Titel presentatie [Naam, organisatienaam] Working Day - Track: Modern cluster policy Enhancing growth from an EU perspective Jeroen Heijs, Ministry of Economic Affairs NL Clusters, Clusterorganisations and Clusterpolicies

TCI 2016 Clusters, Clusterorganisations and Clusterpolicies

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Page 1: TCI 2016 Clusters, Clusterorganisations and Clusterpolicies

Titel presentatie[Naam, organisatienaam]

Working Day - Track: Modern cluster policyEnhancing growth from an EU perspective

Jeroen Heijs, Ministry of Economic Affairs NL

Clusters, Clusterorganisations and Clusterpolicies

Page 2: TCI 2016 Clusters, Clusterorganisations and Clusterpolicies

10 November 2016

Clusters, Clusterorganisations and Clusterpolicies

Jeroen HeijsManagement Team Department of Topsectors and Industrial Policy

Netherlands Ministry of

Economic Affairs

Page 3: TCI 2016 Clusters, Clusterorganisations and Clusterpolicies

10 November 2016Ministry of Economic Affairs3

•Clusterpolicies on different government levels•Primary role for regional government: strengthening regional network

•Is there an role for EU policy? And does the EU do the right things?

Clusterpolicies: is the EU doing the right things?

Page 4: TCI 2016 Clusters, Clusterorganisations and Clusterpolicies

10 November 2016Ministry of Economic Affairs4

•Framework conditions (the breeding ground)•Ecosphere (the forest) •Cluster organisation (the watering can)

Three complementary layers

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10Ministerie van Economische Zaken5

•Excellent framework conditions are basic Vital infrastructure (roads, canals, rail, ICT)Quality of education and workforceEffective and efficient law, government and institutions

With out this no healthy clustersRole for both national and regional/local government

The breeding ground

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10Ministerie van Economische Zaken6

The eco-system

•Clusters“A cluster is a geographical proximate group of interconnected companies and associated institutions in a particular field, linked by commonalities and externalities” (Michael Porter)

Eco-system: takes a long time to develop; much easier to destroy

Can’t be created from scratch

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10Ministerie van Economische Zaken7

•Cluster-organisationsTriple HelixOrganisational capacityStrengthening the regional ecosystemKnowledge development and exchangeBranding/lobbying/communication

The watering can

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10Ministerie van Economische Zaken8

•EU-focus is on cluster-organisations:X No definitions/regulationsX No direct funding (must be triple helix, or ERDF)Organisational excellence: benchmarking, professionalization, labelling Connecting: international exchange, best practicesCooperation: strategic international partnerships, smart specialisation

So: is the EU doing the right things?