逢甲大學 公共政策研究所 碩士論文 毒品犯罪查緝策略之研究 A strategies of investgating and seizing drug crime 指導教授:陳金發 教授 生:陳 中華民國九十七年六月


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  • 1. A strategies of investgating and seizing drug crime

2. Feng Chia University Graduate Institute of Public Policy ThesisA strategies of investgating and seizing drug crimeAdvisorKin-Folk Chen, Professor Graduate StudentChen, Chin-Lung May 2008 Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China 3. i e-Thesye(96 ) 4. 2008 2005 2008 4 ii e-Thesye(96 ) 5. iii e-Thesye(96 ) 6. A Study on the strategies of investgating and seizing drug crime StudentChin-Lung Chen AdvisorKin-Folk Chen Professor Feng Chia University Graduate Institute of Public Policy Thesis Abstract To effectively prevent the danger of narcotic drugs, to deter the drug crimes, and to perfectly execute the project of arresting the drug crimes, preventing the drugs, and curing drug addiction, the government set up The Narcotics Endangerment Prevention Act in 20th May 1998. In this law, drug addicts are viewed as patients, not criminals. Therefore, their penalty is reduced. By medical treatment, they coercively get rid of their bodily and mental addiction to drugs in Drug Abstention and Treatment Center. This mighty change in the policy of preventing the drugs may increase the drug crime activities. With the domestic economical growth, the open society because of the martial law being ended, the rapid environmental change, and the formation of the globalization, the phenomenon that various kinds of drugs are rapidly transmitted not only greatly damages the citizens health, but also is getting more serious. The drugs problem begins showing up: narcotic drugs invade each social rank and the campus, and the number of drug criminals increases rapidly. The more and more serious social problems that drugs arouse are the fact that the policemen and all people have to face. To concentrate the resolution of fighting against narcotic drugs, the Administration Yuan announce the war against the drugs: the Yuan sets 2005-2008 as the Year, and makes up and actively executes the anti-drugs policies. The Yuan not only demands that each ministry propagate the anti-drugs policies but also actively makes The Plan of Totally Arresting the Drug Crimes. In this plan, Investigation Supervision Unit for drug crimes of Taiwan High Prosecutors Office unites prosecutors in each District Prosecutors Office, and conducts officers in the police, Investigation Bureau, Military Police, and Coast Guard Administration. In The Narcotics Endangerment Prevention Act, the government modifies the anti-drug policy from stopping the supply, lowering the demands to firstly lowering the demands, then deterring the supply and the demands. The anti-drug iv e-Thesye(96 ) 7. policies are transferred into four tasks: fighting against the drugs, kicking drugs habits, arresting the drug crimes, and preventing the drug crimes. The goal of fighting against drugs is to stop the increase of drug criminals; the goal of kicking drugs habit is to decrease the number of drug criminals; the goal of arresting drug crimes is to increase the supply of drugs; the goal of preventing drug crimes is to stop legal drugs and chemical raw material from being illegally