*OUT SOON* The 2006 Fund Terms Advisor More information available at: www.preqin.com/FT2006 PRIVATE EQUITY SPOTLIGHT March 2006 Volume 2 Issue 3 Welcome to the latest edition of Private Equity Spotlight, the free monthly newsletter from Private Equity Intelligence, providing insights to private equity performance, investors and fund raising. Private Equity Spotlight combines information from our online products Performance Analyst, Investor Intelligence and Funds in Market. www.preqin.com PERFORMANCE · INVESTORS · FUND RAISING No. of Funds on Road US Europe Total Venture 176 75 321 Buyout 130 60 221 Fund of Funds 58 41 109 Other 56 13 87 Total 420 189 738 ROW 70 31 10 18 129 PERFORMANCE SPOTLIGHT ____________________P5 Private Equity Fund of Funds: this month we look at how fund of funds have performed historically for the vintage years 1995 - 2003. SUBSCRIPTIONS _________________________________ If you would like to receive Private Equity Spotlight each month please email [email protected]. Subscribers to Performance Analyst and Investor Intelligence receive additional information not available in this free version. If you would like further details please email [email protected]. Publisher: Private Equity Intelligence Ltd 10 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7NG. Tel: +44 (0)207 038 1650. FEATURE ARTICLE_____________________________ P1 Why Fees Matter: boom times for fund raising have encouraged LPs to focus their attentions on securing that allocation to the next hot buyout fund. Detailed consideration of the complexities and subtleties of funds terms and conditions can slip down the agenda. We ask if this is wise, and urge caution. FUND RAISING _______________________________ P6 In addition to our usual look at buyout and venture fund raising activity, this month we look at mezzanine funds, and also examine fund raising in Latin America. INVESTOR NEWS ____________________________ P11 All the latest news on investors in private equity: London Borough of Camden Pension Fund seeks fund of funds and venture capital fund managers. MPRIM invests USD 215 million in three private equity funds Conrad N. Hilton Foundation considers its first foray into alternatives INVESTOR SPOTLIGHT _______________________ P12 This month we focus on LPs’ interests in Latin American Private Equity Funds. An overview of Private Equity in Latin America. Who are the big players investing in Latin America? Where are they looking to invest? How are their strategies changing?


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The 2006 Fund Terms Advisor

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March 2006 Volume 2 Issue 3

Welcome to the latest edition of Private Equity Spotlight, the free monthly newsletter from Private Equity Intelligence, providing insights to private equity performance, investors and fund raising. Private Equity Spotlight combines information from our online products Performance Analyst, Investor Intelligence and Funds in Market.



No. of Funds on Road US Europe Total

Venture 176 75 321 Buyout 130 60 221 Fund of Funds 58 41 109 Other 56 13 87 Total 420 189 738


70 31 10 18


PERFORMANCE SPOTLIGHT ____________________P5

Private Equity Fund of Funds: this month we look at how

fund of funds have performed historically for the vintage

years 1995 - 2003.

SUBSCRIPTIONS _________________________________ If you would like to receive Private Equity Spotlight each month please email [email protected]. Subscribers to Performance Analyst and Investor Intelligence receive additional information not available in this free version. If you would like further details please email [email protected]. Publisher: Private Equity Intelligence Ltd 10 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7NG. Tel: +44 (0)207 038 1650.

FEATURE ARTICLE_____________________________ P1

Why Fees Matter: boom times for fund raising have

encouraged LPs to focus their attentions on securing that

allocation to the next hot buyout fund. Detailed consideration

of the complexities and subtleties of funds terms and

conditions can slip down the agenda. We ask if this is wise,

and urge caution.

FUND RAISING _______________________________ P6

In addition to our usual look at buyout and venture fund raising activity, this month we look at mezzanine funds, and also examine fund raising in Latin America.

INVESTOR NEWS ____________________________ P11

All the latest news on investors in private equity:

• London Borough of Camden Pension Fund seeks

fund of funds and venture capital fund managers.

