Життя молоді. Молодіжна культура

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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Головне управління освіти і науки

Черкаської обласної державної адміністрації

Відділ освіти Золотоніської міської ради та виконавчого комітету

Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка

Золотоніської міської ради та виконавчого комітету

Система уроків для учнів 9-х класів з теми

«Життя молоді. Молодіжна культура»

Вертипорох Надія Григорівна,

учитель іноземної мови

вищої кваліфікаційної категорії

гімназії ім. С.Д. Скляренка

Лук’ященко Людмила Миколаївна,

учитель іноземної мови

вищої кваліфікаційної категорії

гімназії ім. С.Д. Скляренка

Матеріали схвалені методичною радою гімназії

(Протокол № 6 від.29.02.2012р)

Золотоноша, 2012

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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.



МЕТОДИЧНИЙ КОМЕНТАР ............................................................................................ 3

LESSON 1 .............................................................................................................................. 4

LESSON 2 ............................................................................................................................ 11

LESSON 3 ............................................................................................................................ 20

LESSON 4 ............................................................................................................................ 32

LESSON 5 ............................................................................................................................ 42

LESSON 6 ............................................................................................................................ 49

LESSON 7-8 ......................................................................................................................... 59

СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ .................................................................. 69


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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.



Матеріали, запропоновані в цифровому ресурсі є програмною темою, яка

вивчається в 9 класі.

Запропоновані матеріали сприяють розвитку основних видів мовленнєвої

діяльності: аудіювання, читання, говоріння та письма.

Поєднання цікавих текстів, діалогів, таблиць, рольових ігор, ситуацій,

відео та аудіо матеріалів сприяють розвитку мовленнєвої діяльності учнів,

даючи змогу зробити урок цікавим,змістовним, насиченим.

При розробці цифрового ресурсу були використані матеріали

автентичних підручників, шкільних підручників, газет, інтернет джерел.

Цифровий ресурс представляє систему уроків з теми «Життя молоді.

Молодіжна культура.»

Дані презентації можна використовувати при проведенні нетрадиційних

уроків, які активізують діяльність учнів, зацікавлюють їх, розвивають логічне

мислення, самостійність у діях, сприяють розвитку творчості, розширюють

лексичний запас школярів з іноземної мови, вносять елементи новизни,

оптимізують процес пізнання, роблять його емоційним, радісним, що сприяє

формуванню креативного нестандартного мислення.

Даний посібник адресований учителям та учням навчальних закладів.

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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.




Objectives: to introduce the new words on the topic,

to develop the language skills of the students,

to enrich their outlook.


1. Introduction

Look at the pictures and guess what we are going to speak about.

( students’ comment on the pictures)

T. Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is teens’ fashion and hairstyle.

2. Warming up

Work in small groups and choose the words from the list below, describe clothes and


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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.


Key words:

Style : casual, cool, designer, formal, trendy, old fashion, scruffy, stylish, smart,


Type: baggy, floral, narrow, tight, torn trousers; long sleeved, short sleeved,

sleeveless blouse/T-shirt

round neck jumper, flat, high-heeled, pointed shoes; ankles, knee-length, mini-shirt.

Patterns: plain, polka-dot, checked, striped shirt/blouse.

3. Listening activity

Listen to the street survey and complete the questionnaire

Who or what

influence the way

you dress?

How would you

describe your


Do you ever wear

anything on your



style of

jeans do



Do you

ever argue

with your




magazines smart baseball cap baggy all the


friends casual woolly hat tight sometimes

famous people alternative hood flared rarely

TV trendy no, never denim never

A: Excuse me? Can I ask you a few questions, please? We're doing a survey about

young people's fashion. It'll only take five minutes.

B: Yeah, all right.

A: Thanks. First question. Who or what influences the way you dress? Is it

magazines, friends, pop stars, or maybe the TV?

B: I don't know, really. I suppose me and my friends wear the same sort of clothes.

A: So, you get ideas from your friends.

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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.


B: Yeah, friends.

A: How would you describe your style? 1 mean, what kind of clothes do you wear?

Are they smart, casual, alternative or trendy?

B: What do you mean by alternative?

A: Well, I mean clothes that are a bit hippy, heavy metal or goth. Do you know what

I mean?

B: Yeah. Well, I usually wear casual clothes. I don't like formal clothes and I hate

wearing ties and jackets. We have to wear them every day at school, you know.

A: Right. And what style of jeans do you like?

B: This style, like these.

A: The style you're wearing now.

B: Yeah, quite baggy with loads of pockets.

A: What about hats? Do you ever wear anything on your head - for example, if it's


B; I don't wear hats.

A: What about the hood on your hoodie you're wearing?

B: Oh yeah, 1 suppose that's a sort of hat.

A: One last question. Do you ever argue with your parents about clothes?

B: Er, sometimes, yeah. It's usually when I go out with my friends. And sometimes

they don't like the slogans on my T-shirts.

A: Okay, that's all. Thanks a lot.

B: No. She doesn't wear make-up.

A: Maybe a ring?

B: Mm, Maybe.

A: A nice shoulder bag?

B: No, she doesn't like them.

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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.


4. Pair work

Work in pairs using the questionnaire and say: Do you have anything in common

with your partner?

T. Teens pay great attention to their appearance. They pretend to look cool and often

change their hairstyle.

Listen to the conversation fill in blank and answer the questions:

Which student do they want to hire?

Why is guy unusual?

against hair important serious different hire intelligent


Marcos: Well, 1 fill the last student was the best. He was__ 1 (intelligent) ,had a

wonderful personality and was funny

Allen: Are you _______? The guy with green hair ? Are you joking?

Masumi: Is the color of his --------------3 important? I agree with Marcos. I feel he

was great.

Allen: But he had green hair! No serious student would come to a job interview

with green hair!

Masumi: He’s just--------------4. And I feel he has a lot of courage.

Allen: Different? He sure was! He looked like a---------5. Can you imagine him

talking to our customers? With green hair? No way!

Marcos: We can make him change his hair after he’s hired, if it bothers you so much.

Masumi: Hair colour is an -----------------6 part of a person.

You can’t force people to change the colour of their hair.

Allen : Then let’s not hire him . I’m really ---------7 hiring him.

Marcos: Well, if we don’t -----------8 him. I feel we’d lose a very good person.

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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.


Post listening activity.

Comment on the proverbs:

Tastes differ.

Appearance is deceitful.

Beauty is ,but skin deep.

5. Pre- reading activity

a) Work in pairs. Discuss the questions with your friend and then report in class.

-How often do you get a haircut?

-Have you ever had an unusual hairstyle?

-What was it? Did your friends like it? Why or why not?

b) Look at the photos of hairstyles and say what do you think of them.

Use the phrases:

It’s great!

It’s cool!

It’s gorgeous!

It’s awful!

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I don’t think it’s nice!

I’d never do it!

6. Reading activity

Read the text and match the pictures with the text.

A Hi! The Bob haircut is one of those classic hairstyles that seem to never go out of

trend. It is a very amazing hairstyle. It is very famous and is wearing by many people.

The Bob hairstyles are very flexible. Through years the Bob haircut is changed, for

example, hair cutting things like as one side short while leaving the other long but it

is still the Bob hairstyle. No matter what the current fashion goes, it is always there. I

prefer this style and I always look cool with a perfect hairdo.

B Hello! I really like my hairstyle. Its name comes from the word emotional. My

hair is thick and doesn't have any curls at all and when it grows, it grows outward and

makes my hair look like a bush, so I keep it short all the time. Basically let your hair

get long... like down to your nose or so, then go somewhere and tell them that you

want to look EMO. I dye my hair black in the front and blonde in the back. Then I gel

the front of my hair downwards. After that I take the back/blonde part and spike it.

This can be worn by both boys and girls.

C Hey, guys! You see punk hairstyles are bizarre and colourful. I would rather say a

Mohawk hairstyle is popular with those seeking a punk hairstyle. But you have to be

courageous enough to have a shaved scalp with an upright strip of hair running across

the crown of the head from the forehead to the nape of the neck. Are you ready for

that? A punk hairstyle gelled and spiky is often accompanied by leather clothes and

various body piercing.

D Hello friends! I adore French braids! These are the braids that tightly fit head and

create different patterns on it. The patterns can be various - from simple parallel lines

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to complicated ornaments. With an appropriate care, French braids can be worn up to

2 months. What kind of hair do you need to braid? All types of hair can be braided

into French braids. The only condition is that hair must be no less than 15 cm long.

