Student Organization Advisor Training 2012-2013

Advisor Training 12-13

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Ohio State student organization advisor training 2012-13

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Page 1: Advisor Training 12-13

Student Organization

Advisor Training


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• Introductions

• Registration & Funding

• Legal & Risk Management Policies

• The Role of an Advisor

• Resources Overview

• Ohio Union Website

• Questions & Evaluation

Presentation Available at: www.slideshare.net/A_Burden/advisor-training-1213

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By a show of hands…

• How many of you are first-time advisors?

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Registered Student Organizations

University Senate

Council on Student Affairs

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Philosophy on Student Organizations

OSU definition of a student organization: A Student Organization is an association of Ohio State students created for any educational purpose that supports the vision and goals of the University set forth in the Academic Plan and the Diversity Action Plan.

• Student Organizations serve as a medium for academic discourse, personal growth, leadership development, intercultural understanding, community service, and lasting friendships.

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Minimum Criteria

• Must have five OSU student members

• 90% of organization membership must be currently enrolled OSU students

• Three separate student leaders serve as primary officers - President, Secondary Leader, Treasurer – None of whom may be listed as primary officers of more than three

different organizations

• Student officers must maintain a minimum term GPA (2.0 for undergraduates, 3.0 for graduate students, 2.0 for professional students) and be enrolled in classes

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Minimum Criteria

• OSU Faculty or A&P staff advisor (who may not advise more than three student organizations unless required by job description) – Graduate and professional students and civil service employees are not

eligible to serve as Primary Advisors

• Must submit annual goals, demographic information, roster of members and officers, and constitution containing all required sections

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• Complete and manage registration for organization

• Coordinate meetings and events

• Primary contact for, and corresponds on behalf of, student


• Communicate with organization members and advisor

• Provide vision, goals, and leadership for the organization

• Recruit and groom future leaders

• Ensure teambuilding and morale

Role of the President

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All Student Organizations

• Two Registration Windows – Spring Window: February 15 – April 30 (June 1 this year only)

– Autumn Window: August 1 – October 15

• Organizations self select which Window to register in and complete their requirements before the end of their Window – Select your Window based on elections/transitions timing

• Brand new organizations may only start registration during a Window

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Registration & Management

• Annual Registration Requirements

– Training (Pres, Treas, Adv*) – Online Registration (Pres)

• General Information

• Leaders and Roster

• Constitution

• Goals

– Online Advisor Approvals (Adv)

• Registration

• Goals Approval * Advisor Training is good for a 2-year cycle

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• Pending: Brand new organizations or organizations in the process of completing registration requirements.

• Inactive: Organizations that have not completed all registration requirements by their registration Window deadline. Inactive organizations are ineligible to use the free resources for student organizations.

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• Active - New/Re-Established I or II: Organizations that have been registered for less than two (2) continuous years or organizations with less than 15 members; all registration requirements completed by their Window’s deadline.

• Active - Established: Organizations that have been registered for at least two (2) continuous years; at least 15 members of the organization; all registration requirements completed by their Window’s deadline.

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Role of the Treasurer

• Meet regularly with the advisor to discuss finances

• Request all funds for the organization

• Save receipts and complete all forms

• Manage organization budget and bank account

• Steward of student money

• Set the example of financial wellness

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Competitive Sport Clubs

• Sport Clubs register as student organizations with the Ohio Union (as well as registration with the RPAC Sport Club Office)

• Sport Clubs have the same registration requirements and benefits as other student organizations, except… – No Ohio Union Treasurer Training required – No access to Operating or Programming Funds

• Aspiring Sport Clubs must first register as an Active student organization for two quarters, then apply for Sport Club status from RPAC

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Funding Basics

• Only the student Treasurer has access to apply for funding online. Funding must be applied for, it’s not automatically allocated.

• Your organization must have the following to receive funding:

– Active status

– No Outstanding Debt

– Organization Bank Account


• When reviewing a funding request, consult the list of fundable and non-fundable expenses in the CSA Guidelines

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Student Activity Fee

• All students pay into the activity fee each semester.

















