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Page 1: You would not believe!





Page 2: You would not believe!
Page 3: You would not believe!
Page 4: You would not believe!



We dedicate this book to the students in 4 Green 2014.

You were an amzing class to teach and I thank you for

every memory you have given me

Don’t ever change,

Remember, there’s nothing you can’t do!

YYour stores are amazing. Keep telling them and

you’ll change the world.

Page 5: You would not believe!

Written by the students

of 4 Green 2014

Illustrated by Mr Hull

Page 6: You would not believe!

4 GREEN “The Truth”

Six words. “You won’t believe what happened today.”

It’s a common phrase that is said everyday in our

classroom. It’s not our fault, we’re not lying, even though

sometimes it may seem like we are. Our classroom is an

interesting one. We often find ourselves in all sorts of


Some say the room we call 4 Green is cursed by the evil

old school cleaner who hated children; like the time our

air conditioner froze half the class solid and we needed

to use hair dryers to turn them back to normal. Or the

time the tables and chairs had a fight with the floor and

stuck themselves to the roof for a whole week and we

had sit on the ground while they worked out their


At the end of the day we don’t think we’re cursed, in fact,

we think we’re lucky. Our class is amazing and some of

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the adventures we go on you would think are lies. There

is one thing you need to know though. Our teacher Mr

Hull has a secret! He is the best teacher in the world but

being that good comes with a price. When Mr Hull

becomes too awesome he transforms into something

amazingly awesome but you have to see it to believe it!

We keep his secret safe so he can stay our teacher.

This is our book, a book of stories of events that actually

happened to a class of 21 students in 2014. We have

written our stories down in case one day our adventure

becomes our last. Believe what you want; the following

stories are true; fact, not fiction. You just need to believe.

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“Windy Day”

You won’t believe what happened to me today.

Let me set the scene, this year is the best year of my life. I

have the best teacher in the world. Mr Hull is awesome. We

call him Mr Hulk because he is tall, has big muscles and looks

like the Hulk; not because he gets angry and green, in fact I

don’t think I’ve ever seen him get angry, but this is all part of

his secret. He is hilarious and if we work hard he showers us

with Mentos and lets us play sport on a Friday afternoon.

I also have the smallest class in the whole school, only 21 kids.

Mr Hulk always says it’s an honour to teach us and we’re the

best class in the school. In class, I sit next to the funniest boy in

the whole school. Cooper is trying to give Mr Hulk a humour

test when the rest of the class is doing the math mentals he has

put on the board. I can hear Mr Hulk laughing. When I finish

the mentals I do my Sound Waves page, it isn’t very

interesting but Mr Hulk says the boring stuff is usually the stuff

that is most important. Lucky for us Mr Hulk makes the boring

stuff fun. One thing you might not know about me is that I’m

super smart! I’m almost finished everything Mr Hulk has asked

me to do. At this rate I’ll get free time for the rest of the term!

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The bell goes and Mr Hulk tells us to get ready for sport. Mr

Slypen has us for PE; he’s our sport teacher. I think Mr Slypen

is a cool teacher too; it’s just sometimes he does strange things.

Mr Slypen loves soccer and also loves showing off his muscles.

He likes to flex them and try to rip through his sleeves. He

always says, “Look at my guns.” This is pretty funny because

his arms aren’t that big and they don’t look like guns. Mr

Slypen also boasts he can do 500 push-ups! I’d like to see that.

We set up T-Ball and Mr Slypen is first up to the base he puts

the bat across his back and grabs it with his arms, he pretends

to stretch; I hope he doesn’t hurt himself. Hit smacks the ball

hard and says he will send it over the fence. It flies high and

gets stuck in a tree. He turns to me and says ‘Bet you can’t get

it down.” I roll my eyes and run to get the ball. It’s really

windy on the oval and the tree sways as I climb it! “Don’t fall

out!” yells Mr Slypen. I take a moment to look around. I can

see a small tornado coming towards the school. I pocket the

ball and scream to Mr Slypen to look out but he is posing in

the reflection of the classroom window of the Regina Arts

Centre and is taking selfies saying, “You can’t resist me!” The

girls are mimicking his poses. Fletcher is making funny faces to

the boys and the wind changes, he starts to freak out when he

realises his face is stuck looking like a pig. No one knows the

danger that is coming towards them!

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I turn back and almost fall out of the tree when the tornado

smashes through the fence of the oval. It head right for my

class. The Regina Arts Centre lifts from the ground and my

class duck for cover. Mr Slypen looks up and screams like a

girl as the Regina Arts Centre comes down on him. The

windows smash as his scream echoes through the school. All of

the class run over and try their best to lift the building of Mr

Slypen, but it just won’t move. Hannah runs to the office to get


I jump down from the tree and see Mr Hull and Hannah

running from the office. I can hear the lockdown alarm ringing.

At least everyone will be safe. Mr Hull tells the class to get

out of the way. He lines up the Regina Arts Centre and takes

a deep breath. He squats down and lifts up the building. I

watch as his muscles bulge bigger from lifting up the building.

Adelaide and Emma pull Mr Slypen to safety. I yell to Mr Hull

and point to the tornado. He turns just in time to catch a chair

flying out of the tornado. I can see he has ripped his sleeves

with his giant arms saving Mr Slypen. Mr Slypen won’t be

impressed. Mr Hull turns to me chair still in his hand. “Joe! I’m

strong, but I’m not fast enough to stop the tornado!” I can see

his strong muscles, Mr Hull is big but that makes him slower,

he’s not built for running. I look at the tornado, and then back

to my class. Mr Slypen looks like he’s about to faint. “My

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guns, my beautiful guns” he says to himself. Emma and

Adelaide are fanning him to keep him calm. Thea and Abbey

look at me. “Joe!” they scream. “We have calculated you will

need to run at 500km per hour to stop the tornado!” I look

back at the tornado as it moves closer to me. I know what I

have to do.

Mr Hull puts his hand on my shoulder. “You can do it mate.”

He says, “Just believe in yourself.” I get into starting position

and run. I run the opposite direction to the tornado’s spin. At

first I have to work hard not to be sucked in. I eventually end

up running so fast that my feet are burning and the soles of my

shoes burn off. I can feel my head pounding as I run faster

and faster. Everything is a blur. The fake grass under my feet

starts to melt. I can feel the tornado slowing and losing force.

My shirt burns of with my socks and the rest of my shoes. I

hope my pants stay together!

The tornado suddenly explodes and disappears; it sends a

shockwave through the school smashing all of the windows. I

am relieved but then realise I can’t stop running. I just keep

going in circles until BAM! I run into something that knocks the

wind out of me. I open my eyes and realise Mr Hull has

caught me. I fall backwards exhausted. Mr Hull hovers over

me “You alright mate!” he asks. “Yeah I say. I even got the

ball, play on.” The whole class laughs.

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ADELAIDE “The Pencil Thief”

You won’t believe what happened today.

It all started when I was walking to the classroom with Emma

and we were laughing at a funny joke that Cooper had told

us. We walked into the classroom and something seemed

strange. I looked around carefully but I couldn’t work out what

was wrong. Mr Hull came in and started writing on the

whiteboard. I handed out everyone’s books and got out my

ruler and red pen to rule a margin in my book. I then opened

my desk and went to get out my pencil. I looked in my desk

and then opened my pencil case but I couldn’t find a pencil

anywhere. Emma tapped me on the shoulder and whispered

in my ear “Adelaide, can I borrow a pencil? Mine is missing!”

I whispered back “Mine is missing too!” The next thing I knew,

the whole class was looking everywhere for their pencils.

Mr Hull settled us down and made us all come to the floor.

We were all panicking, where could the pencils have gone?

This was worse than the time our books went on strike and

refused to open for a week!” Mr Hull looked upset. Bella was

patting him on the head trying to calm him down. She was

trying to stop his secret from taking over. We wrote a list on

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the board of all of the places that the pencils could have

vanished to. We rang all of the classrooms and asked if their

pencils had disappeared too but we were the only class who

were pencil-less.

We all went back to our desks and were about to give up

when I saw a pencil with legs run across Mr Hull’s desk. I

rubbed my eyes to make sure I was really seeing a pencil with

legs. When I looked again I gasped. There were lots of

pencils all lined up wearing army helmets and holding erasers

as shields. One of the tallest pencils started yelling, “We will

no longer be used by you horrible children!” “Our king

Smiggle, the royal sharpener has said it is time we fight!”

Hundreds and hundreds of pencils suddenly lined up on Mr

Hull’s desk. He walked over and picked them up. The pencils

screamed and started to bit his hand. Mr Hull yelled and

dropped the pencils. The bounced on the ground. Suddenly

the ground started to shake. All of the pencils started to join

together and make a giant pencil robot. It was as tall as the

roof and almost bigger than the hulk.

We all ran to the corner of the classroom. There was nothing

we could do. We thought we were goners when something

amazing happened. This was the first time ever that we saw

Mr ‘hull’s secret. Mr Hull fell forward then bang! He turned

green and his clothes started to rip. He grew bigger and

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bigger then he was gone. In front of us was the Hulk. The

pencil robot charged at Mr Hulk and he charged back. They

fought for what seemed like hours before Mr Hull finally

crushed the remaining pencil. He punched a whole in the wall

and found the royal sharpener.

Mr Hulk picked it up and crushed it. We were safe! We all

gave Mr Hull a high five and he slowly turned back to normal.

We all laughed loudly when we found out what Mr Hull was

wearing. But that’s a story for another time.

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EMMA “Crazy Art”

You won’t believe what happened today.

