The Student’s Voice App By Matthew Jansen, Jethushun Divaharan, Richard Park, Stephen Satkunatheva

9.5 Group 5 Apps for Good Competition Entry 2015

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The Student’s Voice App


Matthew Jansen,

Jethushun Divaharan,

Richard Park,

Stephen Satkunatheva

We are developing a social media app

to specifically help students address issues

within the school and discuss these problems

between each other, securely with a students

communication app.

The app is aimed at students who want to improve the

school’s environment by providing suggestions and

voicing issues within the school and its community. This

app would make the process of raising concerns and

issues simple and hassle-free, without the risk of your

privacy being taken away.

Situations our app could solve

Students voice:

• Students who face issues such

as not knowing what the

homework set was or when a

piece is due.

• Students may want to raise issues

and suggestions for school.


Student’s voice:

How can students raise their concerns

and suggestion effectively and


How can students clear

misunderstandings and worries without

arguing and making the situation


The Problem our App will solve

Student Voice:

Nothing usually happens in Student Council meetings at school and they usually end in arguments and no

progress being made in the subject. Student Voice can effectively and safely address and solve multiple

problems in one useful application

Social media apps like our apps such as

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have

some issues that our app will fix.

These apps have many cases of privacy

being exposed and breached. You can

also receive messages and followers

from people you do not know.


[Key wireframes 2/3]

[Key wireframes 2/3]

This app will not be very complex to make, because it will only have

to link back to one online database.

Furthermore this database will not need any information preloaded

into it. All of the data, forum comments and login details, will be


after the app has been launched.

This app will have to come with a website which will host the

database and where it will be possible to create accounts for

students (a function not possible in the app for security reasons).

We would like to integrate into this website a function which would

allow head teachers or other administrators to link their own student

databases to ours.

Who's your target customer?

We are targeting secondary school students who want to take an

active role in improving their school

What customer problem or challenge do you solve?

Students feeling that they have no say in the running of their

school and problems present in school

What value do you deliver?

Communication and effective debate on subjects

How will you generate revenue?


1: App will make money via advertisements

2: You can pay to remove advertisements

3: Free app, with a friendly and simple interface for students

App Mock-up

We have showed this app to many students

at our school and we have also designed a

website, to provide more detail about our

app and its function.