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Breaking Good

@ - ! @!!! ,

09.02.2017 .

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1 !5 .2 !10 .3 , ?10 .4:3 .5 3 .6 2017 7 3 .


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Instructions:1. . .2. , .3. - , . , , , !4. 40- 5 .3

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: . , .Then give everyone a minute or two to chat in pairs about what happened in the story and about the key message. Get everyones attention. Then ask the following questions, one by one. After asking each question take responses from a number of people so that everyone has a chance to contribute.

What happened in the Watch Your Space comic?Sample answer: In this story one of the characters was too quick to add a person he didnt know on a social networking site. He also didnt think about the consequences before sharing some personal photos with this new friend. The characters failure to think before he posted resulted in a very embarrassing situation for him when his topless photos were shared with everyone ins school. His new friend, Jessica from Texas, was not who she had seemed and instead was all part of an elaborate prank by other students in his year.What is the key message of this story?Sample answer: The key message of this story is that you should be selective about who you friend online. You should also think before you upload any photo online because once you share a photo you lose control over where it appears and what happens to it.If you were in the situation of either of these characters, what might you do differently?Sample answer: If I was the main character Id have made sure I knew and trusted the person I was talking to before sharing photos online with them.If I was the characters friend I might have tried to explain how the social network/photo sharing worked before letting my friend share personal photos. The main character didnt seem to be a very experienced social networking service user.

5. After leading a short discussion, click to reveal the key messages on the screen.6. Then use the information included below to explain the key messages.

Key message:Try and be selective about who you become friends with; you can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep. Ladies, if a guy you dont know adds you and he has nothing but half-dressed girls on his page, dont add him back. Even though they are called friends, people you add are really little more than acquaintances, nobody has 500 friends. Add people you know. Be as popular as you are or arent. As soon as you add a person on a social network theyll be able to see a lot about you. Be sure that you trust these friends before sharing posts with them.

The laws of physics tell us that what goes up must come down. Not on the internet! What you upload can be downloaded by anyone, altered, and passed around or posted online pretty much forever. Once you upload a photo, youve lost control over where it appears, who sees it, and what happens to it. Try it yourself, right-click on any picture on the internet and choose Save Picture As to see how easy it is. Watch ? : , , . , "". , , . , , . ? : , "" . , , . , ? : , . / . .

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Instructions:Hand out the My Profile worksheets. Explain that nobody should talk while completing the worksheet. However, they may write messages or draw pictures to communicate with each other as they complete their worksheets. Emphasise that these notes are private so students are free to talk about what they want, within reason. It is important that these notes are kept private and are destroyed as soon as the activity is over. The notes or profiles should not be read out loud unless the participants are happy to share the information.3. Give three minutes for people to fill in the worksheets.4. When everyone has filled in their worksheets poll the group. Ask people to raise their hands if they would be comfortable sharing the information contained on their worksheet or notes:with friends?on a school noticeboard?in a shopping centre?on a school website?5. After surveying the group, ask the following questions. The suggested answers might help you lead the discussion:

Should you share this type of information online?Suggested answers:Yes, sharing this information online means people can help you in times of need.Yes, sharing this information online helps you to get it off your chest.Yes, sharing this information online can mean that you are targeted with ads, links and products that might interest you.No, sharing this information online could make you vulnerable if it were to get into the wrong persons hands.No, sharing this information could lead to someone getting hurt.No, sharing this information could put you at risk of online scams.What are the risks involved in sharing such information?Suggested answers:You could easily be fooled and exploited by someone you dont know online.You leave yourself open to prank phone calls and spam.By exposing more of your personal information online you risk being cyber bullied in a more personal and hurtful way.How could sharing private information online contribute to cyber bullying?Suggested answers:The more personal information you post online the more open you leave yourself to being teased.By posting your information online you encourage people to talk about this information: this could lead to hurtful comments.Private information posted online could result in mean rumours.Posting identifying information such as your address could put you at risk of physical bullying.