It was our weekly art lesson. Mr Hull was away saving the

world and Mrs Field our art teacher was helping us paint. We

were painting our favourite things on canvases. I decided to

paint Mr Hull, but I just couldn’t his colour right. Mrs Field told

us that she was going downstairs to go and get some more

paint. She said to make sure we were doing the right thing

while she was gone and not to make a mess.

When I was painting the paint wasn’t listening to me.

Wherever I put it on my canvas it would move and try to

escape. I thought I was going crazy! Suddenly the paint colours

ran into each other and there was an explosion of colour all

over the classroom.

I was very worried now because the whole room was covered

in paint. I didn’t know where to start but I needed to find an

idea quick. Chelsea wiped some blue paint off her face. “I

think you need to tell Mrs Field what happened.” She said.

“No!” said Bella “We can pretend someone else did it.”

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Adelaide stood up from her desk and wiped green paint out

of her hair. “We need to work as a team to clean this mess

up.” She said. “How?” I asked. There was paint everywhere.

Joe went over to the sink and started to wash his hands with

Mr Hull’s new cloths. The packet they came out of said SUPER

CLOTHS. When Joe rubbed the paint with the cloth the paint

jumped all over him, screamed and tried to run away and then

jumped onto the bench. Suddenly I had an idea.

I ran to the sink and grabbed a cloth. I rubbed it on

Adelaide’s hands. The paint on her screamed and ran away.

“We need to get the paint back into the tubes it came from.” I

said. “We can use these magic cloths!” Everyone grabbed a

cloth and lined up in a row. The paint around the room moved

into a big blob of colour. It changed into a face and started

to talk. “You can’t get rid of us.” It said.

We ran at the paint with our cloths but it started to fight back.

It turned into a giant hand and tried to squish us. Jonah

screamed loudly “MONSTER!” He ran and hid under his desk. I

hit it with my cloth and it yelled in pain. The boys tried to

jump on it and stick it to the floor while the girls rubbed it with

their cloths. Slowly the paint was disappearing. I looked

around the room, it was still a mess. Then, things started to go


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The paint started turning in to paint version of us. Everyone

was being beaten by themselves! My paint person poked its

tongue at me. I poked mine back and tackled it with my cloth.

Their paint people stuck all of the boys to the ground. We

were losing. Then, Mr Hull walked in. He looked around the

room and saw all of the mess. He looked at the paint people

and they looked at him. Suddenly, the paint all moved into

the middle of the room and turned into Mr Hull. The real Mr

Hull didn’t look happy. His paint person smiled then turned

into the hulk. Mr Hull grabbed the cloth I was holding and

charged at his paint person and it exploded all over the wall.

“Mr Hull!” I yelled “We need to get the paint on the canvas!”

It will get stuck there!” He smiled at me and I knew just what

to do.

I ran to the back of the room and picked up our class canvas. I

held it up just in time to see the paint Mr Hull come back

together. The real Mr Hull charged at it again and when they

collided the paint Mr Hull flew at me and into the canvas. I

heard a big splat and then nothing. I turned the canvas

around. On it was a beautiful picture of the hulk. I turned to

Mr Hull and gasped. He was green! Some of the paint had

got stuck to him. Everyone hopped up and dusted themselves

off. They picked up the tables and chairs and sat down

quietly. Mr Hull tried to rub the green paint off but it just

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won’t come off. I couldn’t help but laugh. People always call

him the hulk and now he really was green! Mrs Field came

back into the classroom. When Mr Hull turned around she

screamed and dropped the paint she was holding. It bounced

out of the tubes and onto the floor. I jumped up quickly and

placed my cloth on it. “We don’t want to make a mess,” I said

with a smile. The whole class and Mr Hull laughed.

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JONAH “The Big Suck”

You won’t believe what happened today.

It all started at first break when the groundsman’s (Mr

Thompson’s) leaf blower went crazy. Our school is interesting

because we have a groundsman but don’t actually have any

real grass! It’s fake, always green, but fake! In summer the

grass sometimes gets so hot it begins to melt and get stuck to

your shoes. But Mr Thompson is a good groundsman; he’s

always cleaning up after students, getting balls of the roof,

unblocking the toilets and picking up mushed sandwiches out of

the bushes.

On this particular day, Mr Thompson was cleaning up

Mackillop Place where all the students wait before going back

to class. He turned his blower on to blow away all the leaves

in Mackillop place but tripped and broke the blower’s switch.

In his hand, was a red piece of plastic broken in half! He

looked up with a look of horror on his face. The blower was

stuck on suck instead of blow! He tried to turn the blower off

but it looked like it had a mind of its own. As Mr Thompson got

back up the leaf blower started to go crazy. It started moving

quickly; he chased it towards the grade three students who

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were walking to their classroom. Miss Moyle jumped out of the

way and screamed. Her class jumped and turned just in time

to see the blower charge towards them. It angrily sucked the

entire grade three’s clothes off except for their underpants.

The bag at the back of the blower filled up a little bit like a

balloon. They screamed in horror as they stood in a sea of

unicorn and superhero themed underwear. I quietly giggled to


The rest of the school started pointing and laughing at the

grade threes who Miss Moyle was trying to calm down. The

blower jumped up and down and spat out a shoe then turned

and sucked off the grade five’s clothes. In the blink of an eye

their clothes were gone. The unicorns and superhero

underwear was now joined by lots of pink and blues, even

some green! Everyone stood in silence because they were so

shocked! I was secretly laughing inside; it was so funny!

Mr Thompson tried to catch the blower but it kept going. Mrs

Egan from the office was running around trying to calm

everyone down. Now children everywhere were running and

screaming like crazy chickens. I could see the Blower running

out of children to suck clothes from. It turned towards my class

and I suddenly became a little nervous. I had to stop it! I

asked Johnny to help me. He looked at all of the children

running around in their underpants and said yes. So we

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jumped up and ran at the blower. By this time, it had started

to attack the staff! Miss Moyle was trying her hardest to keep

her jumper but the blower tore it in two. Johnny and I ran


Johnny tried to jump on it but face planted on the ground.

Ollie wanted to help and once he saw the blower he punched

it but the blower turned and sucked his clothes off. Oliver’s

superman underwear was hilarious. Johnny got back up and

punched the blower too. It launched at him and stole his

clothes. I couldn’t believe he was wearing cloud underwear it

was so fluffy! I was now laughing so hard I started crying.

The blower charged towards me, I thought I was a goner but

just in time Mr Hull dived in the way to save me. The blower

smashed into him and flew backwards and revved angrily. Mr

Hull grabbed the blower with his giant fists. He smashed it like

the hulk gone made. He grabbed the tube of the blower and

smashed it back and forth into the ground. Just when I thought

Mr Hull was going to beat the blower it took his clothes in one

quick swipe but he just kept going. His muscles are so big the

blower didn’t stand a chance; he was angry, real angry and I

could see his veins pumping. Mr Hull slammed the blower into

the ground and it broke in two. It puffed a bit then finally

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exploded showering the school in clothes and uniforms. He then

jumped on it and it crushed into a million pieces.

The whole school was watching the big fight and cheered in

their underpants. Mr Hull stood up and pumped his fists into

the air in celebration. We all begin to laugh because he was

wearing love heart underpants! He turned around to pick up

his shorts that had landed on the bush behind him, and then it

got really funny! His love heart underpants were split up the

back and we could see his bare bottom. Mr Hull realised what

is wrong and went red in the face. He ran into the staffroom

to hide. It was so funny I thought I was going to wet my


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GRACE “Evil Pancake”

You won’t believe what happened today.

I was a little late to school because last night I stayed up

playing with my next-door neighbour fighting ghosts that haunt

the dreams of sleeping children. When I woke up I realised

school had already started! As I walked into the classroom Mr

Hull was making pancakes on our brand new stove we had

one when we entered a television game show. Mr Hull was

wearing a pink apron with flowers and cupcakes on it. I

thought to myself that it would go perfectly with his love heart

underpants. I quickly sat with my friends. “Mmmm pancakes, I

love pancakes!” I wanted to ask if I could help make them and

secretly have a taste of the mixture. But when I had the chance

to talk, Mr Hull bellowed out in his biggest Hulk like voice ‘’I’m

missing an ingredient!’’ And a tear rolled down his cheek.

Everyone jumped up in shock! “No! We can’t be missing an

ingredient!” I screamed. Everyone fell silent and Mr Hull told

us that he was missing pans for his pancakes! The class started

to go crazy! This was a disaster. As we ran around the room

we didn’t notice the smoke filling the air. We heard a big

WHOOSH! We all stopped and turned around to see what

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the noise was, but nothing was there, so we started running

again. WHOOSH! The sound happened again and this time

we realised that the stove was on fire and more importantly

the pancakes were on fire! Mr Hull ran over to the stove and

tried to blow it out. But the fire still blazed. I got the fire

extinguisher and aimed it at the fire. “I’m sorry pancakes!” I

screamed; then I pulled the trigger. After about 10 seconds

the whole classroom was covered in fire extinguisher foam.

When we thought everything was lost. Mr Hull held the only

pancake he had managed to bake. It was golden and fluffy

and smelt delicious. The whole class stared at it. The boys

were beginning to dribble. Mr Hull placed it down on the

table in front of him. Just as he was about to cut it up to share

with the class, the pancake stood up! It popped out two little

arms and two little legs. I looked at its face, it didn’t look


The pancake climbed up Mr Hull’s giant arm and pinched him

on the nose! “You were going to eat me you big meanie!” The

pancake jumped down and ran out the door. The whole class

was shocked. Mr Hull told us we had to catch the pancake

because if we cause any more trouble Mr O’Sullivan might

burst! After the broken playgrounds, our broken doorway, Mr

Hull’s many transformations and the tornado on the oval, I think

Mr Hull is correct.