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• Organizations may apply for up to $200 each year in operating funds

• Examples: supplies, dues to national orgs, promotional items such as t-shirts or flyers, travel expenses

• Operating funds can be applied for anytime after July 1 each year

• Operating funds are awarded in advance on a first-come basis

• May 1 audit deadline, which includes receipts and return of unspent funds, to be completed by the Treasurer

Operating Funds

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• New & Re-Established status organizations may apply for up to $2,000 per year

• Established status organizations may apply for up to $3,000 per year

• Applications for Programming Funds are due several months prior to the date of the event

• The applications are reviewed by the CSA Allocations Committee according to viewpoint neutral criteria

• Programming Funds are reimbursed after submitting receipts for fundable expenses after the event

Programming Funds

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Fundraising and Sponsorship

• Some good ideas are local restaurant nights, clean-ups, concessions, selling items, soliciting local businesses, partnering with campus departments, or writing organization alumni.

• On campus credit card sales are not permitted.

• Barnes & Noble book buy-backs only

• Sponsorship restrictions – Coca-Cola competitors

– Huntington Bank (right of first refusal for banks)

• No restrictions on membership dues

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• Renew your Training every other year (in person or online)

• Complete Annual Online Advisor Approvals – Registration

– Goals

– Operating Funds

– Programming Funds

• You should receive email prompts for all approvals

• Co-advisors both have login access as long as training is completed

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Legal and

Risk Management


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• Student organizations are not official legal entities of the University.

• When you agree to be an advisor, as the University representative, you assume a small degree of risk.

• Minimize risk by being familiar with University policies, staying informed of organization activities and using good judgment.

Liability Issues

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• Many advisors have hypothetical questions about whether or not they could be sued for damages by the victim of an accident at an student organization event or by a vendor with whom the organization has breached a contract.

• There is no way to predict whether or not you could be sued, but even though OSU Legal Affairs could not defend students in such a situation, the University could, and likely would, defend you as the advisor.

• As long as you are acting within the scope of your employment and are not grossly negligent in your duty to advise the organization, the University will indemnify you.

Liability Issues

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• While it is not necessary, some advisors have felt more comfortable with liability issues by having a letter on file, signed by their supervisor, chair, or dean, that explains the University’s indemnification of advisors

• The text of such a letter can be found on the Ohio Union’s Advisor Resources webpage.

Liability Issues

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• Under federal law, campuses must compile and publish campus crime statistics

• If any person reveals to you that they have been the victim of or witness to any incident that might involve a crime, please immediately contact the University Police at 292-2121.

• Reporting a crime to the police does not mean that charges must be filed.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security

Policy & Campus Crime Statistics Act

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• In most cases, neither a student’s education records nor the personal information contained in those records may be disclosed without prior consent of the student.

• If your organization needs a student to disclose his/her education records, you must get consent from the student prior to obtaining the information. That consent should be in writing, indicating the specific records to be released, the specific purpose, the date, and the party to whom the disclosure may be made.

• Ohio Union staff can help verify student grade information for the purpose of officer selection.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act


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Risk Management

• What is Risk Management?

– Assessing, minimizing, and preventing accidental loss through the use of safety measures

• Varying levels and types of risk with student organizations

– Liability

– Safety

– Reputation

– Financial

– Emergency

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Using Trademarks

• All items with OSU logos or images must be approved by the Trademark and Licensing Office

• The words Ohio State or OSU also need approved if used outside of your organization’s name

• If OSU or Ohio State is part of your name – Ohio State or OSU must appear at the end of the organization

name rather than the front – Must have Active – Established level of registration status

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Showing a Movie

• If you want to show a movie, whether educational or social, you may need to buy a licensed copy of the film if it is a “public performance.”

• Visit Motion Picture Association of America website for more information: http://www.mpaa.org/contentprotection/public-performance-law

• Visit www.swank.com to browse movie titles to purchase.

