Adapting to E-Learning: The Experience of the Language Service at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Adapting to E-Learning

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Adapting to E-Learning:

The Experience of the Language Service at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Language Service

Long Relationship with Virtual Learning

-  First generation e-learning On-line material to improve linguistic and communicative abilities

Long Relationship with Virtual Learning

-  Second generation e-learning Intranet and Linguassist

Long Relationship with Virtual Learning

-  Third generation e-learning The rise of the social web. Example of blog created by teachers of Catalan:

Long Relationship with Virtual Learning

-  Third generation e-learning The rise of the social web. Example of blog created by two EFL teachers:

Long Relationship with Virtual Learning

-  Third generation e-learning The rise of the social web. Example of a blog created by a French teacher:

Long Relationship with Virtual Learning

-  Third generation e-learning The rise of the social web. Example of a wiki created by a German teacher:

The keys to our relationship with e-learning over recent years

•  Tendency towards innovation •  Fostering of teaching innovation •  Teacher training in emerging technologies •  Ensuring teaching suitability •  Observing new tendencies •  Accepting coexistence of different e-learning generations •  Pragmatism and adaptation to the real possibilities of technology

within our framework

What do we do in relation to the avalanche of resources?

Collaborative work: Social bookmarker Mr. Wong & Netvibes Application Dashboard

Teacher training

Integrate M-learning


Barriers are continually breaking down •  in class/ on the move/ at home/ at work

•  formal/ informal

•  with published/ teachers’/ Ss’ own materials

•  closed platforms/ blogs/ facebook/ apps/

•  authentic/ adapted material

•  real/ virtual world


Any role in this?

•  Marketing issues •  Should language services create e-learning tools? •  Teacher training •  Group intelligence: observe, choose and disseminate •  Students: have we asked them…

•  what they want? •  what they are already using?

Moltes gràcies! Sònia Prats & Enric Serra