Meeting 2-4/jul/2014 Project SLOPE 1 WP 8 – Openness with other activities, dissemination and exploitation of results

1st Technical Meeting - WP8

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  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Project SLOPE1

    WP 8 Openness with other activities, dissemination and exploitation of results

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    WP8 Summary

    A) Overall guidelines to awareness, networking and dissemination activities.

    B) Social networking (illustrating how to contribute to them).

    C) Dissemination plan (including template to collect feedback from partners).

    D) Calendar of workshops (tentative) with feedback from the partners.

    E) How to implement and monitor linkage activities with ICT PSP joint working group,

    with other local and EU projects.

    WP8: Openness with other activities, dissemination and exploitation of results

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    A) Overall guidelines to awareness, networking and dissemination activities.WEBSITE The project partners home pages will be linked to the website to draw attention to

    this project and its aims.Send interesting pictures related to the project to be used with disseminationpurposesUpload documents on Intranet.

    SOCIAL MEDIA Participate on groups or pages.Cooperate, give feedback, promote the project within each ones contacts.Send messages, tweets mentioning projects profiles, etc.

    PRESS RELEASES Translate press release in local language.Send to local general and specialized media.

    DISSEMINATION ARTICLE Translate article in local language (optional)Send to local specialized media.

    PROJECT BROCHURE Use them at events, trade fairs related to the project.Show them in a visible place in your headquarter.

    NEWSLETTER Send to main professional interesting contacts.Participate with articles, pictures.

    REPORTING Follow instructions given to complete the spreadsheet.

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    A) Overall guidelines to awareness, networking and dissemination activities.

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Please, notice that the FP7 logo has been discontinued from 1 January 2014. In accordance with the Commission's guidelines on visual identity, all EU programmes must be identified exclusively by the EU emblem and the mention of the programme name as detailed:

    This project has received funding from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 604129.

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    B) Social networking (illustrating how to contribute to them)

    Follow the slideshare account.Share the presentations with your colleagues.Embed interesting presentations in your websites

    Participate in debates, open new discussions.Recommend debates, updates, news, etc.Invite your contacts to join SLOPE Group

    Retweet messages with your companys profile or your own profile.Make tweets with news related to the project.Mention @slopeproject in your messages

    Click I like with your profile to all projects updates.Share updates and page of the project.Reccomend the Slope Page to your contacts

    Click I like to the projects videos.Follow the channels.Share with your contacts and invite to follow theSLOPEs channel.

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014





    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXrOkeDXU4iugg7jlqlz7Jw Pending

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    B) Social networking (illustrating how to contribute to them)

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    C) Dissemination plan

    A general document with all the planned dissemination activities and the material to achieve a large diffusion of project results will be prepared.

    Deliverables: Month 6, 18, 30.

    In advance, a timetable has initially being planned:

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

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  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    Task 8.1 - Dissemination planning and publications of resultsTask leader: ITENE; Participants: GRAPHITECH, CNR, BOKU, ITENE; Involvement: ALL PARTNERS

    DISSEMINATION STRATEGYDRAFT IN DROPBOXDocument with all theplanned dissemination activities and the material to achieve a large diffusion of project results.

    It includes:- Detailed target audience.- Concrete Objectives.- Press releases and Publications /

    Interviews in business and general media.

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    Task 8.1 - Dissemination planning and publications of results

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    BROCHUREAvailable in electronic format

    NEWSLETTERSDate: Every 6 monthsAvailable to download in the website

    POSTERDate: Month 6. Units to print: 10Use: Workshops, conferences, trade fairs, and other events.

    PRESS RELEASES4 press releases during projects lifetime

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    Task 8.1 - Dissemination planning and publications of results

    WEBSITEGRAPHITECH will be in charge for the deployment and maintenance of the project web-site and web 2.0communication channelsDate: Month 2.

    PUBLIC SITE Download section.News section and an e-newsletter.Easy-friendly interactive area.

    INTRANET SITEOnly accessible for the projets members

    WEB 2.0The project will also promote the use of web 2.0 social networks as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, in order to reach a huge number of target group members that are followers of topics addressed by the SLOPEproject.

