
Piano ^nd Re<^ Oigan

Tunmg and Rq>airii ;

ALBERT B. TONDRA14 S. Broadway Irvincton, N. T.

a Yean E ^erienoe. AU -Blafl

Orders Promptly Attended To

Fkone IBviiigton 9-6017


WiUBe ’

CLO SEDTuesday & Wednesday

-Sept. 28 and/29

P erm a n en t A nti-F reeze$095 per5 0 J

£ i gallonLet us prepare your car now with a thorough inspec-

Your Choice of Brands

tion of radiator and hoses. Thermostats and Hoses for All Cars


D avidsonsPhone 1191

S e rv ic eMaigaretville

W eek en d M eat SpeciaJsHome-Made American and Italian Sweet and

Hot Sausages

ALL THE BEST IN FRESH MEATSShort C at W estern Steer ____


“ ^ 6 9 cGenoliie Spring

LEG LAMBGenuine SprlnK ,

SHOlSbER OF LAMB 5 cBraunschweiger Liverwurst Thuringer Bloodwurst

All Kinds of Fresh Cold Cuts

W ag n e r’s M eat M ark e tMain S treet Phone 16S1 MargaretviUe, N. Y.

G E T Y f o r W IN TER215-lb. ASPHALT STRIP SHINGLES . ..sq. $6.90

230-lb. DOUBLE LOCK SHINGLES.__ .sq.$7.80H ie faidD stiy h a s ad v an ced a s p h a lt p rio ea a n d w e m o a t p n t o u r p rio e ft o p O ct. 1. W H Y N O T .O ir r T01SR. „ R O O F N O W ?

5V WHEELIN6 CHANNELDRAIN...... sq. $10.95

2-8x6-9 COMBINATION DOOR............... $17.77,A lum im um S crera iing

ZONOUTE............................... 4 cu. ft. bag $1.35

Full Thick ROCKWOOL BATTS......... .sq. ft. 754c

GLASS WOOL BLANKET..................... .sq.ft.6c

-----^LUMBER VALUES-----^ 1 0 CLEAR CEDAR OAK FLOOR, ft. 26c1x6 NOVELTY BARN SIDING............. bd. ft. 15c

FIR PLYWOOD, AD....................... .sq. ft. 13c3/4" FIR PLYWOOD, AD............. ........ .sq. ft. 30c^8” PLYSCORE UNDERLAY................ .sq. ft. 21c

Briggs Lumber CompanyK ( ) M U K \ . I ' l K IN I

v\ liiMC (^'u io:ul '^a\C'' Inr oi.

David Jenkins of Vega was a guest on Monday of his aunt, Mrs. Irene Terns.

Mr and Mrs. Alton Weiss and chUdren spent the weekend in N orth Tonawanda, N. Y.

Miss Charlotte Sanford left Saturday to visit friends a t Bridgewater and Fairfield, Conn.

Mrs, Elizabeth Seamen of Fort Lee, N. J., visited her cousin, Miss Charlotte Sanford, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. A rthur L. Kelly returned Sunday after spending a week camping on Otsego lake.

Mr. and Mrs. H arry Funari spent the weekend with the Ed­win Newman family a t Croton- on-the-Hudson.

left and


LO C A L A N D PE R SO N A LMrs. William C. Glass of Cape

May, N. J., and Key West, Fla., is visiting Mrs. Emery H. Komlos. los.



Mrs. Caroline Stephens Monday to visit her son daughter-in-law, Mr. and OrviUe Stephens, Albany.

Mrs. Mary Simmons of Tea- neck, N. J., has returned home after spending five weeks in the Catskills visiting relatives.

M r and Mrs. Howard Guthrie of New York spent over Sunday a t the Methodist parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Crabb.*

Bom Sunday, Sep. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barringer of Jamestown, a daughter. The young lady arrived on her father’s birthday.

