  • 1. YU ConnectEngaging Digital Citizens1 CACUSS 2012

2. About UsJair Kallidumbil Ross McMillan Student Relations, Student Community Senior Advisor, VP Students Lead Administrator, YU Connect Project Lead for YU Connect2 3. Why Are You Here?(in this session, not metaphysically)3 4. About York Canadas 3rd largest university Primarily commuter based Student population has higher OSAP number & loanamount and work more during the school year thanOntario average.4 5. Session Outline Get Involved. Get Connected. Get Recognized.This session will cover:1) Call to Action2) Project Planning Process3) Implementation from Preparation to Beta Launch4) Implementation of Co-Curricular Record5 6. 1) Call for Action6 7. 1) Call For Action Main Reasons Recognition for involvement One stop shop for promoting events and news Move transactions online Ease transition for students and staff7 8. 2) Project Process Key Pointsa) Establish Project Committee Consider the structural links that need to be involved Integration (Central IT, Registrar) Connection (Alumni,Career), Community (Students, Key Student Affairs staff) Committee Charge (what will you accomplish) Timelineb) Needs Assessment Likely will be in Request for Proposal (RFP) format Internal or External8 9. In House vs. Out House: Considerations Perhaps your IT unit in known for developing seem-less products that integrate with your student information system. It could because the service is free or at least free to you you just have to get in the project queue. It could be because you dont have a choice in the matter. Regardless, you will want9 their expertise and buy in 10. External Vendor Comparison Wilfred Laurier, U of Calgary, Carleton, Dalhousie ProsCons Experience and track record Limited functionality for CCRs in Canadaoutside of CCR Unique ID Number for Record Anecdotal complaints Verificationabout customer Robust application &service and understanding of learning responsiveness outcomes Canadian!10 11. External Vendor Comparison Grant MacEwan, Athabasca Pros Cons Complete student No real presence in engagement platformCanada Innovations include One other thing e-portfolio and mobile site Nice interface11 12. External Vendor ComparisonU of Alberta, York University ProsCons Complete student Interest recommender engagement platform does not work well in Integration withpractice. Baseline/Student Voice No embedding videos platform No e-portfolio Strong client service12 13. 3) Preparation for Rollout Defining Beta Groups for Testing Privacy Agreement (feel free to borrow from ours!) Training for Staff and for Users Switching from Transaction to Transformation Communications Plan13 14. 14 15. 3) Staffing Model Shift Transaction to Transformation Training for student peers Culture change Learning outcome based interaction with student orgs15 16. 3) Onboarding & Roadshow Onboarding Strategy Student Clubs (Registration) RED Zone (1st Year Transition) Student Governments (Orientation) Peer Programs (Recruitment and Management) Roadshow Academic Departments Student Services Areas Other Campus16 17. 3) Implementation Successes17 18. 3) Implementation Success 13 647 registered users Survey shows greater satisfaction with student community support Shift to mentoring role deepened relationship Social media integration18 19. 3) Implementation Lessons Learned Challenges - Users Onboarding Change in Standard Process Its not Facebook! Issues with mobile devices Bugs in the system Making it sticky: regular, ongoing usage Roadshow Lack of functionalities Nervousness surrounding technology Apathy towards change19 20. 3) Implementation Lessons LearnedChallenges System Admin Lack of usage from students Personalization of pages Regular updating Application review Request to copy system Paranoia and Myths about system Errors being discovered20 21. 4) Co Curricular Record Implementation Co-Curricular Record Record Extra-Curricular Activities Official Document Experience-based Reflection Promotion Banners Business Cards Articles Launch Day21 22. 4) Co Curricular Records Implementation Reception Cool! Factor Past Involvement Requests Created the Sticky Pull Factor22 23. Stage 6 Future Plans23
