Why do some still believe discredited knowledge? Paul H. Carr www.MirrorOfNature.org

Why do some still believe discredited knowledge?

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  • Why do some still believe discredited knowledge?

    Paul H. [email protected]

  • Why do some people still believe in knowledge that is contrary to empirical data ?

    TheFlatEarthSociety.org claim.

    (2) Federal tax cuts for the rich will make everyone better off. - Data shows it has: a. increased income inequality & b. increased our national debt.

    (3) Humans are not accelerating global warming, which is contrary to recent data. Our discussion will increase an understanding of how we come to know.


  • Genesis 1:7 (CEB) states, And God made the dome andGenesis 1:7 (CEB): And God made the dome and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above. 600 BCE

  • Experimental confirmation of TheFlatEearthSociety.org claim.

    A Ph.D. scientist tried to measure the curvature of a lake. Since he could not measure any, he concluded that the earth is flat.

  • The Blind men examining the elephant illustrates limited worldviews.



    Breadth of phenomena

    Ability to predict something new

    Empirical measurents can verify or falsify.

  • PTOLEMY 150 A. D. COPERNICUS 1543 Ptolemys model of planets rotating about the earth made accurate predictions. Copernicus heliocentric cosmology was not more accurate but it eliminated the complex epicycles From The Bones of Copernicus by Dennis Danielson, American Scientist, Jan-Feb 2009

  • 1920. Harlow Shapley discovered our place in the Milky Way Galaxy

  • Why do some people still believe in knowledge that is contrary to empirical data ?

    TheFlatEarthSociety.org claim.

    (2) Federal tax cuts for the rich will make everyone better off. - Data shows it has: a. increased income inequality & b. increased our national debt.

    (3) Humans are not accelerating global warming, which is contrary to recent data. Our discussion will increase an understanding of how we come to know. It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. Upton Sinclair 1934didate for Governor: And How I Got LickedbyUpton Sinclair 1934

  • Title of thepresentation

    Inequality of capitalThomas Piketty, Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics19 December 2014www.slideshare.net


  • *

    Data from Capital in the 21st century (Harvard University Press, March 2014) This book studies the global dynamics of income and wealth distribution since 18c in 20+ countries; I use historical data collected over the past 15 years with Atkinson, Saez, Postel-Vinay, Rosenthal, Alvaredo, Zucman, and 30+ others; I try to shift attention from rising income inequality to rising wealth inequality

    The book includes four parts:

    Part 1. Income and capital Part 2. The dynamics of the capital/income ratio Part 3. The structure of inequalities Part 4. Regulating capital in the 21st century

    In this presentation I will present some results from Parts 2 & 3, focusing upon the long-run evolution of capital/income ratios and wealth concentration (all graphs and series are available on line: see http://piketty.pse.ens.fr/capital21c)


  • *


  • *


  • *Conclusions The history of income and wealth inequality is always political, chaotic and unpredictable; it involves national identities and sharp reversals; nobody can predict the reversals of the future

    The ideal solution: progressive wealth tax at the global scale, based upon automatic exchange of bank information

    Other solutions involve authoritarian political & capital controls (China, Russia..), or perpetual population growth (US), or inflation, or some mixture of all.


  • A RISING TIDE FLOATS ALL BOATS ? The objective of the tax cuts from 70% in 1980 to 28% in 1988 was to stimulate the economy, ie increase GDP. The was expected to result in an increase in the tax revenue to the government. 1. Increased income inequality. 2. No GDP increase 3. Increased our national debt.

  • After the top tax rate dropped from 70% in 1980 to 28% in 1988, GDP growth decreased from 3.5%/year in 1980 to 2% at present. Tax Cut

  • Reagan Tax Cuts70% to 28% OUR NATIONAL DEBT INCREASED IN 1980 WWII EndsWon Cold WarRecession from deregulation of Banks


  • *


    How we defeated Hitler Germany and Japans Rising Sun (1945).