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• Waivers are not required to drive other students to events or student organization related activities

• Organizations may rent cars, passenger vans, buses, and trucks through Transportation & Parking: http://tp.osu.edu/vehrental/

• Reservations must be made at least three business days in advance

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Working with Food

• If you are not selling food, the general rule is “eater beware”

• If you are selling food, the campus policy states: – Food items sold by student organizations should either be commercially

prepackaged by a licensed vendor and handled in compliance with relevant health codes, or;

– Grown, raised, or produced by members of a registered student organization as part of their academic program.

• Download a copy of Food Safety Guidelines from the Ohio Union Resources webpage

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Risk Management

• Hazing – Ohio Revised Code Definition: “ ‘Hazing’ means doing any

act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person.”

– Civil Liability: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2307.44

– Can report to OSU Police, Student Conduct, Ohio Union • Alcohol

– Follow State of Ohio Law – www.partysmart.osu.edu – Cannot use alcohol to promote events

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Risk Management

• Games of Chance/Raffles • Controversial speakers, campus-wide events • Legal referrals • Insurance • Tax filing • Cash handling • Traveling abroad • Code of Student Conduct

– http://studentlife.osu.edu/pdfs/csc_12-31-07.pdf – Off Campus Rules

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The Role of an Advisor

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• Listener

• Historian

• Policy Interpreter

• Risk Manager

• Conflict Mediator

Role of the Advisor




•Financial Advisor

•Copy Editor

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• Complete an Advisor Training session once every two years.

• Review and approve the organization’s online registration information.

• Review and approve organization’s Goals

• Review and approve/reject CSA funding requests.

• Sign off on reservations of University space and equipment, as requested by the University department granting the reservation.

• Be listed as a signatory on the organization’s checking account.

Required Duties

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“Other Duties As Assigned”

• Primary resource offering suggestions

• Provide continuity and historical perspective

• Explain and review policies with the organization

• Meet with the Exec Board/President

• Assist the Treasurer with budgeting, account management

• Attend meeting and events

• Assist with retreats, officer elections and transitions, goal setting

• Be custodian of group paraphernalia, records, documents

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• Establish mutual expectations

• Find balance and prioritize responsibilities

• Stay in the loop – Cc on emails

– Subscribe to organizational listservs

• Advisor vs. Supervisor

• Be a mentor

• Be visible and approachable

• Have fun

Advisor Success Tips

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• Coming together stage – Officer transitions – Goal Setting – Recruitment – Retreats – Teambuilding – Budgeting

• What do advisors do? – Offer balance of Challenge & Support – Answer questions, provide context


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• Differences of opinion stage

• Building & testing trust

• Conflicts and indecision

• What do advisors do? – Promote understanding leadership styles

– Encourage open debate and discussion


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• Group culture emerges

• Projects and organizational work gets done

• What do advisors do? – Keep ‘em motivated!

– Check in on progress


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• Execution of goals or events

• Reflection, Feedback & Assessment

• Elections

• What do advisors do? – Identify potential future leaders

– Provide recognition opportunities


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• Students born between 1982-2001 are often referred to as the Millennial generation

• Some characteristics of “Millennials” – Confident – “Special” – Achievement-Oriented – Team-Oriented – Structured – More diverse – Pressured to succeed – More socially conscious – Parent and family involvement

Generational Learning Styles by Julie Coates. Published by LERN Books, 2007.

The Millennial Generation

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• Establish rapport, a non-threatening environment • Build trust through empathy & understand

perspective • Identify and agree on a problem • Focus on behavior, not people or personalities • Be objective, forward looking and positive • Look for mutually agreeable solutions, shared interest,

and multiple options • Create attainable commitments, evaluate, and praise


Conflict Resolution Tips

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• Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students.

• The OSU Campus Suicide Prevention Program offers free one-hour trainings to help you recognize the warning signs for suicide and teach you how to intervene to get the student help.

• To schedule training contact Wendy Winger at [email protected].