How to wash French braids? The braids should be washed with a special non-foamy

shampoo. Accurately wash partings between the braids no more than once a week.

Post-reading activity

Say if the statements are true or false.

1. A bob hairstyle is out of fashion.

2. An emo hairstyle comes from the name emotional.

3. You can easily have bob hairdo on your own.

4. French braids should have a special hair care.

5. A punk hairstyle is very often accompanied by leather clothes and body piercing.

6. For French braids one should have the hair no less than 15 cm long.

7. A Mohawk hairstyle demands only leather clothes.

8. Speaking activity

-What hairstyles are popular among the teenagers today?

-Which of them do your friends prefer?

-Can you do any?

-Why do teens sometimes prefer to wear extraordinary hairstyle?

9 Summing up

T. As you see young people use different techniques to look “trendy and cool” just to

attract one’s attention.

10. Home assignment

Speak about your own preferences in clothes and hairstyle.

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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.




Objectives: to practice the students to use active vocabulary,

to develop basic skills,

to broaden their outlook.



What does a word culture mean to you?











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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.



What preferences do teens have?

Speak about your own preferences.

Pre-reading activity

1. Read the statements and say if they are true or false.

1. Youth cultures are connected with fashion and music tastes.

2. Youth cultures don't influence the society.

3. Rap fashion is big business today.

4. Hippies are violent people.

5. Being a punk or a rapper is a silly thing.

Reading activity

Read the article and complete the chart below

youth group when clothes music

mods 1950s and 1970




b) Read the article and check your answers in task 1.


a belief

a conclusion

an image

a movement

an opportunity




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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.



to consume

to enable

to influence,

to express


The term 'culture' can be defined as language, dress, beliefs, manners and tastes

in food or music of a particular2 group.

The concept3 of youth culture appeared in America in the 1950s and spread to

Britain in the 1960s. It was a result of the improvement in Western economics, which

meant that teenagers had money to spend.

There was the development of music and fashion industries with the young

people dressed in Italian-style and leather clothes appeared. They were called Mods.

But there were young people who were against the materialistic wealth and stressed

on spiritual2

values. They tried to show their protest in wearing unusual clothes, hair

dress or in other ways. Thus in the 1960s and 1970s Hippies appeared. These young

people usually had long hair and wore second-hand clothes. They liked to say, 'Make

love, not war.' Hippies were against the Vietnam War and showed their peaceful

feelings in their rock songs. Some of them are still popular — 'Give Peace a Chance'

and 'All You Need is Love'. In the mid 1970s punk rock appeared. Punks were not

peace loving, but full of hate. There was a great unemployment (especially among

young people) at that time. Many teenagers blamed3 the society and in punk

movement they expressed their negative feelings. Punks often had brightly coloured

hair and wore clothes that could shock people. Later these movements influenced

some other aspects of life. For example, Punk became a clothes design style and punk

magazines 'fanzines', fan clubs, posters appeared.

As a large number of teens today watch music videos, these influence their

minds. Teens watch cool Rappers, who are looking and sounding unusual and they

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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.


want a piece of that image. They wear the same clothes, sing violent lyrics and feel

very cool.

Rap and hip-hop were born in the ghettoes of New York over 30 years ago.

Rap fashion is big business today. The clothes, f sometimes very expensive from

Prada and Gucci, Ralph Louren and Polo, express a lack4

of respect to tradition and

authority5. Rappers wear huge gold necklaces and drive costly cars. There is also a

rap language or rather a slang, used by many teens. Such artists as Justin

Timberlake and Eminem use it in their songs. Many rap songs make teenagers

believe that.

Analysis or different youth cultures which appear and change each other helps

to make some conclusions. Here they are.

• Youth cultures are formed in reaction to society's values.

• Youth cultures help young people become independent of their families.

• They are consumer products sold to the young.

These cultures give young people the opportunity to be something different

before they agree and accept society's values.

• Youth cultures enable young people to express themselves by choosing the

style that suits them.

• The values of a youth culture do not matter -just have to be different from

those of the older generation. Are they good or bad? No one can say. But it s quite

clear that youth cultures can bring change to a society and help young people in their

search for identity2.

Post-reading activity

Which culture is the most influential? Express your own opinion.

Which culture would you like to choose and why?

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T. Young people pay much attention to their appearance just to look special.

They use different forms of decorations.

read the text about different forms of body decorations and fill in each of the gaps

with one word from the table below.

Body art

( by Rosie Milner)

Tattooing can be -----------1 the world over, through its style and its meaning

vary dramatically.

Tattooing has long featured in the cultures of the Japanese, Polynesians and

Native Americans. The practices of the Maoris of the New Zealand ------------2 a

striking example of tattooing. They are well-known for the elaborate patterns with

which they traditionally decorated their faces.

Native American Indians ------------3 to have pierced the lower lip, and today

this practice is found in tribes across Africa and South America. Along cane --------4

through the skin around the mouth or nose as decoration often pushed through the

skin around the mouth or nose as decoration. Some tribes of central Africa, for

example, traditionally pierce and then stretch the lips with saucer-like disks. Nose

piercing is common in India, South America and Africa, as is ear piercing. In some

societies, a piercing through the ear is gradually stretched to create a visible hole.

This is more and more common in the West.

In non-Western cultures, tattooing and piercing --------- recently -------5,

these societies try to "catch up" with the West. On the contrary, in the West their

popularity is ever increasing.

Until recently, body art in our culture was mainly found on groups such as

sailors and convicts, or those wanting to rebel against society, like the punks of the

1970s. Over the last decade body art------------6 into the mainstream and it is

increasingly socially acceptable.

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Just about every part of the body can be pierced or tattooed. In the West, facial

piercings are popular (especially through the eyebrow, lip, and tongue), as a navel

piercings. David Beckhem, the famous British footballer, recently sparked craze for

tattoos in foreign languages when he had his wife's name, Victoria------------7 on his

forearm in Hindi. Polynesian-style tattoos of large swirling blocks of colour are

currently fashionable with men, while women still tend to favour smaller, less visible


People use body art for a range of reasons. In the past tattoos ------------8 as a

mark of social status, to ward off demons and ill health. They have also been used as

a means of identifying and punishing convicts, slaves and outcasts. However, these

days most people use body art simply as decoration.

As tattooing and piercing become increasingly common however, some people

are resorting to more extreme methods of body modification to stand out from the

crowd. "Body branding', for example, is a dramatic (and dangerous) practice which --

--------9 in popularity. It involves searing the skin with red-hot metal, in some shape

or pattern, to leave a permanent scar.

Implanting is another extreme way in which people alter their body's

appearance. Somewhat similar to body piercing, it involves the painful insertion of

metal objects under the skin. One example of implanting is the insertion of horn

shaped objects under the skin of the forehead, giving a "devil-like” appearance.

It seems unlikely that branding and implanting --- ever --------10 as popular as

tattooing and piercing. But fifty years ago, who would have thought businessmen

would go to work hiding pierced nipples under their suits, or their kids would be

asking their parents for tattoos for their sixteen birthday. Whether branding or

implanting will become popular or not, one thing is certain — body art, in one form

or another, is here to stay.

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Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Вертипорох Н.Г., Лук’ященко Л.М.



A find

B found C have found


A provide

B provides C providing


A is known

B know C are known


A have been pushed

B is pushed C pushes


A have declined

B declining C is declining


A have moved

B moved C has moved


A tattooing

B is tattooing C tattooed


A uses

B used C have been used


A is gaining

B gained C gains


A becomes B become C will become

T. Piercing may become even a problem which leads to misunderstanding among

young people.

Listening activity

Listen to the dialogue and say why is Phil upset? Act out the dialogue

Brian: So. How's Michelle? You guy’s are still going out together?

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Phil: Yeah, we are, but , I don't know. It's actually getting kind of weird1.

I'm not sure it's going to last.

Brian. Are you serious? Man, you've got to find a way to make it last2. Michelle is

awesome*! She's got everything!

Phil: Yeah, she is great. Really energetic-

Brian: Yean:

Phil: And fun to be with, and... But, this is going to sound stupid

Brian: What?

Phil: It's her piercings.

Brian: Yeah, so, what about them?

Phil: Well. First she got her nose pierced.

Brian: Cool*.

Phil: And then her belly button5.

Brian: Her belly button? Wow. I didn't know she did that.

Phil: I guess that was okay.

Brian: Yeah!

Phil: But then she went and got her tongue pierced. I don’t know if I can deal with it.

Brian: tongue piercing? I Have yon kissed her yet?

Phil: Yeah, I did kiss her

BRIAN: Cool, huh?