• MPRIM invests USD 215 million in three private equity


• Conrad N. Hilton Foundation considers its first foray

into alternatives

INVESTOR SPOTLIGHT _______________________ P12 This month we focus on LPs’ interests in Latin American Private Equity Funds.

⇒ An overview of Private Equity in Latin America.

⇒ Who are the big players investing in Latin America?

⇒ Where are they looking to invest?

⇒ How are their strategies changing?


© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 1 March 2006


That these developments are taking place without

apparently triggering major concerns or even active

debate can perhaps be attributed to two prevalent

assumptions within the industry:

1: there is little real variation in

terms between funds, they all

comply closely with accepted


2: fees and costs don’t make a

big difference to net returns,

all that matters is the gross investment


We believe that these assumptions are incorrect, and

divert attention away from an area that is actually of

great importance for LPs and GPs, and is likely to

become increasingly so in an environment where

overall returns expectations may be lower than in the

recent past.

The typical management fee is, of

course, charged as a percentage

of committed capital during the

investment period of the fund,

followed by a mechanism for

reduced fees later in the fund’s

life, often by charging the same

percentage fee, but applying this

to the value of unrealized assets.

The obvious outcome of this is

that fees as a percentage of the

actual money invested is very high

during the early years, and tends

to be significantly higher than the headline rate on

average over the life of the fund. We modelled the

effect of this by applying a representative management

fee (1.5% of commitments during the first five years,

followed by 1.5% of invested capital thereafter) to the

typical pattern of contributions,

distributions and unrealized values

over the life of the fund. The results

are shown in Fig. 1. Management

fees can be over 20% of invested

capital during the first year,

declining thereafter towards the 1.5% ‘headline’ level.

As a result, the average management fee over the

lifetime of the fund is significantly higher than the

‘headline’ level - in fact the average is 2.7% of funds

invested in this case.

We have addressed these issues by analyzing data in

two key areas. Firstly, we looked at terms and

conditions for a sample of over 300 funds of all types

and sizes from vintage years 1999 through 2005, and

Feature Article: Why Fees Matter

As the fund raising boom continues, there is evidence that fund terms have started to become somewhat less LP-favourable. This applies to both the overt economic terms - management fees, calculation of carry etc. - and also other factors such as the treatment of corporate finance fees, key man provisions etc.

“Variations in terms and conditions have a large impact on both the total costs, balance of risks and alignment of interests between GP and LP.”

Fig. 1: Management Fees as % of Invested Capital







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Year from inception



ent f

ee a

s %

of v







© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 2 March 2006


used these to compare the main economic and non-

economic terms defining the GP:LP relationship across

different fund types and sizes, and to look at trends

over time. Secondly, we analyzed the actual fees and

costs incurred by LPs from a sample of over 600 funds

over the period 2000 to 2005. These actual fees and

costs are a useful measure of fund terms, as they

incorporate not only the headline figures (i.e. the 1.5%

management fee in this case) but also the net effect of

whether additional costs are chargeable to the

partnership, the extent to which corporate finance fees

are credited back to the partnership, the manner in

which the basic fee changes over the lifetime of the

fund etc.

Fig. 2 shows the actual management fees and costs

incurred by LPs on a sample of buyout and venture

funds (the sample looks at costs incurred during 2004

on a sample of 2002 and 2003 vintage funds – i.e.

funds where the management fee is still charged on the

basis of commitments. Three main points are evident:

First, the actual costs vary from 0.5% to 3% of

commitments, i.e. from approximately 1% to 9% of

invested capital.

Secondly, there is a very large range in costs from

the lowest to the highest, even for funds within a

closely-defined size range.

Thirdly, there is a clear correlation between fund

size and cost levels. Interestingly, there is no real

difference in cost levels between venture and

buyout funds per se, the cost differences appear to

be driven primarily by the simple economics of

running small vs. large amounts of money.