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We grabbed our hats and ran down the stairs. We followed

the sweet smell of that golden pancake. As we ran outside we

lost the smell. But I saw lots of birds heading to the oval and

knew just what they were chasing. I yelled at the class to

follow me and we headed to the oval. When we arrived we

saw the pancake fighting off all of the birds. I ran for it but

as I got closer it jumped on a bird and flew away. We

watched it fly high into the sky then suddenly turn the bird

around and bomb dive us. As it flew over our heads the

pancake screamed “Bombs Away!” Poo, lots of bird poo flew

towards us. Mr Hull jumped in the way and shielded us from

the poo with his giant back. We heard the poo splat all over

him “Damn you big giant man creature!” the pancake yelled at

Mr Hull. Mr Hull was really angry and without thinking picked

up Joe and threw him at the bird. Joe screamed in fright but

managed to grab the bird and crash it into the ground. The

pancake flew over the tennis courts and onto Mr O’Sullivan’s

car. His car alarm started to ring and the pancake started

dancing and wiggling its bottom towards us.

The whole class chased the pancake onto the road. As it

passed through the school gates we all stopped “You can’t get

me know!” it screamed! It ran towards the main road and we

gasped as a car missed it by an inch. It turned around and

poked its tongue out at us. Mr Hull was now so angry he

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looked like he was going green. Just as he was about to go

crazy a 3 year old in a pram being pushed by her mum

passed by the pancake. She picked it up and put it in her

mouth. The pancake screamed as the baby chewed on its

face. We watched in horror, as the pancake was viciously

ripped apart. We turned and walked back to our class. “I’m

so hungry.” I said sadly.

Suddenly Mr Hull turned back to normal. Let’s make Burritos!”

He yelled happily! “With extra cheese!” I yelled in return.

The whole class cheered in happiness.

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Emily “The Big Bang”

You won’t believe what happened today.

It all started on the day of the science competition in our

classroom. I was putting the finishing touches on the giant

volcano I had made with Ramsey. As I looked around the

room I thought that I was definitely in with a chance of winning.

Joe and Johnny had tried to build a time machine but all it

had managed to do was spark a lot. Mr Hull was putting out

a fire they had started by blowing it out. Chelsea and Abbey

were trying to get Kiara down from the roof after the jetpack

they made had gone crazy. I looked at Ramsey as he finished

painting on the fake lava. The volcano was beautiful!

Mr Hull made everyone quiet and stood in front of the class.

He was still a little bit green after Emma’s art explosion last

week. He had tried washing off the paint. But it was hard to

get rid of. He told us that each group would present their

creation to the class and we would all vote on the best one.

Adelaide and Bella were first. They had created an

underwear-making machine. Emma helped them by putting

some materials in the machine. Bella turned it on and then

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bag! It started making underwear. We all started laughing

when it created a brand new pair of love heart underpants

for Mr Hull.

The class voted and handed in their sheets. Next up was my

group. Mr Hull read our names from the list he was holding

“Emily and Ramsey, you’re up!” Ramsey carried our volcano up

to the front of the class and put in on the desk. I put on my lab

coat and glasses and began pouring in the chemicals to make

the volcano spurt out fake lava. I poured in the chemicals and

accidently slipped. The whole bottle I was pouring dropped

into the volcano. The floor shook and everyone went silent.

Mr Hull stood up and yelled at everyone to move behind him.

The volcano jumped up and down and then BOOM! It

exploded everywhere. The problem was, the lava coming out

of the volcano was real! Mr Hull picked up the desk closest to

him and threw it at my beautiful volcano. A giant ball of lava

hit the desk and it was burned before it hit the volcano. We

all started running out of the classroom and hid. Mr Hull

looked at me. “How do we stop it? He asked. I thought

carefully and them had a brilliant idea.

I took out the magical potion Ramsey and I had been working

on and splashed it on Mr Hull. At first nothing happened. Hut

then, Mr Hull seemed to be growing bigger. His shirt ripped

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and his arms and legs got bigger. He looked at me and I

smiled. “I changed you into the hulk, the invincible hulk.” I said.

The Lava can’t hurt you!

By now the whole classroom was on fire. The volcano was still

shooting out lava and now it was destroying the school. Mr

Hulk ran into the classroom and grabbed the volcano. He then

did the only thing that could be done; he sat on it. The

volcano was crushed and suddenly the lava started to go

hard. Suddenly, Mr Hulk fell into the lava and disappeared.

We all ran inside and realised Mr Hull has been frozen into a

giant Hulk statue. The class started to panic but I had one

idea left. I grabbed Johnny and Joe’s time machine and fixed

up the wiring. I turned it on and bang! The classroom was

back to normal.

Emily and Ramsey, you’re up!” said Mr Hull. “Does your

volcano work!?” Asked Kiara who had managed to land on the

ground again. “Sometimes a little too well.” I laughed. Mr Hull

smiled. It was like he knew what had happened.

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CIARÁN “Thirst Quencher”

You won’t believe what happened to me today.

I was sitting in my chair doing boring religion. It was 40

degrees and the fans were malfunctioning because they were

over used and the air conditioner was jammed after last

week’s book incident. My best mate Fletcher had been

handing out the History books. He was standing at Oliver’s

desk and went to throw Emily’s book to her and missed. The

book flew up and jammed in the air conditioner because it

was angry it had been thrown.

I was so thirsty. I saw my Canberra Raiders water bottle on

my desk. I took a quick sip and put it back. I was boiling hot

and red in the face. I decided to take another drink and put it

down. Mr Hull looked at me and said “You’ll burst if you drink

anymore water mate.” I smiled at him, “I love water I can

never get enough of it.” I said when suddenly my water bottle

tipped over and started to leak all over the classroom. I tried

my best to stop the leak, but for some reason the water just

kept flowing out of my water bottle. The water was very cold

and people’s legs were beginning to freeze. Within five

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minutes the water was 1 metre high. I looked at Mr Hull in

disbelief. “How can we stop it?” he asked.

The class started to panic, Mr Hull tried to open the door but it

had rusted shut because of the water. He ran to the window

but it was sealed shut too. I look around the room and spotted

a metal shovel in the corner of my eye. I quickly swam to the

door without thinking I grabbed the shovel and dug a hole into

the floor. Suddenly, I remembered that the year 6/7 class

was below. The floor cracked and the class, water, chairs and

desks all came crashing down into the classroom below. Now

two classes were stuck. The water was getting higher and Mr

Beiers looked like he was about to lose it. He yelled “Ciarán!

What have you done!?” I saw the shovel again and said

“don’t worry Mr Beiers, I’ll dig us out and we’ll be fine!” I

started digging, the floor trembled beneath us and cracked

again. The floor broke and we fell into the year 4 Blue

classroom below.

Falling from the sky I spotted my drink bottle. The water was

now 2 metres high and we all started to tread water. The

door and windows were stuck, how were we going to survive?

I didn’t want to drown! I dug another hole knowing there was

nothing below us, but there was no use, we were going to

drown. Suddenly I had an idea! “Drink” I screamed! Mr

Beiers agreed and dived into the water and started drinking.

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His class followed him and drank and drank and drank. Soon

the 4 Blue class joined in. The water level slowly started to go

down. 4 Green took the safe option and stood on the pile of

desks and watched the other classes drink. We noticed

something strange about them as the water goes down.

Everyone’s bellies seemed to look rounder. Kyan was gulping

down water and his uniform didn’t look lose any more in fact,

his buttons were straining and his face looked fuller. I noticed

that all the boys’ buttons started popping off their shirts.

“Look what you did to us Ciarán!” Yelled Kyan. His voice was

lower and his cheeks were so full. Soon all of the water was

almost gone but none of the other students could move they’d

all become too big! For some reason the water had caused

everyone to turn into big, fat, blobs! I didn’t even recognise

any of the students from year 6/7. Mr Beiers was huge he

looked at me and yelled “Detention! Detention for the rest of

the year!” All of the students rolled onto their backs unable to

move. I immediately saw a problem.

My water bottle was still gushing out water and the room was

starting to fill up again. If anyone drank anymore they might

have burst! I looked at all the damage, suddenly I had an

idea; I didn’t like it but it had to be done. I got Mr Hull to Hulk

charge at the door of Coolock. He launched at it and smashed

it down. Then I did it. I put the water bottle in my mouth and

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ran to the oval. I felt the water rush inside of me; it quickly

filled up my stomach. I felt fuller, and then I started to feel

odd. My arms started to get fatter and heavier, then my legs.

I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. My clothes

started to feel tight, real tight. I pushed through the

doorframe, almost unable to fit through.

My face was getting fatter and the water bottle didn’t feel

like it was stopping. My stomach got fatter and rounder and

burst through my clothes. My pants were so tight until I felt my

inflating bottom rip through them. I fell backwards because

my belly was so heavy, I tried to get up but even as I stood

my belly and bottom touched the floor. I suddenly became

nervous, what if I never turned back to normal. I panicked and

tried to take the water bottle out of my mouth but I am now so

fat and round my arms couldn’t reach my face. This was worse

than when Violet turned into a blueberry in Charlie and the

Chocolate Factory!

Time went so quickly, with each second I became bigger and

bigger. I could no longer move. I almost didn’t feel the water

bottle stop gushing water. My belly was now so big it was as

high as the church and my body took up the whole oval. I

could hear people calling my name but I couldn’t move.

Apparently everyone had turned back to normal after a long

time spent in the bathroom. I didn’t know where they’re going

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to find a toilet big enough for me… But at least I was not

going to be thirsty for a while and I can tell you one thing I

never want a drink of water again.

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Page 44: You would not believe!

BELLA “Crazy Little Chicken”

You won’t believe what happened today.