Phil: It was disgusting6'

Brian: Disgusting?

Phil: It felt dirty! And now every time I think about it just start wondering what

part of her body she's going to pierce next.

Brian: Well, have you told her how you feel about it?

Phil: Yeah, I tried.

Brian: And?

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Phil: I asked her if she could stop wearing some of them, at least when we were


Brian: What did she say about that?

Phil: She said it was her right to express herself'

Yon know, she said something like, “Look, Ican't control the way I look. You

should accept me the way I’m'' I was, like, what?

Brian: I don't know. man. I think you just don't get it.

You can’t let a few pieces of metal get between you and the woman of your


Phi l: Well, I don't knew it she's the woman of my dreams anymore.

Brian: What"?

Phil: Besides, now every time when we get together she tells me how good I'd look

with pierced ears. It's bad enough that she is getting pierced. Now she wants me to

do it, too?

Brian: Why not, man? It's no big deal. And. you know, if it terns Michelle on…

Phil :I can't believe you agree with her.

Brian: Totally

Phil: I don't know what I'm going to do.

Brian: You're going lo get a piercing man!

Group work

What do you think of piercing?

Do you have any piercing?

Home assignment

Make a presentation about youth culture in Ukraine

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Objectives: to develop basic skills and socio-cultural competence of the students ,

to broaden their outlook.


Warming up

Look at the spidergram and give typical features for each kind of body art . Which

kind of body art suits you best ?











Body art

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Students speak on their presentations.

My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and go to bed at

night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.

Cary Grant



Today we are going to speak about youth organisations in Ukraine .

Look at the spidergram and say what can youth organisations be?













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Reading activity

Read the text and fill in the chart

Organisations Main goals


The life of any age, social or professional group is always determined by the

economic, social and political situation of the country. So the economic crisis in

Ukraine which followed the split of the former Soviet Union changed the lives of all

groups of population including the young people. The, unemployment rate among the

youth is even higher than among other age groups because they lack working experi-

ence and knowledge. As a result the criminal situation in the country has changed for

the worse.'

All these factors, made the Ukrainian government take special measures for

creating youth organizations in our country which could help young people to find

their place in life, to determine their vocations, to follow the right guidelines. Among

these organizations is, for example, "The Students League" whose activity is aimed

at solving various students' problems, including economic ones. The members of this

league organize youth forums, festivals and interest groups meetings. This

organization also has friendly ties with the Student Unions of many foreign


A number of political parties in Ukraine have their youth wings: Young

Regions (Region Party), People's Democratic League of Youth (people's Democratic

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Party), Ukrainian Social-Democratic Youth (Social-Democratic Party of Ukraine

(united); the Union of Agrarian Youth (Agrarian Party of Ukraine), Socialist

Congress of Youth (Socialist Party-of Ukraine), Leninist Communist Union of Youth

of Ukraine (Communist Party of Ukraine), etc.

These youth organizations have been working under the guidance and along

the lutes of their political parties. They have proved to be active and influential

participants in social and political processes in the country. For example, during the

latest election campaigns young voters were very active.

A lot of young people in Ukraine are active in the "greens" movement. They

organize various actions to protest against the pollution of the environment. Their

main aim is to help the government and non-government organizations to protect and

preserve a safe environment in our country.

There are some youth organizations that are based on common professional

and educational interests, for example, All-Ukrainian Association of Young

Scientists, ''Liege Artist", Ukrainian League of Young Entrepreneurs, Union of

Young Journalists; Association of Young Farmers, etc

A lot of work has been done by the "Young Prosvita" organization to raise

national self-consciousness and to promote Ukrainian culture in the country.

In the early 1990s the Union of Pioneer Organizations was set up in Ukraine. It

unites children and teenagers from І0 to 15 years old. All pioneers wear scarves of

seven colours as in a rainbow. The aim of this organization is to help children to

become worthy citizens of their country and members of the community. Pioneers

give an oath to do good things, to respect grown-ups, to help the young and the old,

to love our Motherland, and to carry on folk traditions. Pioneers practice sports

together, do a lot of hiking, etc. In addition there is a Boy Scout organization in

Ukraine that was organized on the principles of British and American organizations

of this type.

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Post-reading activity


Decide whether the following statements about the text you have read are true

or false:

1) There are few unemployed people among the youth of' Ukraine, as it is easy

for them to find jobs.

2) There are more crimes committed by young people now than before the

economic crisis. .

3) Only political parties of Ukraine have their youth organizations.

4) Young people did not show any political activity during the last elections.

5) А lot of young people unite on a professional basis according to their


6) The new Pioneer organization is an exact replica of the one that existed in

the Soviet Union.

7) The Ukrainian Boy Scout organization and, those which work around the

world, have different aims.


If you have a choice which organization would you like to join and why?

Give arguments

Listening activity

T. So you can see that teens have a great choice of organisations and it’s up to

them to decide which organisation to join. As you see young people choose

organisation according to their interests. Let’s see what interests young people have.

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Listening activity.

You will hear two phone conversations. The first is a mother, Sue, talking to her

friend. The second is her daughter, Joy, talking to her friend. The first time you listen

answer the question: What do mother and daughter disagree?

1. Joy is a member of rock group.

2. Joy doesn’t want to be alive.

3. Joy worships a rock group.

Listen to the conversation again and fill in each blank















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can’t stand daughter full time parents concerts dead noise


1 Hello! Is this Patty? It’s me, Sue...Yeah, you’re right. It’s about my daughter

Joy again!...Yes, she’s still crazy about that rock group. She spends her money

from her part –time job to go to all of their____________. She follows them all

over the country. Can you imagine? Joy is 22, you know. She should have a


Job, live on her own, and not get financial support from us. I just don’t

understand why she worships that rock group. To me their music is nothing

but______________! And their clothes! Beyond my understanding.... Well,

thank you Patty for listening to me. I fell a little better. Bye!

2 Hello, Mike! This is Joy. Hi...Yeah...it’s about my_____________ again. They

want me to have a full time job and be on my own. I mean I understand ,but

I__________ their attitude. They, like, show no respect to my values. Do you

remember when I was really depressed one time and almost killed myself? I

was_____________by the songs of the rock group, ALIVE! I think they are

super! And the power I receive at their concerts! It gives me the energy to live.

They are my life. Of course, I understand what my parents are saying. But I

wish they could understand what I am saying. Without ALIVE!I could have

taken drugs or I could have been__________.Well, thanks, Mike. You are,

like, the only person, who understands me...

Well, I’ll be seeing you. Bye.

Do you belong to any fan group? Which one? What music are you fond of?

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T Young people often change their preferences and take up new activities. Now

we’ll watch a video about a teenager who tries to realize her dream. Watch a video

and answer the questions.

1. What was the girl’s dream?

2. Did she manage to realize it?

3. Did her dream make her more confident?

T So, now, read some texts about teenagers’ interests and do the following tasks


Read the text. Choose the correct answer, a, b, c or d.

Belinda Clarke, record company manager

I work for a small, independent company that produces classical music. My

love of music started when I was a child, I had piano lessons but I wasn’t very good!

I loved listening to music but I didn't enjoy playing very much. I gave up lessons

when I was about 14. Then I started buying CDs -not only classical but also pop and

reggae. I went to university to study French and Spanish.I also worked as the DJ in a

local radio station and helped on the university music magazine.

There are about 1,000 record labels in the UK. Some of them are very big

companies, but there are small independent companies, too.

They produce different types of music from hop to classical. I do different

things in my job every day. I go to lots of concerts and travel to different countries

to find new musicians. I help the musicians in a record studio. I also organize videos

and photos for the CD covers.

There are pros cons of working in the record industry. I love working with the

creative people and being in a team. I also enjoy travelling but it can be very tiring.

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We work very long hours when we are making a CD. The pay isn’t very good either.

You can earn a lot in a very big music company, but my company is still quite small.

I don't really mind about the pay, because my job is so enjoyable. What do you need

to work for a record company? The most important thing is to love music. You also

need to be organised and hard-working. When you first start in the industry, you'll

need to work very long hours and do quite monotonous jobs. It isn't always exciting!

I also think it's important to get a university education first. You need to know about

the world and to communicate well.

1 In this text, Belinda is

a talking about her love of music.

b describing her working life.

c complaining about her job.

d giving advice to musicians.

2 What does Belinda say about learn to play the piano?

a She started when she was fourteen

b She really enjoyed it.

c She preferred listening to CDs.

d She wasn't very talented.

