
Task• In this task there will be some pictures of major

events that have happened in the past.

• Look at the events and think what happened

• Choose 2-3 pictures write about your interpretation and understanding of the event or do a voiceover of your interpretation of the event

• For voiceover use Quicktime new screen recording to record your voice. (make sure the microphone is on)

• Ask yourself “What was the event?” and “How do I know what happened?”

Where we are in place and time

‘Different interpretations of the past can be discovered by investigating

historical events’

Prior K



9/11 attack

“What was the event?” and “How do I know what happened?”

9/11 Attack explained

9/11 was caused by a group of terrorist called Al Qaida. The Al Qaida group wanted to do this because they hated the americans. So the terrorist hijacked 2 planes and flew it straight to the 2 towers World trade Center in September 11,2001.

World War 2

“What was the event?” and “How do I know what happened?”

WORLD WAR II Explained

World war II was caused by A man named Adolf Hitler. He wanted to take over the whole world under rule by the Nazis. World war 2 started from 1939-1945.

Nuclear bomb drop in Hiroshima

“What was the event?” and “How do I know what happened?”

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki was bombed by a atomic bomb. It caused many deaths and it was the bomb that stopped World War II. The reason the US potentially to drop this bomb is to show fear within all countries that they have power so then they will stop fighting.