Page 1: Your Monthly NAMI Lane County E-News · Your Monthly NAMI Lane County E-News Welcome to the first edition of NAMI Lane County's E-newsletter Visit our Website Board of Directors Officers

Volume 44 No. 2 | April 2020

Your Monthly NAMI Lane County E-News

Welcome to the first edition of NAMI Lane County's E-newsletter

Visit our Website

Board of Directors

OfficersPresident: JD Olsen

Vice President: Janine AmadorSecretary: Shawn Lockery Treasurer: Becky Hayes

Members-At-LargeChaine Bryant

Shawn MurphyAlisha Wells

Janice DanielsDan Isaacson


Executive Director:Jennifer MacLean

Development Director:Sarah Merkle

Multicultural & RuralOutreach Manager:

Pedro Pacheco

Programs Manager:AimieLisa Hook

NAMIWalks is going to be a little differentthis year. We’re not canceling it – we arepleased to present a walk for our times:

NAMIWalks Your Way Lane County:A Virtual Event on May 30.

NAMI’s programs and advocacy are neededmore than ever, and with your help.

Register for NAMIWalks

What is NAMIWalks Your Way?

On May 30, NAMIWalks will be a virtual experience and joined by NAMIWalks across the country.

NAMIWalks Your Way means what it sounds like: participants get to make NAMIWalks their own. You

can walk a 5K—through your neighborhood, around your backyard, on your treadmill. Or you can do

something else meaningful and fun to celebrate our virtual walk day.

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NAMI Lane County is here for you

NAMI has been a resource for Lane County mental health for over

40 years. We have collated a vast array of resources related to

COVID-19; many are local to Lane County and Oregon. We have

staff and volunteers returning email and phone messages to share

information and respond to inquiries. We have online support

groups that are free and open to all adults (18+).

With the impacts of COVID-19 affecting our communities locally and

globally, NAMI wants to continue to support our Lane

County. There are many uncertainties that we all are facing around

housing, employment, food security, and questions about how and

when our economy will recover. NAMI can help you navigate

through this time with mental health resources and information,

support programming, and warm hand-off referrals to local


We are here to support you!

All resources and information can be found on the NAMIwebsite

Call the resource center at 541-343-7688 or

email us at [email protected] and we will return your message

Support Group Schedule

Family Support Group:Thursdays at 7pmNAMI Family Support Group is a weekly peer ledsupport group for family members, loved-ones &caregivers of those affected by mental healthconditions.Registration Link:

Connection Support Groups:

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Mondays at 6pm orWednesdays at 6:30pmNAMI Connection is a weekly recovery peer ledsupport group for people dealing with thechallenges of a mental health condition in whichpeople learn from each others’ experiences, sharecoping strategies, and offer each otherencouragement and understanding.Monday’s Registration Link:

Wednesday’s Registration Link:

Looking for more online support?

Here is a list of all NAMI support groups across OregonNAMI Support Groups in Oregon

Coping with and Responding to COVID-19:A Mental Health Perspective

By: Gene Obersinner LCSW

NAMI Lane County member and former Board of Directors Member

During this very strange period, unprecedented in recent times, there is so muchuncertainty and fear. In addition to the obvious health risks, we’ve been thrown off of ourdaily routines in a fundamental way.Because of this, it is very important that we engage in rituals that are healthy, comfortingand familiar. Humans are creatures of habit. Our rituals keep us sane and provide calmand predictability.From my perspective, here are some important things to engage in or consider at this time:* Embrace gratitude. Celebrate and be thankful for those you love--never take them forgranted. Honor them, cherish them, tell them how much they mean to you.* Think about the things--large and small--for which you are grateful. A practice ofgratitude gives us a wider perspective, one that helps us remember what is right in ourlives, while dealing with everything else that is going on. Take a moment to appreciate allthe front-line responders in this pandemic, and how much they are doing (and risking) forall of us!* Pay attention to your activities at the very beginning and end of the day. These times are‘tone setters’ for your day and your sleep, respectively. I’d strongly encourage notreading/watching the news first thing in the morning, or just before sleep. Instead,consider pondering, watching, or reading something inspiring, hopeful, or heartwarming.* Be mindful of ‘screen time’. Some is good, and helps us reach out to people we cannototherwise see right now. But notice when you feel drawn to it in a compulsive way, and,when you sense this, detach from it. Have 2-3 healthy alternative activities in mind forwhen you feel ‘hooked’ by dramatic news stories or negative social media.* For instance, I have to ask myself if checking on pandemic only a couple of hours after Ihave done so is helpful. When I catch myself feeling compelled to look repeatedly at the

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news, I will do a mindfulness exercise, physical exercise, or something else that ishealthier.* I really appreciated a recent Brene Brown podcast, in which she discussed “F&%kingFirst Times”. This term refers to activities that we engage in that are new to us. It’s criticalto normalize the vulnerability and discomfort that goes with these activities.* For all of us, this pandemic is certainly a first time thing! In the podcast, Brene remindsus that it’s okay to feel scared, worried, disappointed, etc. She adds, not only is it okay tofeel these feelings, it’s very important to name them and talk about them with others.And…listen to others when they need support. This is a very important act of service for allof us right now.* If possible, please take the time to help others via an act of service, a donation, a kindword, or some other act that eases the burden for those who are in need, especially for themost vulnerable in society.

