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XML Family of Languages. Overview and Classification of W3C Specifications

Technical Report · December 2014

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2911.9041



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Airi Salminen

University of Jyväskylä



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XML  Family  of  LanguagesOverview  and  Classification  of  W3C  Specifications

Airi  Salminen

01  December  2014

This  version:­20141201.htmlLatest  version:  version:­20131021.htmlFirst  version:­20001109.html

More  information  about  the  XML  family  of  languages  in  Communicating  with  XML  by  Airi  Salminen  andFrank  Tompa.  The  eBook  is  available  at  SpringerLink.

Table  of  Contents


1.  Introduction

2.  Classification  of  the  Languages

3.  XML

4.  XML  Accessories

5.  XML  Transducers

6.  XML  Applications

       6.1  Non-­textual  Data

       6.2  Web  Publishing

       6.3  Metadata  and  Semantic  Web  

       6.4  Web  Communication  and  Services

About  this  report

1.  Introduction

XML  is  a  markup  language  for  presenting  information  as  structured  documents.  The  language  has  been

developed  from  SGML  (Standard  Generalized  Markup  Language,  ISO  8879)  as  an  activity  of  the  World  Wide

Web  Consortium  (W3C).  Since  the  publication  of  XML,  a  great  number  of  various  XML-­related  languages  have

been  developed  by  W3C  and  other  standardization  organizations.  In  this  report  our  focus  is  in  the  languages

developed  by  W3C.  Together  with  XML,  we  call  this  group  of  languages  the  XML  family  of  languages.  Thepurpose  of  this  report  is  to  give  a  concise  overview  of  the  languages  and  show  the  current  state  of  their

development  at  W3C.  The  document  introduces  a  classification  for  the  languages  and  also  serves  as  a  portal

to  the  specifications  of  the  languages.

Results  of  W3C  development  activities  are  published  as  W3C  Technical  Reports.  The  process  of  developing

technical  reports  is  described  in  the  W3C  Process  Document.  This  overview  is  based  on  the  analysis  of  current

technical  reports  of  four  types:  Working  Drafts,  Candidate  Recommendations,  Proposed  Recommendations,

and  Recommendations.  The  four  types  differ  in  their  maturity  from  lower  to  higher:

A  Working  Draft  (WD)  represents  work  in  progress,  it  is  a  draft  document  and  may  be  updated,  replaced

or  obsoleted  by  other  document  any  time.

A  Candidate  Recommendation  (CD)  has  received  significant  review  from  its  immediate  technicalcommunity.  The  document  is  an  explicit  call  for  implementation  and  technical  feedback.

A  Proposed  Recommendation  (PR)  represents  consensus  within  the  group  that  produced  it  and  hasbeen  proposed  by  the  Director  to  the  Advisory  Committee  for  review.

A  Recommendation  (R)  represents  consensus  within  W3C  and  is  considered  to  define  a  Web  standard.W3C  makes  every  effort  to  maintain  its  Recommendations  (e.g.,  by  tracking  errata,  providing  testbed

applications,  helping  to  create  test  suites,  etc.)  and  to  encourage  widespread  implementation.  The

practice  in  W3C  is  to  collect  all  known  errors  in  a  Recommendation  into  an  errata  document  referred  to

in  the  Recommendation.  If  a  need  for  modifications  is  identified,  a  new  version  or  a  new  edition  is

published.  A  new  Recommendation  version  or  edition  is  often,  but  not  always,  stated  to  supersede  the

earlier.  In  principle,  W3C  may  rescind  the  Recommendation  if  it  becomes  outdated  and  modifications  are

not  considered  useful.  So  far,  however,  W3C  has  not  published  technical  reports  labelled  as  Rescinded

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Recommendation.  Instead,  at  least  one  Recommendation  (XML  Events)  has  been  versioned  to  a  GroupNote,  meaning  in  practice  that  the  Web  standard  has  become  obsolete.

2.  Classification  of  the  Languages

Considering  the  purpose  of  the  XML-­related  languages  developed  at  W3C,  four  main  categories  can  beidentified.  The  first  category  consists  of  the  different  versions  of  XML  itself.  The  other  three  categories  arecalled  in  this  classification  XML  Accessories,  XML  Transducers,  and  XML  Applications:

XML  Accessories  are  languages  which  are  intended  for  wide  use  to  extend  the  capabilities  specified  in  XML.Examples  of  XML  accessories  are  the  XML  Schema  language  extending  the  definition  capability  of  XML  DTDsand  the  XML  Names  extending  the  naming  mechanism  to  allow  in  a  single  XML  document  element  andattribute  names  that  are  defined  for  and  used  by  multiple  software  modules.

XML  Transduces  are  languages  which  are  intended  for  transducing  some  input  XML  data  into  some  outputform.  Examples  of  XML  transducers  are  the  style  sheet  languages  CSS  and  XSL  intended  to  produce  anexternal  presentation  from  some  XML  data,  and  XSLT  intended  for  transforming  XML  documents  into  otherXML  documents.  A  transducer  language  is  associated  with  some  kind  of  processing  model  which  defines  theway  output  is  derived  from  input.

XML  Applications  are  languages  which  define  constraints  for  a  class  of  XML  data  for  some  special  applicationarea.  Examples  of  XML  applications  are  MathML  defined  for  mathematical  data  and  XML-­Signature  intendedfor  digital  signatures.  XML  accessories  and  XML  transducers  are  often  XML-­based  languages  and  thus  alsoXML  applications.  In  this  report  a  language  is  classified  as  an  XML  application  only  if  it  has  not  been  included  inthe  accessories  or  transducers.

The  languages  in  the  XML  applications  category  can  be  further  divided  into  four  subcategories  according  to  theapplication  area:

Non-­textual  forms  of  data  like  mathematical  data  or  voiceWeb  publishing,  to  replace  HTML  by  XML-­based  representation  formatMetadata  and  Semantic  WebWeb  communication  and  services.