I couldn’t sleep all of last night because today was bring your

pet to school day and I bought my little tiny, cute chicken to

school. I was so excited! Everybody saw my chicken and kept

saying “it is so cute!” My chicken’s name is Peacock; she is

dark yellow with black dots. Her feathers feel warm and soft

and remind me of clouds.

In the morning after the bell rang, I took the box with peacock

in it and went to my classroom. I ran in and put peacock under

my desk and told her she needed to be quiet. She looked at

me but I didn’t know what she wanted to say because she is a

chicken. Mr Hull was talking about all of the hard we needed

to do. He is a giant with sharp hair and big muscles, big feet

and a kind face. I think he is funny. I took peacock out of the

box and showed her to Mr Hull. Mr Hull looked at peacock.

His giant smile scared her and she flapped her wings and

screamed. She got out of my hands and started to go crazy.

Peacock started flying up and down and swooping the boys.

She flied through the windows and began running around on

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the floor. She jumped up onto Mr Hull’s desk and started

eating all of the Mentos Candy he gives us as prizes. There

were feathers everywhere.

Mr Slypen was on the oval showing off his muscles to the year

2 class by picking up heavy things. Peacock flew down and

landed on his arm and yelled before she pooed all over him.

Mr Slypen was upset and threw Peacock across the oval. He

began to cry when he realised there was poo all over his

shoes. Peacock flew across the oval and was about to hit the

fence when Mr Hull jumped up and caught her. Feathers flew

everywhere and she screamed. “Oh no! Not my beautiful

Peacock” I yelled.

Peacock was going crazy and the class was now chasing her

around the oval. Peacock was laying eggs and the class was

trying not to step on them. As the class ran around Mr Hull

jumped really high and smashed his hands into the ground.

The ground exploded and everyone flew into the air. Peacock

flapped her wings and landed on Mr Hull’s head.

Everyone stopped and looked at Peacock. She stood up on his

head and walked around in circles. She sat down and started

using his hair as a nest. She screamed loudly “CHICKEN!” and

then laid an egg. When she was done she hopped off and

walked back into the box under my desk. “So cute” I say as I

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took the egg from Mr Hull’s head. Everyone laughed.

Suddenly the egg hatched and a baby Peacock cheeped

loudly. “So cute!” everyone said.

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Page 48: You would not believe!

RAMSEY “Shark Bait”

You won’t believe what happened today.

We went on a class excursion to the aquarium. As soon as we

got there, all the boys and girls started going crazy because

of all of the sharks swimming around in tanks looking at us like

we were dinner. Mrs Solomon looked at us and yelled “Quiet

down, you are being too loud; you will scare the fish!”

The first thing we saw was the anglerfish exhibit. It was really

cool because it started pitch black in the room. Then suddenly

there were round yellow lights all around us. Attached to those

lights were ugly fish with very sharp teeth and big googly

eyes staring right at you. Ciarán moved up to the glass and

tried to make the same face as the fish. We all started

laughing and gave it a go too. Our teachers said we looked


We all calmed down and were taken to the main tank to see

the dolphins and penguins. When we had all arrived the

dolphins were jumping out of the water and then diving under

trying to race each other to the bottom. The penguins were all

walking along the ice on the floor of their tank. Every now

Page 49: You would not believe!

and then they would jump in the water and splash around.

We watched as one penguin walked up behind another and

smacked him into the water. Suddenly one of the dolphins

jumped out of the water and splashed Mr Hull in the face. The

water smelt a lot like sardines. Mrs Solomon began laughing

loudly and pointed at Mr Hull. The dolphin turned to her and

blasted her with the water from its blowhole. Mr Hull started

laughing. Soon we were all laughing hysterically. Our guide

calmed us down and gave Mr Hull and Mrs Solomon a towel.

Next up was the Sea Slug exhibit.

The sea slugs were in a medium tank. The looked like wet

rocks. Our guide picked one up in his hand and held it out for

all of us to see. The slug didn’t move, it was very boring. I

was talking to Hannah about how the slug looked a little like

dog poo when all of the craziness started. The guide dropped

the slug on the floor by accident. Next thing we knew the slug

was crawling up his leg. The guide jumped up and down and

screamed loudly. He threw the slug at Mrs Solomon and it got

stuck to her face. Mr Hull grabbed the slug and pegged it at

the turtle tank. He threw it so hard it went splat on the glass.

We stood in silence. The guide looked horrified. If only he

could have known what would have happened next, he might

not have gone to work today.

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The tanks wobbled then began to crack. Mrs Solomon

screamed just as the glass gave way. Turtles came bursting

forward on a wave of smelly water. We ran as fast as we

could but it was no use we got drenched. Thea was riding a

giant turtle when she crashed into the dolphin tank. The

dolphins rode high on the wave that came from their broken

tank. Joe jumped on a dolphin, but it was slippery and he

flew off and landed amongst the penguins. They started

pecking him and hitting him with their flippers; apparently this

means they love you. The water was rising and there were

sea creatures everywhere. Ciarán started screaming “No! So

much water!” I’d forgotten about the water bottle incident at

school a few days previously. I heard Bella scream as the

anglerfish exhibit exploded open behind her. Those fish are

nasty. Yellow lights surrounded our feet. The situation was

getting out of control.

I looked around. Mrs Solomon was fighting a giant octopus

with her handbag and it was inking everywhere. The guide

inflated some rafts and started pulling the children to safety.

Jonah was screaming because a starfish had attached itself to

his face. We were all almost in a raft when we saw it. A big

grey fin in the water. Everybody screamed. The fish in the

water swam away quickly. “SHARK!” Chelsea screamed.

“We’re doomed!” cried the guide “That’s our angriest shark

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Fifi! She hasn’t been fed in days! She also hates children!” I

grabbed my sister and lifted her up “Take her! She tastes

better!” I screamed. Mrs Solomon yelled out that she was too

young to die. The shark seemed to charge at our rafts. I

thought we were doomed. Suddenly Mr Hull jumped onto the

shark and tackled it down into the depths below. They

wrestled for a long time. We could see the battle, man vs.

shark. How much longer could Mr Hull hold his breath!? We

could see Mr Hull use his big muscles to punch the shark! I bet

the shark didn’t think she would be fighting our Hulk this

morning. Mr Hull had gone green from holding his breath.

The shark pulled him down until he disappeared. Then out of

nowhere the shark flew up out of the water and smashed into

the roof. Lucky for Mr Hull he has strong legs; he swam to the

surface just in time and took a giant breath of air. Stuck in his

hand were 3 shark teeth!

Mr Hull crawled back onto the raft. He actually looked like

the hulk, the shark tore of his shirt and he was covered in

green seaweed and he looked a little bit angry. I paddled

our raft towards the entrance just as the doors opened and Mr

O’Sullivan walked in. He looked up from his phone just in time

to be hit with a giant wall of water! We rushed out into the

streets riding the raft like a ride at Wet’ N’ Wild! When the

water finally disappeared there were fish flopping around

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everywhere. Mr O’Sullivan was covered in sea cucumbers and

Mrs Solomon still had the giant octopus stuck to her head. The

bus to take us home came around the corner and stopped in

front of us. As the doors opened the bus driver crinkled her

nose “Yum! What smells like fish and chips?”

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Page 54: You would not believe!

CHELSEA “Girl Talk”

You wouldn’t believe what happened today.

It was Friday afternoon and it was time for 4G to battle each

other in a boys vs. girls dodge ball match. The boys usually

always win, and I find this unacceptable so I decided to have

a meeting at lunchtime with all of the girls behind the Regina

Arts Centre.

When the bell rang for lunchtime I passed a note to Adelaide

that told all of the girls where to meet and at what time. I

waited for the teacher to tell us that we could go and play

and made my way to the Arts Centre. I stood on the metal

table so all of the girls could see me and told them that we

needed to talk about never winning dodge ball against the

boys. All of the girls were paying attention.

We discussed how we could distract the boys while we were

playing to make sure we could win. It took a while but we

finally came up with some ideas. First we decided that we

needed to spread out on the field so it was harder to hit us.

We also decided we needed to focus on catching the ball to

Page 55: You would not believe!

try and get the boys out. Hannah smiled. “If we catch it we

can then slam it back into the boys and hit them in the guts!”

She screamed happily. All of the girls laughed. “Let’s not get

too carried away.” I told her. We kept talking and coming up

with heaps of different ways we could beat the boys. Soon

the bell rang loudly; when the bell rang I said we have this


After second break, Mr. Hull made us pack our bags and gave

out some notes. The girls were really excited and couldn’t

wait to beat the boys during our Dodge ball game. The girls

all dressed in our blue and white jersey with dark blue skirt.

We all had blue and white bows in our hair. The boys are

dressed in an orange and black jersey with black shorts. Mr.

Hull has put on his black and white referee jersey and is

shining his whistle ready for the game. He looks scary with his

new shark tooth necklace he made from our last excursion and

his fight with the killer shark.

We all ran onto the field and took our sides. Joe and Johnny

were running around trying to set up the goals. Joe wasn’t

paying attention and fell over a rock that was on the ground.

Mr. Hull had to pick him up and untangle him from the goal.

All of the girls assembled in their position and looked at the

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boys. “Prepare to be beaten!” I yell to Ramsey he stares at

me and laughs, “That will never happen!” he yells.

Mr. Hull tells us to get ready and everyone goes quiet “3! 2!

1” he yells and then blows loudly on his whistle. We all run to

the balls and all of the girls get them. The boys run back but

we are too fast. We hit 3 of the boys, Fletcher, Ben and

Ciarán. They go off angrily. The boys throw the balls back

and we managed to catch 2 of them. Talia gets hit by a

fastball thrown by Oliver he jumps in the air happily but I

throw a ball and hit him in the foot.