reproduced into drugs. Moreover, the task of arresting drug crimes is the most important and the most difficult part in these four. The purpose of this thesis is to figure out how to set up effective anti-drug policies in order to unite all force of each organization in charge of arresting drug crimes, and to elevate the result of arresting drugs. Then, all organizations can achieve the following goals: 1. Actively join the international drugs enforcement organization and gain the international information about the anti-drugs. 2. Establish the cooperation between the Taiwan Straits, and strengthen the Coast Guards function of arresting the drug crimes. 3. Carry out completely the application, the examination, and the detection of the controlled drugs. 4. Promote the legislation and the execution of each anti-drugs act. Therefore, the organizations in charge of detecting and arresting drug crimes could effectively fight against drug crimes, then establishing the country safety, improving the social stability, increasing the economical development, and protecting the family harmoniously. Keywords drug, to monitor, controlled delivery, undercover investigation, stationary surveillance, moving surveillance, electronic surveillancev e-Thesye(96 ) 8. 451112 1436 4242474861 659899100106107107vi e-Thesye(96 ) 9. 110115 129134 1 141 2 143 3 Thornyon,Jr.W.E.and Voigt,L.251 4 259...271vii e-Thesye(96 ) 10. 1-110 1-213 3-164 3-270 3-371 4-1101 4-2102 4-3105viii e-Thesye(96 ) 11. 1-13 2-126 3-172 3-273 6-1111 6-2112 6-3114 6-4115 6-5117 6-6122 6-7125 6-8127ix e-Thesye(96 ) 12. (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC)2006(WorldDrug Report) 2004 15-6441 2 (4.9%)2001 2003 4.7% 1-11 Zero tolerance Drug free 87520 8862 212007 192 2008 1 e-Thesye(96 ) 13. 95 6 2 4 3http://www.tmpd.gov.tw/all-tcpd.php?topage=1&id=175&t_type=d&tcpdlink=%ACr%AB~%A8%BE %A8%EE 32007 96 3 2 e-Thesye(96 ) 14. 1-1 () ()()()83 11,608 16,145 526.99 21,276 28,721 615.2433841884 5,896 8,394 105.58 18,126 25,214 899.0020824685 6,065 8,458 47.69 22,424 31,961 435.0734440386 7,474 10,045 110.08 24,599 34,603 884.32360447() () () () ()87 5,082 10,522 66.00 17,771 31,136 557.97 8,18426988 7,955 11,617 96.21 26,010 38,528 451.92 6,06335989 11,575 14,459 104.74 29,416 35,153 817.9619556590 11,902 15,390 107.66 14,275 18,590 1,366.10 2,94145491 13,276 17,016 442.64 7,447 12,998 288.16 4,88962992 13,967 17,926 255.05 6,791 10,423 1,568.60 4,72257293 21,348 25,420 360.12 10,910 13,926 3,261.55 5,08979094 29,872 32,474 228.45 16,323 18,315 2,165.71 3,25758795 31,917 32,855 247.45 13,056 13,931 649.7147143296 33,460 33,957 183.15 18,547 19,541 413.12 1,14585397 5,906 5,884 42.10 3,199 3,403 31.851481351 3,035 3,121 38.35 1,668 1,76623.4470782 2,871 2,763 3.75 1,531 1,637 8.41 78 57 96 243 e-Thesye(96 ) 15. ()4 5 4 2008 http://www.npa.gov.tw/NPAGip/wSite/lp?ctNode=11394&CtUnit=1738&BaseDSD=7&mp=15 3991.4.280 -281 4 e-Thesye(96 ) 16. , 6 6 ThmasR.Dye 1999Understanding Public Policy 5~75 e-Thesye(96 ) 17. 7 8structured interview 7Robert P. Weber, Basic Content Analysis 78 4 58 2003 1386 e-Thesye(96 ) 18. unstructured interview semi-structured interview 9 1 (David Easton 1953) () () 1 2( ) 39 2006 8 7 e-Thesye(96 ) 19. 