
Zetta Zarboplayed by:

Beanie O’Dannon played by:

Hal Sapone played by:

Kara Low played by:

Hershey Bar played by:

Wyleen Black played by:

Jazzy Fringe played by:

Sam McWarthy played by:

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Lori King
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Brian Kuffener
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Josh Hughes
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Alice Hughes
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John King
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Jennett Mullane
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Donna Goddard
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Owen Curley
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Harry Looper played by:

Mona Crawfish played by:

Tommy Beagle played by:

Haddie Drinx played by:

Chuck Limbergerplayed by:

Fay Stingrayplayed by:

Marlie Maplin played by:

played by:

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Luke King
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Dottie Kuffner
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Kiria King
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Richard King
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Tom Davis
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Liv Mahne
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James King
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Louise Sayre
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Hannah Beighton

Billie Baird played by:

Baby Face O’Toole played by:

Gloria Valentino played by:

Al Joulson played by:

Chanel Cocoa played by:

Georgie O’Keith played by:

Rudolf Valencio played by:

Jackie ‘The Legs’ Emerald played by:

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Tina Wells
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Martin Wells
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Danielle Mullane
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Sean Mullane
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Taylah Ericksen
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Fiona Beighton
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Chris Shelton
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Andrew Beighton

Virginia mountain played by:

Joann crawford played by:

Aggie christy played by:

Sophia alfani played by:

Ducky shultz played by:

Buster keeden played by:

Mary Fordesplayed by:

Bebe Wrayplayed by:

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Megan Young
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Tracy Curly
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Celia Whitton
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Ros Davis
Typewritten Text
Zander Wells
Typewritten Text
Chris Gooddard
Typewritten Text
Ellie Beighton
Typewritten Text
Grace King
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Zetta Zarbo

Silent Film Star


The stunning Zetta Zarbo is the quintessential ‘20s Hollywood silent film star. She is gracious and charming on

the big screen and in real life, she’s a live wire. As a celebrity, she’s no stranger to blackmailers and deceivers,

but she hopes her personal life will take a turn as she’s recently become the doting girlfriend of the notorious

mobster, Hal Sapone.

Flapper Dress, long strand of pearls, long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s

style shoes. A sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

Hal Sapone

Crime Boss of the South Side Chicago



Hal Sapone is the infamous organized crime leader of the South Side Gangsters in Chicago. It’s the height of the prohibition era and this mobster is one of the leading

bootleggers in the United States. Hal is a smooth operator and owns the popular speakeasy, ‘The Grand Gatsby’. This menacing lawbreaker is never seen without his faithful right

hand man, Tommy ‘Four Gun’ Beagle.

A fedora and a zoot suit and wing-tipped

shoes. A pocket watch on a chain and a

plastic Tommy gun as optional accessories.

Mona Crawfish

Marathon Dancing



Mona Crawfish is the national marathon dancing champion in the United States. On the dance floor, nobody can come

close to beating her endless supply of energy. Mona is known for her overly active personality but as the new

girlfriend of a major crime boss - Beanie O’Dannon - some question whether she uses her extra energy for good or for

criminal activity.

Moll suit (gangster girl) fishnet stockings and ‘20s style shoes. A

fedora hat and a plastic Tommy gun as optional accessories.

Kara Low

Nightclub Singer


This ultra-flirty flapper is a performer that hits on all sixes at ‘The Grand Gatsby’ Speakeasy. This dame is a real canary as a sizeable crowd gathers on a regular basis to hear her sing. By the piano, she appears angelic but if you double

cross this doll, she’s likely to turn into a real bearcat.

Flapper Dress, long strand of pearls, long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s

style shoes. A sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

Beanie O’Dannon

Crime Boss of the Northern Chicago

Mob Outfit


Beanie O’Dannon is the ruthless leader of the Northern Chicago Mob Outfit. His organization is known for boot

legging as well as running protection rackets and casinos. He is the formidable enemy of Hal Sapone. However, these two crime outfits have recently made an agreement to work together in their boot legging efforts. All involved parties say this agreement won’t hold water long and someone will pull

first blood…the only question is when and who.