    Paid off WWII, Korean and Vietnam Wars debt (1980), Landed Man on the Moon (69)

    Patriotism against enemies is theSocial Capitalthat bound us together.


  • *

  • It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. ICandidate for Governor: And How I Got LickedbyUpton Sinclair 1934

  • Why do some people still believe in knowledge that is contrary to empirical data ?

    TheFlatEarthSociety.org claim.

    (2) Federal tax cuts for the rich will make everyone better off. - Data shows it has: a. increased income inequality & b. increased our national debt.

    (3) Humans are not accelerating global warming, which is contrary to recent data. Our discussion will increase an understanding of how we come to know. It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. Upton Sinclair 1934didate for Governor: And How I Got LickedbyUpton Sinclair 1934



    Our CO2 emissions are happening 300 times faster than natural effects. -

    Paul H. Carr, BS, MS, MIT; PhD, Brandeis. IEEE Life Fellow AF Research Laboratory Emeritus, www.MirrorOfNature.org*



    1. THE HUMAN INFLUENCE ON WARMING Emissions of the greenhouse gas, CO2, are increasing at a rate of 2.5 ppm per year.

    2. CONTRAST THIS WITH SLOWER NATURAL PROCESSES 18K 10K years ago, C02 increased at a rate 1/300th slower.

    3. THE IMPACT OF CONTINUING CLIMATE CHANGE Melting of the Arctic is increasing our winter climate extremes. *


  • 2014 CO2 levels of 400 ppm are 120 ppm above the pre-industrial average 1875 Carbon isotope ratios indicate the CO2 increase since1750 is from burning ~300 million yr old fossil fuels.



  • CORRELTAION BETWEEN TEMP AND CO2 INCREASE 1880 1980: CO2 increased 47 ppm. 1980 2010: CO2 increased 52 ppm.Aerosols*


    The temperature increase curve coincides with the temperature increase.

  • Increasing CO2 gas density: 1. raises temperature of earths surface. 2. reduces temperature of the stratosphere.*



    TEMP. INCREASE, SINCE 1880, OF NORTHERN = 1.1 deg. CTEMP. INCREASE OF SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE = 0.4 deg C http://www.americanscientist.org/issues/pub/2014/2/watching-earth-change

    HUMAN CO2 FOOTPRINT Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Aboard NASAs Aquilla Satellite.*

  • During the steepest warming, the CO2 released (dots) from the sea preceded the global temperature rise (green line) by several centuries. CO2 RATE OF CHANGE is 1/300 of the PRESENT RISE.CO2 greenhouse effect drove the 3.5 C increase in average global temperature. Sea levels rose ~ 100 meters (~ 328 feet). Flood stories 4 M PEOPLE 7 B Ice AgeNature, 484, 49-54 (05 Apr 2012) 2. CHANGES IN THE EARTHS TILT & ORBIT TRIGGERD THE ICE AGE WARMING*

  • At present rate of 2.5 ppm rise per year, humans are increasing CO2at arate 300 times faster than the recovery from the ice age 18,000 -10,000 years ago.CO2 CONCENTRATIONS, HIGHEST (33%) IN 800,000 YRS, COULD REACH ~1000 PPM BY 21OO.Ice Age*


  • Our present level of 400 ppm could reach ~ 1000 ppm by 2100. Arctic became ice-free 8 M years ago when CO2 = 300 to 450 ppm. Antarctic melted ~ 40 M years ago, CO2 ~ 700 ppm

    -Earth was ice-free, sea levels 100s meters (~300 ft) higher. Dinosaur Extinction 65M Yr. BP Figure from Dr. James Hansen, NASA GISS *


  • Blue: Sea level change from tide-gauge data (Church J.A. and White N.J., Geophys. Res. Lett. 2006; 33: L01602)Red: Univ. Colorado sea level analyses in satellite era (http://www.columbia.edu/~mhs119/SeaLevel/).Sea levels are rising 4 times faster: 12 in/century at present from 3 in/century 1870 1924.12 in./100 years.7.5 in./100 years3 in. /100 years*

