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Page 2: You Can Become A Content Marketing Expert

Content marketers

network like crazy, but

what for?

First of all, relationships

are the crucial part of

content marketing.

Moreover, your name is

becoming more widely-

known and it leads to

the respect and trust.

Social Media


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LinkedIn which is an extremely popular way for building professional

connections with other content marketers, even through them you

can get people, needed to your job. Look at the Neil Patel's profile (the

person, who does not need the be introduced), where he already has

more than 52.000 followers. Just imagine the opportunities!


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Collect all the information, that can be useful, to your opinion, any time in the future. It is a kind of your own library with any type of information, which can inspire you, force to reflect and can be sources of the ideas.

Divide the information you got into two groups: one is for the useful data, sources, statistics and articles and the other - for the inspirationand your personal development, for example, news of the industry.




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Page 6: You Can Become A Content Marketing Expert

It is not about the

repeating after someone,

but is about finding


Gather knowledge from

other people for a piece

of content.

If you do not have idea in

your head - combine it

from the elements

around you!

Watch Others

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"The habit that makes me most effective is watching how a ton

of content in our space performs (via social media, feeds,

blogs, and email) and seeing what works and what doesn't.

That's a powerful process because it trains me to spot patterns

in what resonates vs. doesn't, and it helps me be a better

creator and amplifier.„

Rand Fishkin, (Founder and former CEO of Moz and Co-

Founder of

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Don’t Sink in


If you want to try any new

type of content - make a

test. Do not change

everything in a second to

be in trend!

You need to find out,

whether it is engaging for

YOUR target audience

and worth relevant in your

case or not.

There is no doubt, that you

should monitor the trends

and be innovative, but do

not push on it too much.

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“Video marketing is the next big thing,' they say.

Now replace video with any of the following:

quizzes, infographics, SlideShares, listicles,

flowcharts, podcasts, essays, and so on.

There’s nothing wrong with any of these

content types, but there is something

completely wrong with blindly copying what

your content competitors are doing.”

Anum Hussain (Head of Content at Sidekick)

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Target The


First thing you need to start

with is to nail down your

target market. Than to

establish the quality lead.

Find the places, where the

target audience lives

online. Create a list

consisting of the social

media, forums, blogs, where

the needed people usually


Analyzing the behavior and

interests of your users, you

can find out, what content is

the most valuable for them.

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“One of the best habits any

content marketer should practice

is to constantly look at your

content through the lens of your

readers and ask: Does this

provide value?”

Jory MacKay, the Writer and

Editor for the Crew blog.

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Keep the Pulse

on the Industry

Bring fresh facts,

statistics, topics -

experiment with it!

You need to be innovative

to be faster than the

competitors are, to attract

the attention of the

potential customers.

So, keep the eye on some

resources with the ‘hot

topics’ from the industry.

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When it comes to engagement check the or Alltop, where people

share both the experience and news.

Moreover, visit the events, connected with you sphere. Exhibitions,

presentations - everything, to know what is going on, what ideas are

represented and to listen to other experts’ opinions. Show curiosity and


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Be ambitious to create

not just ‘some stuff for

the website’, but the

best work, no matter

what the topic is.

Today content

marketing is a strategy

to get to the human heart

and brain. To say more,

it is considered as a

form of modern art.

Editor’s Eye,

Journalist’s Ear


Novelists’ Heart

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To create useful content you need well-prepared data, including the information about the customers and leads (here the marketing automation tools help a lot), passion to make a research on the topic and excellent skills of journalist to put all the materials into laconiqueand attractive form, pleasant for eyes and easy for understanding.

“It's only the best and most interesting work that’s going to

make an impression, and that's what we all need to shoot


Sam Slaughter (VP of Content at Contently)

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Creation of the brilliant content is only a half of the work. Every content marketer should be an expert editor.

While editing the content put attention on details and elements, that attract the visitor’s view immediately.

It is necessary to be familiar with the SEO to make the content more visible and available for the larger audience.

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If you have idea that makes sense for you -write it down! Maybe not now, but in an hour or in two days it will turn into a huge plan.

Give the idea a chancestarting from writing it down in your notebook or laptop.

Writing down the content strategy, producing a variety of engaging content for customers will be easier.




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“I learned how to cook up a story in the hectic,

short-order kitchen of news journalism, but for me

inspiration usually needs more time to marinate.

So I’ve learned how to sneak in a moment or two

of reflection while on a run. While my conscious

mind takes a break from that new project, my

subconscious keeps working at it, simmering until

inspiration finally boils over.”

Steve Wiens (Managing Editor of Microsoft


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Learn From


Monitor the comments, feedbacks and analyze itto find out what problems, desires and suggestions the audience have.

In this manner, content marketers can gain insight into what type of content people like.

The readers will see, that you respect and appreciate their time and attention and you do care about their satisfaction.

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“While your job is to ensure that your voice gets heard by others, the most effective habit you can build is actively listening to your audience.”

Alex Turnbull (Founder and CEO of Groove)

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