Television commercials come in all different types, but they all do it for the same reason, which is to persuade and convince viewers to buy their product or to ring a number to win something. The TV commercials I’m about to discuss are different to each other and use a variety of techniques to persuade the viewers to buy depending on their audience which varies from mainstreamer and succeeders to audiences that may have low income. In this TV advert for the alcoholic drink Guinness there is the use if power of three as there are 3 characters and 3 product images. Even though there are three friends drinking the drink at the start of the ad, and its close shot of the 3 pints of Guinness arranged in a triangular formation to show the different stages of the setting. With this at the end, this is going to be the last thing the viewers will see, but it also makes them bear in mind the whole notion behind the ad, which is that it takes time to develop good things. The advert compares the evolution of human beings development of the Guinness and the fact that it takes time to settle and shows the setting time in comparison to the timescale for the evolution necessary to develop something that is good! There are 3 main characters in the Guinness ad: three blokes having a Friday night drink. This is typical bloke night out and gives a vibe of the ‘three men walk into a bar’ joke feeling and you a instant feeling that there, there to have a good time, which the alcohol suggests. They are then rewound back in time, to when it apparently all started. They go back in time and we know this as they change into ‘caveman’ as revealed by the mise en scene, costume, hair, and make up with lion clothes, clubs, beards, and long hair. You can tell they are going back in time because at the end the viewers can see the three ‘men’ are now little creatures or mud kips and by showing this it gives a understand of what’s happened. The ad also uses humour and out fears about esteem and friendship for example when they are caveman going backwards on all four it brings excitement and humour. It’s targeted a male over 18 audience of C1s and Bs. For example it’s a drinks ad for start so therefore going to

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Television commercials come in all different types, but they all do it for the same reason, which is to persuade and convince viewers to buy their product or to ring a number to win something. The TV commercials I’m about to discuss are different to each other and use a variety of techniques to persuade the viewers to buy depending on their audience which varies from mainstreamer and succeeders to audiences that may have low income.

In this TV advert for the alcoholic drink Guinness there is the use if power of three as there are 3 characters and 3 product images. Even though there are three friends drinking the drink at the start of the ad, and its close shot of the 3 pints of Guinness arranged in a triangular formation to show the different stages of the setting. With this at the end, this is going to be the last thing the viewers will see, but it also makes them bear in mind the whole notion behind the ad, which is that it takes time to develop good things. The advert compares the evolution of human beings development of the Guinness and the fact that it takes time to settle and shows the setting time in comparison to the timescale for the evolution necessary to develop something that is good!

There are 3 main characters in the Guinness ad: three blokes having a Friday night drink. This is typical bloke night out and gives a vibe of the ‘three men walk into a bar’ joke feeling and you a instant feeling that there, there to have a good time, which the alcohol suggests. They are then rewound back in time, to when it apparently all started. They go back in time and we know this as they change into ‘caveman’ as revealed by the mise en scene, costume, hair, and make up with lion clothes, clubs, beards, and long hair. You can tell they are going back in time because at the end the viewers can see the three ‘men’ are now little creatures or mud kips and by showing this it gives a understand of what’s happened. The ad also uses humour and out fears about esteem and friendship for example when they are caveman going backwards on all four it brings excitement and humour. It’s targeted a male over 18 audience of C1s and Bs. For example it’s a drinks ad for start so therefore going to target 18 years+, because it’s the law. Also it’s a male drink hense they are only men in the advert. It shows excitement has if it was a really enjoyable Friday night.

The setting in the ad is continuously changes throughout, as the ad is showing time changing like when they change into gorillas it’s a change through life and its what some of us except that we have come from. Also as we change the Guinness needing time to settle and therefore being enjoyable to drink. For example in the cavemen episode, the three men were having a normal night and then all of a sudden the settings change and now they are cavemen, and the setting around cavemen is dark and damp and cloudy which makes it more interesting and allows us to understand what is happening. The target audience want to experience this kind of excitement and find it humorous when seeing this kind of setting, so it is persuasive.

Facial expressions are used in this ad to generate humour and target the male audience. For example when they get changed into cavemen and go through the ice age, when they break the ice and the character to the right looks at his two friends in confusion as to what is going on. However throughout the ad, as time

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goes further back they become creatures and it is harder to see their facial expressions. When they change into apes and there body changes accordingly, they bend their knees and hunch their shoulders, which is amusing. However when they are humans and they are at the pub the body language is very laidback, in the sense of ‘chilling’ with friends as you do on a Friday night at the pub, to encourage our need to conform and relate to that.

