Page 1: Your Money April Electronic Edition

Editor: Lynn van Vuuran, Cell: 074 682 0819, Email: [email protected]

Le Gudlife Hustlers and Diva of the Month

Think like a queen

Entrepreneur of the month

Read more on Page 5

Read more on Page 8

Read more on Page 9 2015 - Volume 5 Edition 17

Construction workers and companies were gathered at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, to engage and unpack the details on major infrastructure development projects that are happening in the Eastern Cape.

The summit was a one-stop-shop to showcase and learn about the latest building and construction methods, tools, products and technologies available. Buyers, suppliers, service providers and manufacturers also had the opportunity to present their products and plans to the attending guests. Big projects presented by large organisations such as Transnet and Project Mthombo, sharing upcoming developments for the Eastern Cape and how the attendees can be part of this.

MEC for the Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Sakhumzi Somyo was one of the keynote speakers. He encouraged business owners and workers to know their businesses and policies that are in the construction industry; “There is nothing like: I’ve been here for a long period of time, you might be there for a long period of time but it can be as if you’ve arrived yesterday. People must learn the industry, its own growth, and its own day to day demands. It doesn’t help toyi-toying for everything that doesn’t go your way,” the MEC said.

At the end of the day, a discussion panel was hosted where delegates were given a chance to ask questions to the companies and some of the speakers. Some of the

topics that were discussed were how people were not getting enough jobs from government.

CIDB Program Manager, Gerard Naidoo said that there are not enough job opportunities for everyone. He stated that the contract workers should stand out above the rest and be known for getting the job well done. He also raised the issue of BEE about how white companies are blacker than black companies.

The MC for the day, Prof. John Smallwood from the NMMU said a lot of information was gathered and shared on the day.

“It will be great if we can have a follow up report of the event, what was expected and what was achieved at the end of the day.”

Copies of the presentations and photos are available on the website: – Events: Construction Summit, Lynn van Vuuren, event organiser said.

“It was our first Construction Summit for the region. It went exceptionally well with over 1000 feet attending the Summit, phenomenal media coverage plus very informative speakers sharing opportunities available. Next year will be even bigger and better and we will be able to provide feedback to our delegates on topics raised.”

Stand out above the rest - EC Construction Summit - By Nomaxabiso Pinda

Page 2: Your Money April Electronic Edition


Debt is commonly known as the four letters swear word. No one wants to speak about or own up to it and by the time we acknowledge it, it is often too late. By this time the creditors started their threats to take away your house or car and more often than not, consumers feel so overwhelmed by it all that they decide to hide, rather than seeking help.

According to the FinScope South African survey, 14.2 million South Africans have debt. An alarming 4.7 million are over-indebted and owe six to seven creditors each. Preventing oneself from incurring more debt, a consumer has to start by understand-ing interest rates and the power of compound interest- (interest on debt that has a negative impact on your money as you pay double or triple the amount you actually owe.)

This is why the National Credit Regulator (NCR) introduced the assistance of Debt Counsellors to help you manage your debt and still keep your properties. Below we gave you a run down of how the system was designed to help you take control of your life/finances again.

National Credit Regulator (NCR)

They are responsible for the regulation of the South African credit industry partici-pants, investigation of complaints, and ensuring enforcement of the act. The Act requires the regulator to promote the development of an accessible credit market, particularly to address the needs of historically disadvantaged persons, low income persons and low density communities. They are also tasked with the registration of credit providers, credit bureau and debt counsellors as well as monitoring the conduct of these parties, educating and creating awareness of the protection which the Act of-fers, advise the State on policy and legislation, receive and investigate complaints and ensure that consumer rights are protected and are taking action against contravening institutions.

Debt Councillors

They are trained individuals that assist consumers to deal with their debt. They meet with creditors and come to an agreement that allows you to cover your living ex-penses and paying a portion to your creditors. They conduct independent enquiries into your financial circumstances and make recommendations to credit providers and the courts concerning restructuring your debt or even suspending “reckless” credit agreements. You may not be actually ‘Over-Indebted’(anyone who, after deducting living expenses from their net salary, has less cash left over than the instalments on their total debt) and qualify for “Debt review” (process of being assessed and assisted by Debt Counsellor, begins with your application ends with the issuing of a “clearance certificate” once all your debts are settled). In this case the debt counsellor will assist you to work out a better monthly budget which will enable you to repay your debts effectively.

Payment Distribution Agencies (PDA)

They enable consumers to plan a single monthly payment and then are responsible for distributing the monies amongst credit providers in terms of the restructured pay-ment plan. Many Debt Counsellors use specialised software, accredited by the NCR, to help manage the administration overheads and generate proposals for their debt review clients. Usually, the software debt counsellor’s use will determine the Payment Distribution Agency. Debt counsellors are prohibited from collecting money directly from consumers, the NCR advocates the use of PDAs because it makes for much more effective regulation of debt repayment; monitoring for fraud and money launder-ing and the compilation of demographic statistics to monitor the effectiveness of debt review as a whole. NCR make the use of PDAs a condition of registration for Debt Counsellors.

