Page 1: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A


by Degroof Petercam6-7 OCTOBER 2018

Page 2: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A


Since the ear ly days of the event in 2010, Degroof Petercam never stopped increas ing i ts involvement in the ZOUTE GRAND PRIX ® unt i l becoming one of i ts main partners. In 2014 the partnersh ip moved up a gear when we became a member of the se lect p lat inum sponsors c lub as organizer of the so-cal led ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE ® by Degroof Petercam.

A long-term commitment for such a prest ig ious and unique event f i ts the long term v is ion of Degroof Petercam seamless ly.

Why? Because we share the same va lues as the ones the ZOUTE GRAND PRIX ® stands for. Profess ional ism, entrepreneur ia l sp i r i t and exclus iveness are indeed exact ly what our approach is a l l about .

Being part of such a h igh-qual i ty event wi th an internat ional renown makes us proud. Over t ime, the ZOUTE GRAND PRIX® has grown into a mandatory point of in terest for a l l c lass ic car lovers f rom both ins ide and outs ide the country. Numerous part ic ipants or ig inate f rom one of the countr ies Degroof Petercam is act ive in , such as Luxembourg, France and Switzer land.

The secret of the ZOUTE GRAND PRIX®’ success is the pass ion shared by organizers and part ic ipants a l ike. S imi lar ly, our pass ion wi th which we accompany our c l ients , prov ide them with advice and act ive ly prepare the i r future is the key to our own success.

Intro byPhilippe Masset

Page 3: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

As director of the ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE® by Degroof Petercam, I am del ighted to welcome you to the Royal Zoute Golf Club and to the enchant ing seaside resort of Knokke-Heist .

A long wi th my col leagues f rom the very internat ional jury, we would l ike to welcome you to th is year ’s event where about 100 carefu l ly curated motor cars, inc luding severa l qu i te except ional and h istor ic examples, wi l l be presented to a wor ldwide audience.

We offer you the opportuni ty to v iew pre and post war sports , compet i t ion and f ine tour ing cars wi th magni f icent coachwork to su i t every taste and purpose.

I would a lso l ike to take th is opportuni ty to part icu lar ly thank the owners of the magni f icent cars that wi l l be on show here th is year as wi thout the i r pass ion, dedicat ion and generos i ty to show the i r t reasured possess ions, i t would be impossib le to stage th is event , which thanks to the i r presence has grown year af ter year.

The jury composed of carefu l ly se lected judges and I as your concours d i rector, a l l look forward to welcoming you to the event and shar ing a weekend of excel lence and ce lebrat ion of the motor car wi th you here in Belg ium.

Forword byPhilip Kantor

Page 4: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A


Knokke-Heist , and the fashionable Zoute area in part icular, is gear ing up for the ninth edit ion of the ZOUTE GRAND PRIX®. The prest ig ious classic car event can count on the support of the local administrat ion and the col laborat ion with a number of loyal premium car brands/partners. This ninth anniversary bui lds on the nat ional and internat ional reputat ion of the event. Since t ime immemorial Zoute has been associated with a ref ined l i festy le where class, recreat ion and sportsmanship reign supreme. The weekend from 4 to 7 October 2018 le Zoute wi l l become the centre of the world’s most prest ig ious car brands, both old and new.

KnokkeLe Zoute

Page 5: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

Zoute Grand Prix Program

ZOUTE TOP MARQUES® 4-7 October 2018Podiums with the latest and most exclusive modern cars, which will be displayed along the Kustlaan and Albertplein in Le Zoute.

ZOUTE RALLY® by Stow 4-6 October 2018A regularity rally limited to 200 classic cars with first registration between 1920 and 1965, with start and finish in Knokke–le-Zoute. > Register your car online.

ZOUTE SALE® by Bonhams4-5 October 2018 A prestigious international auction of fine and rare collectors’ motor cars to be held on the central Albertplein in Le Zoute. Preview on Thursday 4, sale on Friday 5 October.> Register your car online.

ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE® by Degroof Petercam6-7 October 2018The eighth edition of the Concours d’Elegance will take place on Saturday and Sunday at the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online.

ZOUTE GT TOUR® by EY7 October 2018A tour for 200 of the most exclusive modern GT cars younger than 20 years, with start and finish in Knokke-Le-Zoute. > Register your car online.

Page 6: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

Fairway 1 and 4 of the famous Royal Zoute Golf Club in Belgium, will be the stylish venues for a new edition of the ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE® by Degroof Petercam.

During this two-day event, more than 75 unique, remarkable and exclusive classic cars will be presented to the attendees and submitted to the judgment of an international jury. The organizing committee selects the cars according to stringent criteria and divides them into two categories: pre-war and postwar. Alongside the classical mentions and trophies, there are also exclusive special prizes by Degroof Petercam, Lebeau-Courally, and Stow.