Abbey has a ball and ran and threw it as hard as she could. It

flew out of her arm and high into the air but goes in the wrong

direction. It flies towards Mr. Hull’s head and just as it was

about to hit him his arm flew up and catches it. Abbey runs

and hides behind me. Mr. Hull laughs and throws it towards

the boy. The only problem is he is so strong the ball flies so

fast it smashes into the flying fox and knocks it over. The

whole class gasps. “No one saw that right?” asked Mr. Hull.

We all nod and laugh.

We throw the rest of our balls at the boys and scream loudly

to distract them. Joe and Johnny look at us just in time to be

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hit by our balls. The game goes on for a long time until it is

only me and Ramsey remaining.

The boys start chanting “Ramsey! Ramsey! Ramsey!” I can see

he is distracted because he is dancing around in circles and

pretending he is a king. I run at him while he spins around and

threw the ball. Everything seems to go in slow motion, then, the

ball hits him right in the chest. He flew backwards and all of

the boys screamed out “NOOOOOOOOO!” I jumped up and

down and the girls ran and hugged me.

The boys began to cry because they have lost against the

girls. Mr. Hull hands out the weekly Mentos reward to the

winning team. Each of us got 5 Mentos each! The boys were

all lying on the ground. I decided to give each of the boys a

Mentos. They say thank you. Ramsey comes up to me and

shakes my hand. “We’ll beat you next week!” He says.

We have won for the first time. This day will go down in

history! As we danced around on the oval, Mr. O’Sullivan

came down. He screamed out in horror when he saw the flying

fox and falls to his knees “My beautiful playground! It’s

ruined!” We quickly walk away before he blames it on us.

When he turns around we were nowhere to be seen.

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Page 59: You would not believe!

FLETCHER “Balls of Doom”

You won’t believe what happened today.

There was a big car crash outside of the school between a

truck of bouncy balls and a motorbike. When the two vehicles

hit, they broke the lock on the back of the truck and the balls

escaped. The balls came charging towards the school and

bounced over the gates. Cooper started giggling, Ciarán

started screaming and Mr Hull started yelling at us to get

inside. Mr Hull called the office and let them know what was

happening and they put the school into lockdown.

Before long the balls had broken into the school through the

doors and were tearing through the roller door at the front of

the school. We could hear them bouncing their way up the

stairs. Johnny stood up and sprinted down the stairs and was

trying to charge at the balls. In a flash one of the bigger balls

launched itself towards Johnny and knocked him out. He was

injured, very injured. You could say they he got flattened.

Everyone was shocked. Jonah stood up on his chair and told

everybody to stand up and fight! Everyone got up and

started charging down the stairs towards the balls. Mr Hull

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charged into the stairwell and was ambushed by balls, they

flew off him and he transformed into the Hulk. He smacked a

larger ball down the stairs and grabbed Johnny and ran him

back to safety. Ciarán lead the charge into the staircase and

threw a ball into the air. Joe karate kicked the ball and it

flew off into the distance. These balls were crazy!

The balls were now totally destroying the school. I knew the

situation was getting worse! Kids from all grades were getting

knocked out like this was world war dodge ball. I

knew we had to fix this before home time. Suddenly, I had a

brilliant idea. I ran to the sports shed and luckily it was

unlocked. I started handing out cricket bats and tennis

racquets. I looked at my class who looked like they were

ready for a fight “Start hitting!” I yelled. Jonah ran onto the

oval and hit a bright red ball as hard as he could and it flew

towards Hannah who then hit it into Mr O’Sullivan’s car. She

blamed it on Cooper. Cooper started yelling that it wasn’t

him. I shouted at both of them to focus on the balls. Both

Hannah and Cooper walked off like they had nothing to do

with it. I saw Joe hit a really bouncy ball that bounced so high

it flew onto the road, as it came down it hit a car. Joe started

screaming, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” But he didn’t realise the ball had

bounced off the car and was on its way back for revenge. It

slammed into the ground a millimetre away from his head and

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made a hole in the ground. Mr Hull launched at it and

punched it away, the ball burst and landed on the ground with

a giant hole in it.

I lured the balls to the oval, once we were there all of my class

lined up. Grace smacked a ball and it hit Bella in the head.

She screamed at Grace “Hey! Why did you do that!?” Grace

ducked as a ball just missed her head. The balls all stopped

and started to gang up together. Mr Hull sensed the danger

and yelled, “retreat!” We ran towards the Regina Arts

Centre. Mr Hull stayed on the Oval and kept the balls busy so

we could get to safety. We watched in horror as the balls

attacked him. He managed to keep them occupied before

finally after about 10,000 strikes from all the balls he fell to

his knees. All the girls screamed and began to cry. We all

hoped he was still alive.

The balls started bouncing towards us. The boys opened all of

the cupboards trying to look for a weapon of some sort; it was

then we saw it. We all grabbed a violin and started playing.

The sound, as usual was horrible but I could see it working.

The balls stopped bouncing and started vibrating like they

were in pain. We kept playing but went faster and faster.

The sound we were making was so bad the balls started

popping. Chelsea got out her Cello and played the lowest,

most awful sound that caused us to cover our ears. The

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remaining balls fell to the ground and began to pop. We

watched as Mr Hull turned back to normal from being the hulk

and stood up on the oval and stomped on the final ball

making it explode with a loud bang. He looked at us through

the window. “What’s that awful noise?” He yelled. We

looked at him and started laughing. “Our violins!” I screamed,

“Can you tell we’ve been practicing?”

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Page 64: You would not believe!

JOHNNY “Crunching Numbers”

You won’t believe what happened to me at school today.

I was sitting at my desk reading the brand new Alex Rider

book during silent reading when I heard Hannah and Ramsey

cacking themselves behind me. I turned to look at them and I

could see them playing with a calculator.

I walked over to them and could see that they were taking

turns typing in naughty words to the calculator. Very naughty I

muttered under my breath. Suddenly it exploded. Hannah

and Ramsey screamed, Ramsey’s hair was on fire. He ran

around and Hannah tipped her water bottle onto him. There

on the desk was now an evil calculator with an evil moustache.

It had small arms and legs and red evil eyes. The calculator

started screaming random numbers and jumping up and down

on the table.

Oliver looked over from his desk and the calculator stared at

him. It threw a number six through the air and it smacked

Oliver in the face. Suddenly Oliver stood up straight and

started saying six, six, six, six non-stop. The calculator started

throwing numbers at everyone. Jonah got hit with a number

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eight and Abbey got hit with a three. The calculator looked at

me and threw a number seven at me. I hate that number so I

grabbed Ciarán and used him as a shield. It landed on his

cheek and got stuck there like a tattoo on his skin.

Mr Hull leapt into the air and smashed the calculator with his

giant foot. The desk it was on crumbled in a puff of smoke.

As the air cleared Mr Hull lifted his foot. Flattened into the

floor with a broken screen was the evil calculator. The screen

turned bright red and the calculator screamed louder.

Numbers were flying everywhere. The whole class was under

the calculator’s control. Mr Hull grabbed me under his arm

and we charged out of the classroom. Mr Hull told me the

only way to destroy the beast is to beat it in a maths test.

Lucky for me I like maths.

I challenged the calculator to a mathletics Level 10 test. It

looked at me, its screen glowing angrily. Mr Hull had pinned it

to the wall to make sure it didn’t cheat. LETS GO!!! I screamed

After 10 seconds I was on 21 questions correct and it was on

20. In another 20 seconds it was on 40 and I was on 39. I

could feel the sweat on my forehead, this was intense!

A second later the timer rang to end the test “Ding ding ding.”

It was over. Mr Hull read out the scores. 100 all! Oh no! It

was a tie. The calculator screamed angrily and bit Mr Hull on

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the hand. It jumped on his head and flipped onto his desk. It

started throwing numbers at me. I dodged them all like a

boss. It went again and Mr Hull dived in front of me to save

me. He got hit with 60 numbers all at once. He looked at me

and said, “It’s up to you Johnny, you have the power.” Then he

started saying numbers randomly.

I looked at the calculator and suddenly I had an idea. I got

the giant class bible and smacked it into the calculator. I sat

on it and held the calculator down. I used a pencil to wedge

the back of the calculator off and saw what I want. I pulled

out the battery and threw it in the bin. The calculator

screamed and its screen slowly faded. Everyone came out of

their trance. Oliver looked at me and asked why his mouth

tasted like calculator. Everyone seemed fine except for one

thing… They all still had numbers tattooed on them… Shame!

A year 1 girl comes to the door and asks if she can borrow a

calculator, everyone screamed “No!!!”

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Page 68: You would not believe!

THEA “Burrito Day”

You won't believe what happened today.

It was ‘get a free burrito day’ at school and everyone was

excited. I can’t wait until I can have a free bean burrito;

they’re my favourite! I thought to myself. On Free burrito day

all you are allowed to do is eat burritos. There is a prize for

the class that eats the most! All of the classes were excited.

Our class was super ready. We all were wearing burrito

costumes to celebrate. Mr Hull looked especially funny. I’d

never seen a muscly burrito before.

At lunch, all of the teachers were having a burrito-eating

contest. The male teachers were super competitive. Mr Slypen

looked at Mr Hull “You’re going down mate!” he said as he

kissed his biceps. He put his cap backwards and his sunglasses

on. Mr Hull flexed his bicep muscles “Not a chance sunshine!”

he said “Hulk Hungry!” After 30 minutes all of the teachers

but Mr Hull and Mr Slypen were out of the contest. Some of

the teachers were vomiting in the staffroom because they ate

so many burritos.