The lighting in the Guinness ad varies between high and low key. Firstly when they are in the pub, the light is meant to be coming from the actual light bulb in the pub, so therefore it is low key and there are strong shadows not from the actual characters but from the actual objects that are on the set. For example the background of them drinking has a shadow appearing on one of the pictures on the wall and its reflecting down towards the floor. However when the image is rewound it soon goes outside and the lighting gets darker and darker and that’s also low key, even when the show we see the modern day of the city, but because its ‘night’ there are enough lights to make small shadows appear. The lighting suggests to the target audience that this is an adventure and making it seem real showing pleasure-drinking Guinness.

The non digetic soundtrack they use in this ad is ‘The Rhythm of Life.’ This is played throughout the advert, until it actually comes to presenting the product. This non diegetic soundtrack is relevant towards the ad because the soundtrack is about life and some of the lyrics are parallel to the images shown. With this soundtrack it gives the target audience 18 year old males some understanding and some enjoyment of this product and how it is represented.

When the men change to cavemen their clothes completely change, using cross fading, but it’s quick to keep the momentum of the ad. This then helps the target viewers concentrate o what’s happening and makes it more entertaining.

There is a range of shots and angles in the ad. The most obvious is the extreme long shot of the modern life city early in the ad. The reason they shot this is because they want the viewers to be able to see what life is like now and how things have changed throughout the years. The other shots such as the first shot of when they are in the pub there is a medium side shot of one of the men about to drink the Guinness, in order to see the refreshment at its best, in a pint glass about to be drunk. The last shots of the de – evolution when they are three little creatures are shown in the three quick shots: firstly it’s a shot in medium long shot where you can see the three ‘men’ and then it’s quickly shown in profile just like at the start, where they were about to drink and then one creature is shown just like at the start where the man had the sip of Guinness, looking at the screen, and burped. These were the important shots beginning and ending in the same formation to suggest 3 men de – evolved to add humour.

The target audience fir Guinness is succeeders and mainstreamers in a sense 18+ who are allowed to drink the product. It’s mainstreamers because a majority of people enjoys drinking alcohol and having a good time, but with it being alcohol it isn’t going to be cheap as it is a luxury item. So therefore it’s targeting succeeders who earn a high income and have been brought up successfully.

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However I’d say the product is aimed at 40+ because it’s an alcoholic drink that has been around for many years and is enjoyed is the older generation. It is a males drink, because maybe on a Friday night they go to the pub and they can enjoy the Guinness just like the men featured in the ad.

However, there are low budget adverts that are still able to sell their products and be well known. For example ‘loves the jobs you hate’ Mr Muscles advert is a low budget advert. This ad’s objectives are to just concentrate on the product as much as possible, and this is a different way of connecting with the consumers, which brings them in by showing how well the product functions and how well it can clean certain things. It offers ease and comfort towards the consumers, it shows how fast the product works, so the consumers buying this product will have plenty of leisure time, and as such it appeals to our ‘sloth. This is aimed at females D/E social status and single mums lifestyle.

The main character is a geeky looking man in a normal house, in the kitchen showing how this product works. The reason they have a man being the character is because they want go give a vibe to the viewers that women shouldn’t be left to do the cleaning and the ‘female’ jobs in the house. However, the man looks like a geek, so the ad is implying that the only men that do clean are ones that are classed as gentlemen, or that it takes the hard work out of cleaning and this ‘weak’ man can do it and therefore so could any women. The kitchen setting is of course appropriate as this is where the product is most used. The differences between the Guinness and Mr. Muscle adverts is that the Guinness setting change continuously throughout because they have more of a high production and high budget approach so therefore are able to create more of a high concept advert than the Mr. Muscles ad and the Guinness advert has more actual content. The Mr. Muscles ad cuts to scenes to show what the product cleans. For example it shows the oven being cleaned, then the walls and so on.

There is use of expressions that give out a happy vibe. For example after the man wipes the oven he gives a happy and excited smile, to show that it can clean well and that it doesn’t take long to clean. In the Mr. Muscle ad the expressions are relief and excitement at the quality of the product. The body language in the Mr. Muscles ad is shown as laid back; quite jokey in a sense that the man in the ad is not meant to be for the job of cleaning. For example the laid back body language gives out a vibe of not caring and when you’ve got it clean, straight onto the other object next to clean. For example for the jokey body language at the start of the ad when the non diegetic narrator says’’….plenty of muscles so we gave it to someone with none’’ as the man points to himself and he has a little smile on his face and shakes his head as if to say ‘’what me?’’ to reinforce the humour.