A bad credit record can negatively affect and reflect on your career even if you pos-sess a decorated resume, you are then bound to endure technical challenges in pur-suing a formal job placement-many companies have each implemented strict policies on their selection process of employing that are at odds with a blacklisted job seeker.

It is impossible to get a credit account or a personal loan because creditors and lend-ers see a bad credit pattern as a risk, they will refuse to lend you the money and deny your application. Even applying to rent a home will be difficult with a bad credit record as some landlords do review your credit record before they allow you to sign a lease.

A Good credit record on the other half of the spectrum can be a finan-cial asset, enabling you to qualify for credit when you need it also get-ting a lower interest rate on your borrowing; you are likely to get discounts on insurance more. Credit Health Awareness is just a theme of this col-umn aimed at targeting those who might find themselves in the wrong side of history, preventing them from getting in difficult predicaments caused by poor financial judgements and harnessing a clean credit applicant society.

If you spend more than what you earn, you must be swinging in the cycle of debt

entrapment – Here the importance of budgeting comes in.

Draw up two columns, first column; Write your set monthly expenses down, - rent, wa-ter and electricity, cell phone bills, medical aid, gym membership, bus fare, lunch mon-ey etc. Jot down a realistic estimate of other monthly expenses such as groceries, take out, movies, clothes, toiletries, then plan for unforeseen expenditures such as concerts, burst pipes, emergencies etc. State your income, add up the amount in the first column and compare with the amount in the second column and then look at the reaction of your face when you look at the added figures and the ‘sum’ of it all. Need to look at what expenses can one realistically cut down, can you save electricity and cutting down on water, unplanned shopping and entertainment including the traditional phone bill, but social networks have made it easier and cheaper, spending R50 a day on food at work, when you could easily make yourself a packed lunch from home. Do you really need designer clothes and do you even have a savings account to fall back on if all does not go according to plan. Know how much money you’re spending every month, keep it in my mind when you go about your day to day business, keep a daily expenditure diary in which you write every single expenditure no matter how small it is and don’t forget to update your budget time and again.

“Let’s talk about Debt Baby”By Vuyile Citashe


Page 3: Your Money April Electronic Edition


Achieving success of any kind in life is a fulfilling feeling but by reaching your poten-tial you have achieved the greatest success of all. Why is it then that so many people fall short of what they are capable? Sad but true is the fact that many go through life never achieving the personal success they yearn for. As easy as it would be to simply cite a lack of motivation as the primary reason this would NOT necessarily be the case.Why is it then that so many fail to take the necessary actions that would lead to a fuller and more rewarding life on both a personal and professional level?Here are 5 subtle and sometimes undetectable reasons as to why we fail to fully en-gage in our lives by not even pursuing our personal goals and objectives.FearWhether it is the fear of the unknown, success or failure this emotion has the ability to paralyze preventing us from acting in a logical or beneficial way. The fear could be something that has been instilled in us since childhood making it difficult to recognize since it has become a ‘part’ of us over our lifetime.Remember emotions are just that and often they impede our ability to think clearly or intelligently.RegimentationOne of the biggest stress factors known to man is change! Right or wrong we ‘wear’ our environments like a pair of old socks. The longer these environments or conditions maintain their existence in our lives the more ‘comfortable’ we become with them. One thing about familiarity is that we know what to expect.It is not at all unusual for people to avoid or reject change even if it is for the better since it presents a new and ‘unfamiliar’ environment. As a result this reluctance can easily put a stop to any attempts at change.Ignorance

Ignorance keeps many from achieving success although I could have just as easily said arrogance. It is not always what we know but what we think we may know that can stop us in our tracks. The more people may ‘push’ change or suggestions upon us the more we may tend to ‘fortify’ our current perspectives or beliefs even to the point of viewing these people with disdain.Instilled BeliefsBeliefs that have been reinforced in us over an extended period of time will be hard to change no matter how wrong these beliefs may be.Many times the origin of these beliefs may have been an ‘authoritative figure from our past. Like a family heirloom these beliefs can be handed down over the years no mat-ter how wrong or outdated they may be.FinancesAs the saying goes ‘money is the root of all evil’ and there is a lot to be said for that. Once money gets involved it almost affects us like an emotion since it often times handicaps our ability to reason logically.Living in a society where collecting ‘things’ is a sign of ‘personal success’ can really taint any person’s priorities. At this point it is easy to lose focus of your direction or previous good intentions. When all is said and done you are left feeling empty and miserable.Achieving success can come ONLY after pursuing particular goals and objectives but certain barriers exist that inhibit people from this pursuit. The 5 subtle and undetect-able reasons we discussed above are common ‘invisible’ barriers that we need to first recognize in order to overcome them. By identifying these hindrances we will be bet-ter able to break through them and live the lives we were meant to live. Source:

Achieving Your Potential – 5 Common Barriers to OvercomeBy John Barney

Many small businesses see marketing as just another cost which dents their profit. However, marketing is an active investment toward increasing your revenue, regard-less of your industry - provided it is executed in a focussed manner. An effective marketing strategy, however simple and low cost, means sales should find you - not the other way around.

