Gardens and Parks of St. Petersburg 10 B Form, Gymnasium 114, St. Petersburg

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Gardens and Parks of St. Petersburg

10 B Form, Gymnasium 114, St. Petersburg

Botanical GardensBotanical Gardens

1) During the Soviet period the House of Botany

was used for shooting films such as "The Captivating

Star of Happiness" and "Eugene Onegin"

2) In 1721, on the island instead of the Apothecary Order the Medical Office was organized. Employees could not leave the island and marry without the permission of the authorities.

Summer GardenSummer Garden"I will have a garden better than the French king’s at Versailles..." Peter I

Summer GardenSummer Garden

Interesting factsInteresting facts 1) The creation of the

Summer Garden began in May 1704, just one year after the founding of St. Petersburg.

2) In 1710, there were about 30 statues in the Summer Garden. By 1728 there were more than a hundred. Now here are 79 sculptures.

3) The Summer Garden was a favorite place for assemblies. During the holidays, «were allowed to go ... every rank, except of those who are in gray coats, and more so with beards, let go of the add-smoking.»

4) In the Carp pond, besides carps there were rare species of fish, ducks, geese and swans from the Don and the Volga. Five ponds contained live fish for the royal table.

5) The garden grew fruits and vegetables.

6) Due to the abundance of flowers which were so dear to Peter the Great, garden initially was called Flower. The name "Summer" he received from the annual flowers ("Letnik").

Moscow Victory ParkMoscow Victory Park

Interesting factsInteresting facts 1) It was founded in 1945 to mark

the Allied victory in World War II over Nazi Germany. To this day, Moscow Victory Park is considered one of the most

mass cremation burials.

2) Monument "Trolley" - was founded at the bottom of one of the quarries. It's one of those where the bodies are transported to the furnace.

3) Memorial chapel. Built on the spot of Factory crematorium. Here you can stand up, think silently and pay tribute to those who have remained forever young.

4) Alley of Heroes. Here you can see the monument to Zoe Kosmodem'yanskii – a young girl tortured to death by the Nazis, the great commander Zhukov and Alexander Matrosov, who sacrificed his life to save his comrades.

5) The monument "Rotonda“ was founded in memory of thousands of people who died during the blockade.