4 5 () 1 2 ( ) () 1 2 ( ) input output 8 e-Thesye(96 ) 20. (input)(conversion) (output) (feedback) David Easton support demand decisions or policies 10 David Easton11 1-1 10 2005 111 2003 20 9 e-Thesye(96 ) 21. 1-1 10 e-Thesye(96 ) 22. feedback 11 e-Thesye(96 ) 23. 1-2 12 e-Thesye(96 ) 24. 1-2 13 e-Thesye(96 ) 25. (Opium)(Afyun) 1710 1939 6 3 1842 ; 14 e-Thesye(96 ) 26. 2002 12 13 1,500 800 700 12 92 6 9 13 2006-- 38 15 e-Thesye(96 ) 27. 1979 12 300 10 1993 1992 735 1,300 1993 1,400 90 1,200 1999~2000 (Taliban)199911 1999 4,600 1998 100 80% 89 2004 2 8 2003 UNODC 2003 3,600 6%2004 2/3 UNODC 23 16 e-Thesye(96 ) 28. 4,000 Tabrize Azerbaijan S.S.R. Armenian S.S.R.Georgian S.S.R. Caucasus Mts Lithuanian LatviaEstonia Leningrad BelorussianUkraine Poland Czeckoslovakia Hungary Ankara Bos Porus Str. Constantinple Bulgaria Yugoslavia ,SloveniaAustria Germany Italy Turkmen S.S.R. Trans Caucasus Balkan Pakistan India ,Delhi Bombay Yemen Red Sea Suez Canal GreeceBalkan Afghanistan Karachi 17 e-Thesye(96 ) 29. Myanmar Laos 15~20 1,300 100 3,000 60% 1986 1990 1986 18 e-Thesye(96 ) 30. 650 1987 925 1988 1230 1989 2000 1990 4074 600 3000 1991 1998 2700 3000 60%160 2003 10 2004 9 2004 ()99 93 (64 14 15 )6 () SriLanka 19 e-Thesye(96 ) 31. Canada (Vancouver (San Francisco)(Los Angeles)(Seattle) (RangoonStrait of Malacca Borneo,Brunei the Philippines ,ManilaSan Diego ( Rangoon Strait of Malacca Indonesia Sumatra JavaJakarta Surabaja AustraliaStrait of Malacca BorneoNew GuineaPapua New Guinea AustraliaYork Peninsula (Darwin (Sydney)(Canberra)(Melbourne) (Port Augusta)... Sri Lanka ,Colombo ,Somalia ,Kenya Sudan Egypt Uganda Zaire Central African Rep.Cameroun Nigeria Central African Rep. Chad Niger Libya AlgeriaMorocco 20 e-Thesye(96 ) 32. ,Nigeria ,Chana ,Portugal Colombia Madellin(Cali) 40% 90% 150 3,500 750 900 11,700 60 21 e-Thesye(96 ) 33. 5% 70%600 500 15%20% 60%75% 75% 2.5 1996 38 1990 32%5.7 150 1996 40 135% 15%125%21%1996 1,244 40% 10 15 600 50 10 1996 8 173 300 22 e-Thesye(96 ) 34. 1996 100 90% 10% 300 2/3 15 25 50 70 900 3% DrugOffences 23 e-Thesye(96 ) 35. 14 FM2() 15 16 Interpol Crime Intelligence Directorate Drug Sub-Directorate 142000951 152001531674 161987()1988 19907()( 1961 19721961 19711988 24 e-Thesye(96 ) 36. 17 18 ( 19 2-1) 20 17The Role of the Drugs Sub-Directorate, http://www.interpol.int/public/drugs/18200243927819 http://www.klchb.gov.tw/young/document/drug/between_5.htm201944 4 16 2 25 e-Thesye(96 ) 37. 2-1 MDMA () FM2 LSD 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. : 1 1 26 e-Thesye(96 ) 38. 2 2 1 2 () 127 e-Thesye(96 ) 39. 1 2 2 1 2 () 128 e-Thesye(96 ) 40. 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 29 e-Thesye(96 ) 41. () 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 30 e-Thesye(96 ) 42. 2 MDMAFM2 31 e-Thesye(96 ) 43. 21 41 21 2008 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080415/1/xbgx.html 32 e-Thesye(96 ) 44. 3 1 22 KTV 2000 2005 OK KTV KTV NURDIANSYAH 23 (59 ) 5 6 2 (32 ) 147 20 22 2008 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080418/1/xbgx.html 33 e-Thesye(96 ) 45. () 4 4 2 147 2 15 21 KTV 16 18 KTV 23 2 10 3 2 24 4 7 9 55 30 2 10 4 8 23 2008 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080424/5/xxaw.html 34 e-Thesye(96 ) 46. 