Suicide Prevention

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Student Organization Staff

Vian Barwari – Coordinator, Student Orgs Resource Room operation,

Student Staff supervision

Adam Burden – Coordinator, Student Involvement Student organization registration, trainings

Deb Cunningham – Coordinator, Student Orgs Student Organization Funding

Katie Dean Williams – Graduate Admin Associate Student Organization Funding, Tenant Programming

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A student’s point of connection for the full spectrum of involvement

at Ohio State.

Students can connect with leadership and service initiatives, engage with student organizations, advance learning, and create lasting memories.

Center for Student

Leadership & Service

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Center for Student

Leadership & Service

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• Existing and New Initiatives

– Leadership Awards

– Pay It Forward

– Annual Conference on Leadership and Civic Engagement

– Skill building workshops

– Leadership Classes & Leadership Studies Minor

Center for Student

Leadership & Service

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Center for Student

Leadership & Service

• Workshops, Presentations, Guest Speakers – Over 30 different topics

– Facilitation from Student Leadership Advocates (sla.osu.edu)

• Request support for your next organization retreat – Finding locations

– Consultation/planning on activities and agendas

– Games, equipment, low ropes course activities

– Coca Cola Retreat Package Funding

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Resource Room

• Some resources have an associated cost. Items without cost are free. Each student organization receives a yearly $250 Line of Credit to spend on resources. You don’t have to pay it back!

• A Line of Credit resets on the final day of your organization’s registration Window. You will spend your Line of Credit from the previous year through the end of your registration Window

• New organizations will receive a $25 Line of Credit for their first 60 days of Pending status

• All members listed on an organization’s roster can use the organization’s Line of Credit.

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Resource Room

• Only three primary officers may reserve and check out equipment.

• When your Line of Credit runs out, or if your status is Inactive, you can purchase items at their cost from the Resource Room.

• Individuals can purchase items from the Resource Room.

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Offices, Lockers, and Mailboxes

• Student organizations have access

to office spaces, storage lockers,

and mailboxes.

• Offices, lockers, and mailboxes

applications for the 2013-14 year

will be available in March.

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Leadership Library & Meeting Space

• Student organizations can borrow equipment or books from the Leadership Library and reserve one of nine free meeting rooms within the Center.

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Coke Beverage Donation

• Donations are for events, rather than for meetings.

• The event must be on or near campus.

• The request form must be filled out online at least 2 weeks prior to the event for which the beverages are needed.

• Several pick-up locations, including the Ohio Union

• Not able to serve or distribute non-Coca-Cola products on campus property, nor use university funds to purchase non-Coca-Cola products for events or programs on or off campus.

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Meeting & Event Space

• Ohio Union Meeting & Event Space – Over 30 options

– Most spaces are free with Pending or Active status

– Limited to 3 free rooms per day per student organization

• Tabling in the Union

• Ohio Union Catering – Student Organization Catering 101 Menu

• Additional campus locations – Selected classroom buildings across campus

• Outdoor Space Reservations – BEN website request

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Meeting & Event Space

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Marketing Resources

• Graphic Designers

• Photography

• Videography

• Vendors or promotional items

• Ohio Union digital Bulletin Boards

• Ohio Union website calendar

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Technology Resources

• Website hosted on University server

• Organizational Email Listservs

• Organizational Email Accounts

• Carmen page

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Student Organization Insider

• The Student Organization Insider is a weekly email newsletter sent to all listed officers and advisors

• You are automatically signed up to receive it when you are listed as an officer of a student organization. Other members can sign up to the listserv on the Ohio Union website

• Submit announcements for your events by Tuesdays at 5pm to [email protected]

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• Advisor Appreciation Meals

• Advisor Brownbag Discussions

Advisor Programs

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Ohio Union


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Union Homepage


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Scroll over to Student orgs

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Student orgs Management Homepage

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Wrap-Up For future reference

- Email with links and PPT slides

- Handouts

Before you leave

- Sign the Sign-in Sheet

- Turn in Evaluation