Check out Gene's Blog here


As a small, grassroots non-profit, we depend on your support to continue to do our work in the communitysupporting individuals and families affected by mental health conditions. As we face the uncertainty created by

COVID-19, we are increasingly grateful for our donors; your ongoing support is what will keep us going throughthis crisis and continue to be able to serve our community.

Volunteer Spotlights

Tricia Mota:ConnectionsFacilitator

When I first found out about the pandemic, I knew itwould have a profound effect on the mental healthcommunity. I myself look forward to going to NAMIgroups on a weekly basis for support andencouragement. I had found a place where I felt like Ibelonged. I became concerned about not being able tohave in person support meetings anymore and howthat would be difficult for members. It was a relief tohear that the NAMI Lane County team was workinghard to reorganize our peer support groups to befacilitated online using the Zoom website. After beingtrained to facilitate these groups I've found that theZoom meetings have been easy to use for the mostpart and I encourage others to give it a try.

During this incredibly difficult time in the world many ofus can relate to feeling fearful and having a sense ofuncertainty in our daily lives with anxiety about ourfuture. NAMI Connections peer support groups onlinecan help anyone who feels isolated and alone. It'simportant that we support and encourage each otherto have compassion for ourselves and utilize positiveself care strategies. Remember our principles ofsupport …...WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!

Thank you!NAMI Lane County would like to thank each and every one of our volunteers

who has helped us launch online support groupsand call members of our NAMI community.

Email us if you'd like to get involved in helping us support our [email protected]

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Join NAMI Lane County Today!Household memberships are $60/yearIndividual memberships are $40/yearOpen Door memberships are $5/year

Annual membership benefits include:· Local, informative newsletters

· National membership magazine· A voice on vital advocacy issues

· Representation on state and local boards

· You’ll be supporting your local voice for mental health helpingprovide education, advocacy and support in our community

Contact our office to get a membership application: [email protected]

Join or renew your membership online HERE

Welcome to New Board Members

Janice Daniels

Janice, who works at ShelterCare,remembers spending a significantamount of time in a NAMI lobby whenshe was young. "I didn't realize it until Iwas older, but NAMI molded mychildhood. I grew up in a low- incomehousehold, my father has schizophrenia,and my mother has Bipolar Disorder,and throughout my childhood NAMIhelped bring more stability, and a senseof "normalcy" into our household."Janice says NAMI connected her parentsto mental health resources, local foodpantries, holiday giving programs, andeven the "Big Brothers Big Sisters"program, which helped her getconnected to the "Big Sister" she still

Dan Isaacson

Dan is so excited to join the board ofNAMI and looks forward to helping therest of the directors, the numerousvolunteers and staff, and our communityat large. He is a local small businessowner and has a visceral passion forthose underserved in our society andtries to direct his personal volunteer andphilanthropic efforts toward those areas.The issue of mental illness and addictiontreatment is a top priority. His closefriend of 21 years committed suicideafter a long battle with depression andalcoholism, and it was that event thatserved as the catalyst for his own work inthese areas. He recognizes that hecannot do everything, but he can do

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sees today! "My parents acknowledgedthat they couldn't do it alone, and NAMIprovided them with the tools theyneeded to be the parents they wanted tobe. I am extremely thankful foreverything NAMI has done for myfamily, and so honored to be on theboard for NAMI Lane County!"

something and it is in our collective‘something’ that bends the arc of publicawareness, public priority funding andultimately reduces the number of thosein need.

Thanks to Ariann Harrelson for herBoard of Directors Service

Ariann joined the NAMI Lane Countyboard in July 2017, she become thetreasurer in April 2018 and completedher two year term in April 2020. Wewill miss Ariann, she supported NAMIat our annual Holiday Dinner andthrough her community advocacy forour programs and services.

Now is a great time to collectcontainers in one of NAMI

Lane County Blue Bags, or youcan make an online donation

from your individualBottleDrop account balance.

If you need more blue bags email us at [email protected] Subjectline:Blue Bags and we will either drop them off on your porch or mail them to yourhome. If you have full bags you can drop them off at any Bottle Drop location.

Donate here from your bottle drop account to NAMI


If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis and/or need someadditional support please call:

CAHOOTS: 541-682-5111

NAMI Help Line: 1-800-950-6264

SAMHSA's National Helpline: 1-800-662-4357

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Institute on Aging's Friendship Line: 1-800-971-0016

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Trevor's Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386

Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860

We are here to help. You are not alone.

Thanks to our PresentingSponsor for NAMIWalks

Your Way Columbia Care!

Columbia Care's Hourglass CrisisCenter is open in Eugene

2443, 71 Centennial Loop suite AEugene, OR 97401

(541) 505-8426

When you shop at AmazonSmileyou’ll find the same low prices,vast selection and convenient

shopping experience,

with the added bonus thatAmazon will donate a

.5% of the purchase price toNAMI Lane County.

Amazon Smile

to sign up and choose NAMILane County

You can help NAMI LaneCounty every time you

shop at Fred Meyer.

You still earn your reward pointsand fuel points,

but now NAMI receives adonation too!

Sign up
