Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare Facultatea de Litere Specializare: L.R.E III To Be or Not To Be a Vegetarian

Accademical essay to be or not to be a vegetarian mla sem 2

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an argumentative accademical essay in mla new, about vegetarianism

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Page 1: Accademical essay to be or not to be a vegetarian mla sem 2

Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca,

Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare

Facultatea de Litere

Specializare: L.R.E III

To Be or Not To Be a


Student: Carmen Agoşton

Page 2: Accademical essay to be or not to be a vegetarian mla sem 2

Februarie 2013


Nowadays more and more people decide to adopt a vegetarian diet.

Some of them are driven by spiritual and environmental issues, others go

meatless out of health reasons. In the past few years, it has been a subject

matter of debate - whether it is a healthy or a harmful practice.

Both sides of the argument are emphasizing facts about the health of each

diet and whether people should be vegetarians or not. 

Key words: vegetarianism, meatless, environment, health, nutrition.


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To Be or Not To Be a Vegetarian

Food has represented more than the fulfillment of a physiological

necessity throughout times and across cultures. A valuable insight is

provided into our conceptions of sickness and health, morality, personal

identity, recreation, and family life according to the ways that human beings

produce, market, prepare, and consume food. As individuals and as members

of a global society, or attitudes toward food also have profound meanings

and consequences. (Puskar-Pasewicz 5) 

Nowadays more and more people decide to adopt a vegetarian diet.

In the past few years, it has been a subject matter of debate - whether it is a

healthy or a harmful practice.  Both sides of the argument are emphasizing

facts about the health of each diet and whether people should be vegetarians

or not. 

In the past few years, scientific literature has extensively reported

on the health effects of plant foods such as whole grains, legumes,

vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Although they are essential components, these

dietary factors are not unique to vegetarian diets. Thus, the information

reviewed on plant foods and health has direct applications for all persons.

The primary focus is on the human health implications of consuming

vegetarian diets. Besides personal health, however, one may follow a

vegetarian diet for a plethora of reasons that may include religion, ethics, or

the sustainability of our food supply. The chapters in the concluding section

of this text address these issues. From a global, inclusive perspective,

personal and public health are most influenced by the manner in which we

treat our fellow inhabitants and the resources of our planet.( Dhillon 57)

When discussing the health benefits of vegetarianism, most

supporters point out that non-animal based diets tend to be high in fiber,

nutrient-rich, cholesterol-free, and low in fat. A well-balanced vegetarian diet

includes lots of fresh vegetabes, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.

These foods all have nutritional benefits - they provide roughage, containing


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less fat than a diet centred around meat products. They also contain health-

promoting phytonutrients not found in any animal product. (De Sukhraj 4-5)

Vegetarian diet supporters emphasize that not only is vegetarian

food better for people, but the consumption of non-vegetarian food has been

linked to a number of health problems. “These include obesity, heart disease,

hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, and several kinds of cancer. According

to the American Dietetic Association, vegetarian and vegan diets are

associated with reduced risks for all of these conditions.”  (Rubin)

Virginia Faur argues that after a meal rich in meat, the blood

pressure increases and the thyroid gland activity is stimulated. She goes on

saying that a diet rich in meat has a negative role in atherosclerosis,

thrombosis, embolism, in psoriasis, cancer. She concludes that a vegetarian

diet stops and removes most allergic conditions, prevent the occurrence of

appendicitis and that many people die from diseases caused by meat eating.

(55) Therefore increasing the intake of vegetarian foods is a guarantee that

your body will be in a better and healthier shape. 

On the other hand, studies have pointed out that a well-balanced

omnivorous diet is a far healthier choice.  These studies have shown that

vegetarians who fail to supplement their diets with Vitamin D, B12 and iron

are prone to becoming dangerously anemic. “’Vegetarians also typically miss

out on omega-3 fatty acids. These unsaturated acids have been proved to

slow the progression of atherosclerosis, reduce triglyceride levels, act as anti-

inflammatory agents, and potentially help with depression and some

personality disorders.” (Chitra)

On the contrary, studies related to vegetarianism point out the fact

that people wrongfully connect protein with strength, muscle, stamina, and,

of course, meat. They argue that vegetarians get enough protein to survive.