The  following  sections  introduce  the  languages  according  to  the  classification  given  above.  The  sections  from  4to  6  include  tables  listing  the  specification  documents  and  those  W3C  Technical  Reports  which  are  closelyrelated  to  the  specifications  (e.g.  requirements  and  use  cases).  In  the  tables  there  are  links  to  the  specificationsand  other  reports  as  they  were  at  the  date  of  this  report.  In  cases  were  the  target  of  a  link  in  this  overviewdocument  would  be  outdated,  a  link  to  the  latest  version  of  the  W3C  document  is  provided  in  the  target.  Thetables  also  show  the  current  phase  of  the  specification  process  (WD  =  Working  Draft,  CR  =  CandidateRecommendation,  PR  =  Proposed  Recommendation,  or  R  =  Recommendation).  For  Recommendations,  allpublished  versions  and  editions  are  listed  to  show  their  evolution.  Thus  the  tables  include  alsoRecommendations  that  are  superseded  by  later  versions  or  editions.  The  languages  in  each  table  arelisted  chronologically  according  to  their  first  publication  as  Web  standards.  A  brief  textual  description  isprovided  for  most  of  the  languages.  A  more  detailed  decription  can  be  found  in  the  specification  documents.

[Introduction  |    XML  |    XML  Accessories  |    XML  Transducers  |    XML  Applications]

3.  XML

The  XML  development  started  in  1996.  The  use  of  HTML  (HyperText  Markup  Language)  as  the  publishinglanguage  of  the  Internet  had  quickly  expanded  in  the  beginning  of  1990’s.  There  was  a  need  to  find  anagreement  about  a  generic  markup  language  straightforwardly  usable  over  the  Internet.  SGML  (StandardGeneralized  Markup  Language),  published  as  an  ISO  standard  in  1986,  had  been  widely  accepted  as  a  genericmarkup  language  for  digital  documents,  but  the  large  collection  of  rules  in  SGML  and  the  number  of  differentoptional  features  caused  problems  in  the  implementation  and  utilization  of  SGML.  A  goal  in  the  XMLdevelopment  was  to  restrict  the  rules  of  SGML  and  thus  to  ease  the  writing  of  programs  for  processingdocuments.

The  first  W3C  Recommendation  for  XML  1.0  was  published  in  February  1998.  The  later  editions  of  thespecification  incorporate  the  changes  dictated  by  the  errata  documents.  The  new  versio  XML  1.1  waspublished  as  a  Recommendation  in  February  2004.  The  major  changes  in  the  new  version  concern  the

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Unicode  character  code  and  its  use  in  XML  names.  Versioning  of  the  Unicode  specification  had  causedproblems  in  character  encoding  of  XML  1.0  names  because  the  characters  in  XML  1.0  names  were  restrictedto  characters  in  Unicode  2.  In  XML  1.1  the  syntax  of  names  is  specified  to  allow  future  changes  in  Unicode.The  list  below  shows  XML  specifications  published  as  Recommendations  so  far.

-­  Extensible  Markup  Language  (XML)  1.0,  Feb  1998  -­  Extensible  Markup  Language  (XML)  1.0  (Second  Edition),  Oct  2000  -­  Extensible  Markup  Language  (XML)  1.0  (Third  Edition),  Feb  2004  -­  Extensible  Markup  Language  (XML)  1.0  (Fourth  Edition),  Aug  2006  -­  Extensible  Markup  Language  (XML)  1.0  (Fifth  Edition),  Nov  2008-­  Extensible  Markup  Language  (XML)  1.1,  Feb  2004  -­  Extensible  Markup  Language  (XML)  1.1  (Second  Edition),  Aug  2006

The  XML  specifications  describe  the  concrete  syntax  of  XML  documents,  and  partially  the  behaviour  of  an  XMLprocessor,  i.e.,  a  software  module  used  to  read  XML  documents  and  to  provide  access  to  their  content  andstructure.  Slightly  different  abstract  models  for  information  available  in  XML  documents  have  been  introducedat  W3C:

The  XML  Information  Set  defines  an  abstract  data  set  called  Infoset.  The  definitions  in  the  specificationare  intended  for  other  specifications  that  need  to  refer  to  information  in  a  well-­formed  XML  document.The  XPath  Data  Model  is  included  in  the  XML  Path  Language  (XPath)  to  allow  addressing  parts  of  anXML  document.Document  Object  Model  (DOM)  is  an  application  programming  interface  for  XML  and  HTML  documents.It  defines  the  way  data  in  a  document  is  structured,  accessed  and  manipulated.XQuery  and  XPath  data  model  defines  the  information  contained  in  the  input  to  an  XSLT  or  XQueryprocessor.

All  of  the  four  kinds  of  models  describe  an  XML  document  as  a  tree  structure  but  there  are  differences  in  thetrees  and  in  the  information  available  in  the  trees.

XML  is  intended  to  be  universal  format  for  data  on  the  Web.  To  support  references  to  Internet  resources,  theuse  of  different  character  sets,  and  the  use  of  different  natural  languages  of  the  world,  the  XML  specificationuses  a  set  of  specifications  introduced  by  other  development  authorities  than  W3C.  These  specifications  definethe  codes  for  characters  (Unicode,  ISO/IEC  10646)  and  languages  (IETF  BCP  47)  as  well  as  the  syntax  foridentifying  resources  (IETF  RFC  3986).  The  central  concepts  related  to  characters  and  their  encoding  aredefined  in  the  W3C  Recommendation  titled  Character  Model  for  the  World  Wide  Web  1.0:  Fundamentals.  Thepurpose  of  the  character  model  is  to  support  the  transmittal  and  processing  of  the  characters  used  around  theworld  in  a  well-­defined  and  well-­understood  way.

[Introduction  |    XML  |    XML  Accessories  |    XML  Transducers  |    XML  Applications]

4.  XML  Accessories

XML  accessories  are  languages  which  are  intended  for  wide  use  to  extend  the  capabilities  specified  in  XML.Table  1  below  lists  the  current  XML  accessories.  In  the  table,  as  well  as  in  the  subsequent  tables,  allpublished  versions  and  editions  of  Recommendations  are  listed  to  show  their  evolution.  Thus  thetables  include  also  Recommendations  that  are  superseded  by  later  versions  or  editions.