The lighting in this as, it is very bright so when the man bends down into the oven there is bright light reflecting. There is a good use of bright colours such as white and light blue, apart from the props of the oven which are dirty and black until the product comes in and ‘cleans’ the oven and then there is a shine of sparkling silver to show that it has been cleaned and that the product works.

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In the Mr. Muscles ad there is non diegetic male voiceover commentary used to explain what the product actually does, ‘tackles the grimiest of tiles.’ He then explains what the product cleans, and what kind of material it can actually clean. There is also sound throughout which is like a fun fair soundtrack, which adds to the humour of the ad. They use a male to voiceover to suggest expertise and authority attracting the female audience. There is also use of sex appeal for persuasion in sense that the husky voiceover suggests that the guy we can’t see attractive and therefore appeal to women. There are also sound effects played for example church bells play at the start when the product is being introduced.

The ad uses straight cuts and the suggestion real time convinces the target audience that the product does work that quick and does achieve what it’s said to achieve this making it attractive to the mainstream viewer via reliability and its appeal to out ‘sloth.’

The ad starts with a close up of the character and the product, this is to show the viewers who the main characters in the ad are and the most important aspect, the product being shown. It then expands to a medium long shot of the male character to show expressions and body language. The use of the camera responds to what the non – diegetic voiceover narration is saying. For example when the narrator say’s ‘’so we have it to someone who had none,’’ that’s when the camera exands to a medium long shot, and he uses his expressions and body language to reflect what’s being said and illustrate his lack of muscle. The medium long shot is also used for setting purposes because seeing the setting behind of what’s actually going on gives the viewers an idea of what kind of environment the product is used in. There is also close up shot of the character spraying the product inside of the oven and it shows the spraying of it and also the wiping of the product to show you the aftermath to see what the product has actually done. For the Mr. Muscles advert, the close up of the grime on the wall when the product is being used shows the detail of how well the product can be used and hoe reliable it is. This then instantly shows the audience that it’s not like any other product it’s different and works effectively. The ad is in effect a simple ‘demonstration’ of the product, like the early ads of the 1950s, but with a humorous twist.

The target audience for Mr. Muscles advert is mainstreamers as it presents itself as reliable brand that does what it claims. However it attracts D/E social status audiences due to the cost. When it comes to cleaning it’s known traditionally as a women’s job, so men of the world wouldn’t be that interested even with the use of a male in the advert, however with this advert it may change a few minds as it suggests a weak ‘guy’ using ‘strong’ product that men may want a challenge. It can also be seen to imply if a weak man can use it so can a women?

The Honda ‘Hate Something’ advert is a high budget, well made CGI animation production. This advert’s intention is to bring consumers that have doubts about what pollution is doing to the environment, especially diesel and they try and persuade them that Honda can work with the costumers and listen to there in order to solve these problems. This advert appeals to everyone focusing on how we can work together on trying to make the world a better place. However there

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is also appeal using maternal and paternal love because parents with children will want the best fir them and their future.

The main character in the animation is an engine that is dirty, noisy and old, which Is replaced by a new, clean, shiny engine. Of course it is the Honda diesel engine. The old engine is shown as noisy because the rabbits in the ad had earmuffs on. Then as soon as the engine changes to a spanking new one, the earmuffs are then taken off by the rabbits, but it just not that, that is noticed, also when the earmuffs are taken off the soundtrack leaves a gap of silence which is then for us to hear the silence’ of the new diesel engine.

At the start the animals in the ad are happy, until the old, dirty engine comes along and ruins what they were doing. When the engine flies over the chickens, the chickens ‘cluck’ to show their emotion towards the noisy diesel engine and also throw eggs in frustration. By the end of the ad when the new, clean, silent diesel comes into it, the animals are jumping around with joy and excitement. This is shown when the two yellow birds follow the engine instead of flying away. They give it interest because it isn’t doing any harm to anything or anyone.

There is lots of bright lighting and it comes across as artificial as it is an animated advert. There is very little shadow in the ad, it only appears when the old engines are flying and when animals are jumping around. Half way through the ad there is a sun that appears on the screen with a smiley face, this sun is the light for this world and land. There are lots of colours, to draw the attention of the viewers in. It is bright and over saturated like family cartoons from Disney and the ideal world they create and so the ad uses intertextuality and our nostalgia for those idealistic childhood times to persuade us of the value of their product.