Like any other commodity, fund terms and conditions

respond to market forces. There is ample evidence that

terms went through a period of becoming more

favourable to LPs after the turn of the millennium, but

have since then become generally less favourable over

the past year or two as the fund raising market has

really taken off. Fig. 3 shows the actual fees and costs

incurred by LPs in 2004 on a sample of 209 buyout

funds from vintages 1994 to 2003. The funds from

vintages 1998 and before have lower costs, as these

are now past their investment periods. The more recent

funds will have fees charged on the basis of

commitments, and from 2001 onwards there is

evidence of softening management fees, coinciding

with the weak market for new fund raising at this time.

(This situation has since reversed for 2005 vintage

funds, not shown in figure 3).

As we examined fund terms and conditions, we found

major differences between funds of ostensibly similar

types and sizes, with significant economic implications.

Fig 2: Management Fees and Costs vs. Fund Size









10 100 1000 10000

Fund Size, $ mn



ent F




ts, 2









Fig 3: Management Fees and Costs - Buyout Funds









1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Vintage Year




s an

d C


in 2








© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 3 March 2006


Some of the key areas of difference are:

The headline rate of management fee varies

between funds.

The mechanism for reducing fees (or not) after the

investment period also varies significantly. Many

funds charge the same percentage, but apply this to

invested capital. Others charge a lower percentage

and also apply this to invested capital. Some have

an annual decline in the fee charged. Still others

have an increasing fee level over the first years of

the investment period followed by declines


Treatment of directors’ and corporate finance fees

varies widely, from those funds where the GP takes

all these fees to those where the fees are rebated

100% to the partnership – and everything in


Some funds make provision for a lower base fee

rate once the total commitments to the fund exceed

a given level (rare these days.) Others (especially

but not exclusively fund-of-funds) charge reduced

fees to LPs with larger commitments.

Carry can be charged on a whole fund or a deal-by-

deal basis, sometimes subject to a ‘fair value’ test

on the portfolio.

Hurdle rates can be simple or compound. Most

venture funds - and even some buyouts - have no

hurdle rate.

Key man provisions vary significantly between

funds, in terms of the number of levels and the

detailed provisions. Some funds have no-fault

divorce clauses while others do not, and the

percentage majority vote needed varies.

The GP’s financial commitment to the fund also

varies widely.

Taken together these variations in terms and conditions

have a large impact on both the total costs incurred by

LPs over the lifetime of the fund, and the balance of

risks and alignment of interests between GP and LP.

There is a general expectation in the industry that the

overall level of returns looking forwards is likely to be

lower than in the recent past. Combine this with the

general hardening of terms as a result of the strong

fund raising market, and it is clear that careful attention

to terms and costs will be of vital importance to LPs’ net

returns over the coming years.

The analysis behind this month’s feature on Why Fees Matter has been drawn from our forthcoming

2006 Fund Terms Advisor.

Private Equity Intelligence announces the forthcoming publication of our:

2006 Fund Terms Advisor

This detailed analysis of private equity fund terms and conditions and their economic impact is

based upon data on over 900 funds of all types and sizes. It is a vital reference for GPs raising

new funds, for lawyers and placement agents, and for LPs planning their investments for the

future. Available March 31st.

Reserve your copy now online or complete the order form (on the following page) to secure a pre-publication saving.


© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 4 March 2006

Your essential guide to fund terms and conditions:

Private Equity Intelligence - 10 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7NG. www.preqin.com / [email protected]

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Detailed analysis of fund terms and conditions based on data for over 900 funds of all types

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Book buyers also have unlimited access to our unique Fund Terms Advisor to model the

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© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 5 March 2006

PERFORMANCE SPOTLIGHT Performance Spotlight is your monthly update on Private Equity Performance. Each month we look at the performance for a particular type of fund and give you information on some of the top performing funds.


This month Spotlight looks at the performance of fund of

funds. The 2006 Global Fund Raising Review confirmed

that fund of funds are a steadily growing sector of the private

equity industry, with 47 new vehicles closing $16 billion in

2005. But do these successful fundraising figures tally with

superior past performances or is it mainly linked with the

general boom in private equity interest?