XML  Names  is  intended  to  facilitate  the  use  of  qualified  element  and  attribute  names  in  XML  documents,  inorder  to  prevent  name  collisions.  A  qualified  name  consists  of  two  parts:  a  namespace  name  as  a  prefix  and  alocal  part.  The  namespace  name  is  identified  by  a  URI  reference.  XML  Names  is  used  in  most  otherspecifications  of  the  XML  family.  A  specification  related  to  names  is  the  specification  for  the  attribute  xml:id  asan  ID  type  attribute  in  XML  specifications.

XPath  defines  how  to  address  parts  in  XML  documents.  In  support  of  this  primary  purpose  it  also  providesbasic  facilities  for  manipulation  of  strings,  numbers,  and  booleans.  Three  versions  of  XPath  have  beenpublished  so  far.  XPointer  defines  fragment  identifiers  for  URI  references.  It  is  built  on  top  of  the  XPathlanguage.  XPointer  extends  XPath  to  allow  addressing  points  and  ranges  as  well  as  whole  nodes,  locatinginformation  by  string  matching,  and  using  addressing  expressions  in  URI  references  as  fragment  identifiers.The  language  has  been  specified  in  three  separate  documents:  a  basic  framework,  XPointer  element()  foraddressing  elements  by  their  position  in  the  element  tree,  and  XPointer  xmlns()  for  binding  namespace  prefixesto  namespace  name.

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XML  Schema  extends  the  definition  capabilities  of  XML,  in  particular,  it  allows  the  use  of  a  variety  of  data  types,e.g.  boolean,  float,  int,  date,  and  their  validation  in  conforming  software.  XML  Schema  is  intended  to  constrain

XML  documents  but  the  schemas  themselves  are  not  necessarily  written  in  XML.  There  is  however  an  XML

notation  for  the  schema  language.  Three  levels  of  conformance  for  schema  aware  processors  are  defined:

minimally  conforming  processors,  conformance  to  the  XML  representation  of  schemas,  and  fully  conforming


XLink  is  intended  for  description  and  creation  of  links  between  Internet  resources.  The  links  can  be  simpleunidirectional  links  similar  to  HTML,  as  well  as  relationships  among  more  than  two  resources.  Links  can  also

reside  in  a  location  separate  from  the  linked  resources,  and  they  can  be  associated  with  metadata.  XML  Baseprovides  a  base  URI  service  for  XLink.  The  purpose  of  the  service  is  to  resolve  relative  URIs  in  links  to  external

resources  like  images,  applets,  form-­processing  programs,  and  style  sheets.  Internationalization  Tag  Set  (ITS)is  defined  to  be  used  with  schemas  to  support  the  internationalization  and  localization  of  schemas  and


Table  1.  XML  AccessoriesLanguage Purpose Document, Phase (R, PR, CR, WD), Month, Year

XML Names Qualifying element

and attribute names

- Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition), R, Dec 2009

- Namesapaces in XML 1.1 (Second Edition), R, Aug 2006

- Namesapaces in XML 1.1, R, Feb 2004

- Namesapaces in XML 1.0 (Second Edition), R, Aug 2006

- Namespaces in XML, R, Jan 1999




Associating style

sheets with an XML


- Associating Style Sheets with XML documents Version 1.0 (Second

Edition), R, Oct 2010

- Associating Style Sheets with XML documents Version 1.0, R, June


XPath Addressing parts of

an XML document

- XML Path Language (XPath) 3.0, R, April 2014

- XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0 (Second Edition), R, Dec 2010 (Link

errors corrected Jan 2011)

- XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0, R, Nov 1999


- XML Path Language (XPath) 3.1, WD, Oct 2014

XML Schema Constraining a class

of XML documents

- W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 1: Structures,

R, April 2012

- W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes,

R, April 2012

- XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition, R, Oct 2004

- XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition, R, Oct 2004

- XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, R, Oct 2004

- XML Schema Part 0: Primer, R, May 2001

- XML Schema Part 1: Structures, R, May 2001

- XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, R, May 2001


- W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD): Component

Designators, CR, Jan 2010

- Guide to Versioning XML Languages using XML Schema 1.1, WD,

July 2007

XLink To create and

describe links

- XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.1. R, May 2010

- XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, R, June 2001

XML Base A base URI service

for XLink

- XML Base (Second Edition), R, Jan 2009

- XML Base, R, June 2001

XPointer Fragment identifiers

for URI


- XPointer Framework, R, March 2003

- XPointer element() Scheme, R, March 2003

- XPointer xmlns() Scheme, R, March 2003

xml:id meaning of the

attribute xml:id in

XML documents

- xml:id Version 1.0, R, Sept. 2005

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ITS Internationalization

and localization of


- Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 2.0, R, Oct 2013

- Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 1.0, R, April 2007


- Requirements for Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) , WD, May 2012

Entities for


Defining names so

that to each is

assigned a Unicode

character or sequence

of characters

- XML Entity Definitions for Characters (2nd Edition), R, April 2014

- XML Entity Definitions for Characters, R, April 2010

[Introduction  |    XML  |    XML  Accessories  |    XML  Transducers  |    XML  Applications]

5.  XML  Transducers

The  XML  transducer  languages  are  intended  for  transducing  some  input  XML  data  into  some  output  form.Table  2  lists  the  XML  transducer  languages.  They  include  languages  for  rendering  (CSS  and  XSL),transformation  (XSLT),  canonicalization  (Canonical  XML),  merging  (XInclude),  querying  (XQuery),  optimization(EXI),  and  pipelining  (XProc).

CSS  is  a  language  for  specifying  style  sheets  for  any  structured  documents.  It  has  been  defined  on  three  levelsthat  build  on  the  previous.  CSS  level  1  CSS1  published  as  a  Recommendation  in  1996  was  developedespecially  for  HTML  documents.  In  developing  CSS  level  2,  XML  as  a  notation  for  structured  documents  wastaken  especially  into  account.  Both  CSS1  and  CSS2  were  defined  in  one  Recommendation  document.  Forlevel  3  instead  there  is  not  a  single  specification  document.  Level  3  consists  of  modules  built  on  level  2.Another  language  for  rendering  XML  documents  is  XSL.  It  is  a  style  sheet  language  especially  designed  forXML  documents.  It  uses  XML  syntax  for  style  sheets.  XSL  contains  the  transformation  language  XSLT  as  itscomponent.  XSLT  can  be  used  also  independently  of  XSL  to  describe  transformations  of  XML  documents.