The sound in the ad is predominantly non diegetic but diegetic in the sense that they animals can hear it and are dancing to it. Non diegetic because it has commentary over the ad. It’s not just speaking over but also by singing the song, which brings in more fun and is catchy towards viewers, as they can sing along and remember the ad by the song. Also when the noisy engine goes by they make it sound noisy to the viewers so they can appreciate what the animals are hearing, as we can hear it too. This makes you interact with the ad by agreeing that the new engine needed to be made. Also when the new engine is made, just after the flamingoes dance the sound silently cuts off and then when the new one is made there is quiet whistling and then after 16 seconds the singing starts again to show the new one is in process, ready to use and less destructive.

When the Honda logo fades onto the screen with a white background and the red writing it stands out because of the white background and catches attention.

The use of camera is varied but mostly uses long shots to show the engine characters in their ‘ideal’ animation world. However they do you close ups, at the start of the ad when the flowers come in to show the prettiness of the advert and where the advert is. They also what to use bright colours at the start to be able to draw viewers in. There is also extreme long shot used when the engines are flying away from the cameras and it just shows the engines distance while other

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things are going on around it. The animals getting annoyed and running away from it show that there does need to be change. There are medium shots when it comes to the making the new diesel engine when it first comes out to show the product on its own so the viewers are aware of it and its lack of impact on the environment.

The target audience for the Honda advert is reformers who are interested in a better environment, now and in the future. The reasons are because Honda is a car company and the advert shows a new engine that is helping the environment. Reformers tend to be well educated because they have the passion for something, in this case the environment and will challenge anything to get where they want to be.

In contrast the Cresta bear ad, 2D line drawing based animation appeals to consumers who are interested in trying new drinks. It also appears to people who have a good sense of humour, as it is funny, relaxed advert. The adverts purpose is to simply convince people to buy their product and to enjoy adverts purpose is to simply convince people to buy their product and to enjoy it because it is very frothy and cool.

The main character in the advert is a polar bear, leaning against a wall, with his shades on, acting cool. There are only black and white lines drawn in to make the actual setting and the product is the only thing this is coloured to make it stand out. The bear drinks the product and it has a effect on him. You can seethe effect happening because it shows quite clearly what happens to him within the ad, he goes crazy. This can also show that he is having a good time: it shows that he is enjoying the drink. When he first sips ithe puts his head up and makes a noise, to show that the drink has kicked in and to show the viewers a funny side of it. This appeals to children and its all imaginative. Also when the polar bears stop reacting he yells ‘timber’ and falls down like a tree.

The polar bear has a laid back feel as he is leaning. The facial expressions on the polar bear is a cool look, the fact that he doesn’t take his dark black sunglasses off shows that. For example after he goes crazy and he gets back up he still has those shades on and then he leans back up he still wants to show how cool this drink is and what it does. This gets children to want to be like him, to be that cool. They identify with the characters created and want the product. Cresta ad there is just a vibe of coolness about it, also when he gets affected by the drink and goes crazy the difference is that they want to show how different it is to other refreshment products.

The sound in this ad is the only voice of the character and a narrator, there is no soundtrack playing as in the Honda advert. The bears voice is a male rock type voice, it’s laid back and cool. The reason they wanted to make this sort of vibe towards the viewers is so they can make out that it is a cool ad and lots of people enjoy it, and they want to make it an advert to remember. For example when the bear firsts speaks he says ‘Hi man, this is Cresta new flavor, blackcurrent.’ Firstly he says ‘hi man’ this is an instant coolness of the polar bear. They make out that he is a cool dude, and those types of people would say ‘man’ or ‘dude’ so instantly

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he goes straight to being cool. Then when he introduces the new product, his voice when he says ‘blackcurrent’ is said in excitement. When he says ‘black’ it sounds as if its being stretched, so everyone is waiting to hear what the word actually is and also getting excited. They also use other sounds from when he goes crazy, the chicken noises, the tree falling and ghost noises all made by the character. At the end a non diegetic voiceover speaks the 2nd voice is used for the sales details at the end with a more serious tone. It brings a more expert voice of authority persuasion and intelligence towards the product so that they can have a fun ad, but when it comes to the product they want that to be the most important thing. It is obvious this bit is aimed at the parents who do the shopping.