The chart above shows the IRRs since inception of the

median fund of funds for the vintage years 1995 to 2003

and compares this with the IRR performances of all private

equity funds - for which we show the median and its upper/

lower quartiles. Generally, the performance of fund of funds

tracks that of the broader private equity market quite closely,

as for most vintage years the fund-of-funds median IRR is

within 200 basis points of the all private equity medium. This

is to be expected, as fund of funds fulfil their diversification

role. However, significant risk remains, as the divergence in

performance between the best and worst performing fund of

funds is still high.

If fund of funds do reduce some risk, LPs still face the

challenge to choose the right fund management team that

will deliver strong performance. Performances but also

terms and conditions vary widely between partnerships - and

even investments with a fund of funds manager imply long

and complex due diligences.

The table below summarizes the net performance of some of

the best fund of funds. (Our Performance Analyst database

currently has performance data for 270 fund of funds).

PERFORMANCE OF FUND OF FUNDS___________________________________

Figures show median IRR from inception to latest date now available for funds by vintage year. IRRs are fund IRRs calculated on a net basis to LPs, i.e. after management fees and GP carry.

Fund Vintage Fund Size (Mn) Called (%) Distr. (%) Value (%) IRR

(%) Multiple Date

Knightsbridge Integrated Holdings III 1996 120 USD 100 235.5 55.6 43.4 2.91 30-Jun-05

Brinson - 1997 Primary 1997 n/a 96.6 348.6 50.8 72.0 3.99 30-Jun-05

HarbourVest Partners VI Buyout 1999 n/a 65 34.3 120.6 7.5 1.55 31-Mar-05

GS Private Equity Partners 2000 2000 1,900 USD 48.3 34.4 100.0 20.2 1.34 31-Mar-05

Invesco U.S. Buyout & Expansion 2001 90 USD 34.8 9.7 134.6 18.1 1.44 31-Mar-05




















Median - Fund of Funds Q1 - All Private Equity Median - All Private Equity Q3 - All Private Equity


© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 6 March 2006

FUNDS in MARKET — Buyout

US Europe ROW Total

No. on Road 130 60 31 221

Total Target Value ($bn) 108 30 10 148

Average Target Size ($mn) 830 505 321 670

Fund Manager Target Size (Mn) Location

Blackstone Capital Partners V Blackstone Group 12500 USD US

KKR Fund 2006 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts 12000 USD US

Texas Pacific Group Partners V Texas Pacific Group 12000 USD US

Thomas H Lee VI Thomas H Lee Partners 7500 USD US

Madison Dearborn Capital Partners V Madison Dearborn Partners 6500 USD US

Cinven IV Cinven 5000 EUR UK

Bain Capital Fund IX Bain Capital 6000 USD US

Charterhouse Capital Partners VIII Charterhouse Capital Partners 3500 EUR UK

3i Europe Partners V 3i 3000 EUR UK

TA Associates / Advent X TA Associates 3500 USD US

Altor Equity Partners II Manager: Altor Equity Partners Target Size (mn): 800 USD Final Close (mn): 1150 USD (Feb-2006) Geographic Focus: Scandinavia Industry Focus: Telecoms, Healthcare, Manufacturing Placement Agents: Monument Group, Helix Associates Sample Investors: AlpInvest Partners, Goldman Sachs Private Equity Group, Harvard Management Company, Länsförsäkringar and Skandia

MUST V Manager: HG Capital Target Size (mn): 400 EUR Final Close (mn): 950 EUR (Feb-2006) Geographic Focus: West Europe Industry Focus: Diversified Placement Agent: Credit Suisse Private Fund Group Sample Investors: Gartmore Group, Harvard Management Company, Metlife Insurance Company, Morley and Teacher Retirement System of Texas

SAMPLE BUYOUT FUNDS CLOSED DURING FEBRUARY 2006 _________________________________

BUYOUT FUNDS ON THE ROAD ____________________ FINAL CLOSES BAROMETER ________________

LARGEST BUYOUT FUNDS CURRENTLY ON ROAD ________________________________________


139 134


2005 2006 YTD


Value ($bn)