28 2 32 1 2 7.5 2.1 10 92 2 2 24 24 25 24 2008 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080411/17/x27m.html25 2008 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080409/1/wyuj.html 35 e-Thesye(96 ) 47. 26 (Hirschi1969) commitment involvement beliefattachment (socialization) (Social Bon)26 2006 35 36 e-Thesye(96 ) 48. (constraints) (Hirschi,1969:120)27(Attachment): (Du1.kheim1950)(Anomie) (Suicide)28(Du1.kheim) Regulation (Intergration) 29 (Du1.kheim) ; (sensitivity) ;(peer group) (Commitment): ( )272001 47281985 31-35292004 111-11337 e-Thesye(96 ) 49. ; (Attachment)(Commitment) (lnvolvement): (Idler hands are the devils workshop) (Belief): , ; (Travis Hirschi) 38 e-Thesye(96 ) 50. (Socia1 Bond) 30 (Containment Theory) (Reckless W.C.1961) (Containment Theory) (Reck1ess,l976:168)(Albert J.Rei) (F. 1van Nye) l951 ;( ) ( ) 30 2004 9639 e-Thesye(96 ) 51. (pushes)(pulls) (containments) 31 1.2.3. 4.5. 1.2.3. 4.32311986 104-177322004 116-117 40 e-Thesye(96 ) 52. 33 95 6 2 5 4 33 2000 8841 e-Thesye(96 ) 53. 1955 6 3 1973 1992 1998 5 20 34 35 34 35 2002 45 1 1-8 2006 39 42 e-Thesye(96 ) 54. 36 37 38 36 85 2 2 340 37 76 11 3 133 38 535 33 91 4 72 43 e-Thesye(96 ) 55. 44 e-Thesye(96 ) 56. 39 39 45 e-Thesye(96 ) 57. SIM IMEI 46 e-Thesye(96 ) 58. 40 41 42 40 41 77 11 19142 92 2 187 47 e-Thesye(96 ) 59. A A B C A A A B 48 e-Thesye(96 ) 60. 43 43200896 134 49 e-Thesye(96 ) 61. () () () 95 3 () () 50 e-Thesye(96 ) 62. () () () ( )( )()() 1X 2 3 () 451 e-Thesye(96 ) 63. 5 6 7 () 1 2 3 4 5 6 () 1X 2 33 52 e-Thesye(96 ) 64. 95 8 2 96 4 5 () 1 2 3 4 5 () 1 2 395 12 5 7 95 CBPDEA 4 (1)95 3 4 DEA 53 e-Thesye(96 ) 65. (2)Customs Asia Pacific Enforcement Reporting System, CAPERS95 815 CAPERS () CSI 2 2 95/96 3 () () () 3 () 94 1 4 54 e-Thesye(96 ) 66. 4 () PUBKTV () 95 211 5 10 () 95423 95 4 30 55 e-Thesye(96 ) 67. () () 2005-2008 () 95 14 2 2005-2008 95 1 95 97 () 95 1 1 12 31 156 33.4 56 e-Thesye(96 ) 68. 190 274.3 5 () 95 1 12 2391 1828 563 () 1 2 (1) (2) 4 (3) 57 e-Thesye(96 ) 69. (4)3G 2 3 21 4 (5)3G A A 92 3 24 Ericsson WCDMA1 92 11 5 94 1 24 94 7 13 BB91 6 18 944 1 WCDMA 1 94 8 15 94 126 C C 92 4 2 NOKIA SiemensWCDMA1 2 93 1 16 95 8 3 94 3 24 945 25 DD 92 3 24 NOKIA WCDMA3 94 7 25 94 5 26 947 26 58 e-Thesye(96 ) 70. EE91 118 NORTELcdma20001 92 4 23 92 7 29 () 1 2 3 4 () 21 59 e-Thesye(96 ) 71. 1 295 3 11 MVNO 11,355 3.MVNO95351656,271MVNO 2 MVNO 82 7 15 87 5 20 83 95 71,694 2,910,799 95 15,587564,199.65 95 47,981 3507,714.79 181 95 95 5 8 230 7 5 15 95 5 19 60 e-Thesye(96 ) 72. 10 11 95 10,959 552 221 360 ()10 6 3 4 5 5 61 e-Thesye(96 ) 73. 12 2005 2008 44 44200896 130 62 e-Thesye(96 ) 74. 95 6 2 3-1 95 6 2 6 5 95 12 63 e-Thesye(96 ) 75. 3-1 64 e-Thesye(96 ) 76. 45 45 2006 62 65 e-Thesye(96 ) 77. 46 47 46 472005 9-10 199113~152066 e-Thesye(96 ) 78. 4849 4849SIM 67 e-Thesye(96 ) 79. 68 e-Thesye(96 ) 80. 3-250 3-151 3-352 3-253502004 --- 273 512004 --- 271 522004 --- 274 532004 --- 272 69 e-Thesye(96 ) 81. 3-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 70 e-Thesye(96 ) 82. 3-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 71 e-Thesye(96 ) 83. 3-1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 13 1 1 12 2 23 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 72 e-Thesye(96 ) 84. 3-2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 4 5 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 PUB KTV (MDMA)PUBKTV PUB KTV 73 e-Thesye(96 ) 85. PUBKTV 54 54 91 1 1 74 e-Thesye(96 ) 86. 