    The dissemination manager, who will update the information on a regular basis, will ensure permanent information in the online media.

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.

    2) BROCHURE. Draft ready. / Approval pending

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.

    2) BROCHURE. Draft ready. / Approval pending

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.

    2) PROJECT WEBSITE. Its online, implemented by GRAPHITEC www.slopeproject.eu


  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.


    Channels in social media available, implemented by GRAPHITEC





    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXrOkeDXU4iugg7jlqlz7Jw Pending

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.


    A newsletter will be published at each six months to provide brief information on the project status and progress and it will be available for download from the website.It will be released to all targeted publics, and also a possibility to subscribe to this service will be available from the website.FIRST RELEASE: July 2014

    5) POSTERSLOPE poster will be used at exhibitions and public meetings. It will be available from our website. Ready and printed in July 2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.


  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.


    First Press release completed and sent to internacional media.

    Translated into different partners languages.

    Please send to [email protected] the collected publications and the translation of this document in your language.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.


  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.


  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.


  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.

    Fondazione GraphiTech @ Fraunhofer HHI & Hasso-Plattner Institute in Germany

    Published: Tuesday, 27 May 2014 07:29 GraphiTech research team went to visit Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin (Germany) on 27 May 2014, and the Hasso-Plattner-Institute in Potsdam (Germany) the day after.The Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute is a leading research institute for mobile and fixed communications networks and for future key applications. During the visit, GraphiTech research team has presented the SLOPE project and the activities undertaken so far.One of the main objectives of Fondazione GraphiTech is to organize and promote activities that foster the implementation and industrialization of ideas. Visiting the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute and Hasso-Plattner-Institute, and exchanging new ideas will surely contribute to the future implementation of the project activities.



  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    Task 8.1 - Dissemination planning and publications of results

    EVENTS: CONFERENCES, TRADE FAIRS, etc.In order to have the widest dissemination and largest involvement of industrial stakeholders, SLOPE project and results will be presented at the most relevant fairs and demos, mainly organized in the participating countries.

    FINAL CONFERENCE (end of the project)A large-scale conference will be organized by CNR as final event of the project

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Trade Fairs

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    SAM Trade Fair Grenoble, France 23/04/2014 23-24/4/2014 XWorldbioenergy 2014 Trade Fair Jnkping, Sweden 03/05/2014 3-5/6/2014 XGEO Bussines Show Trade Fair London, England 28/05/2014 28-29/5/2014 X

    Boster nord- est Trade FairPiana del Cansiglio, Italy 06/06/2014 6-8/6/2014 X

    Euroforest Trade FairSaint Bonnet de Joux, France 19/06/2014 19-21/6/2014 X

    Interforst Trade Fair Munich, Alemania 16/07/2014 16-20/7/2014 x XFinnMETKO Trade Fair Jms, Finlandia 28/08/2014 28-30/8/2014 XInternationale Holzmesse Trade Fair Klagenfurt, Austria 04/09/2014 4-7/9/2014 xMets Trade Fair Helsinki, Finlandia 07/09/2014 07/09/2014 XBoster nord-ovest Trade Fair Alta Val Susa, Italy 26/09/2014 26-28/9/2014 XEIMA Trade Fair Bolonia, Italia 12/11/2014 12-16/11/2014 XInteralpin Trade Fair Innsbruck, Austria 15/04/2015 15-17/4/2015 XGEO Bussines Show Trade Fair London, England 27/05/2015 27-28/5/2015 X

    Asturforesta Trade FairTineo (Asturias), Espaa 01/06/2015 junio? 2015 X

    Forlener Trade Fair Caresanablot, Italy 01/09/2015 sep-15 XAustrofoma Trade Fair Hochficht, Austria 06/10/2015 6-8/10/2015 XExpocorma 2015 Trade Fair Concepcin, Chile 18/11/2015 18-20/11/2015Agri Verona Trade Fair Verona, Italy 01/02/2016 feb-16 XSAM Trade Fair Grenoble, France 23/04/2016 23-24/4/2016

    Events with the participation of the partners (Included in the dissemination Plan):

