  • 7/29/2019 World Wide Workshop Newsletter February 2013


    February 2013 Newsletter Vol 5: Issue 8

    Dear Partners and Friends, It seems "coding" is a word on everyone's lips lately.

    Leaders from President Barack Obama to Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg have recently

    vocalized their support for giving all students opportunities to learn coding and game-

    making to gain computer science skills. We have been doing just this with missionary

    zeal for the past 7 years! In February, I brought this message to the Education Industry

    Association, and 3,000 Globaloria students and educators nationwide celebrated Digital

    Learning Day by inviting parents, community leaders and policy makers into their

    classrooms to see first-hand how all kids--boys and girls--can learn coding starting young. Read on to see how

    Globaloria responds to the call for more coding to improve education. Cheers, Idit

    follow Idit on Twitter|follow Globaloria on Twitter|forward to a friend

    In this month's issue:

    1. Obama, Gates & Others Call for Students to Learn Coding

    2. Press Coverage of Globaloria Digital Learning Day Celebrations

    3. The Sights of Digital Learning Day

    4. San J ose: Workshop Partners Cheer on Digital Learning5. West Virginia: Communities Gather Around Globaloria

    6. Austin: Spotlighting a Leader in Digital Learning

    7. New York City: All-Girls School Showcases Games for Industry


    8. Idit Presents Benefits of Learning with Technology to EIA

    1. Obama, Gates & Others Call for Students to Learn Coding

    Policymakers and technology leaders are campaigning for more students

    to learn coding in the face of 90% of schools not even offering AP

    Computer Science. During aGoogle+ Fireside Chatfollowing his State of

    the Union address, President Obama said, "Given how pervasive

    computers and the internet is now, and how integral it is to our economy,

    and how fascinated kids are with it, I want to make sure that they know

    how to actually produce stuff using computers, and not simply consume stuff."This was echoed days later

    by NYC Mayor Bloomberg in hisannouncementof a software engineering program to be piloted in 20

    local schools, which supports his proclamation made during December'sCSEdWeekaffirming the
  • 7/29/2019 World Wide Workshop Newsletter February 2013


    importance of K-12 computer science:We know its vital to prepare our children to succeed in an

    increasingly technology-centered economy."

    Highlighting the disconnect between education and the workforce needs of a tech-centered economy, a

    recentvideobycode.orgfeatures tech leaders Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Gabe Newell and more

    testifying that coding skills are essential in most any field today. "Our policy is literally to hire as many

    talented engineers as we can find,"said Zuckerberg, "The whole limit of the system is just that there just

    aren't enough people that are trained and have these skills today."

    2. Press Coverage of Globaloria Digital Learning Day Celebrations

    Globaloria has taught youth coding and computing through game-making for the past 7 years. On February

    6th, it was featured in local and national news reports onDigital Learning Dayas a leading example of how

    to effectively use technology in the classroom to improve learning.Read stories and watch videosfrom

    across the country, including Dr. Harel Capertons interview by Telemundo News and herblog poston

    Getting Smart.

    Click to watch Telemundo's coverage of Digital Learning Day.

    2. The Sights of Digital Learning Day

    Three thousand Globaloria students participated in Digital Learning Day on February 6. Go to to get inspired by the many

    Digital Learning Day events in Globaloria classrooms across the country.,S,201302,e4e0a59f-55fb-4822-a5e1-d0c30c48350a&ReqServer=NDS5%5CNDS5&QueryName=Metro%20Monitor%20News%20Tracker%20Report&Offset=619&Time=12gf%2874f%2874f%2874f%2879e%2874f%2874frl4fHi&E=12gi27IY27yc27Jnq74l274YrlHSHi&EM=Please%20contact%20Metro%20Monitor%20at%20800-861-5255%20to%20obtain%20a%20DVD%20or%20Digital%20copy%20of%20this%20video.&rai=91629E00-4F88-11D7-80A6-00B0D020616E&ran=MetroMonitor&roi=91629E00-4F88-11D7-80A6-00B0D020616E&ron=MetroMonitor&run=Leah%20Bigbee&rut=User&pbp=N
  • 7/29/2019 World Wide Workshop Newsletter February 2013


    3. San Jose: Workshop Partners Cheer On Digital Learning

    Digital Learning Day open houses at KIPP Heartwood Academy, Herman Intermediate School,

    adVENTURE STEM School, Santa Teresa High School, Overfelt High School, Christopher School and the

    Levin and Smythe Boys and Girls Clubs in San Jose gathered crowds of visitors that included Silicon Valley

    professionals and tech leaders fromAdobe,HP,Microsoft,Silicon Valley Education Foundationand more.