3 How does Belinda feel about the bad things in her job?

a She wants to earn more money.

b She doesn't like working long hours

c She accepts them because she likes her job.

d She's tired of travelling.

4 What things are important in Belinda’s job?

a to love music, to work hard, to a degree

b to love music, to like travelling, be creative

c to love music, to work hard, to be exciting

d to love music, to be a good musician, to earn a lot

5 What might Belinda say about her job?

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a 'I like my job because I enjoy playing classical music'.

b 'I still love music but I don't like job very much'.

c 'Although it's hard work, I'm really happy in my job'.

d 'I like my job but I want to move to a bigger company'.

Read the text and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word

that fits in the space in the same line. For example 0-information


When the boom in the (0)..........technology (IT) industry was INFORM

at its height in the late,1990s, it was easy for (1)..........young computer GIFT

(2)..........to get jobs without having any formal qualifications.


In those days, (3)..........and experience were seen as more valuable ABLE

by (4)..........than certificates. Indeed, enthusiastic teenagers often EMPLOY

knew as much, if not more, about the latest (5)..........than


university graduates. Today, an (6)..........computer fan is much QUALIFY

less likely to get a job than someone who has done a (7).......... TRAIN

course of some kind, at least with any of the large (8)...........But


young people who have (9)..........hands-on experience may still get USE

work, (10).......... with smaller companies which may also be willing SPECIAL

to help them further their education.

Read this magazine article about extreme sports. Choose the most suitable

heading from the list A - D, for each part (I - 4).

A Hidden adventurers C Thrilling free-time activities

B Positive fear D Risky rewards

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Imagine this scene: a woman inside a cage in the sea, with sharks all around her.

Wouldn't you expect the woman to feel terrified? Not Gill Williams - she finds

such experiences absolutely thrilling. Gill is an "extreme" sportswoman – an

adventurer who takes sport to its most dangerous limits.

1 -----------I love scary animals," says Gill. "I love being near them and touching

them. Great white sharks come and attack the bars of the cage. I touch them, but I

don't let them bite me!" There are more people like Gill than you might think. They

leave their —officers and businesses to spend their free time doing extremely

dangerous things. Some of them fly jets across deserts or go diving in unexplored

caves, while others explore African rivers. All of them want to experience

something more than their normal lives can offer. They want adventure.

2------------ Bob Card is a skydiving trainer. He teaches people to leap out of

aeroplanes and let themselves fall through the air without opening their parachutes

until the very last minute. .

“ I believe there is an adventurer inside every one of us," he says. "It doesn't matter

how old or strong you are. The adventurer is there - it's just hidden away somewhere.

If you find that spirit, your life will take on new meaning." One advantage of doing

extreme sports to satisfy your need for adventure is that : you can completely forget

about your everyday problems. As Bob says: "You can't be concerned about business

phone calls or examination results when you're jumping out of a plane."


3------------How much danger can a person take? According to Sandra Quiggen, panic

is rare even when you come face to face with a bad-tempered hippopotamus on the

Zambezi River. "You get scared," she says. "Those hippos have big teeth. But a little

fear makes the brain work faster, as long as you don't let it turn into panic."

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4-------------- There is an element of risk in all extreme sports. "If you don't do things

right, you are asking for trouble," says Card. But training and proper equipment help

to make these sports safer. The difference between extreme sport and 'normal" sport

is; that, although there are organised competitions for these sports, most extreme

sports people are more interested in testing their own abilities than in winning

prizes. In fact, most of them would agree with mountaineer Sir Edmund Hilary's reply

when asked why he wanted to climb Everest: "Because it's there

Group work

Work in small groups, do the tasks and say what interests young people have. Do you

have the same interests? Share your ideas with the students.

Summing up

T As you see young people have a great opportunity to work in different

organizations according to their interests, abilities, hobbies.

Home assignment

Make a presentation and speak about non-political organization in Ukraine and

mention what the organization is, age group, local or national, goals)

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Aims and objectives: to develop basic skills of the students,

to teach them to make conclusions,

to broaden their outlook

Му grandfather always said that living is like licking honey of a thorn.

Louis Adamis


What problems do young people face nowadays?






Conflicts with



ding with




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Read the text and fill in the chart.





T. One of the actual problems we are to discuss today is generation gap.

It’s typical of teenagers to argue with their parents sometimes because they

have different points of view , sometimes without realizing why.

The generational gap is and was a term popularized in Western countries

during the 1960s referring to differences between people of a younger generation and

their elders, especially between children and parents.

Although some generational differences have existed throughout history,

modern generational gaps have often been attributed to rapid cultural change in the

postmodern period, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes,

fashion, culture and politics. These changes are assumed to have been magnified by

the unprecedented size of the young generation during the 1960s, which gave it the

power and inclination to rebel against societal norms.

As the '40s ended and the '50s emerged, marked differences between teenagers

and parents began to emerge. From a transformation of the dating system (going

steady and early marriage became the norm, as opposed to the "rating and dating"

trend that was fashionable before the war), to the new medium of television gaining

widespread popularity and often portraying teenagers as juvenile delinquents. 'JDs'

followed the standard black leather and denim jeans look set by Marlon Brando in the

1953 film The Wild One. The widespread adoption of rock and roll also helped

emphasize differences between parents and teenagers. Rock was loud, rhythmic, and


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home late










The War in Southeast Asia and the rise of counter-culture hippies during the

mid and late 1960s with diverging opinions about the draft and military involvement

in Vietnam as well as the use of drugs were significant topics of the generation gap of

this era.

The 1970s and 1980s are characterized as being an era rampant with child

neglect, as shown by such phenomenon as latchkey kids. This period lies between the

family-oriented 1950s and 1960s and the "Baby on Board" parenting–focused era of

the late 1980s to the present.

Listening comprehension .

Listen to the text and decide if the statements are true or false

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Text “ No Place Like Home’

Today Vicky Samson came home from school at four o'clock watched TV for

half an hour. Then she did her homework. She's working hard at the moment, because

she's got exams soon. After dinner, while she was helping with the washing up, she

talked to her parents about a problem she had been having at school.

It was a normal day, but it was the kind of day that makes Vicky (and her

parents) very happy. "I can't believe it", says Vicky. " Life is wonderful. Four

months ago I was living in a cardboard box a railway bridge in London".

Last October Vicky had run away from home. How did it all start? "I hated

school. We always had so much work to do and I didn’t see the point of it all. But it

was worse at home. My parents didn’t understand me. It was all "Do this!", "Don't do

that!" We only speak to each other when we were arguing. One day I just couldn't

stand it any more".

On that October day, Vicky didn't go to school. She went to the station, put on

some clothes she had packed in her school bag, threw her uniform away and caught

the train to London.

But soon there was no food and no money either. "I couldn’t get a proper job,

because I was only 15 and you have to be 16".

Then the restaurant closed down and Vicky was back on the street again. She

was cold, hungry and miserable. "I was walking down a street, when I looked into

someone's front window. There was a girl, the man who lived in the house, Mr

Robinson came home while she was sitting there. He took Vicky into the house and

Mrs Robinson gave her a cup of tea and something to eat.

But the next day she was back home. While Vicky was at their house Mrs

Robinson went next door and telephoned the police in Birmingham. Three hours

later, Vicky's father arrived to collect her.

"It was the best Christmas present I'd ever had", said Mrs Samson "We're so

grateful to the Robinsons for what they did".

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1. Vicky is working hard at the moment because she’s got her exams soon.

2. She ran away from home because she only had problems at school.

3. One October day she caught a train to Birmingham.

4. She could get a proper job.

5. Vicky was 16.

6. Mr. Robinson had a daughter, who was in her teens.

7. Mr. Robinson gave Vicky a helpful hand

8. Mrs Samson telephoned the police in Birningham

9. The next day Vicky was back home.

10. The Samsons were so grateful to the Robinsons

Speaking activity (group work)


In every country young people have many problems which are difficult to solve. In

British magazines for the youth there is often a special page "Problem Page".

Teenagers send letters to the "problem page" asking for advice. Psychologists answer

them. Read some typical letters to "Problem Page' and try to advise their authors

what to do.


Can you help me? I've fallen in love with a really nice boy from my school. I'm

sixteen but I don't have a lot of freedom. My parents are strict. I am not allowed to go

out in the evenings, and even if I go out with this boy during school hours I can't tell

my parents because they will punish me. I feel bad about the situation because I love

my parents. They love me and trust me but I love that boy too. What should I do?

What do you advise me?