Dr. Donald S. Gibbs and Dr. William Kavanaugh' attended an instructor’s meeting on Civil De­fense a t Sidney the la tte r part of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M artin of Glen Cove, L. I., were weekend E^uests of his mother, Mrs.. Delia Martin, and his sister, Miss Wiir- ena Martin.

Mrs. Irene Terns entered New York hospital to be a pa­tien t from Wednesday to Monday. H arry Wecksler drove her there on Wednesday.

Jack Henderson returned last Thursday to the Kingsbridge Veterans’ hospital, Bronx, after spending 30 days with relatives and friends in M aigaretville.

Miss M arjorie Banuat, PN, of the MargaretviUe hospital staff spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An­thony Benuat, Bovina Center.

Rev. eind Mrs. J. Earl Naegele had as ^ e s ts for a fefw days this week his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Volker,/ and Miss Kathr erine Buckner, of La|isdale, Pa.

' M i« M y i^ W ayinan, w*o has been spending the sommer with her aUnt, Miss E thel Edwards, re­turned on Tuesday to St. John Baptist school in Mendham, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Niles Fairbaim of the DeBruce Conservation camp a t Livingston Manor visited Mar- g^etv ille friends on Saturday. Mr. Fairbaim is caretaker of the camp.

Mrs. Rachael Todd, who has spent several weeks with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Vermilyea, has re- tum ed to the home of her son, Reginald.

Mr. and Mrs. Rowland G. Hill spent Friday to Monday a t Levit- town, L. I., with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Wolff, and daughters, .Candace and Carol.

Mrs. H erbert M. Dawson was a guest of Mrs. Mabel L. Hess in New York from Wednesday to Saturday. Mrs. Hess retum ed with her for the weekend in her MargaretviUe home.

Edward Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stew art, and Mr. Stew art’s mother, Mrs. Raymond Stewart, \of Brooklyn were recent guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mre. Harold Garrison.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton CrandaU \ind son, Carlton W., ,of Sidney spent the weekend with her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. W arren Paine. Joseph Mackey, son-in-law of Sea- ford, L. I., was also a t the Paine home. J

Miss Mary McCadden returned to her home Friday from Marga­retviUe hospital after an absence of nearly four months. Miss Mc­Cadden broke her hip Decoration day. Mrs. James Stoutenburgh wiU be with Miss McCadden.

Miss Ruth R itter, homemaking teacher, took these FHA girls to the Chenango vaUey sta te park on Saturday. Mary Macintosh, Virginia Wolcott, Betty Close, Carol Babcock, Beverly Babcock, Virginia Cutting, Nancy P ra tt and Jackie Eighmey.

Tuesday wiU be the first faU m ieting of the Eastern S tar a t their lodge rooms in the Masonic building.

William J. Snyder of Hunting­ton, L. I., bom and reared in MargaretviUe, is spending the week visiting fom ier ances here.

Mr. and Mrs. James Bayer of KeUy Comers, Mr. cuid Mrs. H arry Funari and Leo George of ArkviUe attended the CobleskiU fair last Wednesday.

’The MargaretvUle Junior Home Bureau. wiU m eet with Mrs. Don­ald Ploutz Wednes4ay a t 8 p. m. Mrs. Francis Sweeney wiU be leader of the first lesson in “uses of milk.”

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moning- ton and chUdren, Amasa Moning- ton and sister, Izetta Atkins, were from Saturday to Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mon- ington a t Damascus, Pa. They attended the Monington reunion on Sunday a t GaUlee, Pa.


By Mrs. Marvin H oilw


By^Mrs. Bobert H raley

ArkvDe, N. Y., Sept. 22Mr. and Mrs. RusseU Cooper

of Pearl River were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Rob­inson.

Mrs. Francis Sweeney and son, Robert, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Gimber, a t New York city for a week.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert CasweU moved recently from New Kings­ton to an apartm ent in the Frank HaU house.

Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Cure'and famUy of Pine HiU and her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver, spent Sunday with their sister and daughter and famUy, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tabor, a t CannonsviUe. Mr. Tabor is iU.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clapp and ^ u g h te r, Caryl Ann, and Dennis Beardsley of Marathon spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Otis W hitney a t their camp in Rider HoUow.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cerquozzi were Friday night supper guests of Mrs. Delia Gray and her sister, Mrs. Mary Zeh.

PFC Robert Haviland, who stationed a t F ort Niagara, is spending a 24-day furlough with bds parents.. Jito . -Joseph J . -Haviland and sons, Robert'^and J(dm, and his wife, Phyllis, attended the fu­neral of Mrs. Haviland’s nephew, who was kiUed in an automobile accident a t Sinnemahonin^, Pa

New Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 21 , Mr. and Mrs. Frank P rd i of

Windsor Lodes, Conn., were week­end guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. Albert PreU and son, Stephen, of South- wick, Mass., were Sunday dinner guests of the Faulkners.

Mrs. Elizabeth Sanford Seamon of Fort Le^, N. J., renewed old acquaintances in the vaUey last

acquaint- week. Mrs. Seamon, the daugh­te r of Frank Sanford, spent her girlhood days on what is now the Robert VanKeuren farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Faulkner and son, Leonard Faulkner, a t­tended the Marks-Leming wed- djpg a t ArkviUe Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rickie have moved to their new home recent­ly purchased of Merwin O’Con­nor.

Carpenters are remodeling and making extensive repairs on the Bruce KeUy property.

Mrs. John Tuttle of Schoharie was a weekend guest of her cousin, Mrs. NelUe Faulkner.

Jimmie Rae is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gray. He is assist­ing with the com cutting.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hosiet are spending the week visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ComeUus O’Boyle, a t Flor­ida, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank DiUy of New York city spent from Wed­nesday until Sunday with her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. F rank Long. Mrs., Long took them back Sun­day, returning Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hoy spent Sunday night visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Faulkner at MargaretviUe.

Mr. and Mrs. RusseU W atters and famfly spent Sun(tey visiting his brother .and, father, M. J. W atters, Bloomingburgh-

die GhmdiesSt. M atB uefs Canndi

Morning prayer and Hbiy Com- unlon next Sunday a t 9:35 a. m.

Sacred H eart CbnrcfaSunday, S ep t 26, masses in

Fleischmanns, 8:45; ArkviUe, 10; Andes. 11:30.

dovesville Bible Baptist ChnrcbSunday school a t 1:45 p. m.;

worship service a t 2:15 p. m.A waj:m welcome awaits every­


Shandaken Methodist dmrcfa Rev. Toombs H. Kay Jr., Pastor

Church school, 9:45 a. m.; wor- slup service, 11 a. m.

Mondays the MYF meets a t 7:30 p. m. in the church hall.

Wednesday evenings, choir prac­tice in the church.

Presbyterian Rev. John E arl Naegele

Pine HiU: 9:30, morning wor­ship, “The Whole Family or God.”

MargaretviUe: 10:30, Sunday school; 11, morning worship and RaUy day.

’The Sacrament of Holy Com­munion wiU be celebrated Sunday, Oct. 3.


only 25'R n t « iy w liw t «* amf pric*. . . c u d Hi»y’r* avcrilabU only wWi A iw ( t r e n g 'i Q m ln r Kiis«. C beoM from u x o llrac- t iv » poM «rii» am i c e te r a . Y e» c e e ’l b e a tQ o o k e r h c b w r n t y e n d l e n g w e o r . R m M m b c r ,

^ b e e u t i f u l m e to l w aste b o tlc e t d e s ig n e d M

e x e c t ly m o td i Q u e k e r Rug> is y e u ra f o r ottf J 5 < w ith die r » 9 Y * '" c h o ice .