A fedora and a zoot suit and wing-tipped

shoes. A pocket watch on a chain and a

plastic Tommy gun as optional accessories.

Haddie Drinx

Speakeasy Waitress


The over-emotional Haddie Drinx is a long-time waitress at ‘The Grand Gatsby’ Speakeasy and best friend of Mona

Crawfish. Haddie dreams of becoming a night club singer and is deeply envious of Kara Low for stealing her ‘would-be’

position at ‘The Grand Gatsby’ speakeasy months ago.

Flapper Dress, long strand of pearls, long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s

style shoes. A cloche hat and a flask secured

to the thigh with a garter belt as optional


Tommy ‘Four Guns’ Beagle

Right hand man to Hal Sapone


Tommy ‘Four Guns’ Beagle is the mysterious right hand man to Hal Sapone. This gangster is keen on making up rhymes about his victims before he bumps them off. So, if you hear

Tommy Beagle rhyming, start running!

A fedora and a zoot suit and wing-tipped

shoes. A pocket watch on a chain and a

plastic Tommy gun as optional accessories.

‘Handsome Sam’


Right hand man to Beanie O’Dannon


Handsome Sam is the ultimate ladies’ man and right hand man to Beanie O’Dannon. Sam has not always made the

appropriate choices of women, however, and this may land him into a sticky situation if he is not careful.

A fedora and a zoot suit and wing-tipped

shoes. A pocket watch on a chain and a

plastic Tommy gun as optional accessories.

Hershey Bar

American Baseball League Outfielder & Jazz Musician


The multi-talented Hershey Bar is a record breaking American Baseball League Outfielder. He is the brother of Handsome Sam McCarthy and is a part time saxophone

player at ‘The Grand Gatsby’ Speakeasy. He is very talented and performs the sax to fulfill his childhood dreams of becoming a Jazz performer. Hershey is a down to earth

gentleman who is loved by all the ladies.

Any vintage-style baseball uniform. A baseball cap as an

optional accessory. OR can wear a wild color

zoot suit (yellow, purple) and carry a saxophone (real or

fake) as a prop.

Wyleen Black

Tabloid Newspaper Reporter


This tabloid newspaper reporter is the most scandalous in the history of Chicago. It is hard to find a soul in Chicago

that is not stressing under the spell of blackmail by Wyleen Black. Wyleen’s nosy and conniving ways will certainly get her into major trouble one day…and it cannot come soon

enough for most.

Flapper Dress, long strand of pearls, long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s

style shoes. A cloche hat and a long

cigarette holder with a fake cigarette as

optional accessories.

Harry Looper

Silent Film Actor


Harry Looper is the long-time best friend of Zetta Zarbo. These two are preparing for a new silent film, ‘The St.

Patrick’s Day Massacre.’ Harry is a sweet and sensitive man who would never hurt a flea. Unfortunately for Harry, Hal Sapone is quickly growing tired of Harry and Zetta’s

friendship and so he should watch his back if he continues to be Zetta’s best friend.

A fedora, 2 piece suit with matching vest and

bow tie.

Jazzy Fringe

Flapper & Night Club Singer


The egotistical Jazzy Fringe is a regular performer at Beanie O’Dannon’s club, ‘The Two Aces.’ However, this club is not nearly as popular as Hal Sapone's ‘The Grand Gatsby’ - so

Jazzy has been after Kara Low’s spot at ‘The Grand Gatsby’ for months. Jazzy Fringe will stop at nothing to get what she wants and vows to one day take over as the lead performer.

Flapper Dress, long strand of pearls, long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s

style shoes. A cloche hat and a long

cigarette holder with a fake cigarette as

optional accessories.

Chuck Limberger

American Pilot


Chuck Limberger is the loveable but air-headed American pilot and brother to Mona Crawfish. He is planning to fly a big solo non-stop Trans-Atlantic mission soon but is being

delayed by the skeptics around him. This determined alcohol-loving pilot will try anything to show that he can take

to the skies.