Havala notes that “some of the world's most powerful animal, like gorillas,

elephants, and some types of whale, are strict vegetarians. These animals

demonstrate that protein from animal sources is not absolutely necessary to

build a strong, healthy body” (18).  In order to support his arguments, Havala

comes up with examples form the sport world. Some very active human

athletes are vegetarians. Among them he mentions Linda McCartney

International bicycling team, which is made up entirely of vegetarians. He

draws the conclusion that the cyclers prove that one not only receives


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strength from a vegetarian diet, but also the stamina required to ride a bike

at high speed for long distances. (19)

Nonetheless, Faur notes that meat eating gives a state of mental

instability and irritability. especially in children, protein intake comes not only

from meat. proteins can be equally well provided by vegetables, eggs and

milk, without being accompanied by the intestinal putrefaction phenomenon.

Those who eat meat on a daily basis, due to lack of enzymes, trace elements

and vitamins in the diet, are prone to muscular dystrophy, cancer, skin

diseases, poisoning. After an apparent feeling of well-being there is an

unnatural state of fatigue. residues that can not be metabolized disrupts

acid-base balance. while balancing function stores uric acid and causes many

metabolic disorders. Those who eat meat have an energic and aggressive

temperament, while vegetarians are calm and distinguished by a permanent

balance. (56)

However, Peterson argues that “vegetarians rather than improving

their health and building up resistance against disease, often suffer from

malnutrition  and become even more susceptible  to various physical

ailments than before they gave up flesh foods because in most cases flesh

food is discarded without supplementing the diet with a satisfactory

substitute. Many have the mistaken idea that by merely increasing their

foods - nuts, legumes, and grains, they adequately replace the deficiency.”

(27) By doing so they do not at all replace the deficiency, but instead

unbalance the nutrients.

Peterson also notes that “biological experiments unmistakably

demonstrate that animals cannot thrive on whole grain proteins divorced

from associated leafy plants.  An unbalanced diet is followed by dreadful and

destructive diseases.” (28)

Another argument that supports vegetarianism is certain spiritual

and religious connections. Many people decide to go meatless for

environmental or health reasons, but there are also some spiritual and

religious beliefs that can give one a deeper reason to embrace this new


Havala argues that “many spiritual practices encourage a lighter

diet. Some are based on the premise that as our soul evolves, our bodies,

needs, and desires become lighter (closer to being spirit-like - as the soul is


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more etheral). The idea is that if the body is busy digesting heavy meats and

lifeless foods, it is not able to allow the mind to aspire to a higher purpose“


Many vegetarians argue that:

God’s creatures shouldn’t be sacrificed simply to appease our

craving for a thick, juicy rib eye. While there may be some merit to their

arguments, their rationale also reeks of hypocrisy. Although vegetarians

openly decry the slaughter of animals, they think nothing of tearing carrots

and spuds out of the earth or of sticking a zucchini into a high-speed blender.

Like it or not, plants are also living organisms that respond to stimuli like

light, gravity and touch. In fact, some groups even believe plants can feel

pain. Take the Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology, for instance.

This Swiss group recently came out in defense of our leafy green friends in a

report on “the dignity of the creature in the plant world.” They argued that

plants deserve respect and that killing them arbitrarily is morally wrong.


Another reason why people decide to go meatless is because of

environmental and economical concerns.  Those who want to help conserve

the earth’s natural resources can do so by avoiding meat. The primary

environmental concerns with animal products are pollution and the use of

resources such as fossil fuels, water, and land. 