The only colour in the ad is the product because that is the main priority. For example at the start you can see the polar bear holding the product and because the polar bear isn’t moved yet viewers concentrate on that red bottle he is holding to see what happens next and with that bright red and white background it gives it more power to the product. The slogan is written on the screen as well as being in vocal, to make the viewers picture it more and remember it. Also it’s in black bold writing so its hard to forget.

The Cresta bear advert, is predominantly one long duration shot. When he is finishes it cuts to other products, plus the one being advertised. Most of it is in extreme close up, for example when the ‘ghost’ appears his face covers the whole camera while making those noises, also when he timbers and is on the floor the use ECU. However on ‘timber’ as he is falling they use a long shot but then goes straight into low angle shots to make it look like it’s really tall and about to fall, just like a tree would. On the other madness noises there is a use od long shots and medium shots, to show what he is doing and how he is reacting.

The audience for the Cresta bear is mainstreamers, it’s for everyone that enjoys soft fizzy drinks products even though the advert is made to target kids to teenagers, everyone might enjoy it. The RP male voiceover at the end id obviously targeting mainstream parents who do the shopping.

The Christmas Iceland advert is about food products and persuading consumers to buy their food products. This advert intends for consumers to enjoy Christmas. It uses gluttony and sex appeal, as they get the women in the ad to persuade the man to stay and they use the products to flatter the man into doing so.

The setting in the ad is a Christmas theme, it consists of bright lights, and this links to the Christmas feeling. The effect that it gives the viewers is a warm, coy effect, which gives a positive reaction towards the advert. The settings is a house, the walls are beige, white, which means the colours around it can stand out more. Also it is very spacious, so the party can be more fun and there will be more laughter because with more space, more things can happen. The food is spread around the room, this is so that wherever you are in the room delicious food is nearby and you will be tempted to eat it. The props in the advert are the food products, which are perfectly laid out, no products looks deformed, mis

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shaped or different. For example when she eats the king prawn the other women rearranges the food so it even looks as it did before she ate the product. The purple tablecloth is a prop to represent the wealth of the advert, however the ad is advertising cheap food so there is irony in the contrast of what is suggested as lavish in the product and the low income appeal of the product prices.

As it’s a Christmas advert there is going to be excitement, and happiness. Their body language is very positive; they show that they are confident in themselves and mostly confident in the products. Also there body language shows a bit of flirtiness being aimed at the male character for him to stay. For example when they talk about the creamy gateaux, and does he want to ‘share’ does he still want to go? The body language all of a sudden changes to cheekiness and in a way ‘naughty.’ This is meant to be happy exciting event, so therefore the characters are being happy and showing excitement about the products, which will connect the viewers to also being happy and excited. For example when the products are being pointed out, for instance the chicken skewers, you can see that the two female characters, one of them is putting a few on his plate, with the smile on her face and the excitement of other people trying the product. Meanwhile the other female character is ‘singing’ to the viewers with a big smile on her face.

The lighting is high key, so it’s bright. The first shot is from outside, where it is snowing so the light there is very bright and white. The lighting inside the house is a little shadowy, to show the winter feeling with it not being bright outside. The walls are beige white, so that the other objects and props stand out. The colour of the decorations behind what’s going on shows traditionally green, brown, red and white colours that represent Christmas. This is to show the theme of the event and to get the viewers into the Christmas sprit itself. The other colour that also stands out is the tablecloth, as I mentioned at the start to show wealth at a party and to suggest the food is lavish and high quality, even though its cheaply priced food, as the graphics inform us, appealing to our avarice.

The sound uses intertextuality by using the cover version of ‘Baby its Cold Outside’ by Dean Martin as the diegetic sound because the music is playing within the world of the party. They’ve set it in the form of an old fashioned American musical film because of the way they have sung and the way they have presented the ad. Also they make there own twist to the soundtrack by adding their own lyrics that are to do with the products to help advertise their brand.

The shots are short duration using straight cuts with the characters moving from side to side around the room. It is all straight cut apart from when all the products are being shown then the graphics fade in at the bottom of the screen and show the prices of the products being shown and the product name. This is also shown in a Christmassy glittering way. For example the gateaux information fades at the bottom of the screen and with the price with the pricing being bigger then the name of the product because they want to show the viewers that it really is cheap or value for money, appealing to low income mainstreamers, S.O.C D/E due to value.