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Trade Fairs

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Nature Expo Trade Fair Riga, Letonia 24/04/2014 24-26/4/2014

    GIS Solution Expo Trade FairSan Diego (California), EEUU 15/07/2014 15-17/7/2014

    Agricultural and Forest Fair of Libramont Trade Fair Libramont, Blgica 25/07/2014 25-29/7/2014APF 2014 Trade Fair Alcester, Inglaterra 18/08/2014 18-19-20/9/2014Forest - LES Trade Fair Nitra, Eslovaquia 21/08/2014 21-24/8/2014MellanskogsElmia Trade Fair Sala, Suecia 22/08/2014 22-23/8/2014

    Forestry Management & Wood Processing Industry Of Siberia Trade Fair Irkutsk, Rusia 16/09/2014 16-19/9/2014Lisderevmash Trade Fair Kiev, Ucrania 23/09/2014 23-26/9/2014Lorisa - Fair of Forestry Trade Fair Novi Sad, Serbia 01/10/2014 1-5/10/2014Solution Circle Trade Fair Kaunas, Lituania 02/10/2014 2-4/10/2014Pap-For Trade Fair San Petesburgo, Rusia 28/10/2014 28-31/10/2014WoodMac 2015 Trade Fair Shanghai, Brasil 04/03/2015 4-7/3/2015LAS-EXPO Trade Fair Kielce, Polonia 27/03/2015 27-29/3/2015LIGNA Trade Fair Hannover, Alemania 11/05/2015 11-15/5/2015SkogsElmia Trade Fair Joenkoeping, Suecia 04/06/2015 4-6/6/2015Forstmesse Trade Fair Lucerna, Suiza 20/08/2015 20-23/8/2015Forestal y Biomassa 2015 Trade Fair Lages, Brasil 23/09/2015 23-25/9/2015

    Other interesting related trade fairs:

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    Conferences & Symposiums

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    Aebiom BioenergyConference Conference Brussels, Belgium 12/05/2014 12-14/5/2014 X

    SENTINEL-2 for ScienceWorkshop Conference Frascati (Rome) Italy 20/05/2014 20-22/05/2014


    OSCAR 2014 Conference Uppsala, Sweden 25/06/2014 25-27/06/2014 x

    EUROMICRO DSD/SEAA 2014 Conference Verona, Itay 27/08/2014 27-29/08/2014 x

    REbuild 2014 Conference Riva del Garda, Italy 25/09/2014 25-26/09/2014 x

    UIFRO ConferenceSalt Lake City (Utah), EEUU 05/10/2014 5-11/10/2014 x

    Small Log Conference, Forest Business Network Conference

    Coeur dAlene, Idaho, USA 24/03/2015 24-26/3/2015 X

    COFE 2014 Symposium Moline, Illinois, USA 22/06/2014 22-25/06/2014 x

    FORMEC Symposium Gerardmer, Francia 23/09/2014 23-26/9/2014 X

    FORMEC 2015 Symposium Linz, Austria 04/10/2015 4-8/10/2015 x

    Forest and SustainableDevelopment Symposium Brasov, Romania 24/10/2015 24-25/10/2015


    Events with the participation of the partners (Included in the dissemination Plan):

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Conferences & Symposiums

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Other related Conferences & SymposiumsNAME TYPE PLACE STARTING DATE DATEICSAEF 2014 Conference Pars, Francia 28/08/2014 28-29/8/2014EFI Conference Bilbao 10/09/2014 10-12/9/2014

    St.Petersburg International Forestry Forum Conference San Petesburgo, Rusia 20/09/2014 30/9-2/10/2014Asita 2014 Conference Florence, Italy 14/10/2014 14-16/10/2014FORESTTECH 2014 Conference Melbourne, Australia 25/11/2014 25-26/11/2014ICMLC Conference Florencia, Italia 19/03/2015 19-20/3/2015

    Forest Machine Technology Conference Conference Montreal, Canada 21/04/2015 21-23/04/2015icsaef 2015 Conference Londres, Inglaterra 28/06/2015 28-29/6/2015HCI International 2015 Conference Los Angeles, CA, USA 02/08/2015 2-7/08/2015