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I'm sixteen and I've fallen in love with a nice girl at my school, she loves me too, but

we meet only at school. My parents are very much upset when they learn I pay

attention to any girl. They say I should get an education first. Her parents are very

strict. They believe she is not big enough to have a boy-friend though she is sixteen.

Soon I will have a birthday party, I'll be seventeen. My cousins and friends usually

come to my birthday parties. Should I ask her to come too?

John 16


I am sure my parents are too worried about me. They want to protect me in

everything. I have never been free in making my own decisions. They think I am still

a kid who is not capable of doing right things. Тhey have their own ideas of how I

should act in definite situations, what I should wear, with whom 1 should make

friends or date, what music listen to, what films to watch or what books to read. It is

so boring. They want me to be exactly like them.

I believe my parents love me. They don't mean anything bad for me but still I don't

feel happy. My classmates consider me to be rather strange, they seem to avoid me. I

feel lonely. It hurts. I'm afraid I will never learn to live my own life. They have never

considered my feelings. I can hardly wait for the time when I leave school and get rid

of the constant care and control.

Tom Rober

T Study the box with phrasal verbs and do the tasks

Use of English. Learn the phrasal verbs and do the tasks

Phrasal verbs

bring up take care of a child until he or she becomes an adult

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fall out (with) have an argument with sb and stop being friends

get on (with) have a good relationship (with)

go out with be the boyfriend/girlfriend of

grow up become older (for children)

let down disappoint

look after take care of

split up end a relations

A. Circle the correct word.

1 I thought I could trust you! You've really let me off / down.

2 Do you get on / in well with your older sister?

3 As children grow off / up, they want more independence from their parents.

4 Dave has fallen off / out with Jason and they're not talking to each other at the


5 Ed was brought in / up by his aunt because his parents lived abroad.

6 I used to go out / by with Tony but we split off / up about a year ago.

7 I hate looking after / over my baby brother!

Prepositional phrases

By yourself

In common

In contact

In love

On purpose

On your own

Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word.

1 Are you still on contact with any friends from university?

2 I'm going to split up with Dan because we've got nothing from common.

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3 I don't think I'd like to live on myself.

4 Would you like to live by your own?

5 Fiona didn't break your MP3 player with purpose. It was an accident!

6 Guess what! Mike and Julie are at love with each other.

T Very often teens’ parents don’t know how to help their children to solve the

problems, they also need the advice of specialists. Read the text and write one word

in each gap.

Advice for parents of teenagers

You've always (1)...........up your children to come to you when they're in trouble.

You feel it's your job to (2)................after them when they're having problems. But

now, as your children are (3)..................up, they often don't want to share their

problems with you. That's perfectly normal, so don't worry! Of course, you want to

(4)................on well with your children, but that means you have to give them some


Maybe they've (5).........out with their best friend and feel upset and angry.

Maybe they've just (6)............... up with the boyfriend or girlfriend they've

been(7)..........out with. Maybe they've been (8)............down by a friend who they

trusted. Teenagers go through all these problems. If they want to talk to you about it,

then that's fine. But if they don't, don't force them. They'll come to you when they're


T. Caring parents can be the best teachers for their kids. They can generously share

their life experience which often helps to survive and succeed in this life

Read the text and choose the correct answer

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Parents and friends

We can choose our friends, but we can't choose our (1)........That doesn't mean,

though, that members of our family can't also be our friends. Many children have

such a good relationship (2)..........................their parents that they see them as

friends. Of course, when you're

a teenager, you'll have (3)..........................with your parents. There will be times

when you don't

(4)..........................on very well with them. That's only natural. There will be times

when you want to be (5)----------and solve your problems (6)-----------yourself.

You’ll also (7)---------your parents down sometimes.

After all , nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. But your parents understand


And as you grow (8)--------- and become an adult , you’ll probably realize you have

lots of things in(9)----------with your mum and dad and become even (10)------------

to them.

1 A couples B guests C strangers D relations

2 A by B for C with D from

3 A moods В arguments C lies D dishonesty

4 A get В take C put D set

5 A divorced В single C grateful D independent

6 A on B by C for D with

7 A let B make C take D fall

8 A on В over C out Dup

9 A private В common C contact D love

10 A fonder В more proud C closer D more ordinary

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Role play

Read the following situations choose one to speak on the topic

--You want to go to the cinema with your friend but your mum doesn’t allow

you to go because you haven’t done your homework. Try to persuade her let you go.

--- Last Sunday you went to a disco and you came home late. You promised

your boyfriend to come to a date but you couldn’t. Phone him and apologise.

----You want to buy a present to your girlfriend on her birthday. You parents

are not in and you take money without permission. How will you explain your deeds

to your parents.

Summing up

Home assignment

Write an essay on one of the topics “My parents are my best friends”

A person who influenced me greatly”

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Objectives: to develop students’ language skills,

to expand students’ vocabulary,

to widen students’ outlook


What problems do teenagers have ?

-- bullying

-- smoking

--street violence



T. The conflicts occur as the teenagers want to express their identity , self-

assertion, maximalism, selectivity in friendship, mood changes


Most time teenagers usually spend at school. That’s why it’s very important for them

to get along with classmates and teachers. A true friend will come to you to help

when you are in trouble and listen to your problem. Let’s think what problems do

they have at school

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Reading activity

Read the text, for 1-15 choose A,B,C.

Answer the questions

Did Ben succeed to passing an exam?

Has he learnt an important lesson? If yes, why?

The exam

It may sound strange, but Ben was looking forward to the English exam. Now, don't

imagine that




Code of



of speech


a carreer





Crisis of





at school

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Ben was a great student. He was always slow to catch (1).... in class and couldn't

really (2)…….up with the other students. And he hadn't even (3)….for the exam.

The real reason he thought he was going to sail (4) …. was that he had all the


Two days before, he had found a piece of, paper with all the questions and answers

on it on his teacher's desk. It suddenly (5) ….. his mind that maybe for once he could

pass the exam.

'What's the point (6) …..studying?' he asked himself. After thinking it (7 )…..for a

second, he (8) ….his mind up. He copied the piece of paper and his teacher (9)........

no idea what had happened.

When the exam started, Ben sat down and turned the question paper over. He looked,

and then looked again. It was the wrong paper! It dawned (10) ... Ben that he had

copied the wrong exam paper! His teacher was looking at him, so Ben thought he'd

better (11) ............ with it . He knew he would never succeed (12 )…..passing the


Not all of it (13) ... sense to him, but he did his best.

The next day, his teacher gave him his paper back and said 'Well done, Ben. Much

better.' Ben couldn't believe it! He had passed with a B! He realized he had (14….an

important lesson. With a little work, who knew what he would be capable


1A on B in C at

2 A join B keep C meet

3 A preparing B came C studied

4 A of B through C off

5 A has crossed B changed C crossed

6 A in Bon C at

7 Aover B of C on

8 A make B made C makes

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9 A has B have had C had

10Ain B on C at

11A get in B get up C get on

12A in Bon C at

13A brought B made C caught

14A learnt B studied C taught

15A of Bin C at

Keys:1A, 2B,3C, 4B,5C, 6A,7A,8B,9C, 10B,11C,12A,13B,14A,15A

T. Cheating is not the only problem. Read the extracts from “Problem page”,

identify each person’s problem and use expressions in the box and give advice

Why don’t you..? You really ought to…? You could…? How

about….? What about+ noun-ing form? If I were you, I’d…; The

best thing you can do is to…; I strongly advise you to…

I moved to London with my family a month ago. I haven’t made any new friends yet

and I miss my old friends. I’m going to start at my new school next week but I don’t

want to. I’m afraid my schoolmates will tease me because of my accent. I think I’ll be

miserable there. I want to go back to my village. What can I do?

Larry, 14


I'm fifteen and I've fallen in love with my history teacher. He’s handsome and clever.

He's in his first teaching job since he left university. He is only eight years older than

me and still single. I always sit at the first desk and look at him during the lessons. I

study everything he gives us. What else should I do?

Jane, 15

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I hate wearing uniform. It makes us look the same it doesn’t allow to show our

identity. But my teacher insists on wearing it. We even had a misunderstanding with

her. What should I do?

Linda, 16


Listening activity

T. Listen to the dialogue and say what should Maki do?

---- should she inform the police?

---- should she break up their relations?

---- should she persuade Yumi to return the ring to the shop?

Yumi: Oh, I’m tired. It’s a lot of work shopping!

Maki: It is, but we bought a lot of nice things at great prices.

Yumi: I like those shoes you’ve got.

Maki: Yes. They were a good bargain. Yumi, where did you buy that ring ? I don’t

remember you buying it.