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Medium shots, show the body language from each main character and as they move around the camera tracks them showing happy dance movements. This makes the viewers feel like they become apart of the party and to enjoy themselves. The close up shots show the expressions on the characters’ faces that are happy, leaving the viewers happy and excited because of the character’s enchanting smiles making them feel good about Christmas and the products. Also the close up shots of the products being advertised, gives the viewers an idea of what the products are like and also creates the intention of buying them. The long shots show the saturated, very decorated background of the house. The dynamic camera pans around the room show the enjoyment of Christmas with cheap refrigerated food. The camera shots vary around what is happening so that the viewers are able to see the most important things when needed.

The target audience are D’s and E’s in the SOC scale, targeting people who are on low budgets and can’t afford a lot. The ad uses single mums to target them, using gender, stereotypes to appeal to their target audience as it is cheap food and making it easy for single mums to afford making Christmas special on a budget.

The ‘pure’ clean Ariel advert also uses family to promote its product their intentions are to persuade consumers that they’re the best cleaning product. The Ariel ad uses the five senses to be able to persuade consumers, this technique is used because with a cleaning product as the five senses, especially smell, are important to the viewers because if they smell clean clothes, they will want to buy more of the product. The exploitation of weakness for this advert is pride because it is an advert the dwells on how exclusive and superior the product is, and also shows an upper class idealized setting. It also exploits the idea of maternal and paternal love because the advert is targeted at parents but uses children and their innocence, suggesting buying this product shows care and support for that child.

The setting of the Ariel ad changes constantly, however the first shot is a shot of the valley. It is an idyllic environment that suggests community, covertly suggesting the ideal of close family existence. Also the housing is idealistic and old fashioned and this can enhance the suggestion of the ideal of ‘natural’ existence. There is nothing artificial; it is a rural pastoral valley, which gives the viewers a feeling of being insolated because its just a small village and the feel of being close to everything is natural, it looks like somewhere where the viewers would go on an idealized vacation because of the way it looks and hoe well it is presented. The props in the Ariel advert, are iconographic props and screen action that suggests purity and cleanliness. For example when the lime is being squeezed and an icicle pulled from a lamppost. Also the white sheets with ther blue bright sky with white clouds gives the viewers a sense of calmness.

Relaxation is suggested by the product for example with the women is looking up at the sky, it is all calm and peaceful and her body language shows that by her looking up and not saying anything and her body is still while she is looking up. The facial expressions show the togetherness in the family and the happiness that the product can give.

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The Ariel advert uses high key, soft lighting, it’s like the light is mostly natural. This could relate to the Ariel product itself, being calm and natural. This natural lighting works perfectly with the setting and the small world they have created in the ad because this showers the viewers that there is no fakeness, it is all real, soft and natural, even the light. The small world they have created for this ad is calm and peaceful, the viewers imagination then links on what the advert’s little world id actually like and relates that to the product. However with the Ariel advert the natural lighting is mostly outside, which this gives a reassuring freshness and naturalness and affects the viewers because they feel they can trust the natural product.

The ‘Ariel pure clean’ advert uses diegetic and non diegetic sounds, such as the women narrator talking through the advert which is non diegetic. She keeps the advert very smooth and her calm voice helps with the calm of the product that is being advertised. The diegetic sound is based around the five senses for example the squeezing of the lime or something you smell,’ the icicle cracking for something you touch,’ the girl singing for something you hear.’ These sounds are all diegetic, and gives the viewers a way of finding something ‘pure and clean’ to think about which they then link to the product as the suggestion is those things are just like Ariel.

There is a use of cross fades in the ad to keep the calm smooth pace. The ad also uses slow motion to make the advert even more calm and peaceful and this gets the viewers in the mood for a quiet, peaceful product.

The use of camera in this advert varies. Firstly we have an extreme long shot of the valley, and this is to show the viewers what the setting is like throughout the advert. It then cuts to a medium close up with the character on the left, after which it goes into a low angle 360 rotation just like a washing machine where the white cloud represents a piece of clothing and acts as a graphic match. The little girl is then in shot in a close up, focused on the girl and not the lime. This is so the viewers can see the expressions of the little girl.

The target audience for the Ariel advert is mainstreamers, however throughout the advert there aren’t any men shown, there is a boy shown but he is being adventurous and has gone to explore, giving the audience a vibe of being the ‘man’ of the house and the women and the girls have to stay in the house, but mostly targeted at women, white women. As you can see there isn’t any other race in the ad apart from white blonde suggesting pureness and the cleanliness always comes down to the colour white. In terms of convert messages this ad could be considered sexist and racist.