Canonical  XML  defines  a  process  to  create  a  specified  physical  representation,  a  canonical  form,  to  an  XMLdocument  or  a  document  subset.  The  process  is  called  canonicalization.XInclude  is  a  language  for  specifyingmerging  of  a  set  of  XML  documents  represented  as  Infosets  to  a  new  Infoset.

XQuery  is  the  W3C  language  for  querying  collections  of  XML  data  both  locally  and  on  the  Web,  be  it  physicallystored  in  XML  or  viewed  as  XML  via  middleware.  XQuery  is  based  on  an  earlier  introduced  XML  querylanguage  called  Quilt,  which  in  turn  is  built  by  pulling  together  features  of  several  other  XML  query  languagesas  well  as  features  of  the  relational  query  language  SQL  and  the  object-­oriented  query  language  OQL.  XQueryis  a  functional  language  and  the  input  and  output  of  a  query  is  an  ordered  hierarchy  of  nodes,  as  described  inthe  XQuery  and  XPath  Data  Model.  The  semantics  of  the  various  types  of  XQuery  expressions  are  describedinformally  in  the  XQuery  specification  document.  More  formally  the  semantics  is  described  in  the  XQuery  andXPath  Formal  Semantics  document.

The  development  of  XML  Fragment  Interchange  seems  to  have  freezed.The  Candidate  Recommendation  isfrom  year  2001.  The  language  is  intended  to  provide  capabilities  to  specify  a  part  of  a  whole  XML  document  asa  fragment  to  be  sent  to  a  receiver.

Table  2.  XML  TransducersLanguage Purpose Document, Phase (R, PR, CR, WD), Month, Year

CSS Rendering - CSS Namespaces Module Level 3, R, Sept. 2011, edited in place

March 2014

- CSS Style Attributes, R, Nov 2013

- The 'view-mode' Media Feature, R, June 2012

- Media Queries, R, June 2012

- CSS Namespaces Module, R, Sep 2011

- Selectors level 3, R, Sep 2011

- CSS Color Module Level 3, R, June 2011

- Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS2.1) Specification, R,

June 2011

- Cascading Style Sheets, level 2, CSS2 Specification, R, May 1998,

revised April 2008

- Cascading Style Sheets, level 2, CSS2 Specification, R, May 1998

- Cascading Style Sheets, level 1, R, Dec 1996, revised Jan 1999 and

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April 2008


- CSS Regions Module Level 1, WD, Oct 2014

- CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1, WD, Sep 2014

- CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3, CR, Sep 2014

- CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1, WD, May 2014

- CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module, WD, May 2014

- CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Module Level 1, WD,

May 2014

- CSS Writing Modes Module Level 3, CR, March 2014

- CSS Syntax Module Level 3, CR, Feb 2014

- Composing and Blending Level 1 , CR, Feb. 2014

- CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3, WD, March 2014

- CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3, WD, Jan 2014

- CSS Transforms, WD, Nov 2013

- CSS Transitions, WD, Nov 2013

- CSS Ruby Layout Module Level 1, WD, Sep 2013

- Selectors level 4, WD, May 2013

- CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 3, CR, April 2013

- CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3 , WD, Feb 2012

- CSS Exclusions and Shapes Module Level 1, WD, May 2013

- CSS Template Layout Module, WD, Nov 2011

- CSS Device Adaptation, WD, Sep 2011

- CSS Multi-column Layout Module, CR, Apr 2011

- CSS Fonts Module Level 3, WD, Oct 2013

- CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3, WD, May 2013

- CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3, CR, Apr


- CSS Animations, WD, Feb 2013

- CSS Text Module Level 3, WD, Oct 2013

- CSS Paged Media Module Level 3, WD, March 2013

- CSS Values and Units Module Level 3, CR, July 2013

- CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 3, CR, Oct 2013

- CSS Speech Module, CR, March 2012

- CSS Basic User Interface Module :Level 3 (CSS3 UI), WD, Jan 2012

- CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content Module, WD, May 2003

- CSS3 module: line, WD, May 2002

XSLT Transformation - XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 2.0, R, Jan 2007

- XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0, R, Nov 1999


- Requirements and Use Cases for XSLT 2.1, WD, June 2010

- XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 3.0, WD, Oct 2014

Canonical XML Canonicalization - Canonical XML Version 1.1, R, May 2008

- Canonical XML Version 1.0, R, March 2001


- Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0, R, July 2002

XSL Rendering - Extensible Stylesheet Languages (XSL) Version 1.1, R, Dec 2006

- Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0, R, Oct 2001


- Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 2.0, WD, Jan 2012

- Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Requirements Version 2.0,

WD, March 2008

XInclude Merging - XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0 (Second Edition), R, Nov


- XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0, R, Dec 2004


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- XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.1, CR, Oct 2013

XQuery Querying - XQuery 3.0: An XML Query Language, R, April 2014

- XQueryX 3.0, R, April 2014

- XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators 3.0, R, April 2014

- XQuery and XPath Data Model 3.0, R, April 2014

- XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (Second Edition), R, Dec 2010

(Link errors corrected Jan 2011)

- XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM) (Second Edition), R,

Dec 2010

- XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators (Second Edition),

R, Dec 2010

- XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics, (Second Edition), R,

Dec 2010

- XML Syntax for XQuery 1.0 (XQueryX), (Second Edition), R,

Dec 2010

- XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language, R, Jan 2007

- XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM), R, Jan 2007

- XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators, R, Jan 2007

- XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics, R, Jan 2007

- XML Syntax for XQuery 1.0 (XQueryX), R, Jan 2007


- XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.0, R, April 2014

- XQuery Update Facility, R, March 2011

- XQuery and XPath Full Text 1.0, R, March 2011

- XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization (Second Edition), R, Dec


- XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization, R, Jan 2007


- XQuery 3.1: An XML Query Language, WD, Oct 2014

- XQueryX 3.1, WD, Oct 2014

- XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators 3.1, WD, Oct 2014

- XQuery and XPath Data Model 3.1, WD, Oct 2014

- XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.1, WD, Oct 2014

- XQuery and XPath Full Text 3.0 WD, Sep 2014

- XQuery 3.1 Requirements and Use Cases, WD, April 2014

- XQuery Update Facility 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases, WD, March