Yumi: Well, ah... You weren’t with me then.

Maki: Really? But we were together all afternoon.

Yumi: Oh, It’s not important.

Maki: But Yumi, that’s an expensive ring. We don’t have so much money. Where

did you buy it?

Yumi: None of your business, forget it.

Maki: Yumi, that’s shoplifting.

Yumi: Nothing. Let’s go to eat.

Maki: Yumi, something is wrong. Did you steal that ring?

Yumi: Yeah...I took it from the last store we were in.

Maki: What? You have to take it back. Shoplifting is wrong.

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Yumi: Take it back? No, it’s mine now. No one knows I’ve stolen it. We’re safe. We

are going back tomorrow morning. Forget about it, Maki.

Maki: Yumi, you ‘re my best friend. We’ve been friends since childhood. You’re not

a criminal. You have to return the ring to the store.

Yumi: No, I won’t return it. Relax, Maki. Nothing will happen. You’re the only

person , who knows. So just forget about

T We’ve discussed some problems teenagers have to face in everyday life.

To avoid misunderstanding and achieve goals of our life we must follow some advice

Listen to them and say which of them you find useful.

— You have to work hard to achieve your aim. Life is not easy.

— If you mess up, you are responsible. It's not your parents' fault.

— Respect your parents. Don't think your parents' advice is old-fashioned.

— Life is not divided into semesters, and you don't get summers off. They expect

you to show up every day.

— Your life is not a sitcom. All your problems will not be solved in 30 minutes. In

real life people actually have to solve the problems and make the decisions.

— Enjoy your life while you can. Sure you think your parents are a pain, school is a

bother and life is depressing. But someday you'll realize how wonderful it was to be

a kid. Maybe you should start now. You are welcome.

T. Well, what do you think of my rules? Do you find them useful?

The criterion of happiness is the joy of life. And what is life? Let's read the words of

Mother Teresa about the meaning of life.

The words of Mother Teresa about the meaning of life and watch a presentation

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is a beauty, admire it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

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Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is wealth, keep it.

Life is love, enjoy it.

Life is a mystery, know it.

Life is a sorrow, overcome it.

Life is song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.

Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it.

Summing up

T. Let’s these words of mother Teresa become a motto of your life. Be always young

and beautiful. Remember, being a teenager lasts only a few years, nevertheless sweet

once. So celebrate your life every day.

Home assignment

Express your ideas on the topic “Is it easy to be young”

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Objectives: to develop students’ speaking skills;

to extend students active vocabulary;

to stimulate students’ creative and logical thinking;

to motivate students to discussion.



T. Today we are to speak about young people’s rights and duties

Consult a dictionary and find the definition of the words: a right and a duty

Right is something you are legally or normally allow to do.

Duty is something you have to do.

T Every person has the right to the free development of his/ her personality as long

as there are no violations of the rights and freedoms of other individuals, and has

obligations before society where free and full development of the personality is

assured. Citizens have equal rights and freedoms and are equal before the law. There

are no privileges or restrictions based upon race, colour of skin, political and other

beliefs, sender, ethnic and social origin, property, position, place of residence,

language, religion or other circumstances.

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T. Do you know what articles of the Constitution are devoted to the rights?

Match the statement with their Ukrainian equivalents

1. Every person has the inalienable right to life. (Article 27)

2. Everyone has the right to respect of his or her dignity. (Article 28)

3. Every person has the right to freedom and personal inviolability. (Article 29)

4. Everyone has a right to education (Article 53)

5. Everyone is guaranteed the right to know his or her rights or duties (Article 57)

А) Кожному гарантується знати свої права і обов’язки

B) Кожна людина має невід’ємне право на життя

C) Kожен має право на освіту

D) Kожна людина має право на свободу і особисту недоторканність

E) Кожен має право на повагу до його гідності

T. The general rights are also confirmed in the UNO Convention. What is more they

have written their own Bill of Rights.

Pre- reading activity

Match the words with their definition


being trusted on

trustworthy not to be limited by or dependent on

other conditions


duty to be changed of or take care of


honest someone who doesn’t lie

responsibility to admire someone

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unconditionally a special advantage

respect to behave dishonestly

Reading activity

Read the teenagers’ “ Bills of rights “ and say how do they want to built their

relations with friends,parents , adults

Rights with Friends:

We all have the right and the privilege to have friends. We can choose our

friends based on our own likes and dislikes. We don't have to like the same people

everyone else likes or not like someone because they aren't in our group." Friendship

is a personal thing.

We can ask from our friends that they be trustworthy. If we share something

with them and ask them not to tell everyone, we can expect that they will keep it just

between us. We will give them the same right. If they don't, they have betrayed our

trust and our friendship.

It is okay to be honest with our friends. If they do something that hurts us or

concerns us, we can talk to them about it. We will be open to their being honest also.

This does not mean it is okay to be mean to each other, just that we can talk honestly

about our feelings.

We have the right to be respected for the decisions we make. Some of our

friends may not understand the choices we make, but they are our choices. In return,

we take responsibility for them.

With Parents and Other Adults:

We have the right to have our feelings respected and not compared to the

feelings of puppies ... or any other such put downs. Our feelings are strong and

sometimes confusing. It helps if you take our feelings seriously and listen to us before

disregarding them.

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We feel we have the right to make decisions (some, not all) for ourselves. If we

make mistakes we will learn from them, but it is time for us to be more responsible.

Whenever possible, exclude us from your fights. We understand that fighting is

part of every relationship, but it is painful for us to be involved. Don't put us in the

middle of any problem you have with each other.

We agree to treat you with respect and ask that you respect us in return. This

includes respecting our privacy.

With everyone:

We have the right to be loved unconditionally, and our goal is to love you the

same. We have the right to speak our minds, love ourselves, feel our feeling and

strive for our dreams. Please support us by believing in us rather than fearing for us

Post- reading activity

Complete the sentences using the words from the box

just between us , relationship , unconditionally, our

own likes and dislikes , in return, trustworthy, the

decisions we make,

decisions, our minds, confusing,

We can choose our friends based on….

We can expect that they will keep it ….

We can ask from our friends that they be …

We have the right to be respected for…..

We agree to treat you with respect and ask that you respect us …..

Our feelings are strong and sometimes…..

We feel we have the right to make ….

We understand that fighting is part of every…..

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We have the right to be loved …..

We have the right to speak…..

T. Teens also have duties. What are they?

To study well at school

To do household chores

To take care of young sisters/brothers

To look after pets

To go shopping

T. According to a recent survey, the most common arguments between parents and

teenagers are those regarding untidiness and household chores. On the one hand, par-

ents go mad over untidy rooms, clothes dropped on the floor and their children's

refusal to help with the housework. On the other hand, teenagers lose their patience

continually when parents tell them off for dropping the towel in the bathroom, not

cleaning up their room or refusing to do the shopping at the supermarket.

The survey, conducted by St George University, showed that different parents

have different approaches to these problems.

Let’s see how the problems solved in the family

--strict family

--liberal family

--large family

--one parent family

Work in a group of 3-4 children

The following phrases can help

Strict family

--to make children to do washing up, cleaning ,

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-- making the bed,

--to punish children,

-- not to allow to do something ( play computer games, listen to music , go out)

Liberal family

--teach children by their own example,

--not to punish,

--not to pay attention to untidy room,

--to find the way out

Large family

--be friendly,

--cope with problems,

--look after younger brother/sister,

--help about the house,

--support each other

One-parent family

-- have no time to look after a child,

--to trust the child,

--to work long hours,

--lack of control,

--leave a child to himself

( Children are engaged in role-play)

T. As you see rights and duties are closely connected. To cultivate and reveal the best

in oneself one should need patience and constant work. If you want to bring up a

personality, take the following advice into consideration. So, read the poem and find

the proper word to complete each gap.

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to fight, to be patient, to condemn, to be

shy, to have faith, to appreciate,

confidence, to feel guilty, to like himself,

to find love in the world, justice


If a child lives with


He learns 1---------.

If a child lives with


He learns 2 ------.

If a child lives with


He learns-3 -------.

If a child lives with


He learns-4 ---------.

If a child lives with tolerance,

He learns 5 --------.

If a child lives with encouragement,

He learns 6 -------------.

If a child lives with praise,

He learns 7 -----------.

If a child lives fairness,

He learns 8 ------.

If a child lives with security,

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He learns 9 ----------.

If a child lives with approval,

He learns to 10 --------

If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,

He learns 11 --------------.