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Both remaining teachers looked sick. Mr Hull had been

chewing on his current burrito forever. He looked green. I

wasn’t sure if he was turning into the hulk or if he was going to

vomit. He dropped his burrito. “Hulk full!” he said and he

gave up. Mr Slypen realised he had won and dropped the

burrito in his hand. His shirt looked very tight and he rubbed

his now very big belly. “Looks like I’m not seeing these abs for

a while.” he said. He tried to get up but his belly stopped him.

“I’m just going to sit here for a while,” he said, “just until this

goes down a bit. Free burritos for everyone!” He yelled. The

school went crazy and began digging into their bean burritos.

Mr Slypen and Mr Hull just sat in their chairs. The burritos had

had a different effect on Mr Hull; he was green and had giant

hands. “The things we do for children.” They both said. Mr

Hull laughed and patted Mr Slypen on the head. It was so


When the bell rang we all lined up for assembly. I managed

to eat 16 bean burritos over lunchtime. They were amazing.

It took us a while to find their seats, when we did everyone

went quiet. The prep classes were acting out parts of their

favourite books. One kid was jumping up and down and

Page 70: You would not believe!

looked like he was in pain. I keep watching him when

something amazing happened. He stopped jumping and let

out a squeaky fart. It was so long, the whole church could hear

it. Everyone started laughing loudly. Mr O’Sullivan got up

from his seat told everyone to quiet down and the preps

started their assembly again. I look around and saw lots of

students with bad looks on their face like they had a sore

tummy. Mr Slypen looked very ill.

Out of nowhere 3 children farted very loudly. I jumped in my

seat. More farts rang out around the church. Everyone was

laughing. More students looked like they were sick and

farted. The church was really starting to smell. No one was

listening to the teachers telling them to be quiet. All you could

hear was shhh, fart, shhh, fart. The teachers were running

crazy. All of the teachers had started giggling. My eyes

watered from the bad smell.

Finally, Mr O’Sullivan stomped on stage clearly in a temper.

He shouted " Enough everyone, stop it now and listen!"

Everyone was shocked and fell silent. The Preps were about to

speak again when the funniest thing happened. Suddenly Mr

Hull stood up and said we had to go. We ran from the church

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just in time as a gigantic fart cloud exploded in the church. I

could see horrible green smoke coming out of the open doors.

We ran to the oval to safety. I laughed so hard I fell to the

floor when suddenly a small fart flew out of my bottom.

Suddenly my whole class started laughing.

Today was the best day of my life.

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Page 73: You would not believe!

COOPER “Scribble Day”

You won’t believe what happened today.

I was sitting at my desk. It was so hot that even the air

conditioner wasn’t working. I looked around and everyone

was lying on their desks with sweat all over them. I decided

that to take my mind off the heat I would make a comic strip. I

took out my paper and pencil and began to draw. I decided

to draw all the people in my class as funny things.

To start with I drew Johnny as a rich man with lots and lots of

money. I made him so rich that money bursts out of his

pockets. I turned around and saw Hannah, she knocked into

Jonah’s desk and it fell over. This gave me an idea. I drew

Hannah as a wrecking ball with cute eyes and a smiley mouth.

Suddenly Johnny jumped up and screamed; money exploded

from his pockets and began to fill the classroom. He was

shocked. I saw Hannah suddenly turn into a giant wrecking

ball. She swang and smashed through the classroom wall. I

looked at my comic. Anything I drew people as they turned

into! This was going to be fun!

Page 74: You would not believe!

I started to draw Talia as Mrs Claus. She suddenly had red

clothes on and kept saying Ho, Ho, Ho. I looked to Ben who

was playing with a marble. He dropped it and it rolled to my

desk. I had an idea. I drew him as an orange marble.

Suddenly he became really round and shiny; his arms and legs

disappeared and he rolled forward. “See you suckers” he

said and rolled out the door. Next I drew Joe as a giant

muscle man. He suddenly stood up and yelled as he grew

giant muscles. His clothes popped off and he was only

wearing his red undies. He went red and picked up his clothes

trying to hide himself but he was just too big. I drew Ciaran as

a little toy helicopter with a small hook and he started flying

around the room.

I turned Ramsey and Lillyan into little gummy bears. They

shrank and landed on their desks. They ran and hid when they

realised they were so small. Grace screamed as she turned

into a giant smiling sunflower and Thea laughed as she turned

into a paper aeroplane and the wind blew her out the

window. I turned Adelaide and Emma into talking schoolbooks

and BANG! Bella turned into a fluffy red chicken. Things

started to get out of control when Fletcher turned into a

microphone and started singing loudly. Chelsea turned into a

chatterbox and she started asking people to choose a number.

I saw Abbey looking confused. I smiled and turned her into a

Page 75: You would not believe!

giant present with a pink bow. Oliver was trying to catch

Thea who was now flying around with Ramsey and Lilly on

board. I turned him into a monkey with a banana and he

screamed and jumped on Hannah as she smashed through the

grade 5 classroom.

Jonah looked at me “No Cooper!” He yelled. I smiled and

drew him eating lots of candy. He couldn’t stop eating and

then it happened. Pop, pop, pop as he gets chubbier and

chubbier his buttons on his shirt pop off and he turned into a

marshmallow. I poked him and he giggled. “I’m so bouncy”

he said. I look around. Mr Hull was trying his best to keep

everyone calm. He looked at me and told me to change

everyone back. I smile “Not yet.” I drew Mr Hull on my page

with a speech bubble that said, “I’m angry.” He ran over and

tried to stop me. As he ran he began to change. He started

turning green and then his arms grew really, really muscly. His

shirt tried to stay together then RIP! His love heart underpants

were showing. He turned to me “Change us back Cooper!” he

yelled, then he roared as he finally turned into the Hulk.

My class was a mess Thea was now fighting in the air with

Ciarán. Even though Jonah was a marshmallow he was now

bouncing after Ramsey and Lillyan and trying to eat them. He

kept yelling “Chocsmallow!” Oliver was swinging on Hannah

who just smashed into Mr O’Sullivan’s car. Talia and Johnny

Page 76: You would not believe!

were dancing in his money and Ben was back and rolling over

Adelaide and Emma. Bella was laying eggs and flying

around the room and Abbey was trying to squish Chelsea.

Fletcher was singing Mary Had a little lamb so loud the

windows were cracking. Grace was dancing to Fletcher’s

singing. Joe and Mr Hull were having a battle to the death

with their giant muscles. I tried to break them up but Mr Hull

smashed his fists into the ground and the classroom began to

fall down.

I fall down and my comic flew after me. I started drawing

everyone back to normal but my pencil broke. Everyone

crashed in a giant cloud of dust and when it disappeared

everyone had changed back. Well almost. Mr Hull still had

giant arms and legs but his head was normal sized. He looked

really funny with giant muscles and a small head. At least he

wasn’t green like that time Emma painted him. He was green

for weeks. All the boys and girls looked normal. Mr Hull tried

to move but he was still big and he hit his head on the roof. I

couldn’t find the page to turn him all the way back to normal.

Then it happened. Joe tried to talk but Hannah’s voice came

out. Everyone had the wrong voice! They all look at me and I

started to panic.

My pencil was broken; I couldn’t draw them normal again. I

grabbed an eraser and rubbed out some of the pages. Mr

Page 77: You would not believe!

Hull turned into a giant muscly sunflower and Jonah turned

back into a marshmallow. I kept rubbing until all of the pages

were clean. Everyone looked normal. Hannah screamed and it

was her voice again. I breathed a sigh of relief. We all

looked around. The classroom was a mess. As I looked

outside I saw Mr O’Sullivan next to his car. I screamed and

drew myself invisible. He couldn’t catch me now!

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Page 79: You would not believe!

OLIVER “Camp Food”

You won’t believe what happened today.

Everybody was going on the end of year camp. At the camp,

the cook lady makes the most disgusting food “Shovel Nose

Shark and Burgers with cockroaches in it!” To get there we

had to go on a train. The train was yellow with black stripes

and graffiti all over it! After 2 and a half hours we finally

arrived and we were starving.

When we finally got through the camp gates we went straight

to lunch the hall. It was really clean, so clean I could see my

reflection in the polished floor. As we lined up for food we

realised the kitchen was foul and stank like rotten eggs! The

cook lady frowned at us. She needed a shower! Jonah and

Joe were holding their stomachs “I’m starving!” they both said

at the same time. “I could go some fries,” said Thea. We all

lined up patiently waiting for something to eat. When we got

to the front of the line I suddenly lost my appetite.

The food was feral. My burger had things on it that I don’t

even think was food. Jonah’s burger had a sock in it! Everyone

looked sick. There was so much food on our plates and no one

Page 80: You would not believe!

wanted to eat it. That’s when the fun began. Grace started a

food fight by throwing her burger at Abbey. The burger

landed in her hair and she threw her shovelnose shark back.

Hannah threw her burger and both collided in the air. There

was a loud bang and a flash blinded us all. The flying food

turned into a gigantic food monster that started eating


Ramsey and Ben tried to dive out of the way but the food

monster was too quick and swallowed them whole. Mrs

Canniffe went up to the food monster and yelled at it. “You

need to play nice and spit those poor boys out!” The monster

looked at her and gobbled her up. Everyone began to panic.

Mr Hull jumped on the monster and gave it a hulk fist smash

but nothing happened. He tried to hold the food monster back

but he couldn’t. Suddenly I realised the only way to kill it was

to eat it! Johnny and I charged at it with a knife and fork in

our hands. We helped Mr Hull hold it down so it wouldn’t run

away. The class started eating it all up. As they kept eating

the horrible food it got smaller but more dangerous so

everybody had to be careful. It screamed and tried to eat me

as I held it down. Suddenly, Johnny had a great idea! We

asked the chef for a real life great white shark, one she hadn’t

Page 81: You would not believe!

made into a burger yet! She had an aquarium out the back of

the kitchen that she killed fish to eat from.