- XQuery and XPath Full Text 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases, WD,

March 2012

- XQuery Update Facility 3.0 WD, Jan. 2013

- XQuery Scripting Extension 1.0 Use Cases, WD, Dec. 2008

- XQuery Scripting Extension 1.0 Requirements, WD, March 2007

XProc To describe

operations to be

performed on XML


- XProc: An XML Pipeline Language, R, May 2010


- XProc V2.0 Requirements, WD, Nov 2013

EXI Optimization of

XML information

- Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0 (Second Edition), R, Feb


- Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0, R, March 2011


- Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Profile for limiting usage of

dynamic memory, R, Sep 2014


- Canonical EXI, WD, Oct 2014

- Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Primer, WD, April 2014

- Efficient XML Interchange Evaluation, WD, April 2009

- Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Impacts, WD, Sep 2008

- Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Best Practices, WD, Dec 2007

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- Efficient XML Interchange Measurements Note, WD, July 2007

XML Fragment





- XML Fragment Interchange, CR, Feb 2001

[Introduction | XML | XML  Accessories | XML  Transducers | XML  Applications]

6.  XML  Applications

The  languages  intended  for  XML  documents  on  some  specific  application  areas  are  divided  into  four

subcategories  and  the  links  to  the  specifications  are  correspondingly  provided  in  four  tables.  The  first

subcategory  (Table  5)  consists  of  languages  intended  for  non-­textual  forms  of  data,  e.g.,  mathematical  data,

multimedia  data,  animation,  vector  graphics,  ruby,  and  voice.  The  second  subcategory  (Table  6)  consists  of  the

languages  intended  for  Web  publishing,  to  replace  HTML.  The  third  subcategory  (Table  7)  includes  languages

to  describe  metadata  and  in  particular,  languages  for  the  Semantic  Web.  Finally,  the  fourth  subcategory  (Table

8)  consists  of  the  XML  applications  related  to  Web  communication  and  services.  

6.1  Non-­textual  Data

Table  3  shows  the  XML  applications  for  non-­textual  forms  of  data.  SMIL  is  a  language  for  integrating  a  set  ofindependent  multimedia  objects  into  a  syncronized  multimedia  presentation.  It  can  be  used  to  describe

temporal  behaviour,  layout  of  the  presentation  on  the  screen,  and  links  between  media  objects.  The  second

version  of  SMIL  supports  the  reuse  of  SMIL  syntax  and  semantics  in  other  XML-­based  languages.  SMILAnimation  defines  an  animation  framework  for  XML  documents.  It  is  based  upon  the  SMIL  timing  model,  withsome  extensions.  MathML  is  a  language  for  describing  mathematical  notation.  The  goal  of  MathML  is  to  eableencoding  mathematical  material  for  the  Web.  The  Ruby  Annotation  is  a  markup  language  for  ruby,  short  runs  oftext  alongside  the  base  text,  typically  used  in  East  Asian  documents  to  indicate  pronunciation  or  to  provide  a

short  annotation.  SVG  is  a  language  for  describing  two-­dimensional  vector  and  mixed  vector/raster  graphics  inXML.  To  enable  the  use  of  speech  on  the  Web  and  the  access  to  the  Web  using  spoken  interaction  W3C  has

developed  a  set  of  markup  language:  VoiceXML,  Speech  Synthesis  Markup  Language  (SSML),  and  CallControl  eXtensible  Markup  Language  (CCXML).  TTML  serves  as  an  interchange  format  between  authoringsystems  where  timing  information  is  needed.  InkML  is  a  markup  language  to  represent  ink  entered  with  anelectronic  pen  or  stylus.  The  language  allows  the  input  and  processing  of  handwriting,  gestures,  scetches,

music,  and  other  notational  languages  in  Web-­based  applications.  EMMA  is  a  markup  language  intended  fordescribing  the  interpretation  of  user  input,  for  example,  transcription  of    raw  signal  derived  from  a  speech  or

pen  input  into  words.  The  latest  standard  in  this  group  is  EmotionML  that  provides  markup  rules  to  expresshuman  emotions.  

Table  3.  XML  Applications  for  Non-­Textual  Forms  of  DataLanguage Purpose Document, Phase (R, PR, CR, WD), Month, Year

SMIL Multimedia


- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 3.0) , R, Dec


- Syncronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.1), R, Dec


- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.0) - [Second

Edition], R, Jan 2005

- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.0), R, Aug


- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0

Specification, R, June 1998


- Media Fragments URI 1.0 (basic), R, Sep 2012


- Use Cases and Requirements for Ontology and API for Media Object

1.0, WD, Jan 2010

- Use cases and requirements for Media Fragments, WD, Dec 2009

MathML Mathematical - Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition,

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notation R, April 2014

- Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0, R, Oct 2010

- Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0 (Second

Edition), R, Oct 2003

- Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0, R, Feb 2001

- Mathematical Markup Language (MathML™) 1.01 Specification, R,

July 1999


- A MathML for CSS profile, R, June 2011

Ruby Annotation Markup for ruby - Ruby Annotation, R, May 2001 (Markup errors corrected June 2008)

SMIL Animation Animation - SMIL Animation, R, Sep 2001

SVG Vector graphics - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition), R, Aug 2011

- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification, R, Jan 2003

- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification, R, Sep 2001


- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification, R, Dec 2008

- Mobile SVG Profiles: SVG Tiny and SVG Basic, R, Jan. 2003, edited

in place June 2009


- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2, WD, Feb 2014

- SVG Color 1.2, Part 1: Primer, WD, Oct 2009

- SVG Color 1.2, Part 2: Language, WD, Oct 2009

- SVG Parameters 1.0, Part 1: Primer, WD, June 2009

- SVG Parameters 1.0, Part 2: Language, WD, June 2009

- SVG Compositing Specification, WD, March 2011

- SVG Transforms 1.0, Part 2: Language, WD, March 2009

- SVG Filters 1.2, Part 1: Primer, WD, May 2007

- SVG Filters 1.2, Part 2: Language, WD, May 2007

- SVG Filter Requirements, WD, May 2007

- SVG 1.1/2.0 Requirements, WD, Apr 2002

VoiceXML To describe audio

dialogs; to enable

access to the Web

using spoken


- Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) 2.1, R, June 2007

- Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) Version 2.0, R,

March 2004


- Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition (SISR) Version 1.0, R,