Let’s start with branding. Branding isn’t just a logo. It is the perception that people have of your business, product or service. It’s best to seek a professional to help with this from the outset – the pros know how to make sure your brand is perceived correctly. One key to successful branding is consistency – once you have a killer logo and identity, you need to apply them consistently across all platforms – email signa-tures, letterheads, business cards, website and marketing activity you undertake.

You have your branding buttoned down, now what?

Marketing communications needn’t cost you the earth. Set out a simple, well thought out plan and stick to it. Set your goals and go from there. Make sure they are specific and linked to your overall business strategy. Set aside a realistic budget either in line with affordability, percentage of sales or task specific. Don’t be swayed by good ad-vertising sales people if it does not help to meet your objectives.

Before paying for space, do your research and ask the right questions. Will it really help you to achieve your objectives, or is there a more affordable, targeted,

measureable option? It can be difficult to measure the direct effect on sales with paid advertising.

Digital advertising is cheaper than conventional print or broadcast, but ask yourself if you will get the exposure you desire and be selective and targeted about where to advertise.

Some other effective areas to consider are content marketing, search engine optimi-sation (SEO) and public relations (PR) – amongst others.

Publishing content is an easy way for you to become noticed using social and other media to communicate industry trends, latest news and thought leadership. Content already generated can be easily converted to a press release, provided it is newswor-thy and topical. Seek advice regarding press releases from a professional, though. Publishing content will also help with SEO, provided your website has been tagged correctly and that you are publishing regularly. SEO increases your ranking in search results on sites like Google.

Networking is a particularly effective PR tool in the Eastern Cape, given the finite number of decision makers in the region.

To be successful in your efforts, you need to plan properly, investigate your options thoroughly, seek professional guidance, where necessary, and evaluate your efforts. Make your marketing work hard for you by making good choices and spending wisely.

Low-cost marketing tips and tactics for small businessesBy Beverley Venter

Managing your cash flow and avoiding the debt trapThe first and most important aspect of debt counselling are the precautionary meth-ods a business should employ coupled with comprehensive control (knowledge) of the financial function of the business. No matter what size your business is, it is incredibly important to ensure your financial function can convey the following information to you: • Budget for the year (Actual figures versus forecasted figures)• Cash flow statements (Including Age analysis for Suppliers & Customers)• Balance sheet information (Asset, equity and liabilities of the business)The budgets and cash flow statements will determine how your business is doing cash flow wise and determine whether you require a loan or overdraft facility. An important aspect of managing your cash flow is a monthly supplier & customer age analysis. This report is very easy to compile on most accounting systems and will tell you how long (30, 60, 90+ days) your customers take to pay you, and how long on average you take to pay your suppliers. This report is imperative to managing cash flow as all businesses should strive to ensure their average customer payment period (money received) is shorter than their average supplier payment period.The balance sheet information will determine whether your business can afford to take

on further debt.Your accountants can make use of the following debt equity (gearing ratio) in order to determine whether it would be viable to take on further liability:Long-term debt + Short-term debt + Bank overdraftsShareholders' equity

Managing debt and escaping the debt holeThe same principles will apply in order to attempt to rid your business of excess debt. It is important to maintain financial discipline and control to ascertain whether the businesses’ debt situation is improving or declining.The business should employ the services of a debt counsellor and their accountant to compile budgets that ensure expenses are controlled and the debt diminished over time.Cash flow statements and Customer/Supplier ageing are of even higher importance at this stage to enable the business to have a positive effect on its bank balance.If you require any assistance with taking control of your financial function as men-tioned above, please feel free to give us a call for a free meeting and consultation.

D e b t n e e d f i e r c e f i n a n c i a l d i s c i p l i n e By Adam Postepski

Adam Postepski (CA) SA Managing DirectorT: 041 364 2418• C: 083 631 1124


Page 4: Your Money April Electronic Edition

1) What does your company do, what do you specialize in?Bantek Engineering is a mechanical engineering services and manu-facturing company, focusing on steel fabrication and machining. We also offer consultation services on Lean production principles, project and process management principles in order to improve plant utiliza-tion and reduce waste in the manufacturing environment. Our Ser-vices: - General machining- TIG and Arc welding for Stainless Steel and Mild Steel- Painting and corrosion protection- Plant and Facilities maintenance- Shut down maintenance- Project management- Process design and optimization- Health and safety- Risk analysis

2) How did you hear about Shanduka Black Umbrellas, and when did you join them?

After registering my business in July last year and having resigned from work, I realized the need to be with the like-minded individuals pursuing the same goal under the umbrella of an organization sup-porting budding business people. I goggled business support and incubation and I came across Shanduka Black Umbrellas. When I read what they were offering and registered on their Shanduka Black Pages, I just had to join this organization.

3) How did Shanduka change your business or yourself?

In the beginning, the pre incubation stage is the time my eyes got opened to what I was facing. I have realized that your business will not grow through constantly chasing opportunities, personal develop-ment and networking plays a big role in business success. With the high failure rate of business startups in our country one has to be ahead and perfectly aligned with the industry needs. Also getting to write my own business plan was remarkable as I had always failed to finish it in the past on my own.

4) What is your motto and what drives you?

I am more than what I am now, and it has to be goal to constantly seek to be closer to my potential.

