

Employee Judgments About Pay Fairness

• Employees compare their pay and contributions against

three yardsticks:

1. What they think employees in other organizations earn for

doing the same job.

2. What they think other employees holding different jobs

within the organization earn for doing work at the same or

different levels.

3. What they think other employees in the organization earn for

doing the same job as theirs.

Opinions About Fairness –Pay Equity• If employees conclude that they are under-

rewarded, they are likely to make up the difference in one of three ways:

1. They might put forth less effort (reducing their inputs).

2. They might find a way to increase their outcomes (e.g., stealing).

3. They might withdraw (by leaving the organization or refusing to cooperate).

• Employees’ beliefs about fairness also influence their willingness to accept transfers or promotions.

Pay Structure: Putting It All Together

Job Evaluation

Job Structure

Define Key Jobs

Pay Survey

Pay Policy Line

Pay Rates

Pay Grades

Pay Ranges

Pay Structure

Job Structure: Relative Value of Jobs

• Job Evaluation : An administrative procedure for measuring the relative internal worth of the organization’s jobs.

• The characteristics of a job that the organization values and chooses to pay for.

• Required Experience

• Required Education

• Job Complexity

• Working conditions

• Responsibility

Job Structure: Defining Key Jobs

• Key Jobs – jobs that have relatively stable content and are common among many organizations.

• Organizations can make the process of creating the job structure and the pay structure more practical by defining key jobs.

• Research for creating the pay structure is limited to the key jobs that play a significant role in the organization.

Pay Rates

Organization obtains pay survey data for its key jobs.

Pay policy line is established.

Pay rates for non-key jobs are then determined.

Sample Pay Grade Structure

• Pay grades – sets of jobs having similar worth or content, grouped together to establish rates of pay.

• Pay ranges – a set of possible pay rates defined by a minimum, maximum, and midpoint of pay for employees holding a particular job or a job within a particular pay grade.


• Scope HR

• Building Foundation:Philosophy,Culture,&Value

• Building Environment and System