9 x 1 2 ft. Size

'I PMatching

Waste Basket Only 2St More

M a r g a re tv iU e F u r n i tu r e S to r ePHONE 1651 FBEE DEUVEBT BCABOABETVH<LE, N. Y.

Onteora School NotesBoiceviUe, Sept. 15.—^The Board

of Education of the Onteora cen­tra l announces an enrollment of 1,064, an increase of 157 over the September enrollment of last year. ’The increase is due partly to the normal population growth and partly to the pupUs of the BearsviUe district in attendance. Enrollment in the Pine HiU school increased from 12 to 18 students.

The tax rates for the districts are per thousand:Woodstock --------------------- $33.15Lexington ---------------------- 20.95Shandaken --------------------- 24.11OUve ---------------------------- 39.28Hurley ---------------------------15.38Marbletown _____________21.45

Ralph Thompson, Pine HiU, col­lector, started coUecting Sept. 15.

Release pupils of the Protestant faith for one hour of religious instruction a week has been ar­ranged. ^

’The former BoiceviUe school- house has been completely reno­vated by the Onteora counsel. Instruction wiU be confined to students in grades 1-3 and the classes wUl begin this Friday.

Religious instruction permit cards have been sent home to par­ents requesting permission from individual parents to attend this instruction.

A spokesman for the board said the school th rift program be­gan ttiis week in cooperation with the Kingston Trust company, Phoenicia branch. A banking day will be held in the school each Tuesday.

By George W. BedeU

OUverea, N. Y., Sept. 22President Pearson appointed a

committee for the annual fire­men’s dinner a t Casimir lodge Oct. 30. There was a discussion re­garding the completion of the fire house. Fire insurance rates are lowered in rural zones. Lower rates are now within three miles of the fire house, not two mUes.

Max Degener left for Long Is­land on Sunday to spend a few days.

Mr. jind Mrs. Kenneth Herd- man have moved from the Aley cottage to ther-^^nisook lodge.

Mr. - and Mrs. George BedeU itad 8<^ Ge<»ge < Alan, and Afr. and Mrs. ^ ch a rd Gavette and chUdren, Jan and Rande, were dinner guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Steinbom.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chisholm attended the sport car races a t W atkins Glen last weekend.

Church of the Nazarene MiirgaretviUe

Pastor, Rev. A. N. Christensen Sunday 'school, 10 a. m.; mom-

ing worship a t 11; NYPS a t 7:3P p. m.; evening worship a t 8.

W eiiesday evening p r a y e r meeting a t 8.

’Thursday evening choir prac­tice a t 8.

Fleischmanns Methodist ParishFleischmanns: RaUy day pro­

gram beginning a t 11 a. m. This wfll be foUowed a t 12 noon by a famUy dinner in the basement of the c h u i^ in which everyone is invited. In conclusion, a movie win be shown.

H{dcott Center: Aftemoon wor­ship a t 2.

Dry Brook: Church school a t 9 a. m.; evening worship a t 8.

MarjjSretvUle M e th o ^ t ParishEugene L. Crabb, ■ Pastor

Sunday, Sept. 26, 9:30 a. m., ArkviUe worship service; 10 a. m., MargaretviUe Sunday school; 11 a. m., RaUy day service a t Mar-

•etviUe; 8 p. m., service of re-‘ lication a t ArkviUe. See news

article in this issue.Wednesday, Sept. 29, Family

night, 7:30 p. m. a t the M argaret- vOle church. The pastor wiU show color pictures taken in Europe this summer. Refresh­ments WiU be served. AU mem­bers and friends of the church are invited.

Pine m i Community C%urch ’The OUverea Mehodist church,

closed during the summer months, wUl again open its doors..

Worship services will be con­ducted every other Sunday, b ^ ginning Sept. 26 untU Nov. 21.

Simday, Sept. 26, w orship^at Big Indian Methodist church, 9:45 a. m. I

Shandaken l^ th o d ist churt*; Chlircfa school, 9:4& Amasa Hard­man, si^ rin ten d en t; w<^sh^, U .