1) What does your company do, what do you specialize in?Liphumile Is a company that supplies building material from your sand to the last nail of your project. We also renovate and build house, offices etc. Having experience since we started in painting a tilling and now we are a fully functioning company operating in high class office with proper administration, fully understanding labour laws with audited financial statements, vat number and BBBEE level 1. 100% percent youth Black owned and managed

Bandla TikayoManaging Director

Chuma Tshangela Director of Luphumile Projects


2) How did you hear about Shanduka Black Umbrellas, and when did you join them?We heard about Shanduka on radio and we knew it was our ladder to success.

3) How did Shanduka change your business or yourself?Shanduka help us take our company to the next level. I was alone at the time operating in further market square in Govan Mbeki and internet café, but now we have operating space with reception, boardroom etc. We are able to work on our full potential because of the facilities Transnet and Shanduka offer to us.

4) What is your motto and what drives you?To everyone out there push till something happens

To join Shanduka businesses has to be registered, be 100% black owned and have a tax clearance certificate.

“We offer: office space, infrastructure and internet, access to reception area, a bookkeeper, access to a vehicle, annual financial statements, and meeting rooms, access to networking and to procurement, finance, training and mentorship. We would like to wish our incubatees 100% success for this financial year. Call our incubator to find our how

you can join our family.

Tell: 041 5013 400, Email: [email protected];

Attend their orientation workshops every Tuesday, 10am at Transnet: 1 Flemming Street, FC Sturrock Building, Port Elizabeth.

Shanduka Black Umbrellas are 100% funded by Transnet in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro and Port Elizabeth’s Region is one of eight in South Africa. Akhona Noganta, Regional Manager of Shanduka Black Umbrellas said she is working towards getting government, private companies and parastatals to make Shanduka Black Umbrellas the first port to call when they are in need of 100% black owned, compliant companies to use as suppliers. Collaboration is one of our core values at Shanduka Black Umbrellas as Henry Fort says, “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”.

“We are here to turn big dreams into reality. To empower the small business into big business.

To create jobs and grow a land of opportunity for all. We are the power of positive change. We are Shanduka Black Umbrellas.”

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E N T E R TA I N M E N T & L I F E S T Y L E

Page 6: Your Money April Electronic Edition

1) Tell us who is the real Themba Jack?An easy going 21 year old dude who enjoys music, solitude, horror movies and skate-boarding. I was brought up by two parents of completely different ethnicities and thus received a great appreciation and understanding of this. I was also educated in PE for the whole of my "youth", from pre-school to flight school. I'll be finishing my university education sometime soon and I started working towards a private pilot license this year.

2) Were you always passionate about music and how did you know this will be your future?I had always been intrigued by musical instruments and the way they could create a song by playing at the same times, but around late primary school I decided to start learning how to play one. That then grew into a band that would become Modern Tribe. Now however, The Tribe has disbanded and so I've been performing under my own name and recording my own "debut" album which I'm hoping to release later this year.

Two impoverished areas in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan received much needed information technology last month to help them access information faster and easier.

The Deputy Minister of Communications, Ms. Stella Ndabeni Abrahams handed over 26 learner tablets, one educator laptop, one interactive white board, two printers and internet connectivity to each school’s grade 11 and grade 12 learners from Chatty Senior Secondary School in Bloemendal and Douglass Mbopha High School in Moth-erwell in partnership with Vodacom and ICASA.

Abrahams said she wants the children to make use of these tablets and explore Google to research the different careers they wish to follow and to better their lives. The last words she gave the learners were from a popular song: "Koze Kuse Sifunda" (Till tomorrow we will be studying).

The handover was part of National Human Rights Day celebrations that happened the following day in the Eastern Cape. The theme for this year was "Celebrating the Free-dom Charter, Enjoying Equal Human Rights for All ". Sales and Marketing Manager from Vodacom, Travis Goaté said the E-learning Portal has every learning area in the curriculum and can be accessed anywhere.

"It is a Zero rated portal, as long as you have a Vodacom sim card with a positive bal-ance, you can get connected to the e-learning portal" said Goaté.

A very excited pupil from Douglas Mbopha High School, Asaduma Mdunyelwa said these tablets will be a great help to them in terms of their studies as some of them live far from the libraries. Now they can Google their homework on the tablets at school.


Le Gudlife’s Artist of The Month – Themba JackBy Annelisa Klaas

Google = Knowledge = EmpowermentBy Nomaxabiso Pinda and Babsie Mtiya

GASP receives municipal thumbs up

I was in a job interview today when the manager handed me his laptop and said, "I want you to try and sell this to me." So I put it under my arm, walked out of the building and went home.

Eventually he called my mobile and said, "Bring it back here right now!" I said, " R100 and it's yours."

3) What is your definition of Le Gudlife?Not being in debt at all, being able to live comfortably and having a really sick home and a loving, immediate family. 4) What is the one item you cant live without and why?A pair of socks because I don't really dig touching the inside of my shoes. 5) Any advice for other people who want to go into the music industry?Try to be as original as possible and don't stick to what everybody else is doing, because that's pretty lame.