Alpha Private Equity Fund V Manager: Altor Equity Partners Target Size (mn): 700 EUR Final Close (mn): 750 EUR (Feb-2006) Geographic Focus: West Europe Industry Focus: Distribution, Financial Services, Engineering, IT, Medical Instruments Placement Agents: Not Used Sample Investors: AlpInvest Partners, Citigroup Alternative Investments, Gartmore Group, Insight Investment and Liberty Mutual Insurance

Pacific Equity Partners III Manager: Pacific Equity Partners Target Size (mn): 1000 AUD Final Close (mn): 1200 AUD (Feb-2006) Geographic Focus: Australasia Industry Focus: Any Sample Investors: HarbourVest Partners, Harvard Management Company, Stanford Management Company and Yale University Endowment


© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 7 March 2006

FUNDS in MARKET — Venture

US Europe ROW Total

No. on Road 176 75 70 321

Total Target Value ($bn) 30 9 17 57

Average Target Size ($mn) 170 125 248 176

Fund Manager Target Size (Mn) Location

New Enterprise Associates XII New Enterprise Associates 2500 USD US

Polaris Venture Partners V Polaris Venture Partners 1000 USD US

MPM BioVentures IV MPM Capital 650 USD US

ABS Capital V ABS Capital Partners 500 USD US

Column Group Venture Partners I Column Group 500 USD US

Panorama Capital Panorama Capital 500 USD US

Vertex India China Pre-IPO Equity Fund Vertex Venture Holdings 500 USD China

Pacven Ventures VI Walden International 450 USD US

Atlas Venture VII Atlas Venture 400 USD US

Burrill Life Sciences Capital Fund III Burrill & Company 400 USD US

Core Capital Partners II Manager: Core Capital Partners Target Size: 250 USD Final Close (mn): 200 USD (Feb-2006) Geographic Focus: North America Industry Focus: Technology, Telecoms, Software, Communications

Redpoint Ventures III Manager: Redpoint Ventures III Target Size (mn): 400 USD Final Close (mn): 400 USD (Feb-2006) Geographic Focus: North America Industry Focus: Technology, Telecoms, Software, Communications

Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers XII Manager: Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Target Size: 600 USD Final Close (mn): 600 USD (Feb-2006) Geographic Focus: North America Industry Focus: Technology, Healthcare, IT

Pond Venture Partners III Manager: Pond Venture Partners Target Size (mn): 145 USD First Close (mn): 70 USD (Jun-2005) Second Close (mn): 130 USD (Oct-2005) Final Close (mn): 145 (Feb-2006) Geographic Focus: Europe Industry Focus: Technology Placement Agent: International Private Equity Sample Investors: AlpInvest Partners, EIF, HarbourVest Partners and The Wellcome Trust

SAMPLE VENTURE FUNDS CLOSED DURING FEBRUARY 2006 _______________________________

LARGEST VENTURE FUNDS CURRENTLY ON ROAD _______________________________________

VENTURE FUNDS ON THE ROAD ___________________ FINAL CLOSES BAROMETER _________________



40 4

2005 2006 YTD


Value ($bn)


© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 8 March 2006

FUNDS in MARKET — Mezzanine

US Europe ROW Total

No. on Road 21 9 1 31

Total Target Value ($bn) 5 3 <1 8

Average Target Size ($mn) 233 349 75 258

SAMPLE RECENT MEZZANINE FUNDS CLOSES __________________________________________

LARGEST MEZZANINE FUNDS CURRENTLY ON ROAD _____________________________________


York Street Capital II Manager: York Street Capital Geographic Focus: North America Target Size (mn): 700 USD Final Close (mn): 700 USD (Feb-2006) Industry Focus: Any Sample Investors: Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