According to a 2006 Food and Agriculture Organization report,

industrialized agriculture contributes on a “massive scale” to climate change,

air pollution, land degradation, energy use, deforestation, and biodiversity

decline. “The FAO report estimates that the livestock (including poultry)

sector (which provides draft animal power, leather, wool, milk, eggs,

fertilizer, pharmaceuticals, etc., in addition to meat) contributes about 18

percent of global GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions expressed as 100-year

CO2 equivalents. This estimate was based on life cycle analysis, including

feed production, land use changes, etc., and used GWP (global warming

potential) of 23 for methane and 296 for nitrous oxide, to convert emissions

of these gases to 100-year CO2 equivalents.” ( Augenbraun)

Another agricultural effect is on land degradation. Much of the

world's crops is used to feed animals. With 30 percent of the earth's land

devoted to raising livestock, a major cutback is needed to keep up with


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growing population. A 2010 UN report explained that “Western dietary

preferences for meat would be unsustainable as the world population rose to

the forecasted 9.1 billion by 2050. Demand for meat is expected to double by

this date; meat consumption is steadily rising in countries such as China that

once followed more sustainable, vegetable-based diets. Cattle are a known

cause for soil erosion through trampling of the ground and overgrazing.”


Pimentel, on the other hand, points out that “a widely adopted

vegetarian diet, in and of itself, may not be enough to make the food system

sustainable, unless greener agricultural practices, such as the adoption of

renewable energy, are also implemented. The support of alternative farming

practices (e.g. well husbanded organic farming, permaculture, and rotational

grazing) and the avoidance of certain plant commodities such as rice, also

have a beneficial impact on environmental health and sustainable

agriculture, though this would have little effect on animal welfare and rights.”

According to Cornell scientists, "the heavy dependence on fossil energy

suggests that the US food system, whether meat-based or plant-based, is not

sustainable.” (qtd. in Pimentel)

Moreover, fear can also determine people adopt a vegetarian diet.

“Fear is a strong motivator, and concerns over Mad Cow disease, food

poisoning, hormones, chemicals, antibiotics in meat and animal products,

pesticides, and E. coli contamination can be reason enough for many to give

up meat.” (Havala 4)

Therefore, Faur notes that “meat has never been one of the best

foods especially because animal diseases are a common thread. People often

use meat filled with germs of tuberculosis and cancer. In most of the

cases animals are taken to the slaughterhouse or at the fair being so sick

that those who sell them are afraid to keep them longer. Away from the

sunlight and fresh air, fed on rotting, these animals become foci of infection,

their bodies being clogged with toxins. In many places even fish are poisoned

thread of filth on which they feed; this is also the cause of disease. This

happens especially where fish get in touch with filth that floods from the

sewers of the big city.” (54)

Moreover, even in the Old Testament, God tells us “ Behold, I have

given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth,


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and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall

be for meat” ( Oxford Bible Gen. 1:29)

All in all, a vegetarian diet can prove to be the best lifestyle choice,

since it is benefic for both our bodies and souls.

Reference List

Augenbraun, Harvey. "National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

"GISS ICP: Global Methane Inventory. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2013.

Cherry, Reginald B. The Bible Cure. Orlando, FL: Creation House, 1998.



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Chitra, Robert. "Vegetariansisnothealthy - Lacks of Vitamins and

Minerals."Vegetariansisnothealthy - Lacks of Vitamins and Minerals. N.p.,

n.d. Web.17 Feb. 2013.

Dhillon, Jack. The Entering Wedge: The Genesis of Diet and

Health. [U.S.]: Entering Wedge Society of America, 1946. Print.

Faur, Virginia. O instanta a sperantei de viata. [Bukarest]: Ed. R.A.I.,

1994. Print.

Havala, Suzanne. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Being a

Vegetarian. New York: Alpha, 1999. Print..

Kirby, Alex. BBC News. BBC, 16 Aug. 2004. Web. 17 Feb. 2013.

Pimentel, David. "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

" Sustainability of Meat-based and Plant-based Diets and the Environment.

N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2013.

Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism.

Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2010. Web.

Rubin, Nina. "Beyond Milk and Honey: The Vegan Controversy." The

Vegan Controversy: Veganism. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2013.

Simpson, Mark. "How To: Argue Against Vegetarians." AskMen. N.p.,

n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2013.

The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated out

of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently

Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to

Be Read in Churches. Authorized King James Version. Oxford: Oxford UP,

1995. Print.