6. After leading a short discussion, click to reveal the key messages on the screen.7. Then use the information included below to explain the key messages.

Key message:Once you post something online, its there forever and you have no control over who sees your information or photos. Therefore you really need to think about what you share online. Sharing your pictures and thoughts can be a fun way of communicating and getting things off your chest. However, sharing too much personal information can result in you being hacked or the subject of a scam. It can also put you at risk of being cyber bullied in a more personal and hurtful way.

Many sites allow you to decide which parts of your profile can be accessed by others. Assume that everything is public unless you are sure that it isnt. Opting for private doesnt always mean that only your friends can see your profile. In some cases everything you put on your profile can be seen by everyone but only your friends can post comments or message you.

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Instructions:Get everyone to take their phones out and to have a look at the last photos they took with friends.Hand out the Share or Delete checklist.Have everyone work in pairs for five minutes to decide if these pictures should be shared online. The checklist should help people decide. After students have gone through the Share or Delete checklist in pairs, click onto the next slide.Then explain The Granny Rule and key message using the information below.The Granny Rule is useful when trying to decide if a picture should be shared online. If you wouldnt show a picture to your granny then it probably shouldnt be online!

Key message:Once you post a photo online, its there forever and you have no control over who sees or uses your information or images. Therefore you really need to think about what you share online.

You also really need to think about how the sharing of images might affect the people in your picture. If the photo might embarrass or get someone in trouble you need to do the responsible thing and delete the photo. You might think its okay to share a picture with a private group of friends. However, sharing a digital image is like telling a secret to someone. Once its shared, youve no control over what others will do with that photo or information.

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The Granny Rule , . , !


Key message:Once you post a photo online, its there forever and you have no control over who sees or uses it. Therefore you really need to think about what you share online.

You also need to think about how sharing images might affect the people in your picture. If the photo might embarrass or get someone in trouble you need to do the responsible thing and delete the photo. You might think its okay to share a picture with a private group of friends. However, sharing a digital image is like telling a secret to someone. Once its shared once, the photo could end up anywhere!

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:1. , . ! 2. , .3. Going Viral worksheet 5 4. , :

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:1. Our Online Code worksheet.2. Give the groups five minutes to come up with guidelines that encourage responsible photo sharing and prevent cyber bullying.3. Have a spokesperson from each group share their ideas out loud.4. When all groups have shared their ideas, get everyone to decide on the three most important guidelines that will make up the Code.5. Click to reveal the key messages on the screen.6. Then use the information included below to explain the key messages. By signing and living by the Code everyone can help do something about cyber bullying.7. When the Code has been agreed get all students to sign it. By signing the Code people promise to be respectful and to do something about cyber bullying.

Key message:Bullying wont go away if we do nothing but it can if you do something about it! Often, the more people who see something happen, the less likely each individual is to do something about it. Dont leave it up to someone else to make a difference. It is up to us all to make sure that there are no more tragedies.

Most people dont bully others and arent bullied. But most of us passively accept it by watching and doing nothing. Often without realising it, we also contribute to the problem. Break the cycle by doing something positive, NOW!


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!Privacy settings online give you control over who can see what you share onlineOnce you share an image online its there foreverNo one should take or share pictures of you in places where you expect privacy

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Instructions:Place agree and disagree signs on either side of the room. Then explain to everyone how a Walking Debate works: Youll read out a statement and then people will show whether they agree or disagree with the statement by standing under the signs. Youll then ask some people to explain why they chose a particular side. People are free to change their minds and change sides if they are convinced by other peoples arguments.Then read out the following statements, giving students a chance to think about and then show how they feel about these statements:It is possible to control who sees photos you share onlineImages shared online are just as permanent as tattoosThe owner of a photo posted online is the person who took it and not the subject of the photo.People should be free to post whatever they decide onlineInformation online lasts forever4. The following information should help you facilitate the debate.5. Click to reveal the key messages on the screen.6. Then use the information included below to explain the key messages. Key messages:It is possible to control who sees photos you share onlineThe privacy settings on social networking sites usually give you control over who you share your photos with. This means that you can choose to share a photo publicly or you can restrict who sees a particular photo to your close friends.

