Page 1: Your Most Pressing B2B eCommerce Questions Answered

Your Most Pressing B2B ecommerce questions


Jeanne Leee2b teknologies

[email protected] x 240

Do I need it?How do I choose?

What are the benefits?What about ROI?Can it handle my requirements?

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Do I need B2B ecommerce?

Page 3: Your Most Pressing B2B eCommerce Questions Answered

• 38% of those surveyed said more than 50% of their revenue coming from their online channel

• 31% of respondents said direct sales are still driving most revenue but online is growing in importance

• 5% of respondents predict no growth in their online business in 2013

Did You Know…

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Yet only 25% of B2B’s have an online presence…

Percent of B2B Companies Utilizing eCommerce

B2Bs OnlineB2Bs Not Online



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B2B e Commerce Can’t Handle My Complex

requirements and processes…can it?

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Fact: B2B e Commerce Is Designed for B2B’s

High volume sales Repetitive sales Quote management Contract pricing Channel partner support Purchase order processing

Order approvals Cross selling/up selling LicensingRenewals ReactivationEnvironments that require integration with ERP, CRM, Shipping, and other back-office systems

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Return On InvestmentConsider:

1/3 of B2B orders are entered manually, phoned in, faxed in, or emailed.

$33 $10 $1

Cost Per Transaction:

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Based On That Information…

100 phone orders 100 email orders 100 ecommerce orders



How Many Orders do you process in a week? A Month? a Year?

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The Benefits of B2B eCommerceImprove your efficiency

Relationship enhancement.


Grow your business

Keeping up with your competition

Reduce time spent on phone

reduce cost per transaction

More effective marketing

Frees up your support team to work on support related issues

45 % of Call Center calls are non-transactional inquiries

• Is product X in stock?• What is my price for X?• Where is my order?

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Should I Build or Buy

an Ecommerce Solution?

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-The solution will be yours-total control over updates-No need to pay for licensing, maintenance, etc.-Freedom to build exactly how you want


-inexperience breeds costly mistakes

Requires internal IT skills or a large investment

-Internal IT talent & a significant amount of time

will need to devoted to initial build and all other

issues, updates, maintenance, etc.

-pressure to keep the software relevant and in line

with customer expectations and demands.

-If you use a consultant or outside developer

you will pay for every bug fix or issue…forever.


-Getting A proven B2B ecommerce solution -all initial performance inhibitors out of the way-no expense for outside developer.-vendor will keep the software relevant-vendor can guide you to new technologies and best practices-Vendor will take care of all bug fixes and other issues-will not have to take your IT staff away from other projects.

Cons -Larger upfront investment-need to pay for licensing, maintenance, etc.-do not have control over the timing of updates-subject to the vendor’s plans for the product.

Build Buy

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How do I choose a platform?

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What to look for in a B2B e Commerce platform

• Customer specific pricing• Freedom to optimize• Security• Search functionality• Integration with ERP, CRM and other systems• Room for growth and change• Content management and design capabilities

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Why Is Integration With My Other Systems

So Important?

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• You’ll need to re-enter order info from your ecommerce site into other systems.-Duplicate effort and Reduced efficiency -Increase costs/order in terms of time and employees to do it -Risk of data entry errors

• Customer info not synced between ecommerce and ERP

-Risk inaccuracies in your customer database -Need to manually enter contact info Reduced efficiency

Common Problems If you DO NOT have integration With Your Other Systems..

•Pricing and account history not synced with ERP system -Incomplete / inaccurate info given to buyers •Customers cannot see negotiated pricing. -manual order adjustment-More cost and time per order

•Shipping costs cannot be calculated and tracked online -No real-time tracking for customers

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Thank You

Jeanne [email protected]