
ZWCAD+ 2015 SP2 Release Notes Vernum=2015.04.18(26908)

中望 CAD+ 2015 SP2 提供令人興奮的新功能,如標註箭頭翻轉,記憶體 3GB 定址使用開關和新的點陣圖列印(BMP/


寸文字,PROPOBJLIMIT 設置,詳細的和有用的提示信息的一些命令(倒角/圓角/打開文件),最後但並非最不重要的

SP2 固定超過 160 的 bug/客戶報告的要求。

1 新功能

1.1 AIDIMFLIPARROW -翻轉尺寸的箭頭 您可以翻轉水平/垂直/角度/弧長/半徑/直徑尺寸的直線箭頭方向。

1.2 3GB OS Switch – 允許 ZWCAD+ 在 32 位元 windows 下使用更多記憶體 在 32 位元系統下,打開 3GB 開關將分配更多的記憶體給中望 CAD+使用。如果物理記憶體是 3GB,打開此開關,中

望 CAD+可以佔用 1.8GB~2.0GB,如果是 4GB 以上,中望 CAD+會佔用 2.5GB 以上。這使得中望 CAD+的工作更加


1.3 新加入 BMP/JPEG 檔案印表機 現在,我們可以藉由列印的方式,選用 BMP/ JPEG 印表機,產生檔案。

1.4 新的命令和系統變數 PAIN TPROP – 開啟兩張圖之間的性質複製功能

JWWIMPORT ( 日文版) –匯入*.jww files

JWWTOOLVERNO ( 日文版) – 檢核 jww 圖檔資訊

MBUTTONORBIT – 控制滑鼠中鍵為 3D 環轉快速鍵 ZWZRXCHECKMSG – 控制載入 ZRX 程式是否提示 ZRXSDK 版本訊息

2 功能增強

2.1 參考管理員 提供新的功能,如: 。右鍵功能 。樹狀列有完整參考路徑 。可以匯出報告 。列示出圖型式及相關設定值

2.2 現地編輯標註文字 雙點標註文字,即可進入編輯文字狀態下,修改文字內容。

2.3 授權管理 – 允許使用者設定 2 組授權伺服器,以為備援

2.4 PROPOBJLIMIT -延長選取圖元數量的有效範圍 這是一個控制的屬性面板中可以有多少實體數量的系統變數。我們現在擴大範圍從 0〜250000 到 0〜32767。 PROPOBJLIMIT 的預設值是 25000 個圖元量,如果選擇的實體的數量超過,屬性面板將顯示“未選


2.5 可拖動的檔案標簽頁

2.6 詳細的提示信息 2.6.1 檔案版本訊息 開啟檔案時,會提示所開啟的版本格式。

2.6.2 外部參考版本 可以在外部參考管理器,看到所參考進來的檔案格式版本。

2.6.3 CHAMFER & FILLET 指令提示訊息 ZWCAD+ 2015 SP1 移除掉的提示訊息,現已追加回來!

2.6.4 新的安裝過程顯示畫面 提供更親切的安裝畫面,讓使用者了解目前的安裝進度。

2.6.5 快速選擇增強 使用快速選擇過濾圖塊時,以圖塊名選擇時,會對圖塊名排序。

3 相關問題修正

We fixed more than 150 issues reported by customer, some of them are listed below: 3356/T5769/6803/7546 - drag the drawing tab to change the order of open drawings 4774/T6539: imageframe: cannot turn off the image frame by system variable IMAGEFRAME 6802: chspace - select some entities, then call CHSPACE command, the entities failed to display in the

layout 8454- image- if the drawing contains images with no file name extension, ZWCAD+ cannot display it right,

and the image manager will not show the information of these kind of images 8402/T9423: Unicode - In Hebrew system, call "Edit Scale List" dialog box by some specific lisp program,

the texts display wrong on the dialog box. 8502:STLOUT - remove STLOUT from ZWCAD+ STD version 8515: when using multiple monitors, the system always display ZWCAD+ on the main monitor when you

start up ZWCAD+, even if you drag it to another monitor, next time you start up, it displays on the main monitor. And you cannot turn on the tool bar by "CUSTOMIZE"

8519/T9551/8552/T9619: plot with DWF plotter by ZWCAD+ 2015 SP1, the dwf is much larger than that

plot by ZWCAD+2014 8558/T9626:dimlinear \Unicode-some specific drawing contains dimensions using wplus.shx show as "???"

in system with Hebrew as region language, but allright in English region language system 8525/T9572: refedit - edit some specific drawing with REFEDIT and save it, try REFEDIT again, then you

get error message and fail to edit it. 8562/T9642:create tool palette of blocks in design center by right click menu, the created palette is always

empty 8571:PROPOBJLIMIT -extend the valid range from 0~25000 to 0~32767. 8585/8800:imageattach \TFW -use TFW file to locate image when insert it to drawing, but the result is not

very accurate 8606/T9681: dxf/open - failed to open some specific .dxf file 8607/T9194: ruler \mtext- the text editor cannot remember the status of ruler last time you set, and each time

you open text editor, the ruler is always on 8611/T9682:dxf/save - failed to save specific drawing to DXF2000 file 8628:Layiso - default option should be "Lock and fade" 8651: prompt more detail information about why the workstation fail to get floating license 8698/T9731:PAINTPROP - enable property match between different drawings 8712/T9748: setvar/cecolor - failed to set CECOLOR as BYLAYER in polish version 8713/T9749: eattedit -failed to edit the attributes in some specific drawings in polish version 8775: 3GB OS Switch, allocate more memory to ZWCAD+ on 32 system 8780/8781:prompt message of default value of CHAMFER & FILLET 8790/T9848/8838/T9928:publish/dwf - publish some specific drawing as dwf, ZWCAD+ will crash or fail to

publish 8771: osnap \extension - the color of extension line is too close to the default background color in model

space 8813/T9886: open/security – cannot open drawings with password set in AutoCAD

4 Appendix: 新的 ZRX 函數

AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty(); AcDbDynBlockReference(AcDbObjectId blockRefId); AcDbEvalVariant(double dVal); ~AcDbDynBlockReference(); ~AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty();

AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty::setValue(const AcDbEvalVariant& value); AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty::value() const; AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty::propertyName() const; AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty::getAllowedValues(AcDbEvalVariantArray& values); AcDbDynBlockReference::isDynamicBlock() const; AcDbDynBlockReference::getBlockProperties(AcDbDynBlockReferencePropertyArray& properties) const; Global function: acplPublishExecute(AcPl2DSDData dsdDataObj, AcPlPlotConfig* pConfig, bool bShowPlotProgress);