Dorothy Law Nolte

Keys:1-to condemn,2-to fight, 3--to be shy , 4-to feel guilty 5 - to be patient , 6-

confidence, 7- to appreciate,8-justice,9- to have faith,10- to like himself, 11-to find

love in the world

Home assignment

Read the personality quiz and say what kind of person you are.


1. A friend is having problems with a school project. She asks you to help her.

"What would you do?

a) Help her after school. Tell her to phone you if she has any more problems.

b) Give her a plan of how you would do the project. Give her the list of books

where she can find information.

c) Suggest ways of making her project attractive and interesting.

d) Ask her to organise a work timetable so she finishes the project on time.

2. You are working for a charity in a village in Colombia. Your boss tells your

team to repair an old bridge across a river. What would you do?

a) Ask the villagers what they want. Ask them to give you advice.

b) Choose a specific job that you think you could do well, such as collecting

wood. Then plan how you could do the job efficiently.

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c) Try to improve the design of the bridge. Look at the river and see if there is

a better place to build the bridge.

d) Ask everybody in your team to do specific jobs. Make sure they know what

to do. Choose one of the hardest jobs yourself to set an example.

3. You are on a school trip when the coach has an accident. No one is hurt, but

you are stuck on a forest road with no traffic. It is getting dark and it has started to

snow. What would you do?

a) Talk to anybody who looks afraid or worried. Tell them not to worry.

b) Keep calm. You know that the situation is not really dangerous and

somebody is going to give help.

c) Tell your friends a story, while you are waiting for help.

d) Take control of the situation. Tell everybody not to panic. Ask a small group

to go to the nearest village to get help. Tell everybody on the bus to put on more

clothes to keep warm.

4. Last week your teacher asked your class to perform a short play for the

school. So far, nothing has been done and there are only ten days before the

performance. What would you do?

a) Offer to take part and ask others to do the same. Help people to learn their


b) Organise some of the practical things, such as costumes, scenery and sound


c) Think of ideas for the play. Write the dialogue and show it to the class.

d) Offer to direct the performance. Choose people for different roles.

(From Opportunities Intermediate SB, Longman)


If most of your answers are

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A: You are helpful, patient, and generous. Your ideal job is one in which you

work with people - helping, training, curing them, e.g. doctor, nurse, teacher, social


B: You are reliable, organised, logical, and careful. You are good at practical

things. You are a good person to work with figures, computers, machines, plants or


C: You are emotional, creative, and flexible. You are imaginative and creative

and you would be good as a journalist, designer, artist of some kind.

D: You are strong, confident, motivated. You are a natural leader and would be

a good manager of other people in a business.

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Objectives: to develop students' speaking skills maintaining a free discussion;

to develop students' logical and critical thinking;

to broaden students' outlook and teach them to appreciate the real values

of life.

To live remains an art which everyone must learn, and which no one can teach.

Havelock Ellis


The editor of a youth newspaper invited two young reporters to his office.

Editor. Hello, nice to see you dear friends. I've invited you here to suggest

collecting material for the round table discussion about the problems and interests of

young people.

Reporter 1. Oh, you see, it's an interesting and urgent problem and we hope to

have enough material to clear the point.

Reporter 2. Yes, 1 think we'll have meet a lot of people with different points

of view and choose the most interesting for discussing with experts.

Editor. I'm sure you'll cope with the task and so I wish you good luck.

(the reporters are in the street)

Reporter 1. I'm sure we'll have to meet young people and interview them to

collect true information about young people's life.

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Reporter 2. Certainly. Let's talk to the boys who have painted the walls with

the graffiti and clear up what graffiti means, and why they have done it.

Reporter 1. Hello, dear boys. As far I understand you are graffiti fans, what

does it mean for you?

Boy 1. You see I'm crazy about graffiti and I've learned a lot about it. It

appeared in big American cities in 1960, it is prohibited and punishable by fines,

because it was considered as the work of vandals seeking to express their identity

even political points.

Boy 2. The new period of graffiti started in the late 80s and now it's a kind of

art, which has success in Europe and even the Groninger Museum in Holland is one

of the few museums in the world that displays and recognizes graffiti as an art form.

Boy 1. Oh, I'd like to add that there is a special website of graffiti and a grant

for young graffiti artists. Moreover, it's widely used for advertising. You see, we'd

like to draw people's attention to the problems of youth and express our ideas and

preferences. We express our feelings in music, nature, environment and simple

ordinary life by means of this kind of art. We are sure to involve more and more

young people in enjoying this art.

Reporter 2. Is it difficult to paint with sprayers?

Boy 2. Yes, it's not an easy task, but if you do it all the time, you can do it well

due to the practice.

Reporter 1. Thanks guys, it was really interesting to talk with you. We wish

you good luck and success. Maybe you'll manage to get a grant for young graffiti

artists and you'll be able to study graffiti in Europe.

Reporter 2. I liked the boys, they are so keen on graffiti and devoted to their


Reporter 1. So did I. But what shall we do now?

Reporter 2. As far as I know, a new hair and beauty saloon "A New Style" has

been opened in our town, which offers new kinds of service and one of them is


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Reporter 1. Oh, it's rather interesting. Everywhere you can see people who

have got rings hanging from ears and pushed through noses, lips and eyebrows.

Reporter l. Ok, here is the place. Let's come in.

Reporter 2. Good morning, lady. As far as we know your beauty saloon is

very popular in our town, especially among teens. Will you tell us a couple of words

about piercing?

Expert. Yes, I'll do it with pleasure. I'm a qualified body piercer and I only

pierce teenagers when they come with their parents. They have to be over fifteen to

have their navel pierced.

Reporter 1. Some people give your profession a bad name. Why?

Expert. It's easy to explain, because nowadays many people consider they can

do piercing easily and they don't clean their equipment properly. I know some people

who have got hepatitis from cheap ear piercing guns. As for me I stand for

professionalism in piercing.

Reporter 2. Is it an expensive fashion?

Expert. That depends on your tastes. Ears cost 15hr and it's too cheap, eye-

brows — 100 hr, tongue and navel — 150hr.

Reporter1. Thank you very much, may be' one day we'll become you clients.

Expert. You are welcome.

Reporter 2. Look at the boys sitting on the sofa and discussing something,

they are likely to prepare for piercing. Let's listen to them.

A dialogue about the girlfriend

Brian. So, how's Michelle? You guys are still going out together?

Phil. Yeah, we are, but, I don't know. It's actually getting kind of weird. I'm not

sure its going to last.

Brian. Are you serious? Man, you've got to find a way to make it last.

Michelle is awesome! She has got everything!

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Phil. Yeah, she is great. Really energetic.

Brian. Yeah!

Phil. And fun to be with, and ... But, this is going to sound stupid.

Brian. What?

Phil. It's her piercing.

Brian. Yeah, so, what about them?

Phi 1. Well, first she got her nose pierced.

Brian. Cool.

Phil. And then her belly button.

Brian. Her belly button? Wow. I didn't know she did that.

P hil. I guess that was okay.

Br i a n. Yeah!

Phil. But then she went and had her tongue pierced. I don't know if 1 can deal

with it.

Brian. Tongue piercing? Have you kissed her yet?

Phil. Year, I did kiss her!

Brian. Cool, huh?

Phil. It was disgusting!

Brian. Disgusting? ,

P h i 1. It felt dirty! And now every time I think about it 1 just start wondering

what part of her body she is going to pierce next.

Brian. Have you told her how you feel about it?

Phil. Yeah. I tried.

B rian. And?

Phil. I asked her if she could stop wearing some of them, at least when we were


Phil. She said it was her right to express herself. You know she said something

like, "Look, you can't control the way I look. You should accept me the way I am. "It

was, like, what?

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Brian. I don't know, man, 1 think you just don't get it. You can't let a few

pieces of metal get between you and woman of your dreams.

Phil. 1 don't know if she is the woman of my dream anymore.

Brian. What?

Phil. Besides, now every time when we get together she tells me how good I'd

look with pierced ears. It's bad enough that she is getting pierced. Now she wants me

to do it, too?

Brian. Why not, man? It's no big deal. And you know, if it turns Michelle on...

Phil. I can't believe you agree with her.

Brian. Totally.

P h i 1.1 don't know what I am going to do.

B r i a n. You are going to get a piercing, man!

Reporter 2. These young men are very funny and they may change their

preference one day. But as for the girl, she believes she is a real beauty with pierced

body. I doubt that everybody likes it.

Reporter 2. OK, now I suggest going to the computer centre, because the

majority of teenagers spend hours playing computer games there.