Any vintage aviator outfit – leather bomber

jacket, leather flight helmet, knee high

boots. Goggles and a scarf as optional


Marlie Maplin

Silent Film Star & Mime


Marlie Maplin is the greatest comedic mime of all times. He is the best silent film comedy star in Hollywood and everyone loves to be around him as he is constantly

entertaining everyone with his humorous mimes. Just don’t get on Marlie’s bad side as his mime-mockery sessions can

be brutal.

White shirt, black suspenders, oversized pants and a derby hat.

Fay Stingray

American Novelist


Fay Stingray is an ultra-quiet and more conservative flapper girl. She is constantly doing research for her new novel on

the rival mobster gangs in Chicago. It is impossible to determine what this writer is thinking as she always appears

to be soaking in the scene around her.

Flapper Dress, long strand of pearls, long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s

style shoes. A sequined headband

with a feather and flask secured to the thigh with a garter belt as

optional accessories.

Billie Baird

Gun Moll


Billie Baird is the ruthless girlfriend of Baby Face O’Toole of the Northern Chicago Mob Outfit. She will stop at nothing to

get what she wants and will stand by her man and the Northern Chicago Mob Outfit at all cost. This is one gun-

toting diva to stay clear of.

Gun moll outfit. A fake gun as an optional


Baby Face O’Toole

Mobster – Northern Chicago Mob Outfit


Baby Face O’Toole is a loyal and dedicated mobster from the Northern Chicago Mob Outfit. He is one of the most unpredictable gangsters from the northern side and his intolerance is legendary. He is quick to put an end a

fight…but it’s usually with his trusty Tommy Gun.

A fedora and a zoot suit and wing-tipped

shoes. A pocket watch on a chain and a

plastic Tommy gun as optional accessories.

Gloria Valentino

Upcoming Silent Film Star


Gloria Valentino is a beautiful and talented upcoming silent film star. She’s just breaking the surface of the Hollywood scene and proclaims that her only true inspiration is Zetta

Zarbo. Gloria just finished filming a bit part in her first silent film and is desperately awaiting her turn at becoming one of

Hollywood’s rich and famous.

Flapper Dress, long strand of pearls, long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s

style shoes. A sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

Al Joulson

Vaudeville Entertainer


The ostentatious performer - Al Joulson - is popularly known as ‘America’s Entertainer.’ Originally from Lithuania, he moved to the States and got his break in Vaudeville as a minstrel, comedian and singer at New York City’s Palace

Theater. As of the turn of the decade, Al’s the most famous and highest paid entertainer in America.

A fedora and a zoot suit and wing-tipped

shoes. A pocket watch on a chain. Any type of props for a ‘prop comedy’ act (i.e.

rubber chicken, etc.) are optional accessories.

Chanel Cocoa

French Fashion Designer


From a poor orphan learning to sew by hand to opening a meager raincoat store and then off to the bright lights of the Paris runways, Chanel Cocoa has definitely made her mark in fashion history. This ultra-reserved icon of style has one of the most remarkable rags to riches success stories ever


Very trendy flapper dress, long strand of

pearls, long dress gloves, fishnet

stockings and ‘20s style shoes. A

sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

Georgie O’Keith

American Artist


Georgie O’Keith is the humble yet talented watercolorist that has the rich, powerful and famous scampering for her latest creations. Known for her awe-inspiring abstract paintings of nature, Georgie is one of the sweetest dames you will ever meet. She is ultra-conservative and demure and has an

ever-lasting ear to lend to her dearest friends.

Conservative flapper dress, long strand of

pearls, long dress gloves, fishnet

stockings and ‘20s style shoes. A cloche

hat as an optional accessory.

Rudolf Valencio

Italian Actor & Pop



Known by his nickname ‘The Latin Lover’, Rudolf Valencio is one of the biggest heart breakers on the silent big screen.

He is the epitome of romance and mere catnip to the American woman. He’s slightly notorious for creating

scandals and being difficult to work with on the movie sets, but on a personal level, he is the ultra-charismatic


Hair slicked back with pomade. A smoking jacket with a collared

shirt and scarf. A long, filtered cigarette (or pipe) as an optional


Jackie ‘The Legs’ Emerald

Mobster - South

Side Chicago Gang


Jackie Emerald, or more commonly known as ‘The Legs’, is known for his ostentatious lifestyle. He’s nicknamed ‘The

Legs’ because he’s the fastest runner on the mob scene and this skill has helped him evade many attempts on his life by

his foes from the North. Jackie’s loyalties are often in question but at least on the surface, he is one of the South

Side mobsters.