55 56 552001 5 562005 13 75 e-Thesye(96 ) 87. 57 57 2006 63 76 e-Thesye(96 ) 88. 58 582001 1 77 e-Thesye(96 ) 89. 78 e-Thesye(96 ) 90. 59 () 60 59 60(2005) 15 85 19 79 e-Thesye(96 ) 91. 61 () 1 2 6180 10 8 74 85 19 6180 10 8 74 80 e-Thesye(96 ) 92. 3 4 5 1 2 362 () 622002 6 3 81 e-Thesye(96 ) 93. 2003 8 1 2 3 482 e-Thesye(96 ) 94. 1 63 2003 8 2 3 63 1998 58 83 e-Thesye(96 ) 95. (Undercover Investigation)64 65 66 64 13 (2000 8 )90 (2002 12) 188 65 40 4 (19965)566173 84 e-Thesye(96 ) 96. 85 e-Thesye(96 ) 97. 67 68 () 167Marcus,P., 68 84 84 5 183 86 e-Thesye(96 ) 98. 2 3 (1) (2) (3) 1 69 269 80 2 87 e-Thesye(96 ) 99. 70 71 ()stationary surveillance ()moving surveillance () electronic surveillance 70 91 1 171 87 324-325 88 e-Thesye(96 ) 100. 72 () () 72 89 e-Thesye(96 ) 101. () 73 () 73 90 e-Thesye(96 ) 102. 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() () 103 e-Thesye(96 ) 115. 83 4-3 83 104 e-Thesye(96 ) 116. 4-3 00 17XX-G 0953321XXX 00 OP-78XX 0926222XXX 00 99XX 09XXX 00 XX 00 43XX-LT 0938173XXX 00 34XX-4G 0932145XXX 00 LW-25XX 0915439XXX 00 18XX-JF 0938362XXX 00 0933701XXXX 00 0916321XXX105 e-Thesye(96 ) 117. 106 e-Thesye(96 ) 118. international mobile equipment identity IMEI IMEI IMEI SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM NOKIA IMEI 0 107 e-Thesye(96 ) 119. 84 85 84 85 108 e-Thesye(96 ) 120. 109 e-Thesye(96 ) 121. 10 1 30 50 80% 20% 80% 70% 30% 60% 20% 20% 40% 60% 110 e-Thesye(96 ) 122. 6-1 A123A236A332A431A541A630A755A832A947A1023() 80% 40 60% 40% 30% 70% 90% 10% 80% 20% 80% 111 e-Thesye(96 ) 123. 6-2 A122A228A326VVVA424VVA538A625A742VA828VA931A1020VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV307090V60 40 V10V80 20 80 20 80% 20%112 e-Thesye(96 ) 124. 10 70% 100% 80% 10% 113 e-Thesye(96 ) 125. 6-3 A1VVVA2VVVVA3VVVA4VVVVA5VVVVA6VVVVVVVVVVVVVV30100A7VA8 A9V VA10 20VVV 8070VV08020 60% 20% 20% 114 e-Thesye(96 ) 126. 100% 60% 6-4 A1VVVA2VVVVVA3VA4VVVA5VVVA6VVVA7VVVA8VVVA9VVVA10 V 6020V20100V 06040 115 e-Thesye(96 ) 127. 2 20 20 30 45 30% 1-5 50% 6-7 10% 11-15 10% 16-20 30% ? 20 60% ? 116 e-Thesye(96 ) 128. 6-5 B1297B2304B3347B4295B5356B6377B73910B8294B94316B104112B113910B12357B13357B14317B15344B163716B173814B18326B19313B20304 ()? 117 e-Thesye(96 ) 129. K ()()? ?? () ()? 118 e-Thesye(96 ) 130. ? ()? ? ? 119 e-Thesye(96 ) 131. ? ()?? ? PUBKTV () ? ?120 e-Thesye(96 ) 132. () ?? ?( ) 25% 75% 70% 30% 121 e-Thesye(96 ) 133. 6-6 B1VB2VB3VVB4VVB5V VVVB6VVB7VVB8VVB9VVB10VVB11VVB12VVB13VVB14VVB15VVB16VVB17VVB18VVB19VVB20 V 75V2570 12230 e-Thesye(96 ) 134. ,? , phs 2G3G ? 70% 123 e-Thesye(96 ) 135. ? 85% ( ) 124 e-Thesye(96 ) 136. 6-7 B1VVB2VVB3VVB4VVB5VVB6VVB7VVB8VVB9VVB10VVB11VVB12VVB13VVB14VVB15VB16VV VB17VVB18VVB19VVB20 V 70V3085 12515 e-Thesye(96 ) 137. 65% 30% 126 e-Thesye(96 ) 138. 6-8 B1 V VB2VVB3VVB4VVB5VVB6VVB7VVB8VVB9VVB10VVB11VVB12VVB13VVB14VB15VVB16V VVB17VVB18VVB19VVB20VV653530 12770 e-Thesye(96 ) 139. ? 128 e-Thesye(96 ) 140. 129 e-Thesye(96 ) 141. FM2 MDMA K KTVPUB MDMA MDMA MDMA 97 1 130 e-Thesye(96 ) 142. , , phs 2G 3G Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA 131 e-Thesye(96 ) 143. 107 3 3 51 132 e-Thesye(96 ) 144. ( ) 133 e-Thesye(96 ) 145. 86 4 2 7 3 86 1998 274 134 e-Thesye(96 ) 146. 