By: Sarang Ahuja

The Worst Things to Spend Your Money On

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Page 1: The Worst Things to Spend Your Money On


S A R A N G A H U J A F I N A N C E . C O M

By: Sarang Ahuja

Page 2: The Worst Things to Spend Your Money On


As we live in a society where it's almost

impossible to spend money, it's important

to be frugal if you want to save money.

Instead of spending money on the

following things, focus on alternatives.

Page 3: The Worst Things to Spend Your Money On

Many people believe that high end

brandnames have better quality,

products and ingredients, however,

many generic items are made up of

the same things. Brand names can

cost 50%-70% more than generic

products. You can save a lot of

money on groceries and clothing

by shopping generic.



Page 4: The Worst Things to Spend Your Money On

Your typical daily coffee run may only cost you $2 a day,

however, that can add up to over $1000 per year! Spending

money on coffee and water bottles on a daily basis can cost

you more than you think. Consider investing into a coffee pot

and reusable water bottle to save money throughout the year.



Page 5: The Worst Things to Spend Your Money On

3. ATM FEESYou shouldn't have to pay to money

to get ahold of your own cash.

However, frequent trips to the ATM

can cost you a lot of money over time.

Instead, take cash out by making a

withdrawal at your personal bank.

Page 6: The Worst Things to Spend Your Money On

The convenience and ease of online shopping allows

consumers to shop whenever they have a spare

minute, overall spending money on items that are

unnecessary. Online shopping also comes with high

shipping and handling costs, compared to just walking

into a store and buying an item you may need.



Page 7: The Worst Things to Spend Your Money On

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