    WFC World Forestal Congress Conference Durbn, Sudfrica 07/09/2015 7-11/9/2015Interact 2015 Conference Bamberg, Germany 14/09/2015 14-18/09/2015

    ICHCI 2015 : International Conference onHuman Computer Interaction Conference Madrid, Spain 09/11/2015 9-10/11/2015AUSTimber Conference Latrobe City, Australia 11/04/2016 11-16/04/2016

    EU Forest-based Sector Technology Platform Presentations All over the world 2014 All the yearPacific Logging Congress Symposium Molalla, Oregon, USA 25/09/2014 25-27/09/2014

    ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Symposium Hawaii, EEUU 05/10/2014 5-8/10/2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Tasks and ResultsT.8.1 Dissemination planning and publications results.

    6) EVENTS

    Poster presentations:


    Sentinel-2 for Science Workshop, 2014 May 20 -22, ESA-ESRIN Frascati

    M.Morelli, A.Masini, Sentinel-2 Imagery for the Development of Innovative Decision Support Systems Dedicated to Sustainable Forest Management.


  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Publications / Scientific Articles

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    SCIENTIFIC ARTICLESIn selected journals and targeted publications at highly visible and relevant industrial and research conferences . At least 4 in 2015 & 2016

    Scientific Publication Silva FennicaScientific Publication Scandinavian Journal of Forest ResearchScientific Publication Croatian Journal of Forest EngineeringScientific Publication European Journal of Forest Engineering

    Possibility of publishing by BOKU

    Scientific Publication European Journal of Forest ResearchScientific Publication Canadian Journal of Forest ResearchScientific Publication Forest Ecology and ManagementScientific Publication Annals of Forest ScienceScientific Publication International Forestry ReviewScientific Publication Wood Science & TechnologyScientific Publication Bioresource technologyScientific Publication Biomass and BioenergyScientific Publication BioenergyScientific Publication Energy & Environmental ScienceScientific Publication Vibrational SpectroscopyScientific Publication International Journal of LogisticsScientific Publication International Transport JournalScientific Publication Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

    Other Publications to check and review possibilities

    Magazine Geoconnexion

    Magazine GeoInformatics

    Magazine European Forum Innovation

    Magazine Biomass Canada

    Magazine Canadian Biomass Magazine

    Magazine Biomass Power & Thermal

    Magazine Canadian Forest Industries

    Magazine Bioenergy International.

    Magazine The Parliament Magazine

    Magazine European Voice

    Magazine Europolitics

    MAGAZINESPublications in which the SLOPE project information could be published:

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    WP8 - Reporting

    Template to collect feedback from partners Follow instructions given to report activities

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Technical workshops

    Four technical workshops are planned as far as results are available for dissemination

    BOKU is responsible for Selecting potential stakeholders Making invitations Setting up the program Communication Secretariat and logistics

    D) Calendar of workshops (tentative) with feedback from the partners.

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Technical workshops Open questions

    Participants Interested persons from industry, SME, forestry and

    agricultural sector All partners within the SLOPE consortium

    Structure Presentations, demonstrations, field trip

    Location Austria, Italy, Norway, Ireland

    D) Calendar of workshops (tentative) with feedback from the partners.

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    Technical workshops Possible dates

    Date Location In conjunction with

    M18 June 2015 Firenze (IT) Project meeting

    M19 July 2015 (AT, IT) Demonstration activities

    M22 October 2015 Linz (AT) FORMEC symposium

    M24 December 2015 Cork (IE) Project meeting

    M30 June 2016 Vienna (AT) Project meeting

    M31 July 2016 (AT, IT, NO) Demonstration activities

    M29 October 2016 ? FORMEC symposium

    D) Calendar of workshops (tentative) with feedback from the partners.

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    WP8E) How to implement and monitor linkage activities with ICT PSP joint working group, with other local and EU projects.

    RELATED PROJECTSall partners have been asked to collaborate in identifying projects related to SLOPE, regional, European and extra-European (e.g. Canadian).

    ITENE will be in charge of establishing relationships with most of these projects to ensure synergy and exchange of results.