She said yes and all the boys attracted the food monster into

the kitchen and out the back to the tank. I yelled at them to

push it into the tank so the great white sharks could eat it!

Before they put it in the tank, Mr Hull charged at the monster’s

big belly. He slammed into it and Ben, Ramsey and Mrs

Canniffe come flying out of its mouth. Mr Hull caught them in

his giant hands. The shark chomped up the monster and

everyone was saved! However, no one was hungry. In fact

they all looked a little bit sick!

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Page 83: You would not believe!

ABBEY “Mr Not-So-Fun”

You won’t believe what happened at school today.

Mr Hull had been called to a super-secret meeting with Mr

O’Sullivan in his office and we had a relief teacher named Mr

Fun come in. When Mr Fun arrived he introduced himself. “I

am Mr Fun!” He screamed. Mr Fun had a rainbow coloured

afro and wore a shiny black tutu. Everybody laughed at his

name and his funny clothing. Mr Fun asked why we were

laughing and we said it was because of his name and his

weird hair. He didn’t seem too happy that we were laughing

at him but he smiled anyway. Little did I know this was going

to be the weirdest day of my life.

Mr Fun looked at all of the hard work Mr Hull had left us. He

threw it all in the bin! Mr Fun brought out a crazy bag that

was like the bag from Mary Poppins. He leant inside and

pulled out a Wii and placed in on my desk. “Let’s play!” He

screamed. Hannah got to play against Mr Fun first. He put

the Wii on our classroom projector and took out Mario Kart

from his bag. He beat Hannah quickly and before I knew it,

he had beaten everyone but me. Every time he won he would

dance around and sing, “I’m the king of the castle and you’re

Page 84: You would not believe!

the dirty rascal!” He picked our race and gave me a

controller. I was so happy because I was winning. As I passed

through the finish line Mr Fun picked up the Wii and threw it at

the board. It cracked and then fell down to the floor. He

began to cry and jumped up and down angrily. “Stupid

game!” He screamed. The class looked at him in shock!

Mr Fun calmed down. “Who likes candy?” He screamed. The

class cheered and all said, “I do!” He pulled bags and bags

of candy out of his bag! “Candy Eating Contest!” He yelled

“The boys vs. me!” All of the boys sat in a row and had a

giant pile of candy put on their desk. They began to eat and

eat and eat. Mr Fun laughed crazily. “Don’t be too greedy”

he said. After a while Ben looked a little sick. He was putting

so much candy into his mouth and he growing really round. Mr

Fun clapped and laughs at him. Ben started to turn rainbow

colour like the candy he was eating. He was turning into a

candy! Johnny was next to change, he went and white and his

feet turn into a stick. He started to get really long and skinny.

All of the boys started to freak out but they couldn’t stop

eating candy. Johnny suddenly turned into a giant candy


Joe and Cooper fell backwards and their skin went rubbery.

Joe had turned into a green gummy bear and Cooper has

turned into a red one. Oliver, Ciarán, Fletcher and Ramsey

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suddenly turned into gobstoppers, their feet disappear and

they began to roll forward. Jonah hadn’t noticed what was

going on and kept eating his candy. He had sugar all over his

face. His uniform had grown really small because he had

grown very, very fat. He tried to get up but he just couldn’t

move because of his big belly. Mr Fun smiled and held up a

marshmallow to Jonah’s mouth. Jonah tried to resist but he

couldn’t. He swallowed it and the button on his shirt flew off.

He started to get bigger and bigger then suddenly he turned

into a giant marshmallow. Mr Fun poked him in the belly and

laughed! “I’ve always wanted candy minions!” he screamed.

All of the girls were shocked and now Mr Fun was more like

Mr scary. All of the boys were screaming for help but Mr Fun

got his bag and put them inside. “I’ll eat these later!” He said.

Mr Fun told us it was time to play a game of cricket. We

were all too scared to say no so we did what he said and got

out our violins. Mr Fun started playing cricket with the violins.

We used the violin resin as the ball. Mr Fun was jumping up

and down and hit the resin through the window. The glass

smashed and he clapped happily.

Mr Hull ran in when he heard the glass break. He could see

that we were all terrified of Mr Fun. Mr Fun turned to Mr Hull

and he was angry he had to leave. He pulled a wand out of

his bag and waved it at Mr Hull. Bright green sparks hit him.

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He fell backwards and roared, as he turned green. Mr Fun

had turned Mr Hull into the Hulk. His shoes exploded off and

his giant green muscles ripped through his clothes. He grew so

big he destroyed the classroom door. His hand was as big as

my whole body and all that was left of his clothes are Mr

Hull’s Love Heart underpants!

All of the girls screamed and ran around crazily. Mr Fun

smiled, waved his wand at himself and bursts into flames. The

classroom catches fire as Mr Fun turned into a dragon. Mr

Hulk picked up all of the girls and ran us to safety. I saw a

fire hose outside the classroom and jump off Mr Hulk’s hand. I

grab the hose just in time and point it at Mr Fun. The water hit

him and he screamed because the water coming from the hose

put him out. Smoke filled the hallway and then suddenly Mr

Fun disappeared. We all cheered and Mr Hulk took us back

into the classroom.

I run over to Mr Fun’s bag and pulled the boys out. Mr Hulk

picked up the giant chubby marshmallow and tried to fit it into

his mouth. I yelled at him to stop. I grabbed the hose and

sprayed Mr Hulk and the boys. Water was Mr Fun’s weakness

and it made the magic he used on the boys wear off. Slowly

the boys changed back to normal. Mr Hulk looked at his hand

and noticed he was about to eat Jonah. Jonah’s big belly

slowly became smaller and Mr Hulk put him down. We all

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started laughing because when Mr Hulk turned back into Mr

Hull all that was left of his teacher clothes were his love heart

underpants. I leaned into Mr Fun’s bag and found him some


I turned to pick up Mr Fun’s bag but it had disappeared. At

the broken doorway to our classroom was Mr O’Sullivan with a

shocked look on his face. “What happened to the door?” He

asked? “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” I replied.

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Page 89: You would not believe!


“Mutant Mallow”

You won’t believe what happened today.

Emily and myself were making a tree house in the Jacaranda

Playground. We hollowed out a tree and I built a ladder up

and Emily built the door. When we stopped we noticed

everyone was gone. The school had gone very quiet and all

that was left in the playground was leaves. For some reason I

wasn’t worried. I was actually calm, very calm.

Soon, it started raining marshmallows. As I looked up I realised

there were marshmallow clouds everywhere. How had I

missed them before? I did the only appropriate thing to do; I

grabbed a bucket from the top of our tree house and let the

marshmallows fall in. If I was lucky, Emily and I would be able

to toast marshmallows tonight! When it stopped raining Emily

and I went back to working. Suddenly, we could see a Zombie

walking around the playground. Again, I was calm. But then,

the undead creature started to chase us. We jumped out of the

tree house and ran as fast as we could. Emily and I tried to

run to Mackillop place, but the gate was locked shut! We were

soon cornered I tried to jump over the fence but it was no use.

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Emily and I scream. I thought fast and started throwing

marshmallows at the zombie and it hit him. The zombie fell and

turned over. When the zombie got up we realised it was Ben,

the marshmallows had cured him!

With Ben now with us we ran around and cured Cooper,

Hannah and Grace with our marshmallows. We then cured

Thea but, she vomited up a mutant marshmallow and it started

to go crazy! We ran as fast as we could. I can hear the

marshmallow eating my friends one by one. Each time the

marshmallow ate someone it pooped out another mutant

mallow. I realised I was cornered with nowhere to go! I

screamed for help. Suddenly, there was a terrible roar. Mr

Hull came crashing through the playground and tackles all of

the mallows mutants to the ground. But something was wrong.

Mr Hull is a mutant hulk and he is going crazy. He smashes

through my tree house and it crashes into the ground. I fall

backwards and try my best to get out of the way. Mr Hulk

looks at me with a terrible grin on his face. Hulk Hungry!

Something about this day is wrong, why is it raining mutant

marshmallows? Why are my friends’ mutant marshmallows?

Mr Hull is awesome; he would never eat me! As Mr Hull leaps

into the air, his giant hulk hands come crashing towards my

face. He opens his mouth to eat me and I wake up in a fright

as my alarm clock for school awakens me from my nightmare.

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I sit up in a sweat and try to calm myself down. I get up, walk

downstairs and sit down to breakfast. My mum is humming to

herself, when she turns around I scream for my life; she is a

mutant mallow!

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Page 93: You would not believe!

BEN “Electrifying Match”

You won’t believe what happened today

It was the grand final class vs. class soccer match against 4G

vs. 4B! We had been waiting for this moment since the start of

the year. Whoever won this game got the awesome gold

trophy that shows you are the best class in the world! We’re

lucky we even got to play after Ciarán accidently turned the

other year 4 class into blobs! Thank goodness they were back

to normal because I was going to win!

I saw Mr. Hull and Mrs. Solomon fighting over who got to be

referee. Mrs. Solomon had Mr. Hull in a headlock. If she was

not careful he’d hulk out on her. At first I was nervous but then I

felt really confident! As soon as we started the game I started

seeing dusty grey clouds hovering over my head “4B” got to

start off with the ball! This game was going to be intense. 4B

ran towards me, trying to get past. I was too good for this; I

managed to get the ball off Andrew. As soon as I touched the

ball I sprinted down to the opposition goal and nuttyed Jazz,

Oliver, Tom and Matt all in a row! They ran after me with

angry faces. I ran to their goal and stare Paris dead in the

Page 94: You would not believe!

eyes. I decided to do a Maradona and boot the ball into the

goal with heaps of force! My team screamed out in applause.

