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World At WarAre Extraterrestrials


By Osamwanse A Edosomwan Jr

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What is Extraterrestrial life?

• It’s life “beyond or not of” and “of or belonging to earth”

• Most people and in Science fiction associate aliens as being green men with a huge head and big eyes

• These hypothetical forms of life can range from simple bacteria-like organisms to beings that are far more complex than humans

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The Origins of E.T

• Alien life has been hypothesized to exist in the Solar System and throughout the universe

• When Scientist ask is the life out side of earth they really don’t mean and Alien spices but planets the are like earth meeting the basic elements for human survival

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Earth Ancient Astronauts

• Travelers from outer space know as “spacemen” built/ aided many of the structures on earth ( Egypt Pyramids, Moai Head Stones

• Mayan Ruler K’inich Janaabi Pakai died on August 683 and on his tomb lid was a carving of him some space machine in the Temple of the Inscriptions

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Reasons why some believe in E.T.

• Some people claim they seen U.F.Os, abducted by Aliens, too many government cover ups around the world

• Also when Neil Armstrong travel to the moon on Apollo 11 he claims he saw Extraterrestrials watching him and his crew

• There is this theory called the Copernican principle and it states that Earth does not occupy a unique position in the Universe, nothing is special about Earth

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The reasons why some don’t believe in E.T.

• Scientist such as car Sagan and Stephen Hawking say “ It would be improbable for life not to exist somewhere other tan Earth”

• There is no document proof or evidence about aliens

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Dr. Lydia Smith (Astrobiology's)

• Do you believe E.T. exist? No. But there are DNA from space that we collected from metro rocks

• What about life on other Planets by life a mean similar bio features like what we have on Earth? Yes I believe there is life on other planets were humans will colonizes and live

• Do you think people should rule out the possibility of Aliens? I’m really not sure, but anything is possible

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Martian Meteorite alh84001• Using more advanced analytical instruments now available, a

Johnson Space Center research team has reexamined the 1996 finding that a meteorite contains strong evidence that life may have existed on ancient Mars.

• The new research focused on investigating alternate proposals for the creation of materials thought to be signs of ancient life found in the meteorite. The new study argues that ancient life remains the most plausible explanation for the materials and structures found in the meteorite.

• In 1996, a group of scientists led by David McKay, Everett Gibson and Kathie Thomas-Keprta of NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston published an article in Science announcing the discovery of biogenic evidence in the ALH84001 meteorite. A newly published paper revisits that original hypothesis with new analyses. The paper, “Origin of Magnetite Nanocrystals in Martian Meteorite ALH84001,” by Thomas-Keprta and coauthors Simon Clemet, McKay, Gibson and Susan Wentworth, all scientists in the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Directorate at JSC, is in the Nov. 1 issue of the journal Geochemical et Cosmochimica Acta of The Geochemical Society and The Meteoritical Society.

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Ancient UFO Sightings/ Astronaunts

• Ancient paintings from Val Camonica, Italy are believed to depict forgotten deities; ancient astronaut proponents claim these pictures resemble modern day astronauts despite being painted ca. 10,000 BC.


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• What is your opinion of Aliens? Do believe they exist or not?

• How would you fell if you found out Aliens do exist?

• Also how would you reach if they come to Earth?