A fedora and a zoot suit and wing-tipped

shoes. A pocket watch on a chain and a

plastic Tommy gun as optional accessories.

Virginia Mountain

Gun Moll


Virginia is the cold, callous gun moll who is known to run with the gangsters of the Northern Chicago Mob Outfit. Her motto is ‘take no prisoners’ and if there is trouble between

the two sides of town, she’s always at the heart of it. Some say that her loyalty to Beanie O’Dannon should be in

question as there have been late night sightings of her over in the southern section of town.

Gun moll outfit. A fake gun as an optional


Joann Crawford

Silent Film Actress


Joann is a tenacious silent film actress that kick started her career three years ago with the film Guiltless Eyes where she played the role of a downtrodden showgirl. Since her

debut, Joann has risen to become one of Hollywood’s most famous faces. Rumor has it that Joann has a huge problem with holding grudges, so don’t cross this starlet if you don’t

want her to get revenge.

Trendy flapper dress, long strand of pearls,

long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s style shoes. A sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

Aggie Christy

British Crime Novelist


Aggie Christy is the upcoming crime novelist from the UK. A nurse during WWI, she turned to writing fiction at the early age of nineteen. Her first novels and short stories received

raving reviews from critics so Aggie settled on continuing her writing career while living in the United States. Aggie

doesn’t trust men one bit, however, as her last two rocky marriages have gone awry.

Trendy flapper dress, long strand of pearls,

long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s style shoes. A sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

Sophia Alfani

Italian Actress & Pop Icon


Known by her nickname ‘The Femme Fatale’, Sophia Alfani is one of the biggest icons on the silent big screen. She is the embodiment of poise and beauty. Unfortunately, she is known for being a tyrant on film sets and her costars often complain about having to work with her. However, those

who know her best think she is charming.

Trendy flapper dress, long strand of pearls,

long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s style shoes. A sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

Ducky Shultz

Mobster - South Side Chicago Gang


Ducky Shultz is the hands down, number one rum runner for the South Side Chicago Gang and loyal follower of Hal

Sapone. Ducky is the nephew of Hal Sapone and will do anything for his New York mobsters. Ducky’s loyalty seems

to be unsurpassed and unbreakable.

A fedora and a zoot suit and wing-tipped

shoes. A pocket watch on a chain and a

plastic Tommy gun as optional accessories.

Buster Keeden

Silent Film Actor


Nicknamed ‘The Face of Stone,’ Buster Keeden is an American comedian, silent film actor and Vaudeville icon.

This former Kansas resident has his hands in multiple arenas in the entertainment industry and has resided coast to coast during his illustrious career. This silent film legend recently moved to Chicago to spend time with his bedridden

great grandfather. One day, he plans to journey back to Hollywood to get on the other side of the cameras.

A fedora and a zoot suit and wing-tipped

shoes. A pocket watch on a chain.

Bebe Wray



Louise Sayre



Mary Fordes



Trendy flapper dress, long strand of pearls,

long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s style shoes. A sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

Trendy flapper dress, long strand of pearls,

long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s style shoes. A sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

Trendy flapper dress, long strand of pearls,

long dress gloves, fishnet stockings and ‘20s style shoes. A sequined headband with a feather and a

feather boa as optional accessories.

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Known by her nickname “Zippy”, this siren of the screen is known for her quick changes of temperament. Loved by all for her roles on the big screen, but she wants a change of scene and is leaning on her good friend Bebe for a break into the life of the stage.
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Well traveled and educated, Bebe is the goddess of the stage. Known for her show stopping solo performances in musicals, she loves to be the centre of attention. The only thing that will out shine this gals love of the stage is her love to party.
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Louise is not known for her social appearances. This recluse is star with a difference, preferring to watch from the sides. Her voice is unmatched among the singing world and if not for her shy demeanor, would be a house hold name.