It started to get very windy on the field and the clouds were

turning black. “I hope we don’t have a repeat of the tornado

incident.” I think to myself. Mr. Hull is the ref; he managed to

wrestle the whistle free from Mrs. Solomon and held it above

her head. He’s a giant compared to us and looks like an

escaped prisoner in his black and white red outfit! I better not

run into him, he’d flatten me!

4B started with the ball again. Straight away I ran down the

field. Above me I heard a few thunderclaps, lighting bolts

strike from the sky and make ditches in the ground behind me.

“Play on!” yelled Mr. Hull. The lightning makes a few people

fall face first in the mud! When I finally get the ball I did a

rainbow flick over four of the 4B’s. Will, Alanna, Emily and

Samantha watch the ball fly over their head. 4G screams

“Come on Ben you can do it there’s only half of the 4B class

left!” I try my hardest and ran down the field.

I try my hardest to score again! 10 more lightning bolts shoot

in the distance behind me. 5 girls scream really loudly my

eardrums nearly burst! I’m running towards the goal. 5 more

boys’s get tripped and slipped in the mud. It’s started to rain

so hard that the boys injure themselves really badly. The sky is

Page 95: You would not believe!

now black. As I run I line up my kick to the goal, 4B’s goalie

Paris gets struck by a giant blue bolt of lightning. Her hair

stood up on end and she fell to her knees. I am so shocked I let

the ball roll into the goal. “Play On!” screams Mrs. Solomon,

“It’s only a little bit of lightning!”

Lightning strikes hit the ground in front of me, the ground

sizzles and the fake grass catches fire. All of my teammates

are down. Mr. Hull is throwing the injured people over his

shoulder carrying them off the field. He’s like a tank and in the

blink of an eye the field is clear of bodies. I better not have

to see his love heart undies today! Mrs. Solomon takes the

whistle off him and runs onto the field. “Game on!” she

screams. Mr. Hull looks nervous, she’s enjoying this more than

usual, I think she likes all the danger. Both teams have heaps of

hurt players. Mr. Hull manages to carry Paris off the field and

places her down. Lightning strikes hit the ground again and

Kyan from 4B got one in the face, he fell to the ground. Mrs.

Solomon gave him a red card for sleeping on the field. She

smiled at me. “Play ball” she said. Her whistle blew loudly and

I ran at 4B’s goal. I passed the leftover players easily! I run

quickly and tap the ball towards the goal as lightning strikes

the ground in front of me. I flew backward and Mr. Hull

manages to catch me. We watch as the ball bounces on the

goal line before finally going in.

Page 96: You would not believe!

It’s a goal! 4G have won! I’ve won! Suddenly the sun bursts

through the clouds and the clouds disappear. Heaps of kids’

hair was up on end, we’re lucky to be alive. “What an

electrifying match” says Mrs. Solomon. “Shocking effort” says

Mr. Hull. I stood on the field in disbelief, what just happened?

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Page 98: You would not believe!

HANNAH “Restricted Section”

You won’t believe what happened today in library.

It started normally, Mr. Hull walked us down to the library and

Mrs. Callins gave us some information about book week next

week and how we have to read six books. She also said

something about the restricted section and like don’t touch the

books there or you’ll die and something like that. I wasn’t

really listening even though I said I did. So we started

borrowing and Ciarán just couldn’t help himself and he went to

the restricted section and opened the one of the books. I mean

who would do that. Mrs. Callins strictly said not to open one of

those books or you’d die! Well guess what happened, when

Ciarán when opened the book he got sucked in. I guess it’s

better than dying. Emma was the only one who saw it and

when she did she ran straight to Mrs. Callins.

Everybody heard the news except for me. The class ran over

while I was still reading my favourite book Harry Potter. Inside

the restricted book was Ciaran he was screaming and

panicking. Even the class could hear him on the outside. Mrs.

Callins didn’t know what to do she flipped the pages over and

over. This was a bad move the next thing you know the whole

Page 99: You would not believe!

class was sucked in. Now everybody was panicking and

screaming. I finally heard the noise and ran over it was one of

the weirdest things I had ever seen. Emily was so scared she

looked like she was going to wet her pants. I had no idea

what to do.

Then I saw a book that said “How to get people out of a

restricted section book: Easy to follow steps.” Perfect! I yelled

and grabbed the book off the shelf in front of me. I open the

cover and ruffle through the pages until I found the page titled

“Step 1 read your favourite book aloud.” I didn’t know how

this was going to help me but I did it anyway. I picked up the

Harry Potter book I was reading and continued to read the

chapter it was open too. Something amazing happened as

soon as I read the three main characters from Harry Potter;

Harry, Ron and Hermione tore out of the book. I was shocked

by what was happening, so shocked I nearly fainted.

Harry looked at me and then at the book, he told me to read

the next step. He, Ron and Hermione all had their wands at

the ready as the restricted book bounced around on the table.

I turned the pages of the book until I found what I was looking

for “Step Two, build a shredder.” I looked at my favourite

characters. Ron asked what a shredder was; Harry told Ron it

was a muggle machine that rips up paper. Hermione waved

Page 100: You would not believe!

her wand and magically a shredder appeared on the desk.

My classmates screamed in horror as they realised what I was

about to do.

The restricted book bounced on the table and began to

charge at the shredder. Before we could stop it, it sucked the

shredder into the book. I could see the shredder chasing my

friends on the pages. I was now really worried, if I didn’t

hurry up all of my friends would be gone. At that moment Mr.

Hull walked into the library he looked at me and then at

Harry, Ron and Hermione. Suddenly I had an idea. I took

Hermione’s wand off her and waved it at Mr. Hull a burst of

green light came out. Mr. Hull started to turn green. Suddenly

he was getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Soon his head

was hitting the roof, the walls started to crack. I had turned

Mr. Hull into Mr. Hulk! We were quickly running out of room,

suddenly Mr. Hull/ Hulk was sent into the book. I look at the

pages. Even in the book Mr. Hulk is getting bigger. I kept

turning and saw that Mr. Hull was forcing the book to get

fuller and fuller. Ron and Harry look a little worried. We ran

behind the library desk just in time as the book exploded.

Paper flew through the air and everyone was released from

the restricted book.

Harry Ron and Hermione disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Everyone was silent. Mrs. Callins look around and began to

Page 101: You would not believe!

cry “My beautiful Library!” In the background I see a problem.

The magical shredder is bouncing around eating all the books.

Then I see a bigger problem. Mr. Hull is still Mr. Hulk and he’s

burst through the ceiling into the classrooms above. I can hear

the screams of shocked children and teachers. Mr. Hulk shows

no signs of stopping. The class just looks up in disbelief.

I realise I still have Hermione’s wand. I remember what she

always said to Ron in the books “Swish and flick, not flick and

swish.” I tried again and waved the wand at Mr. Hull. In a

bang of bright orange light Mr. Hull turned back to normal.

Everyone looked confused, especially Mr. Hull. I turn to Mrs.

Callins and say, “I still need to borrow my book.”

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Page 103: You would not believe!

TALIA “Cheese Monster”

You won’t believe what happened at school today.

It started as a rainy day and we had a wet lunch so everyone

had to eat their lunches in the classroom. Ramsey had brought

some cheese slices along in his lunchbox and that’s when the

whole cheese craziness started. Something was odd about

Ramsey’s cheese slices, they weren’t their unusual yellow

colour, they were a horrible green colour and that’s when

Hannah started yelling, “Cheese Monster! Cheese Monster!”

Before long, Lilly had joined in. Ramsey screwed up his face

and picked the cheese up by its corner and flicked it into the

bin. For a second I thought I heard it scream.

Seconds later Mr. Hull yelled out that lunch was over, so we

packed up our lunch. I was getting my desk ready when I

realised on top of the big stood one piece of green cheese

with green fluffy dots over it and one piece of brown hair. I

stared at the cheese; it looked like it was alive.

Mr. Hull told Joe to hand out the Religion books. All the class

started moaning and hitting their heads on the table. While

Joe was handing out the books, Mr. Hull started writing out a

Page 104: You would not believe!

part of the Bible on the board. I looked back to the bin and

the cheese was gone. Suddenly the cheese was on Mr. Hull’s

back, it looked like it had arms and legs! Everyone started

pointing and laughing. Mr. Hull turned around and said, “Quiet

down and do your work.” The cheese climbed up onto Mr.

Hull’s shoulder I screamed, “Look out!” Mr. Hull grabbed the

cheese and threw it across the room. It flew through the air

and began to scream, “Eat me!”

We all watched in horror as the cheese landed on Ramsey’s

face. Ramsey screamed and pulled it off. The cheese was

angry. It flew off Ramsey’s hand and crawled behind one of

the bookcases. We all jump up and try to find the cheese in

the computers behind the whiteboard, in the bin, but, there was

no sign of it so everyone calmed down and went back to their

work. Before long we heard a loud noise, creak, creak, creak.

OMG Jonah screamed, WHAT IS THAT NOISE?

We all went silent. Suddenly one of the bookcases fell over

and slammed into the ground. The cheese launched again at

Ramsey. He ducks as the cheese just skims his head. Bella got

out her ruler and smacked the cheese, it flew towards Mr. Hull

and he punched it out the window next to him. “You will eat

me!” screamed the cheese. It leaned down to jump again when

a pigeon dropped down on to the window sill. Then, in the

blink of an eye the cheese was gone. The class all stood silent.

Page 105: You would not believe!

We all turned to Ramsey who went a green colour. He leant

into the bin and vomited. Ramsey looked up and said, “I think

my cheese is bad”.

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