8 Digital Marketing KPIs To Focus In 2017 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a small group of critical measures that you should monitor to record the success of your firm’s work. They should shed light on the way your audience is responding to your digital marketing efforts and will maintain a regular report of how your company is performing online; providing insight and informing wwww.digitalerra.com

8 digital marketing kp is to focus in 2017

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8 Digital Marketing KPIs To Focus In 2017

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a small group of critical

measures that you should monitor to record the success of your

firm’s work.

They should shed light on the way your audience is responding to

your digital marketing efforts and will maintain a regular report of

how your company is performing online; providing insight and

informing future marketing strategies and budget. Here are 8 KPIs

that can make your online campaign succeed in 2017:

Click Through Rate


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Click-through rate is one of the most important KPIs to measure in

a paid campaign. It measures the amount of people that see your

ad and the amount of people that it entices to click. It is

calculated simply using the sum total clicks / total ad impressions.

The higher the click through rate, likely indicates the more

engaging and relevant the ad has been.

Organic Traffic

This is one of the few metrics that can directly show cause and

effect if recommendations have been properly implemented and

are live on your site. As a metric for monitoring the success of

your SEO campaign, knowing how much traffic is coming from

organic (relative to other channels) is critical. In addition to

gaining insight to how organic is performing relative to other

channels, you can also gain insight into which pages are

performing best from a traffic perspective. This can help you

redefine your content strategy so that you are putting effort in

content marketing in topics/areas that you know will drive results

and traffic.


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Returning Visitor Metric

See who you’re appealing to. Track users that are visiting your

website multiple times. Learn how you’re building and retaining

an audience. You can see whether you have a problem with your

website design or your content, and what you should adjust to

better attract returning users.

This metric cannot be tracked if the device doesn’t accept

cookies, cookies have been deleted, or the user is logged in with a

different account or device.

What should you be looking at to determine the performance of

your website?

Average Pages per Visit

Look at Time Spent on Site

See How They’re Navigating & Flowing From Page to Page

Use this, along with your conversion rate metric, to determine if

you’re converting returning visitors. Infrequent visitors (those who

are repeat but have only been there two or three times) shouldn’t


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be looked at negatively. They may have just been looking for a

piece of information, and the fact they returned to your website

boosts your brand awareness.

Popular pages and navigation paths

It’s important to track both your website traffic and blog traffic

month-on-month to ensure that all of your inbound marketing

efforts (including blogging, guest posting, connecting with

influencers and social media activity, etc.) are paying off and

resulting in more Unique Page Views.

Website navigation is at the heart of good findability. Factors such

as Time to Find, Variability in Finding Time, Initial Click, Success

Path, Difficulty and its reasons and First Path Success vs. Second

Path Success are taken into account.

Keyword Ranking Performance

This metric measures your keyword rankings to understand how

effective your SEO efforts are at driving organic search traffic to

your website. Keyword rankings are a leading indicator which


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provides valuable information about your ability to improve on

existing rankings or rank on new keywords.

Goal Completion Rate

The metric measures the number of people that complete a

specific marketing goal, such as signing up for a trial or

subscribing to a mailing list. Marketing metrics like GCR are an

important part of the purchase funnel as it typically demonstrates

your conversion rates from the awareness stage to the

consideration stage. Similarly, GCR should be paired with sales

KPIs such as your lead to win rate to provide an indicator as to the

quality of leads your marketing efforts are attracting.

The GCR metric is used extensively in website optimization and

A/B testing (also called split tests), since GCR is a leading

indicator of how well your website resonates with your target

audience. Content strategist and website analysts will use your

site wide GCR as a baseline value to compare all the pages on

your website. Pages below the threshold require optimization,


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while pages above the threshold should be analyzed so you can

repeat your success elsewhere.

A high goal GCR shows that your campaign is encouraging

your target audience to act.

A high lead to win rate shows that your campaign is

generating highly qualified leads for your sales team.


So looking at your networking presence, you have a great number

of followers and likers – but they are so quiet. For them to matter

you need to increase their interaction on your social media

platforms. Your agency can do this by looking into some interest

and demographic / persona insights and creating posts / content /

campaigns that will appeal to these people and get them talking,

liking, sharing and commenting. Social interaction is best

measured over a controlled period of time or on a campaign


Landing Page Conversion Rates


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The landing pages on your website draws people in and convert

them. A good way to judge whether or not your landing pages are

working for you is to assess the amount of people who visit them

and whether your CTAs are converting them.

Landing pages are constructed exclusively to guide website

visitors into a conversion. But if the content on your landing page

doesn’t click, then these people won’t end up sticking around and

your conversion rate will suffer.


Understanding what’s working and what’s not working in your

marketing’s Key Performance Indicators (KPI)—should be an

imperative part of your business’ growth strategy. Pay attention

to the trends in digital marketing, and start making decisions that

drive growth for your business. It’s a frequently changing digital

world. You have to keep up and learn what KPIs are going to

change your business and result in growth.