    COST ACTIONCOST Action platform will be also used to facilitate information exchange with the experts community. In particular, activity of the following COST Actions will be monitored and exchanges promoted: FP1206 - European mixed forests. Integrating Scientific Knowledge in Sustainable Forest Management.(EuMIXFOR); FP1201 - Forest LAnd Ownership Changes in Europe: Significance for Management And Policy (FACESMAP); FP1106 - STReESS - Studying Tree Responses to extreme Events: a SynthesiS; FP1001 - Improving Data and Information on the Potential Supply of Wood Resources: A European Approachfrom Multisource National Forest Inventories (USEWOOD).

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    FP7 KBBE Innovative and effective technology and logistics for forest residual biomass supply in the EU (www.infres.eu)

    X X

    FP7 KBBE Advanced multifunctional forest management in European mountain ranges (http://www.arange-project.eu)


    FP7 INFRA-2011-1.1.13 Designing Trees for the future (http://www.trees4future.eu/) X XFP7 STREP i-Tour intelligent Transport system for Optimized URban trips (as tech. manager) XICT-PSP BRISEIDE BRIdging SErvices, Information and Data for Europe,(www.briseide.eu) XICT-PSP i-SCOPE interoperable Smart City services through an Open Platform for urban Ecosystems, (www.iscopeproject.net).


    ICT-PSP SUNSHINE Smart Urban services for Higher energy efficiency XNATO Science for Peace GEPSUS Geographical Information Processing for Environmental PollutionrelatedSecurity within Urban Scale environments.


    BISYPLAN - The Bioenergy System Planners Handbook, part of the - BIOENAREA/INTEREG XBiQUEEN Quality Biomass for Efficient Energy production; XNNE5-2000-0395 Forest Energy A solution for the Future Power Needs; XLdV WESST Wood Energy Supply System Training; XQLRT-2000-0645 Storm damaged forests: efficient and safe harvesting and log conservation methods; XQLRT 99 0991 Development of a protocol for ecoefficient wood harvesting on sensitive sites"; XAIR2-CT94-1102 "Harvesting, drying and storage of energy biomass from SRF; XAIR2-CT94-0905 Improvement of coppice forests in the Mediterranean region XLIFE94/F/A151/EU/00713 "Mountain forests: techniques for long-term multi-functional management"; XGatto delle funi (tracked automotive carriage) in collaboration with UNACOMA XFreeman 1800 (programmable forestry winch), computer-controlled machine with drive and motor PID controlling device


    HT 30 (carriage with cable ejection system) in collaboration with Autonomous Province of Trento XLEW (electronic winch) for the management of take-off ramps on ski jumping hills XTG 860 (carriage cableway) first load-identification machine with transport autonomous management XTECNO totally autonomous remote-controlled self-propelled motor carriage XFlexwood (EU FP7) X XIRIS ( ERA-NET) XBESTFACT: Best Practice Factory for Freight Transport, XCO3: Collaboration Concept for Comodality (FP7 Transport), XMODULUSHCA: Modular Logistics Units in Shared Co-modal Networks, XWINN: European Platform Driving KNOWledge to INNovations in Freight Logistics. X

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    WP8 - TASKS

    D) How to implement and monitor linkage activities with ICT PSP joint working group, with other local and EU projects

    2) Establish a meeting to discuss common issues and identify once per year:

    Tentative calendar

    STRUCTURE: Individual Project presentations Discuss in groups with other project representatives regarding selected


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    WP8 - TASKS

    OTHER ACTIVITIES IN THE WPTask 8.2 Exploitation, business planning and IPR & licensing policiesTask leader: MHG; Participants: KESLA, COAST, BOKU, FLY, GRE, TRE

    Identification of the business scenarios Creation of the appropriate SLOPE business model Production of a business plan Development of a detailed exploitation strategy by each partner Continuous technology and market watch Development of an intellectual property rights (IPR) strategy.

