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Zombie Survival Plan

We have decided that we can survive longer if we avoid people as zombies hunt people and people turn to zombies. That being said, staying in the building is not the most sensible thing to do and as such we shall select gear that will support this objective. Of the items list, we shall select the following:

1. Machete – This item was selected due to its multi-functionality. It can serve both as a weapon and as survival tool. It can cut a variety of things from flesh to wood.

2. Rope – Another tool that can be used in a variety of things. It can be used to overcome various obstacles such as climbing down buildings or pulling up supplies. It can even be used to restrain problematic individuals

3. 5 Water Canteens – A human can only last a few days without water hence we felt it was necessary to have a means to store them. We picked the water canteens over the 2 loaded water containers due to the latter being too heavy to be of any use in achieving our objective as carrying such load would slow us down and endanger the group.

4. 5 MRE – Another important item that we should have to survive is food. Though this amount of food can only last us for a few days at best it can still keep us alive a little longer to look for additional supplies.

5. Lighter and lighter fuel – Man’s way of life evolved with its discovery of fire. It is used for cooking, water purification and heating among other things and as such, we believe a reliable method of creating fire is important to our survival.

6. Walkie-Talkies – We used our last item slot for acquiring a pair of walkie-talkies. In the event of a zombie infestation, the streets will be very chaotic and it would be difficult to coordinate with your group. As such, we picked this item to help us coordinate with each other.

The Plan

As our game plan is to get away from densely populated areas as far and as fast as possible. We have decided to go up Antipolo and eventually the Sierra Madre mountain ranges. We will look for a stable source of water in that area and establish a camp in the area where we can wait for things to blow over.

Once items are gathered, we shall split into two teams, Team A and Team B. Team A will be consist of three people (Ron, Vance and Ashel) and they will be taking all the items save for one walkie-talkie which will be given to Group B (Benj and Kate).

Team A’s first tasked is to secure some water for the group. To do this, two members of team A will fill in the water canteens while the other one will take hold of the machete and serve as lookout for the other two. Team B on the other hand is tasked of procuring a usable vehicle for the group. Two people needs to be sent out for the other to serve as a spare driver or as bait to distract zombies away from the target car. Once the water canteens are filled up team A will exit VSB at rear entrance and conceal themselves in an accessible area and inform team B via radio of their position. Once team B acquires a vehicle it shall then proceed to team A’s location and regroup and drive towards the target location. In the event that no car is available, we will travel by foot through sparsely populated areas.

As the group travels towards the mountains, we shall take every opportunity that is presented to us to obtain more food, water and tools. Once we reach the target site, we will then look for a water source such as a spring or river and then find a securable location nearby to serve as our base camp. We

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will fortify the place and set up secondary locations in the event that we would need to abandon our primary camp.