How would my product be advertised?


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How would my product be advertised?

How previous Lionsgate films have

been advertisedLooking at some of of Lionsgate's more popular releases, Saw and Hard Candy, I have determined which advertising techniques they prefer to use. Because they are targeted at an older audience, they can't use advertising methods such as online games or toys and merchandise sold in shops like Disney can. Instead, they:

• Create powerful posters and art prints, which are posted online or scattered around public areas (bus stops, billboards, on the side of vehicles).

• Use social media to promote their products (i.e. creating Facebook pages with constant news about the film coming up to its release or giving the film its own website).

• Trailers and teaser trailers are crucial. They give the audience a sense of the films plot, characters and themes beforehand, without revealing too much, so that its target audience knows what kind of film this is and whether they want to see it.

How my film could be advertised:


Social Media