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  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    WP8 - TASKS

    OTHER ACTIVITIES IN THE WPTask 8.3 - Contribution to standardizationTask leader: CNR; Participants: ITENE

    The main objective of this task is to contribute to both update existing standards and to develop new ones in the field of sustainable forest production:

    Communication with standardization committees via the interactive section of the SLOPE website and social networks.

    Physical meetings between SLOPE members and the Standardization Technical Committee.

    The SLOPE consortium will show interest in participating in the working groups of standard committees.

    Consensus with CEN and other standardization

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    WP8 - TASKS

    OTHER ACTIVITIES IN THE WPTask 8.4 - Industrial Advisory BoardTask leader: MHG; Participants: KESLA, COAST, BOKU, FLY, TRE

    The main objective of this task will be to involve industrial members from the forestry, agricultural and related logistics and machinery industry. The main activities of the advisory board will be interchange opinions and knowledge by means of meetings and discussions.

    This information will be used as inputs for the execution of the tasks defined in SLOPE project, and redefine them when needed. The Advisory board will be set up at an early stage (first project meeting) of the project in order to follow all the activities starting from the requirements analysis.

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  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014


    Thanks for your attention!

    [email protected]

    Emilio Gonzlez, ITENE

    Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    T.8.4 Industrial Advisory board

    Partners: KESLA, COAST, BOKU, FLY, TRE

    Set up advisory board (1st technical meeting) in order to follow all the activities starting from the requirements analysis.The Advisory Board (AB) will be formed by: (i) key representatives from theconsortium; (ii) representatives from other stakeholders including those found through the projects openness and linking activities; (iii) key representatives from other Ecfunded projects; (iv) and representatives from academia. The AB will be chaired by the DEM, and will insure project openness and visibility. The DEM will also report on AB activities to the PC. The advisory board and the related Industrial board will be defined into the very early stage of the project.

    Semiannual Meeting , Mikkeli 2-4 July, 2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    T.8.4 Industrial Advisory board

    The Industrial Advisory Board is composed of scientific and business leaders from university and companies in the area of utilizations of forest resources or by-products or for surveying and modelling applications. Its aim is to define research challenges from the industrial point of view, to recommend Short-Medium- and Long term priorities to relevant WPs, providingfeedbacks on SLOPE research activities and suggest possible links to public andprivate financing.

    Policy. How costs of participations of meetings and events are compensated in SLOPE budget?

    Semiannual Meeting , Mikkeli 2-4 July, 2014

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    T.8.4 Industrial Advisory board

    MHGs network covers: Forest machinerary industry; John Deere, Ponsse etc. Metsteho; Finnish R&D organization owned by forest industry Finnish Sawmill association Aebiom; European Biomass Association; industry members? Deassociation; Alberta based Association promoting renewables and new

    technologies; industry members? FCBA; French players in forestry Contacts in Romania

    Semiannual Meeting , Mikkeli 2-4 July, 2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    T.8.4 Industrial Advisory board

    Coasts networks: Bokus networks: FLYs networks:

    Tre`s network:

    Semiannual Meeting , Mikkeli 2-4 July, 2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    T.8.4 Industrial Advisory board

    FLYs networks:

    Tre`s network:

    Semiannual Meeting , Mikkeli 2-4 July, 2014

  • Meeting 2-4/jul/2014

    T.8.4 Industrial Advisory board

    Proposals for members of Industrial Board representative from Metsteho representative from Finnish manufacturing forest industry

    Semiannual Meeting , Mikkeli 2-4 July, 2014

    Project SLOPEWP8 SummaryWP8WP8WP8WP8WP8WP8WP8WP8Tasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsTasks and ResultsWP8Trade FairsTrade FairsConferences & SymposiumsConferences & SymposiumsTasks and ResultsPublications / Scientific ArticlesWP8 - ReportingTechnical workshopsTechnical workshops Open questionsTechnical workshops Possible datesWP8WP8WP8 - TASKSWP8 - TASKSWP8 - TASKSWP8 - TASKSWP 8 PRESENTATIONT.8.4 Industrial Advisory boardT.8.4 Industrial Advisory boardT.8.4 Industrial Advisory boardT.8.4 Industrial Advisory boardT.8.4 Industrial Advisory boardT.8.4 Industrial Advisory board