Apr 2007


- Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) 3.0, WD, Dec 2010

- Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) 3.0 Requirements,

WD, Aug 2008

SSML To assist generation

of synthetic speech

in Web and other


- Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.1, R, Sep 2010

- Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.0, R, Sep 2004


- Pronunciation Lexicon Specification (PLS) Version 1.0, R, Oct 2008

- Speech Recognition Grammar Specification Version 1.0, R, March



- Speech Synthesis Markup Language Version 1.1 Requirements, WD,

June 2007

TTML Textual information

that is associated

- Timed Text Markup Language 1 (TTML1) (Second Edition), R, Sep


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with timinginformation

- Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) 1.0, R, Nov. 2010

RELATED DRAFTS:- TTML Text and Image Profiles for Internet Media Subtitles andCaptions 1.0, WD, Sep 2014- Media Accessibility User Requirements, WD, Aug 2014

CCXML To provide telephonycall control supportfor dialog systems,such as VoiceXML

- Voice Browser Call Control: CCXML Version 1.0, R, July 2011

InkML To represent inkentered withelectronic pen orstylus

- Ink Markup Language (InkML), R, Sep 2011

EMMA Multimodalannotation markuplanguage; to enableaccess to the Web byusing multi-modalinteraction

- EMMA: Extensible MultiModal Annotation markup language, R, Feb2009

RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS:- Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces, R, Oct 2012

RELATED DRAFTS:- EMMA: Extensible MultiModal Annotation markup language Version1.1, WD, June 2013

EmotionML To describe humanemotions

- Emotion Markup Language (EmotionML) 1.0, R, May 2014

SCXML State charts DRAFTS:- State Chart XML (SCXML): State Machine Notation for ControlAbstraction, WD, May 2014

6.2  Web  Publishing

Table  4  lists  the  languages  developed  to  enable  Web  publishing  using  XML.  XHMTL  is  a  reformulation  ofHTML  4  in  XML  1.0.  The  original  XHMTL  language  has  later  been  modularized  and  the  minimal  set  of  modulesrequired  is  defined  in  XHTML  Basic.  XForms  is  a  language  to  support  the  use  of  interactive  forms  on  the  Web.X-­Forms  can  be  integrated  to  other  markup  languages,  such  as  XMTML,  but  also  to  others.  XHTML-­Print  is  amember  in  the  module-­based  XHTML  family  languages.  It  provides  a  simple  page  description  format  for  low-­cost  printers.  In  October  W3C  published  a  new  version  of  HTML  called  HTML5  with  new  features  to  supportWeb  application  authors  and  interoperability.  The  specification  defines  an  abstract  language  and  memorypresentation  called  "DOM  HTML".  The  specification  also  defines  two  concrete  syntaxes  for  the  language,  onebeing  the  HTML  syntax  and  the  other  the  XHTML  syntax.  The  XHTML  syntax  of  HTML5  is  called  XHTML5.

Table  4.  XML  Applications  for  Web  Publishing

Language Purpose Document, Phase (R, PR, CR, WD), Month, Year

XHTML Reformulation ofHTML 4.0 in XML

- XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (SecondEdition), A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0, R, Jan 2000,revised Aug 2002- XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language, AReformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0, R, Jan 2000 - XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language, R, Jan1999

RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS:- RDFa in XHTML: Syntax and Processing, A collection of attributesand processing rules for extending XHTML to support RDF, R, Oct2008

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RELATED DRAFTS:- RDFa Use Cases: Scenarios for Embedding RDF in HTML, WD,March 2007 - Authoring Techniques for XHTML & HTML Internationalization:Characters and Encodings 1.0, WD, May 2004

XHTML Basic The minimal core ofXHTML

- XHTML™ Basic 1.1 - Second Edition, R, Nov 2010- XHTML™ Basic 1.1, R, July 2008- XHTML™ Basic, R, Dec 2000


Definition ofXHTML in a set ofmodules

- XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML – Second Edition, R, Nov2010- XHTML™ Modularization 1.1 - Second Edition, R, July 2010- XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML, R, May 2001- Modularization of XHTML™, R, April 2001

RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS:- XHTML+RDFa 1.1 - Second Edition, Support for RDF via XHTMLModularization, R, Aug 2013 - XHTML+RDFa 1.1, Support for RDF via XHTML Modularization, R,June 2012

XForms Web forms - XForms 1.1, R, Oct 2009- XForms 1.0 (Third Edition), R, Oct 2007- XForms 1.0 (Second Edition), R, March 2006 - XForms 1.0, R, Oct 2003

RELATED DRAFTS:- XForms 2.0, WD, Aug. 2012- XForms 2.0: XPath expression module, WD, Aug 2012- XForms for HTML, WD, Dec 2008- XForms 1.0 Basic Profile, CR, Oct 2003- XForms Requirements, WD, April 2001

XHTML-Print Simple XHTMLsuitable for printingfrom mobile devicesas well as for display

- XHTML-Print - Second Edition, R, Nov 2010 - XHTML-Print, R, Sep 2006

XHTML5 The XHTML syntaxfor HTML5, the newversion of HTML

- HTML5. A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML,R, Oct 2014

RELATED DRAFTS:- HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives, WD, Oct2014- HTML5. Differences from HTML4, WD, Sep 2014 - Polyglot Markup: A robust profile of the HTML5 vocabulary , CR,July 2014 - HTML5.1. A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML andXHTML, WD, June 2014

6.3  Metadata  and  Semantic  Web

Metadata  is  necessary  to  manage  the  data  resources  of  the  Web.  The  majority  of  the  standards  developed  by

W3C  for  metadata  support  adding  semantic  metadata  to  the  Web  and  thus  transforming  the  Web  towards

Semantic  Web  .  Table  5  shows  the  languages  important  for  the  Semantic  Web.  The  major  idea  in  the

languages  is  to  standardize  rules  for  adding  semantic  metadata  to  the  Web.  RDF  is  a  general  model  for  the

metadata  describing  Web  resources  (or  resources  in  general).  The  concrete  syntax  of  RDF  is  given  by  XML

and  requires  also  the  XML  namespace  facility.  The  RDF  Schema  language  allows  the  use  of  RDF  to  describe

RDF  vocabularies,  and  especially  to  provide  information  about  the  interpretation  of  the  statements  given  in  an

RDF  data  model.  OWL  is  a  semantic  markup  language  for  publishing  and  sharing  ontologies  on  the  Web.  It  is

derived  from  the  DAML+OIL  ontology  language.  Every  OWL  document  is  also  an  RDF  document.  Markup  rules

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called  GRDDL  enables  declaring  an  XML  document  to  include  RDF  compatible  data.  A  special  query  languagecalled  SPARQL  has  been  developed  for  querying  RDF  data.

