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Yahoo! Pipes

Munging, Mixing and Mashing

A beginner’s guide to using Yahoo! Pipes by Neil Crosby .

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I <3 Pipes

Easy to use.

Allows output in multiple formats.

Reduces the code I need to write.

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“But Pipes isn’t easy”

It is, once you’re past the initial learning curve.

But that initial curve puts lots of people off.

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Pipes powers my stuff

Following Twitter Conversations.

Making Feverº more useful to me.

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What to talk about?

First, a simple teaser pipe.

Next, munging data together.

Then, filtering data out.

Finally, making new data.

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1. A simple teaser pipe

Grab an RSS feed.

Truncate it.

Output it.

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2. Munging data together

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The Problem

You have a lot of feeds.

You only want one feed.

You want them in chronological order.

You don’t want too many items.

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The Solution

Load the feeds using Pipes.

Sort the feeds.

Truncate the final feed.

Job done.

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3. Filtering Data Out

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The problem

Upcoming provides a list of all events you’ve ever been interested in.

You just want the ones you’ve been to.

You only want the last few.

What to do?

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The solution

Load Upcoming data as XML.

Filter to only keep “attended” events.

Turn Upcoming data into an RSS feed.

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4. Creating new data

Twitter conversations.

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The Problem

People ask questions on twitter that I want to hear the answer to.

The lovely answers are hidden from me.

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The solution

Use twitter search to surface replies to the original question.

Create a feed from this data.

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The Pipe

It’s a big’un.

(and this doesn’t cover all of it)

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Linkies@NeilCrosby everywhere.