The style of the interview is hard news he starts the interview with a open question asking ‘what do you hope happens now?’ the interview is structured the interviewer asks key questions he has to be respectful towards the couple being interviewed because its such a sensitive subject they also ask them what they think about what’s happening and what their sons death has caused this is an important question to ask because the impact that his death has on his community and communities around the world is positive because people are wanting change its good to find out what they think and what their opinion is on the subject, the communication skills used in the interview are that there is a lot of active listening which is good to have in this situation if they looked as if they weren’t paying attention not just in their situation but any situation is bad communication skills because it just comes across as ignorant to such an serious and touchy subject. The body language used is important one of the interviewers has a very sympathetic look also sat slightly leaning towards them all focus on them, they use direct questions they don’t go off to ask and expect a story they ask simple questions which will give them an in sight on how they are coping. The journalistic context of the interview is news also television. The purpose of the interview is enhancement of audience understanding also emotional and justification its important to get their message out and spread their opinion, because of what’s happened to them has made a big impact on a lot of people in different ways people will want to hear it from them on how they are dealing with it all allowing the audience insight within the situation also to find out that they aren’t getting the support they deserve and to give them a chance to express their feelings with the serious/risky questions the answering gets thrown over to their internee once the interview got to a point where the mother got upset and they could see it was upsetting her they brought the interview to an end rather quickly by just saying ‘thanks for coming’ without really making sure that the father had finished speaking.

3rd interview

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The style of the interview is hard news he starts the interview with a open question asking ‘what do you hope happens now?’ the interview is structured the interviewer asks key questions he has to be respectful towards the couple being interviewed because its such a sensitive subject they also ask them what they think about what’s happening and what their sons death has caused this is an important question to ask because the impact that his death has on his community and communities around the world is positive because people are wanting change its good to find out what they think and what their opinion is on the subject, the communication skills used in the interview are that there is a lot of active listening which is good to have in this situation if they looked as if they weren’t paying attention not just in their situation but any situation is bad communication skills because it just comes across as ignorant to such an serious and touchy subject. The body language used is important one of the interviewers has a very sympathetic look also sat slightly leaning towards them all focus on them, they use direct questions they don’t go off to ask and expect a story they ask simple questions which will give them an in sight on how they are coping. The journalistic context of the interview is news also television. The purpose of the interview is enhancement of audience understanding also emotional and justification its important to get their message out and spread their opinion, because of what’s happened to them has made a big impact on a lot of people in different ways people will want to hear it from them on how they are dealing with it all allowing the audience insight within the situation also to find out that they aren’t getting the support they deserve and to give them a chance to express their feelings with the serious/risky questions the answering gets thrown over to their internee once the interview got to a point where the mother got upset and they could see it was upsetting her they brought the interview to an end rather quickly by just saying ‘thanks for coming’ without really making sure that the father had finished speaking.