Table  5.  XML  Applications  for  Metadata  and  Semantic  WebLanguage Purpose Document, Phase (R, PR, CR, WD), Month, Year

RDF Metadata for Webresources

- RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax, R, Feb 2014- RDF 1.1 Semantics, R, Feb 2014- Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and AbstractSyntax, R, Feb 2004 - RDF Semantics, R, Feb 2004- RDF Primer, R, Feb 2004- RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised), R, Feb 2004- Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and SyntaxSpecification, R, Feb 1999

RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS:- RDF 1.1 Turtle. Terse RDF Triple Language, R, Feb 2014- RDF 1.1 N-Quads. A line-based syntax for RDF datasets, R, Feb 2014- RDF 1.1 N-Triples. A line-based syntax for an RDF graph, R, Feb2014- RDF 1.1 Trig. RDF Dataset Language, R, Feb 2014- RDFa Core 1.1 - Second Edition. Syntax and processing rules forembedding RDF through attributes, R, Aug 2013 - HTML + RDFa 1.1, R, Aug 2013- rdf:PlainLiteral: A Datatype for RDF Plain Literals (Second Edition),R, Dec 2012 - R2RML: RDB to RDF Mapping Language, R, Sep 2012- A Direct Mapping of Relational Data to RDF , R, Sep 2012- RDFa Lite 1.1, R, June 2012- RDF Test Cases, R, Feb 2004

RELATED DRAFTS:- Use Cases and Requirements for Mapping Relational Databases toRDF, WD, June 2010- Representing Content in RDF 1.0, WD, May 2011- HTTP Vocabulary in RDF 1.0, WD, May 2011- Pointer Methods in RDF 1.0, WD, May 2011- RDF Data Access Use Cases and Requirements, WD, March 2005- Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Resource Identiers,CR, Nov 2004

RDF Schema To describe RDFvocabularies

- RDF Schema 1.1, R, Feb. 2014 - RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema, R, Feb2004

OWL Semantic markuplanguage forpublishing andsharing ontologies onthe Web

- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Structural Specification andFunctional-Style Syntax (Second Edition), R, Dec 2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Document Overview (SecondEdition), R, Dec 2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. New Features and Rationale(Second Edition), R, Dec 2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Primer (Second Edition), R, Dec.2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Mapping to RDF Graphs (SecondEdition), R, Dec 2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Profiles (Second Edition), R, Dec2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Direct Semantics (Second Edition),R, Dec 2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Quick Reference Guide (SecondEdition), R, Dec 2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. RDF-Based Semantics (SecondEdition), R, Dec 2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. XML Serialization (Second

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Edition), R, Dec 2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Conformance (Second Edition), R,Dec 2012- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Structural Specification andFunctional-Style Syntax , R, Oct 2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Document Overview, R, Oct 2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. New Features and Rational, R, Nov2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Primer, R, Oct 2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Mapping to RDF Graphs, R, Oct2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Profiles, R, Oct 2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Direct Semantic, R, Oct 2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Quick Reference Guide, R, Oct2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. RDF-Based Semantics, R, Oct 2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. XML Serialization, R, Oct 2009- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. Conformance, R, Oct 2009- OWL Web Ontology Language Overview, R, Feb 2004 - OWL Web Ontology Language Guide, R, Feb 2004- OWL Web Ontology Language Reference, R, Feb 2004- OWL Web Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax, R,Feb 2004

RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS:- Web Ontology Language (OWL) Test Cases, R, Feb 2004- Web Ontology Language (OWL) Use Cases and Requirements, R,Feb. 2004

WebCGM XCF Metadata forWebCGM pictures

- WebCGM 2.1, R, March 2010 (Link errors corrected in August 2010)- WebCGM 2.0, R, Jan 2007

GRDDL Markup for declaringthat an XMLdocument includesRDF compatible data

- Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages(GRDDL), R, Sep 2007- GRDDL Test Cases, R, Sep 2007

SPARQL Query language forRDF

- SPARQL 1.1 Query Language, R, March 2013- SPARQL 1.1 Overview, R, March 2013- SPARQL Query Results XML Format Second Edition, R, March 2013- SPARQL 1.1 Entailment Regimes, R, March 2013- SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol, R, March 2013- SPARQL 1.1 Protocol, R, March 2013- SPARQL 1.1 Service Description, R, March 2013- SPARQL 1.1 Update, R, March 2013- SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query, R, March 2013- SPARQL 1.1 Query Results CSV and TSV Formats, R, March 2013- SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format, R, March 2013- SPARQL Query Language for RDF, R, Jan 2008- SPARQL Protocol for RDF, R, Jan 2008- SPARQL Query Results XML Format, R, Jan 2008

RELATED DRAFTS:- SPARQL New Features and Rationale, WD, July 2009

POWDER Metadata to describegroups of resources

- Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): DescriptionResources, R, Sep 2009- Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): FormalSemantics, R, Sep 2009- Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): Grouping ofResources, R, Sep 2009

RIF Rule ExchangeFormat

- RIF Production Rule Dialect (Second Edition), R, Feb 2013 - RIF Basic Logic Dialect (Second Edition), R, Feb 2013- RIF Core Dialect (Second Edition), R, Feb 2013- RIF RDF and OWL Compatibility (Second Edition), R, Feb 2013

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- RIF Datatypes and Built-Ins 1.0 (Second Edition), R, Feb 2013

