Page 1: SPCfRT"SHOES FOR Growing Girls ^ Every girl will .want a pair. They are shown in white, white and black, beige, tan and beige. The popular



Growing Girls ^

Every girl will .want a pair. They are shown in white, white and black, beige, tan and beige. The popular crepe soles. Sizes 2 to 8, only..............

Since 1913




Anchor TiresExtra Spedal Trade-in Allwvaucim arebeing offered to you on your old Tires



29x4.50 30x4.50.. 28x4.75 29x5.00 30x5.25 ^1x5.25 29x5.50 31x6.00


.$ 9.80 10.00 11.30 12.00 13.50 13.90 14.95 15.50



"Tiro, Uoctorw,' Tvo!"1618 CRAVENS AVE. * PHONE 476



(Con H. I'lere

ucd from 1'age 1) and family on Dolores

ating meeting of the > was held at the home T. Hoxworth In I^ong Innwlny. A -dcMclous M Hcrveil.ut noon by. tho L beiiutifully decorated

cuvrni were marked

for Mrn. Louln Bordeaux alao Long Boocht Mrs. S. 9. Tannehl Mrs. Otorjrc Nahm»nn, MM. 2. XV Jcnnlngn, Mrn. OeoMro H. Kecnlf Mrs. Pornia Pip*'', Mrs. Harry ' Hocquc of irpjMtonr. N««dlewoi nml floclnMIity'relmud during tl afternoon..

Robert Ave.y of Teri-a Bella, visltlnff at the home of hlit Blstt Mrs. Robert Whltnoy of Hguert street.

Mr. ami JMre, S. H. TannehUI Dolores street, spent Friday Riverside.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Berry n daughter, Joan, of Hollywood, :i Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Marks of Lon




WHEN ' -


- .-"£ V-^-V'.- ' '- - :-


May fair CreameryFormerly

Kern Creamery* Inc.Post'Ave. „ Phone 337 Torrance



We have the proofs of every statement in this

advertisement.... and will give them to you if you

Phone 370-W or call at our store. : .

e' motion of Guxtol* led to tlxe^ dUsco.very o| ''

Roobt of tlxe clover -lajxt «xe IKXIOWIX -to

exuitrtbie the eartlx.. <. cUpfh. of 9ft /

Write and,tall us what you think of this series of very astounding "Truths" .... •

DE BRA RADIO COMPANY'6't'frj/ cu#fo/rier a friend'


B«*cli, wcrr Sunday goontii of Mr. and MM. .Walter Phillips find family ok CIMOD street.

Mr. and Mr«. V. Honton nno' family of 21«th Htrcel. left lunt week fbi- KanM8 nnd Missouri. wheta they will visit rclnllvos nn<l friend* . '

(DP) A "wel Mtvf romwice" i*nn disclosed wtieti'DivId 8. Chambers, 72, or Oridlcy, mot his brldo-lo-bc, Mrs. Kathcrlnf Chnmbera, 64. of Vlrglna, for tlio flrat time lift-c. The both B»ib- Bcrlbwl to R matrimonial majjaslno.

Mr. and Mm. K. T. Whit. - Wblttlor, 1. Cunninttliam and f riend from OenVer, Cold., were alt guest At ft chick wi dinner lit the Horn of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Cunningliu and family _pn Amellii street < Sunday.

I.'rlcndn hero of Mrs. Ida, Wliio heart, formerly of Amelia Btret here, will be Intorcatcd In bur Ing marriage to Jucob Blahm o .Long Beach, wlilotj has been


Mr. and Mrs. Ueorgo Tomlln family of Amelia street wero-gucrt at nn oyster supper, at tho .home o Mr. and MID. DeChaney In Comp ton. on Saturday evening.

Mr.- and Mrs.' Charles A. Druse of Main street uro spending so days on a fishing trip to Hodge Lake. . '

Itoy Kerry of Dolores street wa a 'dinner guest?-at flic home of ,nd Mrs. Harry. C. Rocquo on Grace

street on -Saturday evening:.

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Koehlc if Wllmlngtbn street wore guest n Sunday of Mm. Koebler'

brother-in-law and ulster, Mr. ant Mrs. B. Ixmstalot in Puentv.

Mr. and .Mrs. 2. VT. Jcnnlngs am daughter; Barbara Jean, wer greats of friends In Glendalo ol Saturday among whom was Mrs S3. Jcnseu. " -

Attending the Mothers' banqu given by the Junior High Seho Girl Reserves at the Y. W. C. A building In Long- Beuch from Key

ic on Saturday evening were Mrs. John R. H11 pel I and. Mrs George Nah'mens as well as Betty Heaton, Lillian Hllpert, Burlmra Reed, Audrec Rocquc, and Rutl Nahmcns. president of the junto group of Keystone. Upon enter­ ing the banquet room a gypsy, en campment -was laid, where tb

stg received fortunes from mem H of the tribe. At the well-

appointed tables, tiny, gypsy tents marked places for the guests and black caldrons were used as center­ pieces for the tables.

s a means oi presenting the possibilities of the three Girl Re­ serve ' Summer camps the program

the evening portrayed Dame Fortune In the leading role. These camps arc Camp Estelle, at Mount Juldy from June -'1 to 28; which is under tUe supervision of ] Elizabeth Pond; Camp at Cutalina Itiland, which will b