  • Earlier predictions for 2100: 2 to 6 feetClimate scientist James Hansen, a former director at NASA, predicts: the sea level will rise by at least 7 more feet by 2070. This could range as high 17 feet, depending on the model parameter. http://www.bradenton.com/opinion/letters-to-theeditor/article68272492.html#storylink=cpy


  • NASA photos of Thwaites Glacier, size of Mexico, Western Antarctica. Richard Alley, a glaciologist at Penn State University, an author of the last IPCC report: If the Thwaites Glacier breaks free from it rocky berth, it woud raise sea levels 10 ft.*


  • A darker Arctic is boosting global warmingFrom1979 to 2011, less reflecting ice, more absorbing water made North Pole warm twice as fast as the rest of the earth. http://www.pnaorg/content/early/2014/02/13/1318201111.abstract Proc. National Academy of Science, Feb 18, 2014.



  • PAST COLD ARCTIC PRESENT WARMER ARCTIC Higher pressure sub-tropic constrained the low-pressure arcticLower pressure difference allows waves of arctic air to invade the South: Warmer & Colder Winters.Cold Air Oscillates South from the ArcticThe Arctic is warming faster than the rest of our earth. Therefore the temperature and the accompanying pressure difference that used to keep arctic air up North comes South, bringing cold air to Atlanta & New Orleans. The Winters of our Discontent Charles H. Green, Scientific American, pgs 51-55, Dec.2012*

  • Physics TodayJan 2009Pg. 48.11- yr sun-spot cycle.No increasein solar irradiance since 1979. *


  • At the 2002 Sigma Xi Research Symposium I asked Prof. Molina: What do you think about global warming ? Prof. Mario J. Molina shared the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work in atmospheric chemistry showing that the human generation of CFC were making a hole in ozone layer.He answered that global weather forecasting and predicting are complex and difficult. However if your question is, Should we do something about global warming? My answer is: YES!We mustreduce ourCO2 emissions. *


  • The Yale Cultural Cognition Project is an interdisciplinary team that uses empirical methods to examine the impact of group values on perceptions of reality.

    Their work has been used to criticize climate science deniers, arguing that without intent to deceive, they honestly see and hear only the evidence that is relevant to their preconceived notion of reality.

    The same argument has been used to attack scientists in the climate field arguing that they unconsciously "choose" data that fits and ignore data that does not fit the models they wish to promote.

    In both cases the underlying motivation is claimed to be fear of losing intrinsically valuable notions of self and access to money from fossil fuel companies for deniers and to government grants for scientists.

  • Why do some people still believe in knowledge that is contrary to empirical data ?

    TheFlatEearthSociety.org claim.

    (2) Federal tax cuts for the rich will make everyone better off.

    (3) H.Con.Res.89 - Expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy. 114th Congress (2015-2016)

    (4) Humans are not accelerating global warming, which is contrary to recent data. It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. ICandidate for Governor: And How I Got LickedbyUpton Sinclair 1934


  • Sweden, one of the few countries that tax carbon, has reduced its emissions by about twenty-three per cent in the past twenty-five years.

    During that same period, its economy has grown by more than fifty-five per cent.


  • GDPEmissions

  • 10/9/15www.CitizensClimateLobby.org

    - Revenue neutral carbon fee with dividend.

    -Dividend would be returned to everyone.

    -Stimulating economy & creating 2 million jobs.

  • Why do some people still believe in knowledge that is contrary to empirical data ?

    TheFlatEearthSociety.org claim.

    (2) Federal tax cuts for the rich will make everyone better off. - Data shows it has: a. increased income inequality & b. increased our national debt.

    (3) Humans are not accelerating global warming, which is contrary to recent data. Our discussion will increase an understanding of how we come to know. It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. Upton Sinclair 1934

    We have a plethora of information, but apaucity of knowledge and wisdom.didate for Governor: And How I Got LickedbyUpton Sinclair 1934

  • The Blind men examining the elephant illustrates limited worldviews.

















    The temperature increase curve coincides with the temperature increase. *