- RIF Framework for Logic Dialects (Second Edition), R, Feb 2013

- RIF Production Rule Dialect, R, June 2010

- RIF Basic Logic Dialect, R, June 2010

- RIF Core Dialect, R, June 2010

- RIF RDF and OWL Compatibility, R, June 2010

- RIF Datatypes and Built-Ins 1.0, R, June 2010

- RIF Framework for Logic Dialects, R, June 2010

widget configuration Packaging format

and metadata for


- Packaged Web Apps (Widgets) - Packaging and XML Configuration

(Second Edition), R, Nov 2012

- Widget Packaging and XML Configuration, R, Sep 2011


- XML Digital Signatures for Widgets, R, April 2013

Ontology for Media

Resources 1.0

A core set of

metadata properties

for media resources

- Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 , R, Feb 2012

Role Attribute 1.0 An attribute to

support the role

classification in

XML documents

- Role Attribute 1.0, R, March 2013

PROV A family of

specifications to

represent and

exchage provenance


- PROV-O: The PROV Ontology, R, April 2013

- PROV-N: The Provenance Notation, R, April 2013

- PROV-DM: The PROV Data Model, R, April 2013

- Constraints of the PROV Data Model, R, April 2013

6.4  Web  Communication  and  Services

The  languages  of  Table  6  are  intended  for  Web  communication  and  services.  XML-­Signature  defines  syntax

and  processing  rules  for  XML  digital  signatures.  It  is  intended  to  provide  integrity,  message  authentication  and

signer  authentication  services  for  data,  be  it  located  within  the  XML  that  includes  the  signature  or  elsewhere.

P3P  stands  for  the  Platform  for  Privacy  Preferences  and  it  enables  Web  sites  to  express  their  privacy  practices

in  a  standard  format.  The  XML  Encryption  syntax  defines  a  special  element  called  EncryptedData  to  represent

the  result  of  encryption  in  XML  form.  SOAP  (Simple  Object  Access  Protocol)  is  a  lightweight  XML-­based

protocol  for  exchange  of  information  in  a  decentralized,  distributed  environment.  CC/PP  (Composite

Capabilities/Preference  Profiles)  describes  a  framework  for  specifying  how  client  devices  express  their

capabilities  and  preferences  to  the  server  that  originates  content.  XKMS  is  a  protocol  for  distributing  and

registering  public  keys,  suitable  for  use  in  conjuction  with  XML-­Signature.  The  language  to  define  Web  service

interfaces  and  functionalities  is  called  WSDL.  Another  language  called  SML  (Service  Modeling  Language)  is

intended  for  creating  and  constraining  complex  and  interrelated  IT  services  more  generally.  

Table  6.  XML  Applications  for  Web  Communication  and  ServicesLanguage Purpose Document, Phase (R, PR, CR, WD), Month, Year

XML-Signature Associating digital

objects by digital

signatures in XML


- XML-Signature Syntax and Processing Version 1.1, R, April 2013

- XML Signature Properties, R, April 2013

- XML-Signature Syntax and Processing (Second Edition), R, June


- XML-Signature Syntax and Processing, R, Feb 2002


- XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0, R, Nov 2002

P3P Privacy practices for

Web sites

- The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Specification, R,

April 2002

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XML Encryption Encrypting data andrepresenting theresult in XML

- XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Version 1.1, R, April 2013- XML Encryption Syntax and Processing, R, Dec 2002

RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS:- Decryption Transform for XML Signature, R, Dec 2002

RELATED DRAFTS:- Test Cases for XML Encryption 1.1, WD, Jan 2012

SOAP Protocol - SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer (Second Edition), R, April 2007- SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (Second Edition), R,April 2007- SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts (Second Edition), R, April 2007- SOAP Version 1.2 Specification Assertions and Test Collection(Second Edition), R, April 2007- SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer, R, June 2003- SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework, R, June 2003- SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts, R, June 2003- SOAP Version 1.2 Specification Assertions and Test Collection, R,June 2003

RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS:- SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0, R, Feb 2012 - SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism, R, Jan 2005 - Resource Representation SOAP Header Block, R, Jan 2005

CC/PP A format for how aclient device tells anorigin server aboutits user agent profile

- Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP): Structure andVocabularies, R, Jan 2004

XKMS Protocol fordistributing andregistering publickeys

- XML Key Management Specification (XKMS) Version 2.0, R, June2005 - XML Key Management Specification (XKMS) Bindings, Version 2.0,R, June 2005

WSDL To describe Webservices

- Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 0:Primer, R, June 2007- Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: CoreLanguage, R, June 2007- Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2:Adjuncts, R, March 2007

RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS:- Web Services Transfer (WS-Transfer), R, Dec 2011- Web Services SOAP Assertions (WS-SOAPAssertions), R, Dec 2011- Web Services Event Descriptions (WS-EventDescriptions), R, Dec2011- Web Services Metadata Exchange (WS-MetadataExchange), R, Dec2011- Web Services Fragment (WS-Fragment), R, Dec 2011- Web Services Eventing (WS-Eventing), R, Dec 2011- Web Services Enumeration (WS-Enumeration), R, Dec 2011- Web Services Addressing 1.0 – Metadata, R, Sep 2007- Web Services Policy 1.5 – Framework, R, Sep 2007- Web Services Policy 1.5 – Attachment, R, Sep 2007- Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema, R, Aug 2007- Web Services Addressing 1.0 – Core, R, May 2006 - Web Services Addressing – SOAP Binding, R, May 2006

RELATED DRAFTS:- Web Services Addressing 1.0 – WSDL Binding, CR, May 2006- Web Services Choreography Description Language Version 1.0, CR,Nov 2005- Web Services Choreography Requirements, WD, March 2004

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- WS Choreography Model Overview, WD, March 2004

SML Modeling complex

services and systems

- Service Modeling Language, Version 1.1, R, May 2009

- Service Modeling Language Interchange Format Version 1.1, R, May


About  this  report

The  first  version  of  the  report  was  created  in  November  2000  as  part  of  the  X  Group  activities  at  the  Universityof  Waterloo  in  Canada.  Further  maintenance  took  place  at  the  University  of  Jyväskylä  in  Finland,  except  fromfall  2006  to  fall  2007  at  the  Faculty  of  Information  Studies  of  University  of  Toronto.  The  report  is  updatedirregularily.  

[Introduction  |    XML  |    XML  Accessories  |    XML  Transducers  |    XML  Applications]

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