Aims and Considerations sheet Existing Products: How many existing artefacts do you feel you will need to look at? I think I will need to look at a wide range of artefacts, as there is a lot to do with global warming. I will need to ensure that I capture all the elements of it. To do this I will need to collect a wide variety of information from a range of existing artefacts. What kinds of artefacts are you expecting to look at? I’m expecting to look at artefacts based upon global warming. So anything that has the same objective as me. This ranges from the issues of global warming and the things we could do to prevent it. What elements will you look at to help you with your research? I will look at pre-existing companies tat have the same main focus as me. For example I will look at other companies that are based upon pollution and global warming. The key elements I will look at will be the graphics they have created to help spread their message. Primary Research: How many people would you hope to question as part of your primary research? As an estimate I would like to question a few people, as the subject I have chosen doesn’t specifically need the questioning of people. I will try and question a few people so I can still gather a different perspective. What methods will you use? I will use questionnaires that I will make, therefor I can ask people around the world questions. Another method I can use is through social medias, form here I can ask a range of questions and easily gain peoples views and opinions. Could there be issues in getting access to people affected by your chosen social issue? As my issue is pollution within the seas and global warming I don’t see that there will be any problems or issues when it comes to getting access to people affected by my social issues. How will you know if your research has been successful? I would know if my research was successful or not because I would have collected a range of people’s views and answers. I will ensure that this information is collected. If these are my results then it will have been successful.

Aims and considerations sheet

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Page 1: Aims and considerations sheet

Aims and Considerations sheet

Existing Products:How many existing artefacts do you feel you will need to look at?I think I will need to look at a wide range of artefacts, as there is a lot to do with global warming. I will need to ensure that I capture all the elements of it. To do this I will need to collect a wide variety of information from a range of existing artefacts.

What kinds of artefacts are you expecting to look at?I’m expecting to look at artefacts based upon global warming. So anything that has the same objective as me. This ranges from the issues of global warming and the things we could do to prevent it.

What elements will you look at to help you with your research?I will look at pre-existing companies tat have the same main focus as me. For example I will look at other companies that are based upon pollution and global warming. The key elements I will look at will be the graphics they have created to help spread their message.

Primary Research:How many people would you hope to question as part of your primary research?As an estimate I would like to question a few people, as the subject I have chosen doesn’t specifically need the questioning of people. I will try and question a few people so I can still gather a different perspective.

What methods will you use? I will use questionnaires that I will make, therefor I can ask people around the world questions. Another method I can use is through social medias, form here I can ask a range of questions and easily gain peoples views and opinions.

Could there be issues in getting access to people affected by your chosen social issue?As my issue is pollution within the seas and global warming I don’t see that there will be any problems or issues when it comes to getting access to people affected by my social issues.

How will you know if your research has been successful?I would know if my research was successful or not because I would have collected a range of people’s views and answers. I will ensure that this information is collected. If these are my results then it will have been successful.

Page 2: Aims and considerations sheet

Considerations:Why might you need to be sensitive when carrying out research on social action issues?I will need to be sensitive when it comes to finding out whether people’s lives have been drastically affected by the pollution of the waters.

Could you face any problems when trying to research social action issues? If so, is there a way to overcome these?If I was researching from pre existing companies then the problem I could come across is stealing their work, to counter this I could reword/redesign. Another problem I may face is when it comes to asking questions upon questionnaires the results I could gather may be incorrect.Where would you expect your finished pieces to be displayed and distributed?My final pieces could be displayed upon social medias or anywhere that the work could be spread. As my final pieces will be about spreading an important message it will be important to get a range of people to view the work. In theory the work could be displayed anywhere near the sea (as the message is promoting the reduction of pollution within the seas).What funding issues might a social action organisation face?As this is a charity campaign based to helping the reduction of pollution in the seas, there will be minimum income and will have to rely on volunteers and free work. This could be a huge problem when it comes to funding for the campaign.

What ethical considerations might you need to think about?I will need to think about whether the imagery used is appropriate for the subject and if it portrays a clear enough image. I will also need to ensure that everything is factually correct; this includes all the written work. I will need to ensure that everyone who Is involved gets credited.

How could social, personal and political issues affect your research?The people who this campaign is for could be included with helping in the development. Personal issues could increase the depth of the campaign. The political issues wont change the work as my opinion to the subject isn’t bias.

How could the community characteristics and their resources affect your research?As I have chosen a global issue I will need the resources from multiple groups to help me support more groups who have the same views and want the same change. Getting help form other community groups have a great affect upon my research.