    Education leaders, from county Superintendents to local organizations, parents, siblings and peers, also

    cheered on students for their deep STEM learning. Guests visited Globaloria classrooms to see Globaloria

    games, speak with teachers and share their stories with students. As part of Digital Learning Day in San

    Jose, Adobe announced a $50,000 grant to the Workshop in support of digital literacy, as well as

    introduced a 100%gift match program. Check out some of the great coverage from Silicon Valley DLD,

    including anews pieceon KGOTV, the local ABC affiliate

    Left to Right:Elaine Curran of the Shortino Foundation atHerman Intermediate, middle school students at

    Christopher School and Sid Espinosa of Microsoft at Herman Intermediate celebrate Digital Learning Day in San


    4. West Virginia: Communities Gather Around Globaloria

    Schools across West Virginia, the state that launched Globaloria in 2006, welcomed visitors to theirclassrooms on Digital Learning Day to see Globaloria in action. Families were given the opportunity to play

    their childs original games and gain insight into the deep learning students experience when they design

    and code digital work. State leaders from Senator Rockefellers office and the West Virginia Department of

    Education also attended Open Houses to watch students develop and present their work. Globaloria

    students at Woodrow Wilson High School even got creative in educating their communities about digital

    learning by producing and filming an originalvideothat was presented to their school board! Check out
  • 7/29/2019 World Wide Workshop Newsletter February 2013


    some of the local media coveragehere.

    Left to Right: TV news crew films at Capital High School, Charleston, WV;Students at North Marion High School in Farmington, WV, share their games with one another.

    5. Austin: Spotlighting a Leader in Digital Learning

    East Austin College Preparatory Academy (EAPrep), the first school in the country with a daily, school-wide

    Globaloria implementation,shared their work far and nearin honor of Digital Learning Day. On February

    4th, EAPrep students showcased their original web games at the Texas State Capitol in support of

    technology for public schools, and two days later the school hosted a Digital Learning Day Open House in

    which dozens of students presented their Hidden Object games to family, friends, media and local leaders .

    "All our students participate in Globaloria, so Digital Learning Day is a wonderful opportunity to remind them

    that their work in Globaloria is truly innovative and impressive,"says Delia Longoria, Director of Curriculum

    & Instruction at EAPrep.

    A parent looks on as EAPrep sixth graders code educational

    web games using industry-standard tools.

    6. New York City: All-Girls School Showcases Games for Industry Professionals
  • 7/29/2019 World Wide Workshop Newsletter February 2013


    High school students atThe Young Womens Leadership Academy of Astoria, an all-girls secondary school

    in Queens, New York, were awarded Digital Learning Day Certificates of Excellence from Globaloria

    teacher Andrea Chaves and Workshop president Dr. Idit Harel Caperton in honor of the event. Following

    this recognition, students shared their Globaloria games with industry professionals such as Diana Lawson,

    Associate at theESA; Norman Basch, VP of Business Development atBrainPOP; Troy Fischer, Director of

    Product Development atNYC Department of Educationand many others. Visitors spoke about their own

    career paths in STEM and digital fields, providing students with insight into how skills gained in Globaloria

    could help guide their futures. Dr. Harel Caperton said, "Joining the TYWLS team in their first-ever Digital

    Learning Day celebration was really inspiring! It was my great honor to see the passion and enthusiasm

    these young girls had, all with the knowledge that the digital literacy skills they are developing now will

    position them to become leaders and innovators of the 21st Century workforce."

    Top to Bottom: Students listen to guests share anecdotes from their STEM and digital media careers;

    Andrea Chaves, Globaloria teacher, and Dr. Harel Caperton award a Certificate of Digital Learning to a student.

    9. Idit Presents Benefits of Learning with Technology to EIA

    This month Dr. Harel Caperton was featured by theEducation Industry Associationas a

    speaker at the annualEducation Industry Days Summitin Washington, D.C., and as a

    contributor to theirmember website. On her panel, she described the potential of

    technology to be a force multiplier in education by enabling constructive learning spaces that develop and

    promote students' and teachers' best abilities as learners. In this context, skills in areas such as coding or

    computation flourish, since they are fostered in the context of interesting and relevant work.
  • 7/29/2019 World Wide Workshop Newsletter February 2013


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