However, the privacy settings do not give you control over how the people you share the photos with will use the photos. As soon as you post a picture online you have lost control over who will see it and how it will be used. You might think that youre sharing a picture with only a small group of friends but its very easy for any one of these people to save or copy the photo, either through right clicking the image or by taking a screenshot. This photo can then easily be re-shared by one of the people with whom you shared the photo or displayed in a completely different context. Because of the digital nature of the photo, it can even be altered or distorted.

Images shared online are just as permanent as tattoosThis is an interesting statement. The constant stream of news and the sharing of new content online mean that our social networking timelines are always changing. Its easy for pictures to get lost in a sea of other content. In fact, some social networks have become so busy that many now say that paying for ads is the only way to guarantee your posts reach the intended audience.

You can, however, be sure that if you share some particularly noteworthy images, they will be shared and remembered for a long time to come. Once you post an image on the internet you lose control over how the image is shared and used. If the image is shocking, particularly entertaining or newsworthy the image might go viral. Once something goes viral its easy for it to be seen as being as permanent as tattoos, due to the fact that it has been shared so widely. Think of those familiar images that are used and re-used in memes.

The owner of a photo posted online is the person who took it and not the subject of the photo.Generally, by law the owner of a photograph is the person who took the photograph. This means that the photographer owns the copyright and is free to share the photo as he or she wishes. The issue of who owns a photograph can be called into question when the subject of the photo is shown in a offensive or embarrassing light. Imagine an unflattering photo of you appeared online. Surely you should have some rights with regard to how that photo is used and when that photo is shared.

The law states that taking photographs of individuals in private places, or where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, without their consent is not acceptable, unless justified by the public interest. This means that people cant take pictures in places such as changing rooms and share them freely as this would be an invasion of privacy. They are however free to take pictures of you in public places and share them as they please.

People should be free to post whatever they decide onlineThe issue here is that, while everyone has the right to free speech, sometimes practising your right to free speech can undermine the rights of others. Specifically when opinions are voiced online, they should not cause another person to feel threatened or harassed. If comments could potentially harm, or lead to the harm, of another person then they shouldnt be allowed online. At the same time restricting what is posted online, through censorship, can mean that terrible injustices and human rights violations go unvoiced and unnoticed. There can be a fine line between voicing an opinion and causing someone to feel as though theyre being harassed.

Information online lasts foreverSee the information provided on the motion Images shared online are just as permanent as tattoos.




InstructionsPlay this video which is all about doing something about cyber bullying. Youll need to have audio speakers connected to be able to hear this. & Artist - Bitter Rocc , - 2014 . - , # UP2US.12


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InstructionsPlay this video which is all about all about celebrating what is good about the internet.Youll need to have audio speakers connected to be able to hear this. - , . PDST Webwise , 07 2017 . " : - ". , , -. .13



Be selective about who you become friends with onlineThink before you share personal information onlineIf you wouldnt show a picture to your granny then it shouldnt be online!Report photos you think might upset a friend or get him/her into troubleIt is up to us all to do something about cyber bullying!

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InstructionsDelete or add golden rules to suit your workshop. Each of the golden rules listed above is taken from one of Safer Internet Day activities suggested here.Spend three minutes highlighting the golden rules. You can do this by checking that everyone understand why the golden rules are important.Encourage the participants to add their own golden rules. , . , - , , . , . , . .15

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InstructionsGet as many people as possible to join you in a school selfie.It might be useful to get your hands on a selfie stick so that you can get as many people in as possible!Then post the selfie on twitter using the #Up2Us and #SID2015. This way you show that youre doing something about cyber bullying.16