THE LIBRARY FOR RETIREES, OPEN DEVELOPMENT FOR ANYONE Eliza McLeod Head, Library Research Services The World Bank Group Presented at the World Bank Group Library March 14, 2013 1

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Eliza McLeodHead, Library Research Services

The World Bank Group

Presented at the World Bank Group LibraryMarch 14, 2013


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Retiree borrowing privileges from the LibraryOpen Development: A Look At Open DataOpen Access & Freely Available ResourcesGoogle Scholar ---quick lookLinkedInFree Reference Management ToolsYour SuggestionsQuestions

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Retirees Privileges from the Library

Access & Search the Library Catalog @ http://jolis.worldbankimflib.org/external.htm

Local retirees may borrow (check out) materials from the collection

• 2 week loan period for books, 1 week for journals, renewable

• You provide local contact information for our records to borrow

Use all print materials available in the Joint Library (IMF HQ1 C700) and WBG Library (MC C3 220)

Make photocopies for free

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Retirees Privileges from the Library, con’t

Use the library space, tables, study carrels

Use public workstations in WBG Library and Joint Library for Internet access

Use personal laptops to access Internet via Wifi.

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Open Development

Open Knowledge

Enable researchers, students, local communities to collect data, measure results, increase knowledge

Open Datahttp://data.worldbank.orgShare tools and essential information on the global economy and Bank’s operations

Open Solutions

Work together to find solutions to development problems

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• Part of a broader move, including our Access to Information Policy http://go.worldbank.org/TRCDVYJ440

• Stimulate use of development data to solve development problems

• Build on global Open Data initiatives

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Open Data Initiative Background & Use

• Launched by Robert Zoellick in April 2010

• 1/3 of all web traffic at the World Bank is for open data

• +15.5 million unique visitors daily

• Over 85 major datasets listed in the catalog. 8,000+ indicators

• Central index & starting place for all data across the Bank

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Features of the data @ World Bank

• Indicator search function, also basic site search

• Available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic

• Build own tables & custom queries

• Download data as Excel, xml

• Browse by Country or by Topics

• Legally & Technically Open

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Features of the siteFeatures con’t• Embed Tables, Charts, Maps into your sites, blogs

• Partnership with Google who have translated a selection of Bank data into 37 languages!

• Data Visualization & Analytical Tools

• Data & pages can all be shared through Email · Twitter · Facebook · Delicious

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Removes price barriers (subscriptions, licensing fees, pay-per-view fees) and permission barriers (most copyright and licensing restrictions) for scholarly content


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Strategies to achieve goal of OA

I. Self-Archiving

I. Scholars deposit their refereed journal articles in open electronic archives following standards from the Open Archives Initiative http://www.openarchives.org/

II. Search engines treat the separate archives as one so users don’t need to know about where the content is residing.

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OPEN ACCESSII. Open-access Journals

Journal articles should be disseminated as widely as possible

OA journals will not invoke copyright to restrict access to and use of the material they publish

Ensure permanent open access to all the articles they publish

Remove barriers to access: OA journals will not charge subscription or access fees

Cover expenses through foundations and governments funding research, universities and laboratories that employ researchers and endowments

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Eldis http://www.eldis.org/ Development Experience

Clearinghouse (USAID) http://dec.usaid.gov

Development Gateway http://www.developmentgateway.org/

ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/

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OPEN ACCESS @WORLD BANKBanks Documents and Reports

http://documents.worldbank.org - Over 130,000 publicly available World Bank documents

- Since 1996, pdf, text versions ,project documents, working papers and flagship publications

Projects & Operations http://www.worldbank.org/projects- 11,000 lending projects in over 100 countries from 1947 onwards

Major flagship publications • World Development Report

– http://go.worldbank.org/LOTTGBE9I0– http://www.wdronline.worldbank.org/

• Doing Business series– http://www.doingbusiness.org/– Data http://www.doingbusiness.org/data

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“A Sea Change for World Bank Publishing”

Creative Commons---A Sea Change for World Bank Publishing Blog By Carlos Rossell 05/08/2012http://blogs.worldbank.com/education/category/tags/creative-commons

Adopted the most liberal attribution-only Creative Commons license (CC BY) to release works

All research & knowledge products written by World Bank staff, and the associated datasets be deposited in an open access repository

Launched the new open access repository, the Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) --- subset of Documents & Reports Database http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/home

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A Sea Change for World Bank Publishing, con’t

Author versions of articles published outside the Bank will be licensed in the Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) after the embargo period has elapsed, unless the publisher agrees to the more liberal release.

License allows the work to be downloaded and shared, but not built upon or used commercially, as long as the Bank is credited for the original work.

Read also: Bank Publications and Research Now Easier to Access, Reuse http://go.worldbank.org/GWQP2I5FD0

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Google Scholar



Use double quotes to search phrases “ title”

Use Advanced Search to target results

Example, finding a pdf: “An ecological perspective on health promotion programs”

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Worldwide professional network.

1818 Society has a group page


Great way to connect with other experts, contact authors to get their papers that may not be freely available.

Share your CV& profile with only the people you want to

Follow groups of interest to you.

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Reference Management Open Source (free) tools


Mendeley: reference manager and PDF organizer http://www.mendeley.com/

Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] : tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. http://www.zotero.org/

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1818 Society SuggestionsOther sites/sources you shared with us


Open ISBN http://www.openisbn.com/ Find free epub and pdf versions of books available to download

TED http://www.ted.com/ TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Listen to a TED Talk to get inspired, search topics, watch your favorite speakers on topics of your interest.

Twitter. http://www.twitter.com Retirees will find the World Bank on twitter and can see trending topics and tweet themselves with a free account. https://twitter.com/WorldBank Quick way to share info, follow hot topics

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Shift from knowledge is power to knowledge sharing is power.

Open Access, Big Data & Development Policy Blog http://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/node/546

Open Access, Open Knowledge and Open Development Research Guide http://researchguides.worldbankimflib.org/free-online-resources (being revised & updated by one of WBG Research Librarians)

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Thank You

Eliza McLeod --- WBG Library

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 202-473-6960

Skype: lizamcl

URL: http://jolis.worldbankimflib.org/external.htm