:lil iiom July 4. to August 1, an nay .be uttcnded 'for one week

Tlods. This la under the direction of Miss Mary McDlll. The third camp Is the Stay-at-Home camp Camp Peek-In, which Is situate

tho Y. W. C. A. at Sixth and :cll'lc in Long lleach, from July

Jl to August iS. This is under tin direction 01 Miss Ulixubetli .Knlglit

Miss Frances Kennedy, president 1 the Inter-club council was thu yiiMy queen and toastmistrcss of lie livening.- iMrs. U. K. Tucker, iresldent bi the Long Beach i. W

C. A. opened the banquet with tin nvocatlun; Miss Knight, Girl He- erve secretary. In charge 01' 'unquet gave the talk of the eve- ilng taking, for her subject "L.ct'a tyllow, ihc Romany. Patturan."

Other numbers on the program!! "A Gypsy Welcome," byij. Hess; a Gorlgo dance by.

Lorraine Lledlcr; u vocal trio sung iy Mary .McLane, Frances Kennedy nd Harriett Sousa. "Froni Gypsy itrlngs"- liy Alice Calhoun, uvuom- iitnicU by Janicc Slroppt'. Ad- uurnment followed and an oper- ttu. "At the Fall-" was sivun in lie auditorium by Ihu Kspuranto iub of Iklison Junior High school,

a dance was given by. Ujrotliy ud Kulli Culbertson, uccompalUeU y Klolse llUBfina.

Keyjtolii- folk will be Interested ) learn llml K. F. Kveruril and hurles J-:\erurd, fulliur and brother

fspeetivcly 01 Mrs. Harry C.

Icui-fe-e of Hie jewelry, shop for- lerly owned by Frcsttrd In theIHlilore Hotel, in LOB Angeles.hey will be managers ol three lores, oiie-orl-wUlch Is louuteU in


lid IJouula Be

Maud Keye

nid Mr.linings am , of lloloi-eloniovia 01 \iaitud Mrs

Shermuu Avey. uged DS years, ed at the Torruneu hospital on uy 1) lolloping a uhort illness at u huiue ol liia daughter. Mm. oberl Whltiu-y on Flguerou streel, - ystonu. Mr. Avey had been en- «cii OH a barber ut till American eiiui, Loim Ueuch, for uoine time.

i: WIK sui'vlved by two duugliteru, i a. Wlillney of Keystone. Ml»» IllUtu U., Avey of LOIIK 'Beuch:' a

ou. llobuit of Twi* Bella: one rolher, f. K; two sisters, Mary

liiiund and Atuw. Noakes of utrlee, Nebraska. Funeral berv- :» weru tufld ut CllnkenheaU

ha|,el In Long Beach on Friday interment In Itoouevelt Me-

rhil 1'urk.JoinKuv. Lcltoy


.uollied rmico

uud John f. Butto

ituitHifohlj) ill U>«ilier ul' Cuniiiierru by I tliulr nu'.'Ilat,- this

LOS ANQELE9, (UP) 'tmrtB for flic huff*" anatomy »* gottlnn more plentiful. A Ventura m»n has InvcntaO a -mechanical voice-box for per»onB mndo dumb by cliHenijic or Injufy.. It hooka Into the neck, by a rutiboY tube. ,

SAN FJRANCI8CQ, (U P)- Oertldlfi*' H«lblnff nflWo up her mind she would go to sea, one way or another. So when nho wnn sent home after a stowaway trip to Hawaii, Hhe Immediately ahibarked on the sea of matrimony.

With A

I do not believe there is a BETTER, more- dependable Radio set built today than tho CROSLEY RADIO. • ,. .

TJjat is, why I am selling the . ' •

Crosley Radio only- '. .!,''''" '

That is why I give one year's FREE service will all sets sold.

Think it over! Talk .it over: Then come in or 'phone Torrance 200 for

^demonstration. - "... '--,-•. i • /. .

I am equipped to give you the best service possible on your present Radio set.

Give me a trial for prompt service.


Irvin S. SargeantTorrance Radio Co.


Featured For Friday, and Saturday, May 23-24Exceptional Values for 2 Days. -*Cheek off the items, bring this adver­ tisement with you and select the things -you wish. Holidays,; Vacation

Days and many ev«nte will find the necessity of buying -just such exceptional values as herewith offered. ,:,

$4.50 Box of Artstyle Chocolates for .$3.005-lb. Bag of Epsom Bathing SaltsLarge Tube of Klenzo Tooth Paste with Klenzo

Tooth Brush, an 85c value, both for. ... .39c25c Gentleman's After-Shaving Talc......... : 19c$1 Marcella Waving Lotion ..................69c25c Ben Hur Talcum Powder .10c

.00IQc Cake Egyptian Palm Soap, cake..........5c$1 Compacts, half price....... . . . ......... ,50cSOc Boquet Ramee Rouge ...................39clOc Pointex Toifet Tissue, 2 for.............Ovaltine, large size 89c; small size ........... .45c$1 Duska Face Powder ......... . ..s. ....... 69c

Dolley Drug Co.Store

Cor. Cl Prado and Sartori Telephone 10