97 1 135 e-Thesye(96 ) 147. ( ) 8 1 136 e-Thesye(96 ) 148. 137 e-Thesye(96 ) 149. 1996 229 138 e-Thesye(96 ) 150. 88 8 139 e-Thesye(96 ) 151. 140 e-Thesye(96 ) 152. 1 ( 1) : : :20 ; 21 25 ;26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 46 50 ;51 55 ; 56 : 97 ?? ( )?? ? ???? () () ? () ()? ? () ?? ?141 e-Thesye(96 ) 153. () ?? () ( )? ? 142 e-Thesye(96 ) 154. 2 ( 2) : : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 ??? ()?143 e-Thesye(96 ) 155. ()()? ()? ?()? ? ? ? ?? ? ??() ?? ? ( )144 e-Thesye(96 ) 156. ,? ? ??? ?145 e-Thesye(96 ) 157. 1 A1 A1 : : :20 ;21 25 ;26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 46 50 ;51 55 ; 56 : 97 5 15 ?? ( )?? ? ???? 96 22 ()() ? ()()? ? () ?? ? 146 e-Thesye(96 ) 158. () ?? () ( )? ? 147 e-Thesye(96 ) 159. 1 A2 : : :20 ; 21 25 ;26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 46 50 ;51 55 ; 56 : 97 5 15 ?? ( )?? ? ???? 88 28 3 () () ? () ()? ? () ?? ? () 148 e-Thesye(96 ) 160. ?? () ( )? ? 149 e-Thesye(96 ) 161. 1 A3 : : :20 ; 21 25 ;26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 46 50 ;51 55 ; 56 : 97 5 15 ?? 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() ?? 1 () ( )? ? 7 159 e-Thesye(96 ) 171. 1 A8 : : :20 ; 21 25 ;26 30 ; 31 35 36 40 ; 41 45 46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : 97 5 15 ?? ( )?? ? ???? 93 28 2 () () ? () ()? ? () ?? ? 160 e-Thesye(96 ) 172. () ?? () ( )? ? 161 e-Thesye(96 ) 173. 1 A9 : : :20 ; 21 25 ;26 30 ; 31 35 36 40 ; 41 45 46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : 97 5 15 ?? ( )?? ? ???? 87 31 () () ? () ()? ? () ?? 162 e-Thesye(96 ) 174. ? () ?? () ( )? ? 163 e-Thesye(96 ) 175. 1 A10 : : :20 ;21 25 ;26 30 ; 31 35 36 40 ; 41 45 46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : 97 5 15 ?? ( )?? ? ???? 94 20 () 1 95 96 2 () () ? () ()? ? () ?? ? 164 e-Thesye(96 ) 176. () ?? () ( )? ? 165 e-Thesye(96 ) 177. ( 2) : B1 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 20 ? 10 ? 60? ()? 166 e-Thesye(96 ) 178. ()()? ?? ()? ? ()? ? ? ? ?? ? 167 e-Thesye(96 ) 179. ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? , ? ? 168 e-Thesye(96 ) 180. ?? ? ( 2) 169 e-Thesye(96 ) 181. : B2 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 20 ? 4 ? 50? ()? 170 e-Thesye(96 ) 182. ()()? ?? () ()? ? ()? ? ? ? ?? ? 171 e-Thesye(96 ) 183. ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? ? ? 172 e-Thesye(96 ) 184. ?? ? 173 e-Thesye(96 ) 185. ( 2) : B3 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ; 31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 20 ? 7 ? 40%? ()? 174 e-Thesye(96 ) 186. ()()? ?? () ()? ? ()? ? ? ? ?? ? 175 e-Thesye(96 ) 187. ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? ,, , ? ? 176 e-Thesye(96 ) 188. ?? ? 177 e-Thesye(96 ) 189. ( 2) : B4 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 20 ? 6 ? 40? ()? 178 e-Thesye(96 ) 190. ()()? ?? () ()? ? ()? ? ? () ? ?? 179 e-Thesye(96 ) 191. ? ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? ? 180 e-Thesye(96 ) 192. ? ?? ? 181 e-Thesye(96 ) 193. ( 2) : B5 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 21 ? 6 ? 40? ()? 182 e-Thesye(96 ) 194. ()()? ?? () ()? ? ()? ? ? ? ?? ? 183 e-Thesye(96 ) 195. ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? ? ? 184 e-Thesye(96 ) 196. ?? ? 