The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipal Council approved a decision to enter into a three-year partnership agreement with the Get Ahead Sport Programme (Gasp) following a successful inaugural event in October last year at the 2nd Avenue Campus of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

Gasp creates opportunities for young athletes to engage with seasoned coaching personalities, development of skills, provides a chance for sport federations to get involved on a grassroots level and to build the capacity of Educators involved in school sports.

Seventy Grade 5 learners accompanied by a teacher from seven primary schools each (Ben Sinuka, Charles Duna, Jarvis Gqamlana, Kama, Lamani, Molefe and Pendla) took part in this unique event that took place from 9 to 11 October 2014.

Prizes for the learners for last year’s event was sponsored by Dunlop Sports and Sportwize and included a certificate designed by Big Sky, sports equipment, sport attire and nutritious food products.

Page 7: Your Money April Electronic Edition

1. Give us abrief history of your upbringing and education?

I grew up in Saulsbury Park, which is now called Providentia. Unfortunately due to the Group Areas Act, we were evacu-ated with no choice and moved to Gelvan Park which is in the Northern Areas of Nelson Mandela Bay. My father was a Baker for 47 years of his life and thereafter worked full time for the Old Apostolic Church as an Apostle, my mom was a Domestic worker. My upbringing was very strict but very discipline and I thank God for the amazing parents he allowed me to have.

2. Were you always passionate about clothes and shoes and what is your first memory of seeing a beautiful garment?

When I grew up, my parents could only afford one new outfit per year and that was over the Christmas period. I always enjoyed beautiful but practical clothes, more so now that I am fully matured, in age and in body size (hahhaha). I owned my first new dress suite at the age of 18 and I can still remember the first time I saw actress Sophia Loren (old school) how she composed herself as a lady and how smartly dressed she always has been. I then promised myself that one day I would like to be smart like her, still trying though.

3. If you had to choose between Oprah Winfrey or Winnie Madikizela Mandela, who would you choose and why?

Winnie Madikizela Mandela. At the age of 78 still looks so good. A powerful and strong woman that the Security Police tried to destroy then, back in the 70’s but did not succeed. I respect her for the good that she did for our country. She comes from our beautiful province, Eastern Cape and a small town called Bizana situated in the Transkei area. She fought against the evil of apartheid with her husband then, Nelson Mandela, a world icon.

1) Who is Theo Klaas and what is your background?

Theo Klaas as known by many is an industrious, serial networker, entrepreneur and media personality. Often referred to as the Mayor of New York (Richmond Hill). My background lies in Media, Marketing and Communications.

2) Describe your business in a nutshell and tell us what your biggest challenges were when you started out?

I have 2 businesses which I run concurrently. The 1st one Umthombo Projects is a supply and out-sourc-ing company. I’m also a director of T.K Communications. We do product launches, Communications and brand awareness of other companies. My biggest challenge when I started was to obtain the attention of my then prospective clients. As a young person, we’re often not taken seriously.


Diva of the Month: Glenda Perumal, Owner of GNR Solutions, stockists of: Uniform, Corporate-, Protec-tive and Sports Clothing and Equipment.By Lynn van Vuuren

Le Gudlife Hustler of the Month – Theo Klaas

4. Your current Crush at the moment?

My current crush is on “SG” in a very big way. “Sexy Glen-da”.

5. Lastly, words of encouragement to other women who wish to follow your career path or reach their full poten-tial but are still threatened by male dominated environments?

We as women need to change the perception about “It’s

a Man’s World” because its not. As a woman, we have an edge above men, we multi-skill very well. Always do the best you possibly can in whatever you doing. Network effectively because you never know when your big break is going to happen. Choose a Mentor that you will listen to, understand him or her and execute as you’ve been told. My Mentor is the biggest part of my success story.

3) Who inspire you on a daily basis?

I try to inspire myself every single day. I realised focusing my happiness and inspiration to other can be very suicidal to my own happiness. People change over time. I find happi-ness and inspiration in what I have.

4) Something few people know about you?

A lot of people do not know that I am a very spir-itual person. I believe in the Universe and what it has to offer. I look at everyday as a chance to write a new story about my life.

5) If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

I’d choose to be a dog. Loyalty is everything to me.

6) What are your words of advice to fellow Hustlers?

You are as good as your last job. Build your per-sonal brand first before building a name and repu-tation for your business. Try and spend more time with people who have more to lose than you.

Page 8: Your Money April Electronic Edition


The National Social Cohesion Summit, established in 2012 by the Department of Arts and Culture was hosted at the Nelson Mandela Metro University last month to provide feedback on what has been achieved over the past three years.

The Summit was established to make South African citizens feel united and to understand each other’s cultures as well as to create national pride in our heritage.

The Eastern Cape Premier, Mr. Phumulo Masualle paid tribute to the late Reverend Mcebisi Osman Xundu who was the Director of Justice and Reconciliation for the Anglican Diocese of Port Elizabeth and President of the National Inter-Faith Leaders Council. Masualle said that the summit is a platform for South Africans of all races to be included and to work together; sharing outcomes and finding solutions on things that still require attention.

Acting Director-General Mr. Vuyo Jack said that the Social Cohesion Summit should give special attention to the inequality between genders and disabled citizen and look

at how to encourage people from all races, especially the youth to attend these event - most importantly, to make sure their voices are heard.