Page 7: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

08:00 - 11:00Arrival cars@ Royal Zoute Golf Club

Program6th October 2018

Page 8: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

11:30 - 14:30*Lunch@ Royal Zoute Golf Club

* On invitation only

Program6th October 2018

Page 9: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

12:00 - 18:00**Preview and judging cars@ Royal Zoute Golf Club

Program6th October 2018

** Open for public – € 40,00 – tickets:

Page 10: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

20:00 - 00:00Gala Dinner* @ ZOUTE DRIVERS CLUB® by Lebeau CourallyBeach - Le Zoute

Program6th October 2018

* On invitation only

Page 11: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

08:30 - 09:30*Breakfast@ Royal Zoute Golf Club

Program7th October 2018

* On invitation only

Page 12: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

09:30 - 15:30**Viewing and judging cars@ Royal Zoute Golf Club

Program7th October 2018

** Open for public – € 40,00 – tickets:

Page 13: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

** Open for public – € 40,00 – tickets:

Page 14: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

11:00 - 15:30*Brunch & prize giving@ VIP marquee Fairway 1Royal Zoute Golf Club

Program7th October 2018

The winner of the ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE® by Degroof Petercam will receive an exclusive watch of the limited Lebeau Courally edition for the ZOUTE GRAND PRIX®.

* On invitation only

Page 15: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

16:00 - 17:00Viewing arrival cars of theZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE® by Degroof Petercam@ Podium VIP Marquee - Dyke - Albertplein

17:00Drive home safely

Program7th October 2018

Page 16: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

From left to right, front row : Mr. Jan Dyck; Dr. Cecilia Muldoon; Mr. Derek Bell; Mrs. Quirina Louwman; Mr. David Bourgoo; Mr. Madan Mohan; Mr. James Wood; Mr. Filip Bourgoo

From left to right, second row : Mr. Hugo Modderman; Mr. Christoph Grohe; Mr. Christian Kramer; Mr. Philip Kantor; Mr. Adolfo Orsi; Mr. Christian Philippsen; Mr. Patrick Guerrier de Dumast; Mr. Jeremy Vaughan

From left to right, third row : Mr. Stéphane De Smedt; Mr. Leo Van Hoorick; Mr. Gianfranco G.M. Gentile; Mr. Louis de Fabribeckers; Mr. Richard Charlesworth

Members ofthe jury 2017

Page 17: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

Mr. Michael Bock Director of Mercedes-Benz Sport // Lifestyle MarketingMr. Richard Charlesworth Bentley Heritage ConsultantMr. Harley E. Cluxton President GTC MirageMr. Louis de Fabribeckers Head of Design Carrozzeria Touring SuperleggeraMr. Stéphane De Smedt President B.F.O.V. (Belgian Federation of Old Vehicles)Mr. Jan Dyck President Royal Touring Group Belgium // Vice President BFOV // Vice President Interntional historical commission FIAMr. Axel Enthoven Founder of Enthoven Associates Design Consultants // Founder of Yellow WindowMr. Christoph Grohe Classic Car Dealer // Advisor to CollectorsMr. Patrick Guerrier de Dumast Président of the Historical Commission of the Automobile Club de France // Member of the International Historic Commission of the FIAMr. Philip Kantor Head of Department Motor Cars Bonhams Europe // Director European Board BonhamsMr. Quirina Louwman Collector // Historic RacerMr. Nigel Matthews Global Director of Private Client Services HagertyMr. François Melcion Directeur du Salon RétromobileMr. Madan Mohan Chairman & Managing TrusteeMr. Gregory Noblet CollectorDott. Adolfo Orsi Automotive Historian // President of Historica SelectaMr. Lorenzo Ramaciotti Former head of Design Fiat Group // President of the Jury Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’EsteMr. Rodolphe Rapetti Conservateur Général du Patrimoine de FranceMr. Leo Van Hoorick Head of Museology Autoworld Museum Brussels // Auction analyst Sports Car MarketMr. Jeremy Vaughan Head of Motoring of the Royal Automobile Club UKMr. James Wood Motorsport consultant & driver

Members of the jury 2017(confirmed for today)

Page 18: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

All requests must be sent before 31-07-2018.

Entry applications for 2018 are due August 31. All requests will be submitted to the selection committee of the ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE® by Degroof Petercam, which will evaluate the candidacies as soon as the inscriptions are closed. Applicants may expect a written letter communicating the committee’s decision. Please note that a request for participation will only be registered upon receipt of a correctly completed file and upon receipt of the full entry fees, payable via deposit into the account of the organisation.

On the website you can fill in your digital request for participation in the ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE® by Degroof Petercam.

However, if you prefer to fill in the the application form by hand, you can also download the application form on the website. You may send the duly completed and signed document to the following address:

ZOUTE EVENTS bvbaNatiënlaan 1258300 Knokke-Heist, Belgium

Registration Entry fee

Tickets forviewing


€ 895,00 (VAT not included)

€ 1072,45 (VAT included)


€ 40,00 (VAT included)

Page 19: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A






Page 20: ZOUTE CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE by Degroof the Fairway 1 & 4 of the prestigious Royal Zoute Golf Club. > Register your car online. ZOUTE GT TOUR ® by EY 7 October 2018 A

ZOUTE EVENTS bvba Natiënlaan 125

B-8300 Knokke-HeistBelgium

[email protected]

T +32 50 600 899


by Degroof Petercam