185 e-Thesye(96 ) 197. ( 2) : B6 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 21 ? 7 ? 30? ()? 186 e-Thesye(96 ) 198. ()()? ?? ()LSDFM2 ()? ? ()? ? ? ? ?? ? 187 e-Thesye(96 ) 199. ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? ? 188 e-Thesye(96 ) 200. ? ?? ? 189 e-Thesye(96 ) 201. ( 2) : B7 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 21 ? 10 ? 35? ()? 190 e-Thesye(96 ) 202. ()()? ?? ()LSDFM2 ()? ? MSN ()? ? ? ? ?? ? 191 e-Thesye(96 ) 203. ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? ? ? 192 e-Thesye(96 ) 204. ?? ? ( 2) 193 e-Thesye(96 ) 205. : B8 : : : 20 ;21 25 ;26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 23 ? 4 ? 30? ()? 194 e-Thesye(96 ) 206. ()()? ?? () ()? ? 3G ()? ? ? ? ?? ? 195 e-Thesye(96 ) 207. ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? ? ? 196 e-Thesye(96 ) 208. ?? ? 197 e-Thesye(96 ) 209. ( 2) : B9 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 23 ? 16 ? 30? ()? 198 e-Thesye(96 ) 210. 1 1000 ()()? ?? () ()? ? 3G ()? ? ? ? 199 e-Thesye(96 ) 211. ?? ? ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? 200 e-Thesye(96 ) 212. ? ? ?? ? 96 201 e-Thesye(96 ) 213. ( 2) : B10 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 23 ? 12 ? 60? ()?202 e-Thesye(96 ) 214. 1 1000 1500 ()()? ?? ()? ? ()(KTV )() 3G ()? ? ? ( ) 203 e-Thesye(96 ) 215. ? ?? ? ?? () ?? ? ( ) 204 e-Thesye(96 ) 216. ,? ( 5-15 ) ( 200 ) ? ? ?? ( ) ? 205 e-Thesye(96 ) 217. 206 e-Thesye(96 ) 218. ( 2) : B11 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 27 ? 10 ? 30? ()? 1 1000 207 e-Thesye(96 ) 219. ()()? ?? ()? ? ()(KTV )() 3G ()? ? ? ( ) 208 e-Thesye(96 ) 220. ? ?? ? ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? 209 e-Thesye(96 ) 221. 3-10 ? ? ?? ? 210 e-Thesye(96 ) 222. ( 2) : B12 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 6 27 ? 7 ? 50? ()? 211 e-Thesye(96 ) 223. ()()? ?? () ()? ? ( ) ()? ? ? ? 212 e-Thesye(96 ) 224. ?? ? ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? 213 e-Thesye(96 ) 225. 2G3G 200 ? ? ( )?? ? 214 e-Thesye(96 ) 226. 215 e-Thesye(96 ) 227. ( 2) : B13 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 27 ? 7 ? 55? 216 e-Thesye(96 ) 228. ()? ()()? ?? ()? ? ( ) ()? ? ? 217 e-Thesye(96 ) 229. ? ?? ? ( ) ?? () ?? ? ( ) 218 e-Thesye(96 ) 230. ,? ( 200 ) ? ? ?? 219 e-Thesye(96 ) 231. ? 220 e-Thesye(96 ) 232. ( 2) : B14 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 28 ? 7 ? 40? ()? 221 e-Thesye(96 ) 233. ()()? ?? ( ) ()? ? ( A ! B ) ()? ? ? 222 e-Thesye(96 ) 234. ? ?? ? () ?? () ?? ? ( 223 e-Thesye(96 ) 235. ) ,? ? ? 224 e-Thesye(96 ) 236. ?? ? ! 94 96 225 e-Thesye(96 ) 237. ( 2) : B15 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 5 28 ? 7 ? 30? ()? 226 e-Thesye(96 ) 238. ()()? ?? ()? ? ()? ? ? 227 e-Thesye(96 ) 239. ? ?? ? ?? () ?? ? ( 228 e-Thesye(96 ) 240. ) ,? , ? ? ?? 229 e-Thesye(96 ) 241. ? 230 e-Thesye(96 ) 242. ( 2) : B16 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ; 31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 6 4 ? 16 ? 30? ()? 231 e-Thesye(96 ) 243. ()()? ?? () ()? ? ? ()? ? ? ? 232 e-Thesye(96 ) 244. ?? ? ?? () ? ? ? ( ) ,? , 233 e-Thesye(96 ) 245. ? ? ?? ? 234 e-Thesye(96 ) 246. ( 2) : B17 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 6 4 ? 14 ? 40? ()? 235 e-Thesye(96 ) 247. ()()? ?? () ()? ? ()? ? ? 