  • GIT EXAMINATION Marking Scheme

    Last updated: Feb 2018

    By Aaron Ho (DEM 3, Class of 2020) 1

    GIT Examination Marking Scheme Inadequate Adequate Good Wash Hands

    Introduction (Full name + Role as medical student)

    Checks Identity of the patient

    Gain patient’s permission + flat position (Can be done later)

    Expose patient adequately

    General Inspection: Well, comfortable, not in distress, no IV, no NG, etc

    Hands (Dorsum): Leukonychia, Koilonychia, Clubbing

    Hands (Palmar): Pallor in the crease, Palmar Xanthomata, Palmar erythema, Dupuytren’s contracture,

    Hepatic Flap Arms: Petechiae, Scratch marks, Spider Naevi, Bruising, Muscle wasting

    Dermatitis Herpatiformis, Acanthosis Nigricans

    Eyes: Conjunctival pallor, Jaundice, Xanthomata, Iritis, Kayser-Fleischer ring (Using wooden-lamp)

    Cheeks: Flushing, Enlarged Parotid gland

    Mouth: Fetor Hepaticus, Angular stomatitis, Black lip pigmentation, Ulceration, Leucoplakia, Erythroplakia

    Tongue: Thrush, Glossitis, Macroglossia

    Lymph node: Virchow’s node

    Chest Inspection: Scars, Gynaecomastia, Spider naevi, loss of body hair

    Abdominal Inspection: Good abdominal movement with respiration, no abdominal mass or distension or scars, no visible peristalsis

    Sister Joseph’s node, Caput Medusae, Shingles, Striae

    Umbilical and Flank bruising

    Abdominal Palpation: Superficial and Deep (Fail if didn’t look at patient’s face)

    Liver palpation

    Spleen palpation

    Kidney palpation

    Bladder percussion

    Ascites (Bonus if able to describe shifting dullness and fluid thrill)

    Abdominal Auscultation: Bowel sounds

    Abdominal Auscultation: Abdominal Aortic bruits

    Abdominal Auscultation: Renal bruits

    Summarize coherently

    Logical follow-ups and possible Differentials, if applicable

    Show empathy to patient

    Total Score