“Most people don't attend these events. The Department of Art and Culture should find a way to reach the people living in the rural areas,” Mr. Jack said.

Mr. Nathi Mthethwa, Minister of Art and Culture said in his speech that the year 2015 is declared as the year of the freedom charter and that he was proud to announce that the country have moved forward for the better since 1994. “People now have more access to natural resources. Although there are women representatives in Parliament, there is still a long way to go before equally and justice has been achieved,” Mthethwa said.Provinces were given a chance to state and give report on what they have done so far since the summit held in 2012 in Soweto and what they plan to do going forward.

During the Global Seda Incubation Day celebrations last month, keynote speaker and Rocket Scientist, Siyabulela Xuza had the guests enraptured by his humble demean-our and powerful success story.

At only 26-years of age, Mthatha-born scientist Xuza even has a planet named after him. As a child; curious Xuza nearly had his mother’s kitchen on fire numerous times while exploring with homemade rocket fuel. Now he is setting the world and media on fire with his Galactic Energy Ventures company and receiving attention from Steve Wozniak and Michelle Obama, the King of Sweden and attended a Nobel Prize cer-emony to name a few.“I guess I could have stayed in America, but my passion is here in South Africa, I want to develop the potential that is here. My advice would be to remain ruthlessly curious, because if you remain curious you will want to learn about things, experiment with ideas, because failure is just a stepping stone to greatness.”

Executive Mayor Ben Fihla spoke about the wonderful opportunities that the Nelson Mandela Bay has been presented with.“The lack of support Port Elizabeth receives from its citizens is one of the main reasons why many initiatives fail. Port Elizabethians should change their mind sets, and support the local businesses because the only people that will make the Nelson Mandela Bay into one of the most visited cities in South Africa are its locals.”

The Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) Global Incubation Day is to promote the work that SEDA has done over the years. With a budget of 10.5 million, Seda has been able to employ 7 staff members, create 32 Small Medium Micro Enter-prise, 98 supported SMME’s and 281 indirect jobs created.

Another success story of the NMB Seda ICT Incubation Centre is Khaya Cokoto, owner of X Spark and winner of the Woman in Technology 2014 award. Cokoto launched their first Mobile Advertising Agency App where people who use the app can phone for free; by using the ad spend of companies, UmoyAir.“All big businesses were once start-ups. I see UmoyAir as not only a South African giant, but an African giant. Our dream is for UmoyAir to stimulate innovation and help bring solutions that will impact positively on the lives of all Africans,” Khaya said.

Ms. Khaya Cokoto from UmoyAir.

Eastern Cape Rocket Scientist, Siyabulela Xuza.

Social cohesion a pipeline dream?By Babsie Mtya

“Ruthlessly Curious”By Annelisa Klaas

A three day conference to celebrate International Women Month in Africa was hosted at the Boardwalk Conference Centre last month with top international speakers from Belgium, Ghana and India to name a few.

The event was opened by President Jacob Zuma during a gala dinner where he gave affirmation that African women are at the right place at the right time.

“This year we plan to invest two billion rand on the establishment of agricultural parks or agri-parks and we expect women to play a leading role in food production in these parks, including exports. There are female farmers who have been selling food to the World Food Programme already, while others have won awards given their expertise in farming which also creates jobs. Government also champions and supports women in business through various programmes. For example, since the establishment of the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) in 2004 to early this year, 21% of the businesses that is funded are owned and managed by black women. The NEF recently estab-lished the Women Empowerment Fund, whose ethos is “Fund a Woman is to Fund a Nation”. Through this initiative, we intend to increase the funding for women owned business to a minimum of 40% in the medium term,” Zuma said.

Mr. Liby Johnson chief operating officer of Kubumbashree in India spoke about the anti-poverty programme they have installed in Karela to help women become suc-cessful; 56% of the women elected in representatives in the local government are from the Kabumbashree community network.

Ms. Tembisa Marele the Programme Coordinator had the guests in stitches when she said: “A women is like a teabag, you only know how strong she is once you put her in hot water”.

Another key note speaker, Ms Mokgadi Machaba of Ernst and Young shared her suc-cess story on how she become a partner after of the said company, from starting out as a street hawker at the tender age of seven years old, selling egg sandwiches at the corner of the street to support her family.

Tandiswa Marawa MEC of the Eastern Cape ended the day on a high note with a quote from Ophrah Winfrey: “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.”

Think like Queen – Africa for Africa Women’s Conference 2015By Annelisa Klaas

Page 9: Your Money April Electronic Edition


Your Money Entrepreneur of the Month – Sarah Hall – Owner of ShowMe PE.

Once you have met the vivacious and bubbly Sarah, you can never forget her. Her personality is as large as her network and online company. We are proud to celebrate Sarah’s success with our readers. Congratulations Sarah and may you continue to grow with each year.

1: Who is Sarah Hall and what is your background? I am a bit of a mixture of many things! I was born in Jo’burg in the early 70’s, spending six years in the UK and the USA, returning to SA when I was 11-years old.

After finishing my schooling and degree – I spent a year in Europe working for the Telkor Valeci 250cc team on the Formula 1 MotoGP circuit.