Tower Square Capital Partners II Manager: Babson Capital Management Target Size (mn): 1000 USD Final Close (mn): 1000 USD (Feb-2006) Industry Focus: Healthcare, Consumer Products, Distribution, Consumer Services, Manufacturing, Food, Business Services Geographic Focus: North America

Fifth Steet Capital Mezzanine Fund II Manager: Fifth Street Capital Target Size (mn): 150 USD First Close (mn): 68 USD (Feb-2005) Final Close (mn): 157 USD (Jan-2006) Geographic Focus: North America Industry Focus: Any Placement Agent: Not Used

AXA Mezzanine I Manager: AXA Private Equity Geographic Focus: Europe Final Close (mn): 200 EUR (Dec-2005) Industry Focus: Any Lawyer: SJ Berwin

Every month the Funds in Market Spotlight includes the largest ten funds being raised in the venture and buyout categories as well as the ten largest funds in another category of private equity. This month we show mezzanine funds. A full list of the over 700 funds currently being raised can be viewed on our online database, Funds in Market. Click for trial access to the online Funds in Market service Or please email [email protected] for more information

Fund Manager Target Size (Mn) Location

TCW / Crescent Mezzanine Partners IV TCW Group 1200 USD US

Euromezzanine 5 Euromezzanine 600 EUR France

Blackstone Mezzanine Partners II Blackstone Group 667 USD US

GSC European Mezzanine Partners II GSC Partners 500 EUR US

Audax Mezzanine Fund II Audax Group 500 USD US

Mezzanine Management Fund IV Mezzanine Management UK 500 USD UK

Ares Capital Ares Management 450 USD US

Carlyle Mezzanine Fund Carlyle Group 400 USD US



9 2

2005 2006 YTD


Value ($bn)


© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 9 March 2006

FUNDS in MARKET — Latin America

Fund Manager Target Size (Mn) Location

GP Fundo de Investimento GP Investimentos 200 USD Brazil

Celfin Private Equity Fund Celfin Capital - Chile

Baring Mexico Fund II Baring Private Equity Partners Mexico 150 USD Mexico

Carlyle Mexico Partners Carlyle Group 300 USD US


Do you have information on a fund currently raising? Would you like your new fund to be listed on our database? If you have any information regarding a fund in market please contact: [email protected]

Fund Manager Target Size (Mn) Location

CRP VI CRP Companhia de Participações 35 USD Brazil

RB Investech II FMIEE Rio Bravo 40 BRL Brazil

Solidus Investment Fund Cyrano Management 30 USD Peru

Colombia Transandean Fund Small Enterprise Assistance Funds 20 USD US

GIC 21st Century Latin America Fund GIC Special Investments 100 USD US


SAMPLE RECENT LATIN AMERICA FUND CLOSES _______________________________________ Fundotec II Manager: Fir Capital Fund Type: Venture (General) Geographic Focus: Brazil Final Close (mn): 60 BRL (Dec-2005) Industry Focus: IT, Technology, Biotechnology Placement Agent: Not Used

Latin America Fund II Manager: Southern Cross Group Fund Type: Venture (General) Geographic Focus: Latin America Final Close (mn): 217 USD (Dec-2005) Industry Focus: Any

Uruguay Investment Venture Capital I Manager: Prosperitas Capital Partners Fund Type: Venture (General) Target Size (mn): 10 USD First Close (mn): (Sep-2005) Final Close (mn): 10 USD (Jan-2006) Geographic Focus: Uruguay Industry Focus: Technology, Agriculture Placement Agent: Not Used

Advent Latin America Fund III Manager: Advent International Fund Type: Buyout Geographic Focus: Latin America Final Close (mn): 375 USD (Oct-2005) Industry Focus: Healthcare, Retail, Communications, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Chemicals, Energy Sample Investors: AlpInvest Partners, British Columbia Investment Management Corporation, California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS), Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners and Pantheon

Fund Manager Type Target Size (Mn) Location

Nexxus Capital Private Equity III Nexxus Capital Expansion 200 USD Mexico

Darby Probanco Darby Overseas Investments Expansion 60 USD Brazil

AIG Brazil Special Situations Fund AIG Global Investment Group General Special Sit. 250 USD Brazil

