12.0 Stress Management

12.0 Stress Management

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  • 1. 12.0 Stress Management
  • 2. LEARNING GOAL: To provide the student with techniques to identify, prevent, and manage stress. OBJECTIVES: 12.0 - Comprehend stress management techniques
  • 3. 12.01 Define stress (1) Stress is defined as physical, mental or emotional factors that cause bodily or mental tension. (2) Eustress is defined as any stress associated with pleasant experiences or positive emotions. (3) Distress is defined as any stress reaction resulting from unpleasant or harmful events or consequences. (4) A stressor is defined as any factor with the potential to produce stress.
  • 4. 12.02 Describe stressors unique to the telecommunicator and the telecommunication profession (1) Multi-tasking (2) Life or death situations (3) Being restricted to verbal communication only (4) Urgency (5) Scheduling demands
  • 5. 12.02 (6) Shift rotations (7) Understaffing (8) Scrutiny (9) Responder safety (10)Caller safety
  • 6. 12.02 (11) Sedentary work environment (12) Subject to various sensory perceptions such as: (a) Lights (b) Sounds (c) Temperature
  • 7. 12.02 (13) Emerging technology (14) Activity overload/underload (15) Vicarious traumatization and compassion fatigue
  • 9. 12.03 (1) Practice self-recognition of stress Recognize stress as physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms (a) Physical stress indicators May include Untreated physical stress could lead to other serious medical conditions. Soreness in ones joints Indigestion/heartburn Headaches Changes in weight Insomnia Chronic fatigue
  • 10. 12.03 (1) (b) Emotional stress indicators May include Crying unexpectedly and for no apparent reason Easy irritability Flashes of anger Inappropriate fear Guilt Anxiety/depression Generalized persistent frustration
  • 11. 12.03 (1) (c) Behavioral stress indicators May include Pacing Erratic movements Anti-social acts Social withdrawal Appetite changes Substance abuse
  • 12. 12.03 (1) (d) Cognitive stress indicators May include Memory loss Confusion Nightmares Excessive attention to detail Difficulty making decisions Difficulty concentrating Inability to solve problems Feelings of being overwhelmed
  • 13. 11.03(2) Methods to reduce and/or manage stress includes: (a) Take regular breaks (b) Establish proper eating habits (c) Maintain a good support system (d) Get adequate sleep (e) Develop a regular physical activity regime outside of work (f) Perform desk exercises to relieve tension from being sedentary (g) Dont take things personally (h) Let go of control when needed (i) Realize that closure is not always possible (j) Seek help from your agencys Employee Assistance Program if needed (k) Enjoy life outside of the work environment; develop non-work related hobbies
  • 14. 12.04 Explain Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) (1) A critical incident may be any situation faced by PSTs that causes them to experience unusually strong emotional reactions which have the potential to interfere with their ability to function on duty or later. The incident, regardless of the type, generates unusually strong feelings in the employees. The PST is having a normal reaction to an abnormal event.
  • 15. 12.04 (2) CISM is a structured process for managing the stress involved in a critical incident that may include group or individual debriefing where participants share experiences and emotions and are provided referrals if additional help is required.
  • 16. 12.05 Describe actions necessary to manage stress during an in progress incident (1) Remain focused on the incident (2) Do not hesitate to ask for assistance, if needed (3) Know and follow established protocols (4) Avoid personalizing the situation (5) Change your position (stand up) (6) Take a deep breath