On my return to SA – I kick-started my career in IT with a stint at Micro-soft SA, swiftly followed by time spent at their PR company, Text100. Then, after a few months at Drake Personnel, I joined a Seattle-based, international host connectivity software developer, Attachmate, as their Marketing Manager and spent eight years establishing their products in the South African market.

Tired of IT and wanting to try something new I moved to Plettenberg Bay and ended up running the marketing arm of the Plettenberg Bay Tourism Association. I then finally settled in Port Elizabeth in 2007 and was appointed as Operations Manager at Business Link Magazine.

In 2011 I resigned from that position and ventured out on my own, buying the Port Elizabeth franchise of the ShowMe network and spent 4 months populating the new site. The site launched commercially in January 2012.

2: Did you ever feel like giving up in the beginning and if so, how did you overcome it?To be honest, no! I believe so completely in the ShowMe concept, and what it can offer the local community, that I have only gone from one exciting year to the next.

3: You are running a very successful company, where do you draw your inspiration from?My parents! My father has held very senior positions in some very exciting companies – IBM, ICL, Impala Platinum, and Iscor Iron Ore/Kumba – and he has done this all over the world. His most recent position was as the General Manager of Kumba International, based in Amsterdam. My mother has battled breast cancer & won, and she has been the 2IC to my father at all times – hosting some very high-end events, like representing Kumba International in sponsoring and host-ing Nelson Mandela in the Netherlands at an awards ceremony in 2004.

She is also brilliant at everything she sets her mind too and works hard at her community projects. This has just cemented the concept, ‘What you put in you get out’ for me.

4: If you could run any company for a month, which would it be and why?You know that bookshop on the corner – called Ye Olde Bookshoppe - that is what I would love to run for a month! I love reading, I love any-thing vintage.

5: What is your daily routine like? Insane! I wake up at 5am; get ready; wake up the boys; breakfast; school drop off; work; work; work; fetch boys from school; work; work; work; work; work; supper & homework; a couple of glasses of wine; work; work; work; bed!

6: What are the highs and lows of your business?I love it when our clients get the kudos they deserve as a result of the marketing efforts we do for them. When I send them a query from their listing on the site, or from the website we have built them, it is just the best! Lows are when we cannot get an existing or potential client to un-derstand the importance & the benefits of online marketing. I can cry!

7: What is your long term plans for the future?

We want to be THE online choice as far as promoting Nelson Man-dela Bay, and everything you need to know about the area – business, events, news, etc!

8: Something few people know about you?Have spent the day with Andrew Ridgley from the band Wham and had lunch with Seve Ballesteros and had NO idea who they were – they loved it!

9: What are your words of advice to fellow Entrepreneurs?Just Do It! If you want to give up ……….. DON’T! It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a good 3-5 years to build up a company!

10: Describe your company in a nutshell.Your World in One Place! The best online community platform for the successful promotion of businesses, events, news and so much more.

Page 10: Your Money April Electronic Edition


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Engeli was established by a group of BBBEE, Enterprise andSupply Chain Development Specialists who have more than100 years of collective experience, both locally and abroad.

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Page 11: Your Money April Electronic Edition



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WORKING WORLD EXHIBITION – ROARING SUCCESSMore than 11 000 Grade 12’s representing more than 150 schools were wowed at the 16th edition of the annual Working World Career Expo at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium last week.The Working World Expo is the largest career guidance initiative of its kind in South Africa and the class of 2015 grabbed the opportunity to be inspired and informed as it begins to prepare applications for various study directions after school.Running over 3 days, participating matrics interacted with 70 exhibiting organisations representing a diverse range of career, study and funding options.Exhibitors included the South African Police Services, The NMMU, Vodacom, Rhodes University, The South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Total Concept Beauty Academy, Old Mutual, The Engineering Council of South Africa, Damelin and VWSA, among others.All matrics from participating schools were also provided with a Gr 12 Life Orientation curriculum approved Career Guidance Workbook, free career guidance counselling and a motivational careers DVD featuring messages from Mark Shuttleworth and other celebrities.This year a special Gr 9 subject choice evening and a seminar for the leadership bodies of schools was also hosted, where young leaders interacted with the Nelson Mandela Bay Chamber’s Top 40 under 40 achiever.

Inkanyezi Events CEO Andrew Binning said the initiative remained one of the most “value-adding resources to school leavers”.“Over the past 16 years, based on our personal research, less than 10% of all matrics are sure of what they are going to study after school, Binning said.“The expo and its resources move our school leavers into a better place to make one of the most important decisions in their lives, and in many cases actually provide learners with their light bulb moment.”“Learners are encouraged to find their passion and balance it with the practicalities of the job market in South Africa, which desperate needs our young leaders to make a meaningful contribution.’’Binning said he was energised and optimistic about the calibre of the region’s matrics.“The attitude, respect and maturity with which the class of 2015 has gone about its research and engaged business and educational institutions at the expo, was remark-able and gives one a great sense of optimism around the future of our country,’’ Bin-ning said. The expo hosted by Inkanyezi Events annually is supported by Coega, The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, the NMMU, The South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement, Access Management and Bay FM.