Pine HiU Community church: Worship, 8. r Sermon for aU three churches, “The Way You Influence others.”

Lottie O’Connor Died At Stamford Sunday

Mrs. Lottie A. O’Connor, who was bom in H alcott Center Nov. 22,1882, died Sunday a t the Bath­gate hospital, Stamford. Her funneral was held a t Stamford Wednesday. Interm ent was in the Stamford cemetery.

She was m arried to Homer O’Connor, who died several years ago. Mrs. O’Connor went to Stam­ford in 1941 to make her home with her only son and her daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. 9 ’Connor. The deceased had been a Florida winter visitor for several yeajrs.


FarmaU ________M urray’s H o te l__GulfsStout-CraftThe D o ^ o u se___


11%333%4 4 4



PONDS Angel Skin - 49c

Angel Face - 59c

FALL TONICS Geritol - $2.96

Juvenal - $L98 - Poundex - $2.96


Regular and Nylon

UPJDHNSUnicaps -------------- 94cSuper D Perles...____.95cB Oamplex Capsr.....$3.32

Faulkner’s S to re __Marsico’s Dept. Store

High team singles: Stout-Craft, 888; FarmaU, 875; Essogals, 871. High team triples: FarmaU, 2503; Stout-Craft, 2491; Essogals, 2475.

High individual singles: J . Ley­den, 186; J. Robinson, 186; G. Mc- Cumber, 171; R. Dickman, 170; B. Veit, 166; A. *iyier, 166.

High individual triples: J. Rob­inson, 455; G. McCumber, 449; B. GaUo, 445; J. Leyden, 442; D. Gavette, 4 ^ .


By Mrs. Balph F ^ te r

KeUy Comers, Sept. 20 Miss Kathryn Ackerly and Mrs.

Robert Wynn of ArkviUe and Mrs. Ralph F elter were a t Davenport Tuesday evening attending a ban-

Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Gibbs quet and Rebekah meeting.



S unday , O cto b er 10, 1954KASS INN

Shotguns - Rifles - Bench Rest Running Deer Target


had as overnight guests on Wed­nesday Mr. euid Mrs. J . Norman Fraser of Mackenzie, British Guiana, S. A. The Mackenzies were passing through en route to Montreal, Canada, to visit rela­tives. The famiUes were friends when Dr. and Mrs. Gibbs were in British Guiana. '

Mrs. H. D. Hewitt of Halcott- viUe entertained the Sperling famiUes for dinner Simday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Sperling of Redding, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. William Sperling and daughter, M artha, Robert Sperling, Mr.. and Mrs. Lewis Low, Mrs. Em est V r^enbui^h and daughter, Carolyn, of Delhi.

Mr. and Mrs. John Sprague spent from ’Thursday over the weekend with their son, Clayton, and his wife a t Merrick, L. I.

Social Security Agent Literviewed 14 Monday

Donald Lansdown of the Social Security office a t Oneonta made a bi-weekly visit here on Mon­day. He interviewed 14 people of whom six filed dcums for So­cial Security. The next visit here WiU be a t the Town Clerk's office a t 12:30 on Oct. 4. Many are entitled to this benefits of Social Security w not receive it, says Mr. Lansdown.

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Try Our Special

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In 16% or 20%

D U G A N & TA B ERPhone 0671 MargaretvUle, N. Y.

FOR THE BABYJohnson’s Shampoo —59c (Does not smart the eyes)Diap^ Bags........ . $1.69Evenflo Nipples..3 for 25c

Waterman FountainPen ...................$2.75

Parker “21” .........$5.00Zip Loose Leaf

Cover....$l, $1.50, $2.50Scripto Ball Point— 29cParker “51” Ink.___ 50cPencils............... 2 for 5c

S. M. A....................96cDalactum.................27c'Dextri Maltose..........74cLactum.................... 27c

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