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Leadership Workshop

10 Star Director Training

“Take it to the next level”

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Perfect “Power grid” Compensation• 3 X 15 power grid compensation with

the potential for 10’s of thousands of people in your total group

• Simple “get 3, get paid” qualification to get full commissions on EVERYTHING that lands in your entire 3 X 15 Power Grid

• Simple “get 10 and you could double it” Leadership Matching bonus program

• When you personally have 10 recruits active in your power grid you receive a 10% matching check bonus on each of your personal team members

$6 per person if you come in as Executive Distributor

LEVEL 1 $5 per person if you come in as Distributor

L 2

L 3

L 4

L 5

DYNAMIC COMPRESSIONIf someone inside your grid goes inactive, no worries, that level rolls up and doesn’t count!

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The “sampler” pack is your foundation pack• 2 cases of Motion beverages, enough for consumption AND sampling

• Allows you to “collapse time” by getting motion in the hands of your brand new reps right away. No waiting days for shipments if possible.

• Adds 20% additional commissions to the top 5 levels of your Power Grid permanently

• Pays a $100 weekly bonus to the enroller and $10,$10 and $5 up the enroller tree

• Adds $300 in volume fully commissionable in the “power grid”

The “sampler” Pack is for business-minded people who wish to permanently increase the income potential of their business.

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Xerveo success step #1• “Lock your Spot” in the power grid with a “sampler” pack. Your people will

do exactly what you do. “speed of the leader, speed of the pack”

• Get on the proper monthly order, be prepared to get at least 6 cans of motion in the hands of every new rep you sponsor to “collapse time” and put momentum in your business “right now” A sense of urgency.

• Be a “product of the product” get your personal story with the product, it will drive your belief system

• Facts tell…Stories sell. You create your business story from day 1, your first 90 days in Xerveo are forever. Get of to a fast income start.How you join is part of your permanent story at Xerveo, What did you see? What did you do? Where are you going with it? Can you I follow You? WIIFM

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Xerveo success step #2• Know your Story. How did you hear about Xerveo, how did you get started,

who are you working with and what is YOUR vision. People join a Vision

• Start with a list of 20 and start calling, add to your list every day

• Right now with Xerveo it’s all about timing. Use PSP to back that up. Pique interest, Show and/or Sample then Pass via 3 way call to your upline

• Let your upline leader help collect the decision or BAMFAM from the 3 way call, always have a next follow up step as you finish the call.

Learn the Art of the proper 3 way call. You and the prospect always are together THEN you connect to your upline. How you Edify, Setup and Connect is Key

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Xerveo success step #3• Make a commitment of time and action that fits your schedule. You can

earn full time income with part time hours. This requires those hours being spent doing ONE thing. Talking to NEW people about Xerveo. They can be a mixture of your prospects or your reps new prospects.

• Commit to making ONE personal contact EVERY day, You stay sharp for your team by “being in the game” yourself. Be a leader, be an example.

• Make new friends and meet their friends, learn, then do, then teach.

• Be plugged in, be on every company call and be in the know.

This is your Xerveo business. You will attract the right people when they see you as a way to bring increase into their lives. People join people with a purpose

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The “motion mixer” is the cornerstone of success with Xerveo

• The ideal “motion mixer” is 5 qualified prospects that generate 1,000+ in volume

• The home is the ideal location, invite 10 and expect 5 to attend. Nothing fancy, everything must duplicate for success. Just have motion samples, simple snacks and a video setup

• First, have background music, sample the motion, show the and collect decisions.

Keep it fast and casual. Plan them quickly and do them quickly. That’s easy, That’ll work, I can do that.

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Closing out your “motion mixer” to accelerate your team’s success

• As you close out your mixer, ask the group who wants to host the next mixer. Break our your business calendar and pick a time in the next 24-72 hours with the first person who steps up positively.

• This is the art of “bamfam” and it will be the key to your future success because it collapses time in your business. BAMFAM= “book a meeting, from a meeting”

• Anything worth being done eventually is worth being done immediately

Your team goal is 4 “motion mixers” weekly. That’s 20 new contacts a week in just 4 meetings. Imagine when this duplicates just 3 x 9 x 27. This will explode Xerveo

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Leaders talk about money FIRST

“Look, Money, Look”• The big income earners in Network Marketing understand one thing…

• You MUST talk money first and product second, it’s like a bicycle, the front wheel is the money while the back wheel is the product.

• I just took a LOOK at something…….Their could be a lot of MONEY in it…You need to take a LOOK….

It’s a product video BUT you have set it up as a business FIRST. It’s the art of expectation.

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Are you a “launch” candidate?Do you want a small business or a big business?

Do you want to build slow or Fast?

Do you want to make some money or a lot of money?

Let me tell you what the successful people at Xerveo have done to build big, fast and successfully

3 “yes” answers and you book a launch call followed by a “motion mixer ASAP. That’s “Bam Fam”

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Are you a “launch” candidate?

First StepsSchedule launch calls on 4

consecutive days with your team leaders

Set the expectation for the new team “project 500” for team XYZ

Start by stating the team objectives over the next 4 to 6 months while letting this first group understand that they now have the opportunity to be in front of this wave

Set the 4 call series up with urgency start with the strongest on call #1 and let them add to calls 2,3 &4

• Schedule a “Close out” motion mixer on Sunday PM at the Leaders house. This is to follow the 4 calls that were run during the same week. Reps that have “their 3” ready to go get placed “high & tight” to the leader

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The “10 Star” plan to double your income at Xerveo

Sponsor 24 reps in your first 6 months, one a week.

6-8 will “incubate” drinking motion and watching you

6-8 will not engage after their first order

6-8 will be “builders” they will “get 3 and get paid”

2-4 will become “10 star” directors. These superstars will be the leadership of Xerveo

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Set your goals at Xerveo by “working backwards”

Want to earn a full time income in part time hours?

Fill the first 5 levels of your personal power grid

Fill 6 levels and you could earn 6 figures by also becoming a 10 Star director

There are 15 to 18 levels in your power grid. You can “accomplish anything” with Xerveo