Latin Power III Conduit Capital Partners Infrastructure 400 USD Latin America

Latin America Enterprise Energy I Latin America Enterprise Managers Natural Resources 200 USD Latin America



© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 10 March 2006

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• Lists of all funds closed in 2005, with fund details, LPs investing in the fund and placement agents used

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© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 11 March 2006

INVESTOR NEWS ____________________________ London Borough of Camden Pension Fund is currently

tendering for fund-of-funds and venture capital fund

managers. Following a reassessment of its investment

strategy, the pension fund intends to re-enter the private

equity market by the end of the year. The pension fund, with

approximately GBP 700 million in total assets, is planning a

5% allocation to private equity. Of this target, GBP 25

million will be allocated to fund-of-funds and GBP 10 million

to venture capital opportunities. The majority of investments

will be in Western Europe.

Massachusetts Pensions Reserves Investment Management Board (MPRIM) is planning to invest a total of

USD 215 million in three new private equity funds. On the

buyout front, MPRIM has selected TA Associates’ tenth

vehicle which is targeting USD 3.5 billion. MPRIM intends to

commit up to USD 75 million to TA Associates X. MPRIM

also plans to invest USD 100 million in Wayzata Investment

Partners distressed securities fund, the firm’s first

independent fund raising effort. Thirdly, a commitment of

USD 40 million is earmarked for M/C Venture Partners sixth

communications-focused fund. MPRIM has a target

allocation of nearly USD 4 billion to private equity funds.

Denmark’s FunktionaerPension (FP) is considering

making its inaugural investments in private equity and hedge

funds. The EUR 805 million pension fund for Danish white-

collar workers is currently exploring ways of complementing

traditional asset classes and diversifying risk. As of February

2006, FunktionaerPension was exploring technical and

regional issues such as regional public and private equity

mandates in developing countries.

The London Borough of Lambeth Pension Fund has

announced that following a review of performance, changes

to optimise fund return have been recommended. Such

changes include a foray into the private equity arena, and

fund-of-funds manager, Adams Street Partners will be

responsible for the pension fund's private equity portfolio.

The pension fund, with approaching GBP 500 million under

management, is targeting a 5% allocation to private equity.

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation is considering its first

foray into the alternative assets arena. The foundation, with

approximately USD 2.5 billion in assets, is currently

reviewing its entire investment portfolio. Cambridge

Associates is assisting in bringing the foundation up to

speed on alternatives. The Hilton Foundation currently

stands in the top 10% of foundations in terms of total assets

and this has been achieved without exposure to alternatives.

The Boston Foundation is planning to increase its

allocation to alternatives, currently standing at 21.4% of total

assets. This decision follows a recently completed review of

the foundation’s asset allocation policy that revealed the

need for greater diversity to further reduce volatility. The

Foundation, with approximately USD 700 million under

management, will seek investment opportunities in private

equity, hedge funds, commodities and real estate.

New Mexico Educational Retirement Board has approved

its maiden allocation to private equity, following an asset

allocation study carried out by New England Pension

Consultants in September 2005. The board is most likely to

follow a fund-of-funds strategy. Although only in its early

stages, the move into private equity is part of an asset

allocation review by which the board will allocate

approximately USD 400 million to both real estate and hedge

funds. It is expected that the board will first focus its attention

on hedge funds as this allocation can be reached relatively

quickly, and then turn its attention to the new private equity

allocation by mid-summer 2006. The decision to pursue

alternative investments follows a change in guidelines that

until early 2005 have limited investments by New Mexico's

pension systems to mainly stocks and bonds.

INVESTOR SPOTLIGHT Investor Spotlight is your monthly update on investors in Private Equity. See how key investors are changing their allocations and which new investors are coming into the market. Each month we analyse investors in a specific region - this month we look at the Latin America.


© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 12 March 2006

Last month Investor Spotlight looked at LP interest in emerging markets. While Asia tends to grab most of the limelight these days, LPs should be aware of the opportunities in Latin America.

Renewed interest in Latin America is evident across

the spectrum of private equity investors, with fund-of-

funds managers, insurance companies, public pension

funds and foundations all including allocations to the

region in their portfolios.

Latin America has recently been experiencing

popularity amongst some significant LPs. In 2005,

British Columbia Investment Management Company

(BcIMC) invested in Advent International’s third Latin

America-focused fund. The fund will invest primarily in

companies in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. BcIMC is

a returning LP to Advent’s Latin American funds,

having invested in both the firm’s preceding funds in

1996 and 2001 respectively. BcIMC has approximately

CAD 1.6 billion currently committed to private equity

funds, of which 6% is allocated to emerging markets

including Latin America. Advent’s third buyout fund

closed on USD 375 million and also received a

commitment from private equity heavyweight

AlpInvest. AlpInvest allocates 12% of total assets,

equating to nearly EUR 2 billion, to private equity fund

investments outside the traditional markets of North

America and Europe.

Another giant private equity investor looking towards

Latin America is California State Teachers' Retirement

System (CalSTRS). Traditionally, CalSTRS has

focused its private equity investments within the US

but has recently begun to expand the scope of its

geographic interests. Today, CalSTRS is also keen to

invest in lesser-known regions such as Latin America.

The USD 130 billion pension fund is aiming to reach

its target allocation of 8% to private equity by 2007.

Therefore, for 2006 it has up to USD 2 billion available

to commit to new funds. For the fiscal year ending

June 30, 2005, private equity ranked as the highest

performing asset class for CalSTRS, producing a

24.9% return, the second year running that the

portfolio's performance has exceeded 20%.

Fellow US public pension fund, New Mexico State

Investment Council (SIC), is similarly interested in

Latin America. SIC approved a commitment to Carlyle

Mexico Partners in late 2005. The USD 13 billion

pension fund has a target allocation of 5% and over

the next 12 months SIC will aim to commit USD 300

million to new private equity funds.

The interest in Latin America is not restricted to public

pension plans. US foundations showing enthusiasm

for Latin America include New York’s Carnegie

Corporation. With approximately USD 2 billion under

management, Carnegie is looking towards Latin

America for future private equity fund investments. To

date, the philanthropic grant-making foundation has

focused on the US and Western Europe and although

this will continue to be the primary focus for the

immediate future, Carnegie has a small allocation

available for Latin American and Asian opportunities.

Also based in New York, MetLife Insurance Company

Pension Plan is another investor interested in Latin

America. The pension's geographical targets see it

allocating 15% of its portfolio to the rest of the world,

namely Latin America and Asia. Metlife’s target

allocation to private equity is also quite likely to

increase, following an investment review due to be

completed in early 2006.

A number of fund-of-funds managers are equally

optimistic about Latin America. One such manager is

Pacific Corporate Group (PCG) who last year formed a

new PCG International division, based in Washington.



© 2006 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd, www.preqin.com 13 March 2006

The purpose of the division is to focus solely on non-

traditional private equity markets, primarily in Latin

America, Asia and Eastern Europe. Swiss-based

fund-of-funds manager, AIG Private Equity, directs just

under 20% of its private equity allocation to emerging

markets, principally Asia and Latin America.

Leading US academic institutions looking to Latin

America include Yale University Endowment which

has recently made a commitment to GP Fundo de

Investimento. This Brazilian-focused buyout fund is

targeting USD 200 million and is currently still on the

road. The endowment, with approximately USD 15.2

billion in total assets, has a target allocation of 18% to

private equity. Yale began investing in private equity

in 1973 and since then has achieved a 30.7%

annualised net return. Similarly, the University of

Chicago Endowment is keen to expand its portfolio

into Latin America. For the future, this USD 4 billion

endowment will consider investing in a variety of

emerging markets including Latin America as well as

Russia, Eastern Europe and Asia and has made

investments in several of these locations.


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