R e p o t e r 1. I agree with you as we've got a computer mania now. Let's go

and see.

The reporters are in the computer centre.

Reporter 1. Oh, it's overcrowded and very noisy here. Please, will you answer

my question?

Boy 1. Oh, no, I'm busy, I'm losing a game. Don't disturb me.

Reporter 1. What about you, young man? Why do you like playing games?

Boy 2. Please, don't interrupt me, I'm killing an enemy.

Reporter 2. It seems we are unlikely to interview these boys, they are crazy.

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Reporter 1. You see, an idea occurred to me. My friends, a newly married

couple have their wedding anniversary today. Besides, they're great computer fans.

Let's visit them and discuss this point.

A dialogue about a computer nut

Susan. Sweetie, do you know what day it is?

Ken. Excuse me, but I am busy right now. I have to answer this email

S u s a n. You forgot, didn't you?

Ken. What? Did you say something? Can't you wait until tomorrow? I'm really

busy right now.

Susan. Agh!

Ke n. Why are you sitting on my key board? Look what you have done!

S u s a n. You forgot my birthday!

Ken. Is it today? Really? Today? Let me check my appointment file on my

computer. Please get off my keyboard.

Susan. You don't have to check your computer file. My birthday is TODAY!

This is your wife talking to you. Do you need to check you computer file to see who I


Ken. Okay, okay. I believe you, I am sorry, I'm, I'm... really, really sorry. Now,

please get off my keyboard and ...and I'll send you ah email birthday card.

Susan. Agh! What is wrong with you? You spend all of your time with the

computer. Do you still love me?

Ken. Of course I do. Now, if you get off my keyboard, I'll order some flowers

from the flower shop's website.

Susan. I don't care about flowers. I'm worried about us and about you. Do you

remember when we were first married? We used to do so many things together. We

used to hike in the mountains, we used to ride our bikes...

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Ken. You know I remember. But that was before computers. Now I use my

computer to go everywhere in the world. I can hike mountains in Europe and go bike

riding in China.

Susan. But that's not real. And I'm not with you. I'm worried about your health.

You spend all day with your computer at your office and then all night and the

weekends with your computer at home. It's not healthy.

Ken. But I am happy. I love my computers, okay? But because I love you, I

will see my doctor and get a check up, all right? Now, please get off my keyboard

and I'll send an email to my doctor to make an appointment.

Reporter 1. I've never thought that my best friends have such a serious


You see Ken has become definitely addicted spending all his time in front of

the computer.

Reporter 1. Yes, something should be done or the consequences can be awful.

The reporters came to the editor's office ready for round table discussion.

Reporter 1. So, we're ready for a round table discussion about the life of teens.

Lei me introduce our guests a police executive, a doctor, a specialist from town

educational department, a psychologist, teenagers, parents , journalists.

So let's start and we'd like to listen to the psychologist first.

Psychologist: I must admit that most of teens, want to be treated like adults,

they'd like to be more independent in their actions and way of life. And of course

young-people want to develop interests and values different form those of their


Young people disagree on different issues, time to come home at night, the

friends to spend free time with, the clothes to wear and so on.

One more problem is that 22 % of all families with children under 16 years old

are one parent families. Why? High divorce rates, separation and birth of children to

unmarried women are a few reasons. Most of the families of this category are headed

by women and these families are usually poorer than the others.

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Moreover, a lot of wives and mothers work outside their homes, I mean

abroad. Of course, they don't have a chance to bring up their children as they have to

earn their living.

Due to the lack of parents' attention young people are brought up by the street,

friends and television. According to sociologists 90% of young people spend 2—4

hours of their free time watching TV: violence, crime blood, horror and murder. It

goes without saying that all these things influence teens' life greatly.

Reporter 2. Thank you very much, but now we'd like to listen to our police

executive and I'm sure he can tell us something interesting. Please, you are welcome

Mr. Petrov.

Police executive. While speaking about the life of the youth we must, say that

juvenile delinquency has increased greatly. From the darkness of tenements the only

escape for the city boys and girls, is the street. There the city boys too often find

"freedom" and "security" in gang life. Most gangs have 20—30 members in age from

11— 17. Most have their own names, colors, and insignia. Hangouts are street cor-

ners, underground cells and deserted houses. Young people steal mobiles just in the

streets, beating younger children, rob small shops and kiosks, burglarize houses, steal

jewelry and money in the city transport, etc. Furthermore the criminal activities of so

called girl gangs are part of a worsening trend. Over the past 10 years, the number of

arrests of girls for violence has more than doubled and juvenile crime is increasing at

a faster rate among girls than boys. Boys are more likely to be involved in burglary

and drug offences, but the girls can do criminal damage, robbery, violence and theft.

Reporter 2. Thank you very much; And now we'd like to listen to our doctor

Miss Tatiana, I'm sure she has something interesting to tell us.

Doctor. Thank you. I'd like to say that nowadays a lot of young people start

smoking, using drugs and drinking alcohol though they know how dangerous these

things are for their health. Smoking is known to cause 10 types of cancer, heart

disease, emphysema, bronchitis, etc. Every day 6,000 teens light their first cigarette.

By the time the senior students in high schools, over one third of all students are

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regular smokers. Moreover half the money spent on cigarettes in Europe would save

the lives of all the children in the world who die from preventable diseases. More and

more people of the world join anti-smoking campaigns. I think we should also stop

advertising tobacco, remove T-shirts, caps, bags with cigarettes logos.

Another issue has become a matter of universal concern is alcohol. Some

young people try to escape reality by turning to alcohol and drugs. By the age of 12 a

growing number of teens know the taste and effect of alcohol. Drug abuse is the

biggest problem the youth faces today. According to the survey 33% of young

people tried drugs. Young people with drug problems must be in the focus of every-

body's attention, government, community, parents and school. I think that special

programmes should be introduced to help cut down drug abuse among the youth.

Reporter 1. Thank you Miss Tatiana, and now I'd like our specialist from town

educational department take the floor.

Specialist of educational department. Nowadays thousand of young people

run away from their homes each year. Most return after a few days or a few weeks,

but a few turn to crime and become juvenile delinquents. Why do young people

commit crimes? Among the causes are poor family relationships, poor neighbourhood

conditions, peer pressure and sometimes drug addiction. No doubt that juvenile

delinquency is a product of sickness of our society. So I'm sure that we should unite

the efforts of school, family and public organizations to help young people to make

the right choice and become equal members of our society.

Reporter 1. We are grateful to all the participants of our discussion today as

we've touched urgent problems. To sum up, I'd like' to say that young people are so

similar and so different. They want to go their way and find it difficult to be

responsible. They express their self identity in clothes, hairstyle and slang. They

smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs believing that's the route to be independent. They

have conflicts with their parents and teachers, considering that only equal in age can

understand them. But they still need somebody to open their heart. Often parents are

too busy earning money and can't spare their children enough time and attention.

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That's why they easily come under the influence of other people or find idols among

famous singers, sportsmen, actors and politicians. The young go to disco clubs and

are crazy about music. They are fond of computers and the Internet. Sometimes they

have a desire to go along with the crowd which might urge them to do something

they know is wrong. They make wrong and right choices.

They are talented, creative and dream of the bright future for themselves and

their future children. They aren't afraid to risk. They are romantic and skeptical. They

are active and pragmatic. They are sincere, rude, honest and impolite. They demand

our help, respect, attention and supervision. They are the future of our planet. But

they should remember that life is overlasting and they should appreciate every minute

of it. They shouldn’t lose opportunity to be happy. They should just look around.

Great , wide, beautiful, wonderful World

With the wonderful water round you curled,

And the wonderful grass upon your breast-

World, you are beautifully dressed!

The wonderful air is over me,

And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree,

It works on the water and whirls the mills,

And talks to itself on the tops of the hills.

William Brightly Rands

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1. Challenges 3, Amanda Maris, Pearson Longman, 2007

2. Challenges 4, Amanda Maris, Pearson Longman, 2007

3. Destination B1, Malcolm Mann Steve Taylore Knowles Macmillan,2007

4. Enterprise 3, Virginia Evans, Express Publishing,1997

5. Impact Topics, Longman

6. Impact Values, Longman

7. Student’s Language Kit,part1

8. Activator B1, CD

9. Alkina V.,Англійська мова,№36,2010

10. Alla Nesvit , English, 9th

form, Heneza,2009

11. Iryna Mashkovska English №19, May, 2010, p. 12,

12. Lanevska ,Англійська мова, №19-20, p.61-70

13. Internet resources