236 e-Thesye(96 ) 248. ? ?? ? ?? () ?? ? ( ) 237 e-Thesye(96 ) 249. ,? , ? ? ?? ? 238 e-Thesye(96 ) 250. ( 2) : B18 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 6 4 ? 6 ? 60? ()? 239 e-Thesye(96 ) 251. ()()? ?? ()? ? 4 1 1000 ()? ? ? ? 240 e-Thesye(96 ) 252. ?? ? ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? , 241 e-Thesye(96 ) 253. ? ? ?? ? 242 e-Thesye(96 ) 254. ( 2) : B19 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 6 4 ? 3 ? 40? ()? 243 e-Thesye(96 ) 255. ()()? ?? ()? ? ()? ? ? ? ?? ? 244 e-Thesye(96 ) 256. ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? ? 245 e-Thesye(96 ) 257. ? ?? ? 246 e-Thesye(96 ) 258. ( 2) : B20 : : : 20 ;21 25 ; 26 30 ;31 35 36 40 ;41 45 ;46 50 ; 51 55 ; 56 : : : 97 6 4 ? 4 ? 30? ()? 247 e-Thesye(96 ) 259. ()()? ?? () ()? ? ()? ? ? ? 248 e-Thesye(96 ) 260. ?? ? ?? () ?? ? ( ) ,? , 249 e-Thesye(96 ) 261. ? ? ?? ? 250 e-Thesye(96 ) 262. 3 Thornyon, Jr. W.E. and Voigt, L. Thornyon, Jr. W.E. and Voigt, L. 2-1 , 2003 Thornyon, Jr. W.E. and Voigt, L. (Opium) (Morphine) (Codeine) (Heroin) Barbiturated: (Benzodiazepine): Flunitarzepam, FM2 Flunitarzepam (Cocaine) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMAEcstasy, (Cannabis) LSD 1 LSD2 3 4 357 121251 e-Thesye(96 ) 263. 130 87: () 1. 87 http://big5.china.com.cn/law/zhuanti/yldp/2007-06/02/content_8332091.htm 252 e-Thesye(96 ) 264. (cocaine HC1) 2. Hashish 3. (Cannabis Sativa L.var Indica Lamarck ) 3~9 (Tetrahydrocannabinoid,THC) Hashish 253 e-Thesye(96 ) 265. Charas Hashish 4. 5. 254 e-Thesye(96 ) 266. 5. (Papaver Somniferum) 25 ()88 MDMA Ketamine LSD PubClub Club Drugs Recreational Drugs 1971 1961 Hard Drug 88http://www.chhw.doh.gov.tw/enable/main.php?index=news&pid=&page_name=detail&pageNo=6&iid =88&no=&sid= 255 e-Thesye(96 ) 267. 1. PMMA() PMMA PMA( paramethoxyamphetamine) MDMAPMA 1990 PMMA 2000 PMMA PMA PMMA PMA PMMA PMMA MDMA PMMA MDMA PMMA MDMA PMMA MDMA PMMA (42 (160 / PMMA MDMA(MDMA 200 PMMA 50 )256 e-Thesye(96 ) 268. PMMA dantrolene 2.LSD 3.F M 2 Flunitrazepam 2mg FM2 257 e-Thesye(96 ) 269. 3. (Ice) 258 e-Thesye(96 ) 270. 4 89 9091 92 8982 90 22 91 82 92 83 259 e-Thesye(96 ) 271. 93 () 93 260 e-Thesye(96 ) 272. 94 94 88 2 261 e-Thesye(96 ) 273. 262 e-Thesye(96 ) 274. 2003 6 6 2003 7 9 2004 1 9 95 1 2 551 3 952004 93 4 21 93 4 21 263 e-Thesye(96 ) 275. 4 5 6 264 e-Thesye(96 ) 276. 7 8 9 10 265 e-Thesye(96 ) 277. () () 11 12 13 14 266 e-Thesye(96 ) 278. 15 2004 1 7 16 () FM2267 e-Thesye(96 ) 279. 96 : : : : 96 37 40 268 e-Thesye(96 ) 280. () () () : 269 e-Thesye(96 ) 281. 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The Role of the Drugs Sub-Directorate,http://www.interpol.int/public/drugs/ 3. .http://www.npa.gov.tw/NPAGip/wSite/lp?ctNode=11394&CtUnit=173 8&BaseDSD=7&mp=1 4. http://big5.china.com.cn/law/zhuanti/yldp/2007-06/02/content_83320 91.htm 5. 2008 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080415/1/xbgx.html 6. 2008 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080424/5/xxaw.html273 e-Thesye(96 ) 285. 7. 2008 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080411/17/x27m.htm 8. http://www.chhw.doh.gov.tw/enable/main.php?index=news&pid=&page_na me= detail&pageNo=6&iid=88&no=&sid= 9. http://www.klchb.gov.tw/young/document/drug/between_5.htm 1. 2002 6 3 2. 1. 1944 4 16 2274 e-Thesye(96 )