Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you’ve learnt in the progression from it to the full product By Jade Craig

7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product

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  1. 1. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel youve learnt in the progression from it to the full product By Jade Craig
  2. 2. Preliminary Task
  3. 3. Main Task
  4. 4. Camera Work My camera work for the preliminary task was not planned out properly so at times during filming the different scenes the camera would shake, or not be positioned properly which meant certain elements would be cut out of the scene. Also at times the camera may be tilted. However for the main task my camerawork is a lot better as I planned it out and done many test shots from different angles to make sure none of the key elements were cut off from the scene.
  5. 5. Editing For the preliminary task there were many errors made throughout the clip due to my lack of knowledge about editing and the different software's. Errors such as the same action being repeated many times then the scene cutting from one back to another. Although for my main task I was able to gain a lot of knowledge about editing and create a linear sequence in which everything flowed perfectly and was easy to understand.
  6. 6. Locations The location of the preliminary task wasnt thought out properly, I used a drama studio as a living room, and the correct props werent available to use so it was difficult to act out the scene properly. On the other hand for the main task I was able to scout out locations through looking at the conventions of a horror film and was able to pick the forest and caf.
  7. 7. However If it wasnt from the preliminary task I dont think I would've been able to learn the basics of the different equipment needed such as the video camera, tripod, etc. The preliminary task made it easier for me to do the main task because I was already aware of the equipment I needed so it was new to me.