Page 12: Your Money April Electronic Edition


Novice Entrepreneur 2015 Competition:

Calling Aspiring Entrepreneurs under 30- years of age with a new business idea!We are looking for passionate, determined and innovative young Entrepreneurs in the Eastern Cape to take part in our 1-day workshop on 17 June and stand the chance to be Your Money Novice Entrepreneur 2015! Fill in the application form, scan and email it back to us. You can also email us the questions asked on the application form: Email: [email protected]/ Cell: 0745820319, Web: or download our App: Your Money on Playstore to enter!

Fill in the entry form, scan and email to: [email protected]. You can also sms us the details to: 074 5820 319.Closing Date: 10 June 2015

Applicant’s Full Names: .................................................................................

Identification no:...............................................................................................

Cell Phone:.......................................................................................................

Email Address:..................................................................................................

Proposed Company Name:...............................................................................

Description of Proposed Business: …………………………………………......... …………………………………………………………………………………………

Entry Form: Your Money Novice Entrepreneur 2015

RULES AND REGULATION:- Be between under 30-years of age.- Have a new business idea.- Be willing to be featured in Your Money Publishing.- Be promoted on our FB Page: Your Money Publishing and Events and twitter.- Be willing to be interviewed on KQ FM.- Be willing to be interviewed on Bay TV.- Complete the full day workshop on 28 May.- Top 15 entrants to pitch their idea in front of the “Dragon’s Den”.



Outline of Competition:In line with the call from government to create 20million jobs by 2020, Your Money would like to do its part by encouraging the youth to take the opportunities there are of being an Entrepreneur in the Eastern Cape. We know our region is unique from other areas and instead of trying to change it, we would like to embrace and make it work in our favour.

17 June 2015-ICC Boardwalk

Started by a collaboration between Edge Financial Services and Michelle Camp-bell Publicity- now into its 3rd year, the Nelson Mandela Bay Investor Seminar certainly is gaining traction and interest. This year will see the popular business expo area with over 40 exhibits and an expected 2000 feet through the door as well as the ABSA Novice Entrepreneur Competition who will see four lucky finalists walk away with a R2000 cash prize and a mentorship from their own “Dragon”.

In the main auditorium guests can ex-pect talks from the likes of KPMG, Coca Cola, Investec, Edge Financial and MBDA- who will be giving an extensive talk on inner-city property and develop-ment as well as on the waterfront and Tramways building. Other partners include the Hope Factory who will be hosting a couch Q&A session aimed at SMME’s and emerging entrepreneurs. Coca Cola Sabco will also use the semi-nar to promote their 5by20 which is The Coca-Cola Company’s global commit-ment to enable the economic empower-ment of 5 million women entrepreneurs across the company’s value chain by 2020. Specifically, that means the small businesses the company works with in over 200 countries around the world. From fruit farmers to artisans, this initia-tive aims to help women overcome the barriers they face to business success. 5by20 and The Coca-Cola Company are proud to be giving millions of women opportunities to build their businesses, support their families and build their communities, while inspiring more to do the same.

The main auditorium will enjoy talks from top representatives in their fields- as well as a special talk from Mr Phil Gutsche on the history of Coca Cola Sabco as they celebrate 75 years in existence this year- how their stood the test of time. Coca Cola memorabilia will also be on display in the business expo area, for a nostalgic trip down memory lane…

The event date is set at Wednesday 17 June June 2015 at the Boardwalk Inter-national Convention Centre and will be-gin at 7:30 for 8:00, likely to end around 5pm whereby guests will be invited to a “miss the traffic” networking sundowner session next to the pool.

A wonderful addition this year as well, is a talk which will be given by the one and only Mike Handcock. Mike Handcock is the Chairman & Founder of Rock Your Life. Getting to know about Mike Hand-cock you will find: Mike is an interna-tional award winning speaker who has worked in over 30 cities and 20 coun-tries in the past 3 years alone,

the 2014 NZ Speaker of the Year and one of just 25 people globally to be awarded the speaking designation CSP Global, he has written thirteen books on business and personal development including best sellers and an Amazon #3 and he has been mentioned by Presi-dent Bill Clinton for his philanthropic work and is a seeker of ancient wisdom who can be found climbing through dusty pyramids or researching the se-crets of the past diligently.

The mastermind behind this event, Ed Gutsche will also be addressing our del-egates about investment opportunities in Africa – with a live feed to their new Edge Financial Group office in Kenya.

There are still two opens available for platinum sponsors to align them-selves with this prestigious event as well as space in the Business Expo area. Call Michelle Campbell on 0729973123 or Lynn Van Vuuren on 0745820319 for any further informa-tion. Tickets to the public are R200 and will be available through Com-puticket. This will include coffee and light refreshments. Follow the semi-nar on Facbook at The NMB Investor Seminar.

“Weathering the storm. Get-ting your business through tough economic times”

Chairman of Sabco, Mr. Phil Gutsche addressing the delegates last year.

Mastermind, Mr. Ed Gutsche, CEO of Edge Financial Services Group at their Expo stall last year.

MBDA CEO, Prof. Pierre Voges adressing the delegates.